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SEAL's Desire (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 1)

Page 8

by Makenna Jameison

  She’d been so exhausted last night, she’d barely given a passing thought to how attractive he was. Of course she’d noticed his muscular physique and chiseled features, but goodness. She’d been in fear for her life. She would’ve been grateful to whoever came to her rescue. The fact that Blake looked like a military hero straight out of an action movie didn’t matter.

  What a bizarre way to end her trip. From hiking around collecting samples, to being kidnapped, to being rescued by a buff Navy SEAL.

  It really did feel more like a movie than real life.

  Combat boots appeared in her line of vision, and then Blake crouched down at the opening of her tent. “Oh good, you’re already awake,” he said in his deep voice. “Good morning,” he added, his lips quirking.

  She flushed despite herself, feeling embarrassed. She probably looked frightful, with bedhead and rumpled clothes. Not to mention the fact that she’d barely slept in days. Blake managed to look ruggedly handsome. He had a day’s worth of stubble covering his chiseled jaw, but it only added to his appeal. His dark hair was shortly cropped, so it didn’t look messy the way hers did. And although she knew he couldn’t have gotten much sleep either, he looked almost rested and refreshed.

  She probably looked like the “before” on all those makeover shows.

  “Good morning,” she said softly.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. My wrist still hurts, but like you said—I think it’s broken. There’s probably not much we can do until I see an actual doctor.”

  He nodded, pressing his lips together. “I could try to make a splint for you.”

  “A splint? From what?”

  “A small tree branch. It might give you more support. I can use my knife to cut one down to size.”

  “Right,” she said, feeling silly. They were literally surrounded by trees. Of course he wouldn’t be carrying extra medical supplies around with him, but as a SEAL, he was probably trained to improvise during combat. “I’ll let you know. It might just be stiff from sleeping.”

  “Okay. Hopefully we’ll be out of here sooner rather than later. We’ve got actual medical supplies back at base. We can get you a proper splint before our flight back. Let’s eat something and then get moving.”

  “Sounds good. Did you get any rest last night? I feel bad for using your things.”

  “I’m fine,” he assured her. “I’ve slept in plenty of places that are worse than this. Trust me, you get used to grabbing a little shut eye whenever and wherever you can.”

  “I guess the rainforest doesn’t seem so bad then.”

  “Hell no. I camp at home, so it wasn’t too different—just sleeping without a tent, but I didn’t mind.”

  “I like to camp but definitely use a sleeping bag and tent. I might be a biologist, but I just can’t sleep out in the open.”

  Blake shrugged, his lips quirking. “It’s not so bad. I kind of like sleeping under the stars.”

  “Yeah, I can see the appeal,” she agreed. Maybe if she camped with a boyfriend or something, she’d enjoy that. If she had a serious boyfriend. Her last few relationships had fizzled out as quickly as they began. Sleeping alone felt safer in a tent. But if she was curled up in a man’s arms under the stars?

  That might just work.

  “I just need to, uh, quick use the bathroom before we eat. The woods that is.”

  He chuckled. “No problem. I’ll get out the protein bars and start packing things up. I’ve got some MREs in here, too.”

  She scooted to the edge of the tent, surprised when Blake helped her to stand up. He’d removed his gloves sometime over the course of the night, and the touch of his hand on her skin sent unexpected shivers racing down her spine. His hands were rough, slightly calloused, but they were warm and strong. And he was as gentle as could be with her.

  When she stood, she only came up to his shoulder. She was close—so close to him. Blake was nothing but a wall of muscles in front of her. Confident. Strong. He had a masculine, earthy scent to him. No doubt from being out here all night like her.

  Blushing, she felt a little bit silly. What did this man think of her? She’d gotten herself kidnapped. Didn’t have any supplies. She was basically dependent on him for everything at the moment. Clarissa wasn’t used to feeling helpless. She’d flown down here alone, set up her camp, arranged for a guide.

  And then needed a freaking Navy SEAL to come to her rescue.

  “Just call out if you need anything. It should be safe,” he assured her. “I just meant if you see anyone.”

  She nodded. “All right. I’ll be right back.”

