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Fallen Angels: Watchers and the Witches Sabbat

Page 7

by Michael W Ford

  Ezeqeel is the guide of the use of Betyls which are CultStones or Meteorites fallen to earth and believed to be a dwelling place on earth for a God or Goddess. This is an ancient practice which substitutes statues and images of a Deific Mask to instead manifest the essence a throne or seat for the god as a cultic object.

  The Sigil of Ezeqeel

  BARAQIELΒαρακιήλ Fallen Angel to Taught Auguries of Lightning and Astrology

  Barâqîjâl, Baraqel, Berkaial, Barakel are alternate spellings of his name.

  The Aramaic spelling isלאקרב.

  The 9th of the 20 Dekadarchs of Watchers, Baraqiel taught Astrology and his name translates “Lightning of El”. At the time of the descent of the Watchers in the days of Jared, his art was the meaning and interpretation of the planets. In the Goetic and Ceremonial Black Magick tradition of the Middle Ages and later, Berakaial is listed as a Name of Power around the Goetic Circle of Pacts14. To seek the wisdom of Astrology simply implies that the seeker should study the patterns and symbols that the signs represent and how they are used in magickial workings.

  Baraqiel is the Watcher who sends the spiritual ‘shock’ of inspiration, known as the Fulgur Summanum (Nocturnal Lightning Bolt). This is best described as a moment of inspiration and a flash of the gateway to your Daemon. Use your growing knowledge and insight from applying astrology towards correspondences and traits of each sign; this I can assure you, Baraqiel accelerates during the course and after your invocations of him.

  14 Eliphas Levi, from A. E. Waite, The Book of Ceremonial Magic. Baraqiel may be invoked with the epithet associated with the fall of lightning and descending. The epithet Catae′bates this was a title associated with several Greek Gods, including the River Acheron. Acheron Catae’bates was the first river to which the shades of the dead descended in the lower world. Catae’bates is also an epithet of Hermes Chthonis, who conducted the shades into Hades. As an epithet of Zeus, who is described by Catae’bates as the god who descends in thunder and lightning. Baraqiel Catae’bates is associated with the fire which falls to earth (representing his manifestation as a Watcher) bringing forbidden knowledge to man and woman. In addition, one may consider the New Testament Luke 10 phrase, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”. The descents from the heavens to earth (and into the Underworld) is a balanced symbol of the Adversarial Spirit.

  The Force of Will is also centered on the Eye, from Greek lore the glance of Zeus could send lightning bolts. The Evil Eye, an energy and power building focus with a cursing or dominating glance is associated with lightning bolts as well. The fire of spirit, an illuminated spirit or personality is an outward-glancing revealing the Force of Will. Not only Zeus but also the Gnostic Yaltabaoth or Samael had eyes which flashed as lightning. The flash of the Eye of Baraqiel symbolizes the descending bolt which ignites the Black Flame of the Adept; this is a spark of divine inspiration guided by the Daemon.

  There are two basic paths of the inspiration of Baraqiel, one being by visions in the astral or during the ceremony; the second being in dreams as omens. The third basic path is the flash of inspiration following hours or a few days after the working. The inspiration will be associated with finding sources for learning astrological information and understanding how you will apply the symbolism to results.

  The Sigil of Baraqiel

  ARMAROSΑρεαρώς Fallen Angel Who Taught the Release of Spells and Sophistry

  Pharmaros, Hermoni, Armârôs, Armoni is a powerful Watcher whose mythology blurs with lore of the Hellenistic period. His name has two meanings,” cursed one" or "accursed one" as well as “The One from Hermon” (the mountain to which the 200 descended). The Aramaic spelling of Armaros is

  ינמרת. The name of Mount Hermon was by lore named by

  the Watchers and the name of the angel Armaros. This Fallen Angel is named ‘accursed’ by those religious slaves who hated forbidden knowledge passed to humanity. Luciferians recognize such an epithet as a badge of honor as it represents liberated thinking and evolution.

