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Fallen Angels: Watchers and the Witches Sabbat

Page 11

by Michael W Ford

  Welcome Mighty Angel [Name of Watcher], join me in my Temple of Mind, Body, Spirit and made Illuminated by my Daemon!

  [Focus on Sigil, recite the Name of Watcher 7 times]

  So it is done!

  [Ring Bell 3 times] [Note: Carry sigil on you during day through course of working, nightly under your bed or pillow as appropriate. After working, place sigil in box or safe-place near or upon altar. The very touch and connection made by your energy is enough to charge the link of the Talisman with the Watcher.]

  [End of Ritual]

  PART TWO: Black Alchemical Apotheosis and the Rites of the Witches Sabbat

  The Path of Apotheosis as a Luciferian guides the initiate through the self-transformative workings focused on tangible results. This is

  balanced with the foundation and insight which develops spirituality totally unique to the individual. Initiation with struggle and attain

  the Knowledge of your Daemon. The following works are the balance

  to the light bringing practices, herein are the dangerous and necessary theoretical ceremonies of Cacodaimonic Apotheosis, crystalizing aspects of the Psyche and Daemonic primal self. The Witch Cult ceremonies of the Spirit Conclave of Nocturnal Flight.


  To Become as Demons of the Air and Earth

  The secret teaching of Luciferian Apotheosis and the potential in Cacodaimonic Nephilim Magick is that your magical name reflects your primal instinct and Therionick nature (thus the seat of your Body of Shadow). The Daemon (your True Will, the guiding, deified higher faculty) is over time united with the Cacodaimon to bring forth the NephilimSpirit transformation. The Daemon is your higher faculty, the True Will and the Cacodaimon is based on your unconscious and earthly mind. The Apotheosis process upon physical death is like the myth of ‘Undead’ yet as a Spirit, Ghost or Demon.

  There is a difference between Luciferian Magick and

  Cacodaimonic Apotheosis as Nephilim. Luciferian Magickial Apotheosis is mastery of the self and manifestation of your Daemon (called also Agathodaimon ‘Good Daemon’) and True Will in this world. Luciferianism by our philosophy and Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis is a disciplined and habitual way of living which enhances you as a Bearer of Light. Cacodaimonic (Evil Daemon) Nephilim Apotheosis is 1. Luciferian Magick, attaining the Illumination of your

  Daemon (True Will) and Apotheosis is Liberating yourself from restrictive beliefs, Illumination is seeking knowledge for a goal directed purpose and using it to gain insight and power. Apotheosis (to become a God) is a continual process of compelling change according to your Will; the Daemon is the guide and divine image of idealized, deified self. Focusing on internal change by refining and aligning your perception to the secrets of mastery utilizing thoughts, words and actions. Luciferians can practice ritual magick to attain fountains of energy and types of power invoked by calling upon Deific Masks (gods, goddesses and demons) by vibrating and chanting Names of Power. The Watchers are an example of this type of Black Alchemy. Rational philosophical application, disciplined initiatory workings supporting self-directed spiritual and carnal short and long-term goals. Validation and gaining insight is paramount.

  2. Cacodaimonic Apotheosis as Nephilim is best described as inverse Apotheosis. While Luciferian Magick is one of balance and mastery of this world by gaining insight and power, elevating your Higher Faculties of your Daemon or Holy Guardian Angel, Cacodaimonic Apotheosis is initiation towards controlled evocation of your Body of Shadow and Astral Projection enhanced over time to transfer consciousness to become as a Spirit of the Nephilim. This is Black Goetic Magick in the sense that you use primal desire and instinct to focus energy to utilize Will, Desire Belief and imagination in liberating a part of consciousness to unite with the Cacodaimon (the carnal or ‘Satanic’ aspect of your spiritual aspect of the Daemon). Mastery of the Astral Body of Shadow, the idea that the “Evil Spirit” (rebel, predatory and aware ghost/demon like the Nephilim after death) may come forth from the physical body in a limited sense before physical death and fully after is the goal. Nightside exploration of carnal and Predatory Spirituality (thinking in terms of ‘predator vs prey’; Vampyrism uses the Undead symbol as a way of thinking as if energy draining is a re-training and affirmation of our primal instincts) as a transcendent view of exploring the “paranormal” and potential of becoming “like” the spirits of the Nephilim (ghosts, demons, etc.).