  Moving around him, she walked past a few trees. God, this was embarrassing knowing Blake was nearby. It was true she loved to camp, but she wasn’t used to doing so with an attractive man just a few feet away. And guys had it easy—just unzip and go. She’d literally be pulling her pants down out here. Not that she thought Blake would come anywhere near her. He’d been nothing but a perfect gentleman so far.

  Finishing her business, she hurried back to where Blake was sitting, hoping she wasn’t blushing furiously. “Chili or cheese tortellini?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I don’t think I could eat any of that. After not having much food in my stomach the past several days, I don’t think it would sit well.”

  Blake nodded. “Fair enough. There are some crackers and sides with them,” he said, opening one of the packages. He held up a few smaller packages, letting her pick what she wanted.

  “I’ll have the crackers and fruit if that’s okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay,” he assured her.

  She took the things from him. “I just feel bad for eating your food. Sleeping in your tent,” she said, gesturing to where the tarp was still set up. “I’m used to being organized and prepared, and right now, I mostly feel helpless.”

  “There’s no need to feel helpless. I’ve got food to share, and like you said yesterday, there’s food out here in the rainforest, too. It’s not like we’re in the desert with nothing but sand for miles.”

  “Good point,” she said, fumbling with the plastic covering the crackers.

  “I got it,” Blake said easily, his eyes on her bandaged wrist. He handed the open package back to her. “And I came in with a whole team of men. It sounds like you were basically out here by yourself, right?”

  She nodded, taking a bite of the cracker. “Aside from my guide. It didn’t seem safe otherwise,” she hastily added.

  “You were smart. And look, I admire the hell out of you for flying down here alone to do research. Plenty of women I meet back at home can’t stand to have a hair out of place or lipstick not perfectly smeared on.”

  “Applied,” she said with a smile.

  “Applied, smeared, whatever,” he said with a chuckle. “They’re more about their makeup than anything else. I just meant you’re different than the women I know—in a good way,” he assured her.

  “Where are you meeting these women if you don’t mind my asking?”

  Blake shrugged. “The bar. The beach. Just going out with my buddies.”

  “Well there you go. I’m busy working most of the time. Sure, I go out with my colleagues occasionally for drinks or dinner, but it’s not to meet men.”

  “So you don’t have a boyfriend?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

  She laughed. “Why does that surprise you? I meet other professors of course, but a lot of them are either already married or too stuck up for my taste. I don’t need to waste my time with men I’m not interested in.”


  “Come on. It shouldn’t be that surprising.”

  “I suppose not. I’ve wasted plenty of time with women I’m not interested in though.”

  Clarissa burst into laughter, shaking her head.

  “What can I say? I’m a red-blooded American male.”

  “I’m just too busy to date much I guess. Or I just haven’t met the right type of men.”

bsp; “So you’re not dancing on bars with your girlfriends,” he joked.

  “Maybe in another lifetime,” she said, rolling her eyes. Blake laughed, and the deep sound of it reverberated right through her. She was attracted to him, she realized. They were different in many ways, but he was down to earth like her. He loved the outdoors. He was smart even if he wasn’t an academic, and she felt comfortable and safe with him.

  If only she could meet a man like Blake back home.

  “You said you brought camping gear. Do you camp back in Texas, too?” he asked.

  “Not in the summer,” she said. “Texas heat is brutal.”

  “Don’t I know it,” he agreed. “San Diego has amazing weather. You can camp right on the beach out there if you want.”

  “Seriously? I’ve never camped on a beach before.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I usually prefer the forest myself.” He shrugged. “I’m on the beach plenty of times with my friends, so I appreciate the change of pace.”

  “You guys camp together?”

  “Mostly on missions. Usually I go by myself back home. What can I say? I’m around those other guys 24/7 on ops. None of the women I meet are into camping. I don’t mind the solitude sometimes.”

  She nodded, looking at him curiously. Blake seemed to only date women who were nothing like him. Who apparently were all about their looks and nothing else. Briefly, she wondered what he thought of her. Blake finished eating and got to his feet. “Do you need some more aspirin for your wrist?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, that would probably help.” He handed the bottle over to her while he began taking down the tarp. His movements were quick, assured. He looked like he’d done this type of thing a thousand times before. Her mind drifted to a guy she’d briefly dated a few months back. They’d gone out for a hike together one Saturday, and he’d complained the entire time. He didn’t like the bugs, didn’t like the heat. He was worried he’d have to wash his car after parking it in the dirt lot at the base of the trail.