  "Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.” -Book of Enoch

  Armaros could be associated with the Baal-Hermon worshipped as the god of the mountain, Hellenized as Zeus of Ainkania, Zeus of Ornea and worshipped under different titles in villages around both sides of the mountain. The Accursed One, Armaros is the Fallen Angel of spiritual rebellion and the Binding Oath of the Angelic Cult of Black Theurgy or Apotheosis. The Luciferian makes the Oath of Illumination and places it in the Circle of the Watchers, then burning it with the flames affirming and binding it, the smoke ascending into the air before the Watchers.

  Hermoni, whose name also has a connection to a root meaning ‘to ban’ indicates that this Watcher is the ‘god of imprecations’ who punishes oath-breakers with a destroying curse. Armaros or by which ever name you wish to use above is a celestial angel who upon descending to the mountain, taught wizardry, loosing of spells, spell-binding, sorcery and the art of divination all within the encompassing traditions of the Black Arts.

  The teachings of Armaros are how to release spells, compel change in energies and how to use words to enchant, compel and suggest change according to the Will. This type of wordweaving sorcery is known negatively as ‘Sophistry’, yet this type of word-craft is used today in advertisements, political speakers and so on. Do not condemn it, learn and use Sophistry to your advantage. Remember ‘Earthly Mastery”, this is one avenue to that very thing.

  To imagine, visualize and belief with appropriate power the Words of Power in your incantations are the vital key to success in ritual.

  The Sigil of Armaros

  SHAMSIEL Σεμιήλ Fallen Angel Who Taught the Auguries of the Sun

  Shamsiel is also known as Samsâpêêl, Shamshel, Shashiel, Sims’el or Shamshiel. Shamsiel means “Sun of El” and has mythological association with the Babylonian Deific Mask Shamas. This is a Lord of Light, Judge of the Heavens and Earth (as Shamas). The planetary associations of the Sun are traditionally creative, authoritative, courage, leadership, health and spiritual illumination. The balance of the sun is found in both its life-giving warmth and the blazing destructive heat are well noted. Solar Deific Masks such as Shamas, Ra, Apollo, Helios, Sol and in the Destructive solar heat Nergal (as the Black Sun, different power than the Mars association), SetTyphon, Apep/Apophis, Sekhmet, etc.

  The Aramaic spelling of Shamsiel isלֵאי ִשׁמ ִשׁ.

  Shamsiel is depicted here as a strong and authoritative deity, a mighty solar force of establishing and maintaining Order within a cosmos flowing in chaos. The Radiate Crown of Shamsiel illuminates and shines forth upon his Hellenistic iron breast-plate, appropriate for a Macedonian ruler or Strategos (General), his wings cast a shadow of darkness representing his balance between the Creating and Destroying heat of the Sun.

  The Sigil of Shamsiel

  SARIELἉτριήλ Fallen Angel Who Taught Auguries of the Moon and Lunar Calendar

  Saraqael, Sahrel, Sartael, Arazyal, Azrael, Seriel, Asradel and Asaradel are associated spellings and names. The Aramaic

  spelling of Sariel isלאירהז.

  The name ‘Sahr’el’ means “Moon of El” and Lunar sorcery and magick is what this Watcher teaches including the Lunar Month. The course of the moon, how it affects water and thus life on earth is one facet of this knowledge. The moon is associated with emotion, desire, passion, dreaming, cold, changeful and glamor. The moon is also the cycle of order in balance with the Sun, thus a Lord of Wisdom. The Deific Masks Sin, Artemis, Selene, Hecate, Diana and Khonsu are attributed to the Moon. The name Azrael is an alternate name of Sariel in Enoch and translates “Help of El”. This draws a deeper suggestion of the varied types of Deific Masks and the power which they represent. The Moon provided one of th
e earliest methods for measuring time and a calendar. See Sathariel.

  The Sigil of Sariel

  SATHARIELΣαθιήλ Fallen Angel Who Brings the Black Light of SelfIllumination

  Sathariel, Sartael , are variants of this Watcher. One of the chief angels, Sathariel’s name is associated with the meaning “Dawn of El” or the “Godlike Light” (in Luciferianism, ‘Black Light’ or ‘Black Flame’). As a balanced and wise Angel, Sathariel is illuminated with the blazing radiance which exudes both terror and awe; the Watcher also casts a deathlike shadow in the Nightside Qlippothic sphere of Binah.