  As Luciferian Apotheosis is the become a god and preside over the encompassing aspects of your life, Cacodaimonic Apotheosis is to become a God of Demons or Spirits bound to the Earth while living and ideally after death. This is an initiatory model parallel with the Nephilim. The Cacodaimon or ‘Evil Demon’ is symbolic of embracing the predatory spirituality and lawless nature of the Nightside of the Witch or Warlock. The vehicle of initiation is found in mastering the focus of thoughts, energy and using Will, Desire and Belief via meditation and visualization to attain an increasing ability and power to Astral Projection, Daimonic Metamorphosis of the Body of Shadow and a level of Dream Control.

  This path is an obscure one aligned with the Predatory Spiritualism of Astral Vampyrism and possesses forbidden knowledge of developing, transforming and enhancing the Daimonic impulse of both the Psyche and Daemon. Luciferians should not speak of this to the profane (uninitiated) as it is based in individualistic and hidden magickial practices which is based in the Nightside and mostly subjective to the Black Adept.

  This is the path of Infernal Apotheosis, an initiatory dedication to liberating the Spirit of the Adept by establishing the crystallization of the Psyche and Daemon as one via the discipline of Astral Projection and transferring consciousness outside the physical body. This is an extensive process which requires a series of levels of insight and a build-up of energy focused on this process. This process is not guaranteed and the Black Adept must utilize Will, Desire and Belief throughout the entire path as if he or she “knows” they will become ghosts or demons after physical death. This is the darkest path which literally binds the Spirit to the Earth just as the lore of the Nephilim.

  The Cacodaimon Chthonia Aerion (Evil Spirit or Demon of the Earth and Air) is understood as a Spirit which comes forth from the body of the Black Adept, early on as a process of astral projection and dream control. As the abilities increase, the Spirit comes forth and based on visualized associations, takes different shapes. Vampyrism, feeding from the energy of other via physical touch or by astral connections is a key aspect of this process.

  Neophytes (new initiates) to Luciferian Philosophy and Magick should focus on applying the philosophy and establish basic initiatory practices first, this path can be dangerous to those who don’t fully understand or have experience with advanced magickial theory. You are responsible for your life, build solid foundations first!

  Exploring the hidden nature and predatory instincts which utilize fantasy and suspension of rational skeptical thought in the ritual chamber when balanced with the rational application of Luciferian philosophy in daily life brings results, insight and earthly power by the instinctual guidance of the True Will.

  CACODAIMONIC APOTHEOSIS Spirit Metamorphosis and Binding to Earth and Air

  You have in your hands the Key to Angelic High Magick and Luciferian Apotheosis, the Illumination of your Daemon and mastery in this world.

  Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis is a cycle of continual application which is likened to a ball of energy building power as it rolls downhill. You will establish a unique foundation in life for your private spirituality by validating results of your Magickial workings. Your inner standard of morals and a community-oriented level of ethics may be recognized internally. All of this with Thinking, Spoken Words and Actions support or destroy the path you are dedicated to. This fellow Adepts, is the beautiful validation of the balance between carnal and spiritual experience: indulge and grow stronger in Will!

  For those thirsting for the depths of Abyssic Gnosis and A
dversarial power, Nephilim Cacodaimonic Apotheosis is presented here. This has been a 20 year plus slow initiatory working beginning with Predatory Spiritualism and Vampyrism. The path has led me to this very place, wherein the Forbidden Arcana of the Nephilim and Demonic Spirits gather in the Circle of the Dragon’s Coils.

  The Black Adept who has validated results and using rational thinking and strategy in life, if confident in the purpose of interest in Apotheosis as a Cacodaimon of Earth and Air (becoming a roaming spirit apart from the physical body) do so with secrecy and silence. This forbidden path is not for those not of Witch Blood as discussion of the theory and symbolism of this Black Arte would not appear rational or logical in any debate setting with outsiders.

  Practice the visualization methods and ritual incantations weekly during the hours of night. Maintain a journal which describes your working, goal of mental mastery, astral projection and results from the experience. If you believe totally in your practice and purpose, the energy and willed change internally, enhancing psychic faculties will be the most direct and likely theory towards becoming a Demonic Ghost or Spirit after physical death.

