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Fallen Angels: Watchers and the Witches Sabbat

Page 12

by Michael W Ford

  The Cacodaimon Nephilim Talisman is to be placed in the center of the altar. A black and red candle should be on the side of the sigil: black to the left, red to the right. This ceremony is to be performed at night and the ritual chamber should be as dark as possible. A Black Scrying Mirror should be on a stand and adjusted so that you can focus on your reflection during parts of the ritual. You are not expected to contact any type of spirit or force in this working as this is focused on the Cacodaimon and the Body of Shadow.

  Ritual Steps: 1. Burn incense near altar which is pleasing to you. Myrrh, Frankincense or the planetary type which you are connected to. Clear your mind and play dark and somber ambient, classical or atmospheric music in the background.

  2. Focus on Talisman and your designed Cacodaimon Sigil within the circle upon the altar. If you use a small amount of your own blood, anoint it now, tracing the sigil lines.

  3. Invoke Names of Power surrounding the Circle in a slow rhythm and mantic form. Visualize the Names of Power as manifesting in your mind. Do this until you feel a clear ‘internal’ presence, a heightened imagination.

  4. Invoke your Cacodaimon with your magickial name, if you have the name of your Daemon (True Will or Agathodaimon), this will be the second name. Together over time the Nephilim Apotheosis within a Vampyric key to releasing the Spirit from the Flesh.


  Prepare yourself in the place of solitude with your minimal tools for this meditative invocation, sit upright and establish control over your rate of breathing, clearing your mind to as few thoughts as possible. Focus upon your Chakra centers and visualize the Black Flame burning in the form of two serpents, one black and one red coiling from your Root to the Ajna Chakra in timing with your methodical breathing. The Black Flame shall now slowly become shadowed and cloudy with an abyssic darkness which cloaks the divine fire. This black and every mutating Body of Darkness will slowly emerge from the Root Chakra and expand to encircle and cover your physical body entirely. Open your eyes and gaze into the Black Mirror and then touching your Cacodaimonic Nephilim Sigil, utter the Words of Power.

  I invoke Bezaliel, Busasejal, Basasael, Watcher of the Western Gate of Death, indwell and empower my Cacodaimonic Apotheosis. I invoke Azazel, Semyaza, Ezeqeel, Gadreel, Sithwael, Turel, Zehorel, Baraqel, Ramel, Kokabiel, Danel, Arteqif and the Circle of Dekadarchs of old! Witness this emergence of my Dark Spirit of the Earth and bless this infernal working as a sign of power!

  Behold, the Circle of my Cacodaimonic Apotheosis and the Spell of Forbidden Black Alchemy, I call and command the

  Infernal Names of Power of that which I shall become: ‘Nephilim’, ‘Rephaim’, ‘Nyktipolos’, Chthonius, Mormolyceion, Phantasos, Phasma, Cacodaimon! I command these daimons of the underworld to bind my Body of Shadow,

  my Spirit of Earth by the Union of Earth and Heaven, Spirit and Flesh!

  I am before my visage and my Daemon-inspired sigil, my Ouroboros-encircled mind, spirit and body with desire and passion command my Body of Shadow to come forth in the

  Name of my Daemon, the hereditary gift of Witch Blood from those so named Watchers. From my Heavenly origins from the blazing meteors, falling stars, lightning bolts and the thunder which brought forth 200 Immortal Spirits unto Hermon. Those illustrious bringers of knowledge and mighty Watchers who united Spirit with the earthly flesh thus transforming me and binding me as a Spirit of the Earth!

  My Daemonic desire in this earthly life is to create and command my chosen world and to indulge in the pleasures and joys before me. My Divine Light shall blaze as the Crown of Helios-Oriens in my character among friends and the conquered obstacles I rightfully felled by the Sword of the Mind.

  My predatory passions and dark desires shall in balance not be denied! My Daemon is burst forth as a fiery meteoric star bringing illustrious omens of victory, yet I must embrace and exercise that predatory and terrible Spirit I name the

  Cacodaimon and Nephilim, behold this Temple of Flesh, Mind and Spirit! From above I was created, I am reborn as a living Nephilim who shall seek self-excellence among my peers and conquer those called enemy. I am born of body and flesh, with this sigil of my Cacodaimonic darkness I name this Body of Shadow [Name your Cacodaimon]! I give you shape, energy and purpose to be my vessel of nocturnal flight and hunting those who I desire. I am bound by Earth, I am bound by Spirit!