  A key point of understanding of Sathariel is to recognize balanced spirits can reveal a godlike, illuminated presence as well as a terrible and demonic form as well. There is knowledge and beautiful wisdom to be received from those who are brave and intelligent enough to connect with this Watcher.

  We find an assimilation of Hellenistic influence with the Hebrew tradition. Binah is the Sephirot from the Tree of Life which gives birth to form, thus Sathariel veils the Black Flame or Black Light hidden for the Adept to pass through and master, giving birth to the divine essence of the Daemon. The name Sathariel may have origin from the Akkadian word ‘sataru’, meaning ‘to write’ and is usually a legal document for agreement in Babylonia. A ‘shetar’ is a Jewish legal document. The shell and tunnel which Satharial holds power rules over ‘Sheireil’, "The Hairy Ones of God". Under Lucifuge Rofocale, Satharial keeps behind the veil the Third Eye of the Adept. In Cabala and Hebrew lore, Sariel is associated with Sathariel being the son of Samael and Lilith (Chioa or the Beast) as is Cain or Asmodeus. Sathariel’s face is like a blazing fire in some accounts.

  Sathariel is a continued powerful Fallen Angel as found in the Qlippoth of Binah, “understanding”: forbidden knowledge and the delicate Black Alchemy of Self-Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis. Sathariel is the “Concealment of El” who tests and challenges the seeker to have the perseverance of maintaining the initiatory trials of Apotheosis. The demons of Sathariel are shadowed, black veiled heads with goat horns, having fiery yellow and red eyes which pierce through the veil, followed by terrible centaurs.

  The Hebrew spelling of Sathariel is לאירתס.

  The Sigil of Sathariel

  PENEMUE Πενεμυε Fallen Angel to Taught the Art of Reading and Writing

  Penemue (spelled also Peneme) translates from Penimi, ‘The Inside’ and is a patron Watcher of the art and knowledge of reading, writing (symbolized by paper and pen). This knowledge was essentially forbidden by the laws of Yahweh (except, of course, for the controlling Priesthood). Penemue is a bringer of intelligence, thus inspiring humans to question all and with their acquired knowledge, choose their own path in life. Penemue is also associated with the fallen angel Abraxiel (the later Gnostic Abraxas) who governs under the Qlippothic rule of Thamiel in Kether upon the Tree of Da’ath.

  The Hebrew spelling of Penemue isי ִמיִנְפּ

  Penemue inspires the articulate thought and selfknowledge to recognize the use of strategy and understanding the application of reason, logic and abstract thinking. An ideal angel of the Luciferian tradition. The Egyptian Thoth and Babylonian Nebo would be similar Deific Masks, instructing magical knowledge, reading and learning to elevate humanity to a deeper understanding of potential.

  The Sigil of Penemue

  YEQUNΥεqον Fallen Angel Who Illuminates by Path of Rebellion

  Ieqon, Jeqon, Yikon and Yequn is the Watcher who led astray the Watchers, bringing them down to the dry ground (earth) and inspired them to join with human women. Yequn inspires spiritual liberation by the path of rebellion, having the courage to forge your own path by the way of the unknown. The name of Yikon has origins with the Hebrew word for “Idol” and “Image”, representing the use of cult statuary and symbols in Magickial ceremony. As one of the ring-leaders of the rebel angels, Yequn is the inspired and determined Watcher whose spiritual linage exists within Luciferian Adepts today. Yequn holds the symbolism of the Infernal Union of the Immortal Spirit bearing the Black Flame and Earthly Flesh which is the initiation of the Luciferian Witch creating the self newly pulsing with Witch Blood.

  The Hebrew spelling is from “The Rebel” and “He Will


  The Sigil of Yequn

  ANANIELΑνανθνά Fallen Angel Who Imparted Knowledge to Humans

  Anânêl, ‘Anan’el, Ananiel are variants of his name. Ananiel is the 14th Watcher who is one of the 20 who descended to earth commanding the 200. The meaning of Ananiel is thought to mean “Rain of El” and “Cloud of El”. The Aramaic ‘anna’ translates ‘to appear, to show oneself’ is but one etymological association which may be parallel with the other meanings including “Cloud of El”.

  The Aramaic spelling of Ananiel is לאננע.