  The Nephilim Sigil of Cacodaimonic Apotheosis is a specific representation of the Nightside Demonic Body of Shadow. This forbidden ‘inverse’ formula of ‘Therionick Apotheosis’ is a determined rebellion against the Spirit passing beyond the earthly plane after physical death. In Luciferianism, this is the basis of the Vampyre Philosophy of the Spiritual Predator.

  The Black Adept upon attaining a validated level of Luciferian Apotheosis as a balance of using the Solar aspects of the Black Flame (as Agathodaimon) also at times of night begins an initiatory path of the self-determined transformation of the Daemon, Therionick Primal Instinct and aspects of the Psyche to formulate the Shadow.

  In short, this is a triad of Will, Desire and Belief to strive in mental discipline and determination towards becoming a Demon, Evil Spirit or Ghost which after physical death may come forth and exist still. As Luciferian Adepts utilize Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis towards Mastery in this World in the Casual/Cosmic Realm, the Cacodaimonic Apotheosis path uses imagination and focus of energy and identification of primal passion to shape a Body of Shadow of composite animal and reptile, an astral form of terror and demonic spirit to slowly reach into the Acasual/Anti-Cosmic Realm.

  While the Agathodaimonic Apotheosis (manifesting the Daemon as your illuminated and blazing personal god) and Mastery of your inner and outer world (bound in cause and effect within Time), the Cacodaimonic (and Vampyric) Apotheosis rips through the Casual/Cosmic Realm and with the increase of power shapes a mental and spiritual visualization of complete identification with, for instance, the Udug-hul, Nephilim, Lilith, Ardat-Lili, Lilitu, Lilu, Alu, Lamastu, Pazuzu and similar Evil Spirits. The Black Adept may focus primarily on the Luciferian Apotheosis in this world while slowly shaping the Cacodaimon Shadow in Nightside Rituals.

  This is the summit of Black Sorcery, the primal obsession of identifying predatory and animalistic instincts into a visualized and ritualistically focused astral assumption of the Shade of the Black Adept. You may find similar ‘hidden’ ciphers, teachings and ritual formulas in grimoires such as “Sebitti”, “Dragon of the Two Flames”, “Akhkharu”, “Sekhem Apep”, “Necrominon”, “Drauga” and “Liber HVHI” among others. You must have a level of focused instinct towards identifying the Vampyric foundations of Predatory Spirituality in my teachings and ceremonial texts.

  This is focused specifically on the Hellenistic, Babylonian and Qumran Demonologies from which the Nephilim is presented.


  This is a foundation for creating your Sigil utilizing Nightside energies via imagination united with Will, Desire and Belief. This practice shapes the Body of Shadow. This is not a sigil for invoking Nephilim or other demons, rather it is entirely formulated as to Bind the Cacodaimonic Spirit to the Earth upon the element of Air. The center is empty as you will use your own creativity and imagination to shape a Sigil which reflects your primal ‘demonic’ self.

  This is Black Alchemy, Devil-making and the Inverse Magick of Becoming a God. The outer circle presents the Nature and Intent of the work based on the Names of Power written. Within the outer circle is written ‘Nephilim’, ‘Rephaim’ (Deified Shades of the Dead associated with the Giants), ‘Nyktipolos’ (Night-wandering, an epithet of Hecate), Chthonius (of the Underworld), Mormolyceion (Terrible Wolves, an Epithet of the Vampyric Empusa demons of Hecate), Phantasos (Phantasm, a dreamdaimon of the Oneiroi) and Phasma (Ghost). This encircles with Names of Power invoking the energy which it calls.

  As the Nephilim and Watchers are deeply associated with Greek and Roman religion and cults, these Names of Power are to summon and encircle the Nightside Body of Shadow, the Cacodaimonic Sigil within the circle.

  The Akhtya Azal’ucel Nephilim Sigil which you can study holds many symbolic representations and Luciferian markings which encircle and summon forth my Body of Shadow or Cacodaimonic Spirit which is my vessel for astral projection, dream flight and living astral vampyric and lycanthropic nocturnal hunts.