  [If you use your blood to consecrate the Cacodaimon Nephilim Sigil, do so now.] With my blood, I give this sacrifice to be the Azothozcenter of the sidereal crossroads, where the Sabbat of those of Witch-Blood so gather. I am called an Evil Spirit upon the Earth, for the Earth will be my dwelling. As my Body of Shadow grows stronger and is made terrible to ride the Winds of the storm, the Evil Spirit I call myself is such because I shall come out from my flesh.

  [Visualize now the symbols of your personal sigil and that your Body of Shadow slowly takes a Therionick form. Slowly and over a period, try to ‘place’ your consciousness into this Spirit and ascend

  from your physical body, exploring close until you master a basic control of this state of mind.] It is my Will to encircle and bind my Body of Shadow to the earth, ascending in nocturnal flight as Lilith-demons, owls and jackals who strike unexpectedly in the night and dream. It

  is my Will to attain the Key to the Gateway of the Evil Eye, going out of my body to go forth to the Sabbat and upon storm

  winds, drink from the Devil’s Grail the envenomed bliss of ecstasy.

  I am Nephilim, one of Witch-Blood and possessing the Forbidden Knowledge of the Watchers, I shall go out of this body and seek to corrupt, to fight and hunt those profane sheep on this earth. I shall bring terror, sickness and sorrow to my

  enemies. I will as Spirit rise against the sons of men in a ghostly-journey of slaughter and destruction. As Nephilim, I shall drink the blood called Life Force, the energy which is my elixir towards becoming as the Demons called Udug-hul, Lilitu and Nephilim. I shall then return to my living flesh and so walk in the light of day and hold fast the secret Cacodaimonic chalice of ecstasy.

  By the Oath Akae, the Words of Power of the Oath Biqa this shall be done! By Kesbeel, Chief of the Oath and the Circle of Watchers, I command this communion with demonic and primal pleasures as what they call an Evil Spirit which shall come from my flesh! Nephilim, Mighty One upon the Earth am I becoming by Deeds Done in my life; by the knowledge of Magick and my Daemonic epiphany!

  I shall look silently into the eyes hypnotic with fear in the night, hear my whispers and the knowledge of this world of power. To hear my dream-ridden words is to allow my Spirit to enter the living body of my desire, to bring the wisdom of the serpent by omen and visions terrifying and dominating. It is my Will to rise from this earthly flesh and at death to come forth as an Evil Spirit of the Earth, Nephilim and Cacodaimon.

  Domination, Drinking the Life Force as a fountain of blood weakening and consuming my prey. Let my total will be done! [Visualize the Body of Shadow and the Cacodaimonic Spirit to dissolve back into your physical body. The ceremony is complete.] Perform invocation at the very least monthly and record observations and results. Adapt as you require and establish a formula which works well for you.

  [End of Ritual]

  Chapter 5: Planetary Associations and Astrological Lore

  The Teachings of Kokabiel and Ramiel


  The study and knowledge of the orderly procession of the planets and stars begin in Ancient Babylon, perfected by the Chaldeans and made great by the Egyptians and Greeks among others. Ancient astrologer-wizards gazed and recognized the patterns and positions of the heavenly bodies and how it affected earthly life and circumstance. A band of constellations, a belt around the world and the twelve signs of the Zodiac with the wheeling stars and planets around earth had system and structure.


  The Sun was the most influential of the celestial bodies, the very light of the gods of old. The Sun rule
d the part of the sky which was marked by the constellation Leo, representing strength of character, dignity and authority. Health and the life of earth was given by the Sun and ancient cosmic battles took place during the cycles and journey of the Sun in lore of Babylon, Canaanite and other teachings. The Deific Masks of the Sun are Apollo, Helios, Dionysus, Sol, Oriens, Shamash, Shapash, Horus, Ra and the Watcher Shamsiel. The Sun is associated with the element Air, animals such as the Lion, Bull, Hawk, Leopard, Panther, Tiger, Winged Uraeus Serpent, Egyptian Sphinx and trees are Pines and most Oaks.