  The Sigil of Ananiel

  DAN’EL Δανειήλ Fallen Angel Who Taught the Signs of the Sun

  Daniel, Dan’el, Dânêl, Danyal, Danjal are variants of his name. The name Dan’el means ‘El is Judge’ or ‘the Judging

  God’. The Hebrew spelling is לאינד. Dan’el is associated to

  some extent with Shamsiel, a solar Watcher (and associated with the Babylonian Shamash and Canaanite Shapash solar Deific Masks) but specifically the Signs and portents of the Sun as the 7th Watcher.

  The incarnation of the Watcher in flesh is mythologically suspected as he is later a Canaanite hero whose knowledge is great in Ugaritic hymns and poems. In Jubilees 4:20 Enoch marries the daughter of Dan’el. Dan’el instructs on the movements and natural phenomena of the Sun. Dan’el is associated with the spiritual workings of necromancy, divination and the ancient practices of the ancestral cult and deified dead.

  An alternate representation of Daniel is:

  DALEIL, Δαλειήλ - Angel of the Night

  Louis Ginzberg15 makes note that Dan’el has an alternate spelling which presents another source of power. Daleil

  translates to Hebrew לאי ליל, Angel of the Night.

  15 The Legends of the Jews, Notes to Volumes I and II, pg. 153

  The Sigil of Dan’el

  BATARIELΒατριήλ The 12th Fallen Angel of the Dekadarchs who Descended and Holds Knowledge of Rain (Fertility, Water and Air Element)

  Matr’el, Batriel, Batârêl Batarjal, Batreyal, Bataryal are alternate spellings and versions of his name. The Aramaic

  spelling is לארטמ. The name of Batariel translates ‘Rain of El”

  as well as originating from the Babylonian word making bathar-el, “Valley of El”. Batariel like the other Dekadarchs taught charms and enchantments to not only their human wives, also those humans who sought the arcane knowledge of the forbidden path of gods. Batariel can be considered an Angel of Rain.

  Batariel possesses the power and knowledge of rain and earthly fertility. Associated with the elements of Water and Air, Batariel inspires the cycles of renewal and growth in nature and within living beings. As holding the power of rain, the symbolism is the needed invigorating and life-giving watergiver, a fertility of earth, sustainer of life and the imagination and new ideas.

  When performing invocations of Batariel, using the epithet of Ombrios is a useful adaptation. An example of this is “Batariel Ombrios” and would be uttered and a visualization of a hard rain should be focused on along with the Sigil.

  The Sigil of Batariel

  BEZALIEL Θωνιήλ Fallen Angel Who Instructs the Mysteries of Death and the Spirit

  Busasejal, Basasael are variants of this Watcher’s name. Bezaliel, whose name translates ‘Shadow of El’ (shadow in association with the biblical concept of death) is an obscure Watcher who is not in some variants of the versions of Enoch. His name indicates his knowledge: the children of the Watchers, the Nephilim, being born from Spirit (Watchers) and Flesh (human women) they are Spirits of the Earth after the physical death. They issue forth from their bodies to inspire or afflict humans. Bezaliel inspires the Black Alchemical know
ledge of what the Nephilim practiced, Vampyrism and consuming the energy of their enemies. The knowledge of the shadow is the alchemical ‘Infernal Apotheosis’ of the spirit coming from the union of the Daemon and Consciousness of the mind-body-spirit. He is the 13th Watcher listed from Chapter 69.

  The Aramaic spelling of Bezaliel is לאינ.

  Bezaliel is associated (like Azazel) with the Fulgura Inferna, the lightning flash which sprang from the ground. The Fulgura Inferna was possessed by Chthonic Deities in the ancient Etruscan religion. The Etruscan word for ‘lightning’ was rendered by the Latin ‘bidens’, ‘Forked Lightning’ is represented as the Two-Pronged Fork. This symbol is associated with the fork of Hades, God of the Underworld. The associations and deep meaning in Luciferian symbolism has layers of hidden knowledge which can be applied to initiatory benefit not only in philosophy but spiritual development as well. If you choose the path of Cacodaimonic Nephilim Apotheosis, Bezaliel is a key to insight and guidance upon this theoretical and forbidden possibility.


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