  The interior or center of the circle is the sigil of my Cacodaimon. Every Black Adept should in his or her own unique way create an artistic representation symbolic of the essence of your Cacodaimon. You will want to focus on the demonic and darkness regarding your Cacodaimon Sigil; the Luciferian Daemon will have substantially more Solar and Celestial symbolism including a more anthropomorphic representation as Apotheosis is parallel with ‘rising’ and ‘becoming’.

  The Cacodaimon is the Therionick (Beast-like), the composite formed dark spirit which is shaped based on symbols which relate to you unconsciously. They can be owls, bats, wolves, serpents, dragons, ravens or the aspects of art examples as depicted in medieval representations of demons. Think of the symbol: what does each deeply represent to me? Words of Power of any language may be incorporated, signifying and commanding the very strength of the meaning. Listen to your instincts and indulge your imagination. This is most likely to be a private magickial talisman which is focused on in Cacodaimonic Nephilim Rituals, over time the very sight of it will connect to that Nephilim Spirit you are enhancing and increasing within your unconscious.

  Cyclical Initiatory Structure of Cacodaimonic Black Alchemy 1. Create Sigil of your Nightside Cacodaimon based on Therionick and Primal traits and symbolism. Inscribe your Witch Name and if advanced in Luciferian Daemonic Apotheosis (True Will), that of your Daemon after. The Sigil should be within the Nephilim Spirit Circle of Binding.

  2. Prior to the full moon, visualize and formulate a basic astral shape based on your design. Keep it very simple yet evocative of your Demonic Shadow Body. Focus on the deep desires and earthly lusts which inspires pleasure and obsession. Over time, the Talismanic Sigil upon sight should inspire those mental and physical sensations of desire. This is the gradual Binding of the Cacodaimonic Body of Shadow to the Earth, the transformation towards becoming as the Nephilim. These desires and impulses must be controlled and directed by your strength of Will under the guidance of your Agathodaimon/Daemon. The first invocation of the full moon has best results if you offer a small amount of blood or bodily fluid to consecrate the Sigil. This makes an astral and spiritual tendril or connection for which the Body of Shadow will be formulated from.

  3. Establishing a monthly cycle, perform Cacodaimonic Ritual for the first time on the Full Moon, following for two more nights. During the Dark Moon, perform ritual with a descriptive hymn (you may create your own) dedicated to your Cacodaimonic Nephilim Body of Shadow, affirm and invoke with intense passion as you would your Luciferian Agathodaimon (True Will = Daemon). The hymn you utilize will be the ritual invocation you call your Cacodaimon forth from that point on.

  4. Witches Sabbat Oneiric Workings are ideal for developing this Body of Shadow. Keep a journal of your meditative, dream and Out of Body experiences and results. The Body of Shadow after experience, insight
and development will be able to take many forms including Witch Familiars such as the Raven, Serpent, Wolf, Crow, Owl and mythological combinations of infernal inspirations. For the first six months’ focus on very few visualized variations of your Cacodaimon; establish habitual consistency to encircle your directed energy within your unconscious.

  5. As your Body of Shadow slowly begins to answer by your Daemon / True Will a unity will become apparent. If you find failure with astral projection, narrow your focus and workings to disciplined meditation until a change occurs.

  6. In Vampyre Magick, the Body of Shadow feeds from astral energy of those you consciously draw life force from. This mental process affirms the predatory instinct and awareness of energy control and shaping. Explore the so-called ‘Paranormal’ and the concepts of hauntings, ghosts and even Necromancy to gain insight and perspective. Compare with Scientific concepts such as Quantum Physics and discover if there are parallels between both.

  7. Utilize as you are inspired with other pantheons such as Babylonian, Greco-Roman, Egyptian and PersianAvestan paths with Nephilim Apotheosis. My grimoires “Drauga”, “Necrominon”, “Sekhem Apep”, “Dragon of the Two Flames”, “Bible of the Adversary”, “Sebitti”, “Grand Grimoire of Infernal Pacts”, “Akhkharu” and “Goetia of Shadows” have parallel ceremonies and rituals which offer this type of Forbidden Black Alchemy of Predatory Spirituality. Use the Cacodaimonic Ritual periodically if exploring parallel Nightside workings.

  The Cacodaimonic Ritual of Nephilim Apotheosis


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