  The Lunar powers are balanced with the Sun. The instinctual, emotional, responsive and sensitive essence which brings both creative and destructive elements. The Light of the Moon nourishes the emotional instincts and the Dark Moon brings primal and predatory instincts, the aspect of the Underworld. The Moon holds power over the constellation Cancer and is associated with both the elements of Water and Air. The Goddess of Night, Lilith, Artemis, Hecate, Diana, Sin, Varuna (Yatuk Dinoih, Daeva), Khonsu, Taueret a consort of Egyptian Storm-God Set and Varcolaci (Vampires) are all associated. The Willow tree is associated with the Moon as well as Wintergreen, Jasmine. Metals are Silver and Platinum. With the moon, animals associated are Cats, Hares, Deer, Dogs, Pigs, Owls, Ravens, Vultures, Minotaur, Hydra, Camel, Horse, Elephant, Bear and Hyena. Sariel is the Watcher having power and knowledge associated with the Moon.


  Warlike and primal instincts are governed by Mars, ruling over traditionally Aries the Ram and Scorpio. Mars also was a bringer of death in battle and had associations with the Netherworld with the Mesopotamian Nergal and Erra, Ninurta (Assyria), Ashtar-Chemosh (as a war-god), Ishtar of Arbela (as war-goddess in conjunction with Venus), Anat (Canaanite wargoddess maiden). Mars is also associated with the fires of the forge of weapons, along with Saturn an aspect of Azazel as the Black Fires of the Furnace. Gadreel is associated with the warlike aspect of Mars as he teaches the methods of defense and offense against enemies. This includes modern weapons as well.


  The one of transformation, knowledge and the higher articulation of ones’ Daemon, Mercury is the faster of the planets, the sacred scribe and magician known as Thoth (Egypt), Hermes (Greece), Nabu (Babylonia) Ningishzida (Sumerian) are Deific Masks associated with Mercury. The essence of this planet is calm, consistent order and healing; travel, the arts, agriculture and commerce are associated with Mercury. Gemini (Twins) and Virgo (Virgin) are associated under his authority. Healing and fertility have association with Mercury including the removal of curses, spells and modern medicine.


  Saturn has a dual essence, violent death and disasters associate him with a companionship with Mars. Saturn is cold, brooding and autocratic in authority. As Saturn is one of lower impulse and death, the creative aspects of Saturn are the inspiration of artistic knowledge, bringing ideas into a material form. Saturn is a Lord of Magick, a balanced authority upon the cycles of time and the death-rebirth of earthly life. Saturn has association with the Goat, Donkey, Peacock, Bat, Spider and Goat-Fish. Kronos, Hera, Ea, Ishtar of Erech as the Lady of Heaven and Queen of the Gods, Kali, Shiva, Ptah (Egypt) and Neith the mysterious bride of Set. Saturn rules over the Goat, Capricorn, Water-Bearer and Aquarius are under the influence of Saturn. Saturn is also the Reaper-planet, the affinity of death and regeneration as a cycle in time.


  Azazel as the Morning and Evening Star, the Venusian knowledge of the beautification, appearance and alluring charms of seduction are instructed by him. Venus rules the constellations of Libra the Scales and Bull of Taurus. Venus represents a force for harmony, fertility and lust, love and unity. Venus inspires luck and fortune, affection and inspiring artistic surroundings. Copper and bronze are of Venus, gemstones include Emerald, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Jade and trees such as Apple, Lemon, Orange, Pears, etc. Incenses include Red Sandalwood, Spearmint, Valerian, Cardamom, etc. Aprodite, Ishtar of Arbela, Astarte, Ashtaroth (Canaanite) Egyptian Bast, Hathor, Beelzebub (Testament of Solomon, Evening Star), Lucifer (Roman and modern Fallen Angel), Astaroth, Paimon, etc.


  Jupiter is a planet associated with order, optimistic, fatherly, protective, expansive and insightful wisdom. Jupiter controls the constellations of Pisces the Fish, the Archer Sagittarius and relates to cosmic Justice. Jupiter is associated with the skies and the sea, prosperity and earthly mastery. Tin and Antimony are associated metals as well as gemstones such as Amethyst, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, etc. Animals (mythological and not) include the Eagle, Bull, Centaur, Swan and whale. Jupiter is related to Deific Masks such as Zeus, Marduk, Poseidon, Neptune, Adad, Baal, Indra (Daeva), Minerva, Athena, Maat, Hapi, Amun-Ra are also connected. Semyaza is a Watcher associated with Jupiter.

  ASTROLOGICAL TEACHINGS OF RAMIEL A Basic Introduction of the 12 Gates as Taught by the Angels

  The Ethiopic and Aramaic versions of the Book of Enoch is derived from a tradition associated with the Essenes who are responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essenes were a small sect of Jewish priests who were active during the 2nd Century BCE period of the Second Temple period in Judea. The Essenes were a mystical, solitary brotherhood who lived in communal, rural places and had a strict process for instructing new members. Far from being friends of Hellenistic religion and culture, the Essenes lived through the time of Ptolemaic and Seleucid rule of Judea, into the Imperial rise of Rome under Augustus Octavian Caesar.

  The Essenes sought to preserve their mystical books and keeping also the names of the Angels. They cultivated and explored in their theology that the soul was immortal and after death it would return to the individual. They practiced purification by water rituals, no doubt developed by the Assyrians and Babylonians among others.

  In Enoch 8:1-3, aspects of the Aramaic angelic teachings, specifically the Zodiac Calendar presents an omen structure of divination is considered remnants of teachings of Ramiel the descending Watcher. The Watchers taught a wide range of skills and forbidden knowledge; from the use of precious stones, incantations, spells, counter-charms, magick, sorcery, divination, weapon-making and astrology among others.

  In a Qumran ‘school student’ fragment, the teaching of the zodiac calendar (representing mythological forbidden knowledge) was perhaps a part of a secret instruction which was taught originally by Ramiel, the Angel of Thunder.

  The Chaldeans, Babylonians and developed further on during the Hellenistic period in the Near East represented a major step in science and a balance between magick, myth and formulating a system of recognizing patterns in the movements and cycles of the planets and constellations. Therefore, you can notice the etymological connection between the Babylonian Sun God Shamash and the Watcher Shamsiel; the same with Sin and Sariel and so on. A much deeper study of this topic is published in “Zodiac Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls” (see Bibliography).

  Luciferians will not approach the Zodiac in the same frame of thought as the ancients as we have much more scientific and evolved knowledge available to us now. We can of course use a basic structure of Astrological and Magickial knowledge via attributes, meanings and associations to inspire and provide a mythological “mirror” of our self within a spiritual sense. In short, question everything, be skeptical but open to functional symbolic lore to fuel our Magick. The key is Will, Desire, Belief.

  The Ancient Near Eastern world including the Babylonians, Assyrians, Hellenistic and Greco-Roman cultures utilized traditions of divination and perhaps the unconscious skill of compelling a level of control by studying the patterns of movement in the sky. All type of phenomena could be interpreted and considered in all types of aspects in life. Today this is called superstition but still is an unconscious part of who we are as humans. Luciferians are as individuals to varying degrees approach Magick and Witchcraft in a way which brings overall beneficial results, supported by a rational philosophy defined in the 11 Luciferian Points of Power.

find inspiration with lore and witch-cult practice, others simply our philosophy. Question everything you consider investing belief in: how will it be useful to you, is such in harmony with your way of thinking, can you balance rational interpretation of symbolism with the passion and instinct of the ritual chamber?

  The Gates of the Zodiac

  The Zodiac Calendar found in form in the Astronomical Book of Enoch from the Dead Sea Scrolls has initiatory value for the Sorcerer who desires a deeper exploration of Angelic and Demonic aspects of the Watchers. The following structure of the Zodiac Calendar is found from the connections made by Armin Lange and Ulricke Mittman-Richert and brought to form (from what this model is based from) by Helen R. Jacobus and Warwick Cope-Williams18 and the textual structure from Enoch.

  The Gates associated with the Zodiac have attributes to the Watchers in which you might desire to work with according to your sign. The Gate begins in the East and moves counterclockwise (widdershins) through the Solstices and Equinox with each gate. The Gates are dual from beginning to end, and the period is suggested for a deeper understanding of aspects of the Watchers.

  The Luciferian who is seeking the Knowledge and Conversation of his or her Daemon may seek invocations of a chosen Watcher according to his sign.

  18 Chapter 3, pg 270, The Aramaic Astronomical Book of Enoch Reconsidered in the Light of 4Q318, Zodiac Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Their Reception: Ancient Astronomy and Astrology in Early Judaism, Institute of Jewish Studies in Judaica 14, Helen R. Jacobus, Brill Academic Publishers.


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