  She’d gotten the impression he’d only agreed to the hike because he’d hoped to sleep with her that night.

  The entire date had been mostly a disaster.

  She took a swig of water to wash down the aspirin and rose to her feet. Blake had already packed everything else. Not that they had much with them, but he was certainly quick and efficient. Blake scrubbed a hand across his jaw, looking around the forest. “I think we’re an hour or so from the river. We’ll try for a signal there, and if not, follow it to where it widens.”

  Clarissa nodded, swallowing. It made sense of course, but following the river seemed to also be the easiest way for someone else to spot them. “That’s how those guys found me.”

  Blake looked back and raised his eyebrows.

  “My guide and I were moving along the stream to hike back. It fed into the river, and they were following it, too.”

  “We’ll keep a close watch and listen for anyone else nearby.”

  She nodded, not liking the sudden butterflies filling her stomach. He’d probably think she was ridiculous if she admitted how frightened she was. She’d just escaped from those guys—she certainly didn’t want them or some other group to find her while she and Blake were moving around.

  Catching the expression on her face, Blake took a step closer. “Hey.”

  She looked up and met his dark gaze.

  “You’re doing amazing. I know you’ve been through a lot the past few days, but I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She nodded, unexpected tears filling her eyes.

  “Clarissa. I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he vowed.

  “Okay,” she whispered, as a single tear slid down her cheek. Embarrassed, she swiped it away. How many times had she already cried in front of this man? Usually she was the strong one, letting things that upset her slide right off her back. And now? It’s like she couldn’t stop tearing up when he was near. She’d felt safe with Blake overnight, hidden by the dark. Nightmares aside, she’d otherwise slept pretty well. But moving around by the open river? She’d just need to steel herself and push her bad memories aside. She would never get home by hiding in Blake’s tarp in the middle of the jungle.

  “We’ll be cautious when we approach the river. I know you’re scared, but it’s unlikely we’ll run into anyone. This is a big rainforest, and the group at the terror camp knows we’re here.”

  “That gives them more reason to run away though,” she protested.

  “Maybe. They’re probably hunkered down somewhere waiting until we leave.”

  “I’m not trying to doubt you,” she said. “It’s just my guide and I were here alone….”

  He nodded, holding out his hand. Hesitantly, she took it, letting his warm fingers wrap around her. Blake already had his rucksack on and his weapon in his other hand. She felt safe tethered to him this way though.

  “I know you’re scared, but you don’t need to be,” he said, his dark eyes boring into hers. “I’ve got your back, and I’m right here beside you. What happened the other day will not happen again.”

  “I trust you.”

  They began walking, holding hands as they moved amongst the trees. It wasn’t a romantic gesture—he was helping her. Providing her the comfort she needed at that exact moment. Blake had already proven himself—he’d gotten her out of that camp. Let her rest while he watched over her last night.

  Yesterday she’d clung to his arm in a panic though. Today, he’d offered his hand. Blowing out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d even been holding, she shakily moved beside him through the forest.

  Chapter 14

  Blake clenched his jaw, stepping over a vine as he held Clarissa’s hand. He didn’t know what the hell had gotten into him, but seeing the tears sliding down her cheeks had made his chest clench. She was afraid of being captured again. She’d trusted her guide to protect her while she did her research and had ended up tied to a pole. Kidnapped. Nearly raped.

  Of course she was scared. The fact that she’d held herself together so well this long was a damn wonder. He’d made sure to ask about her broken wrist this morning but hadn’t paid much attention to her mindset.

  She’d seemed okay, so they’d been chatting about mundane stuff like they weren’t stuck out here in the jungle with potentially dangerous men all around.

  He’d been cautious last night. His weapon had been in his hands. He was attuned to his surroundings. When he’d briefly slept, he’d had his night-vision goggles on in case anything woke him up.

  But the way she clutched tightly to his hand now?

  Damn. Her trust practically slayed him.

  Her breathing had slowed as they’d moved further on, and he hoped she’d relax enough so they could get where they needed to be. He’d move much more quickly if he were alone, but having her right at his side, her hand in his, felt right.

  He’d never really considered himself the chivalrous sort. Sure, he’d hold open the door for his date and make sure she was thoroughly sated after they slept together. But walking around holding hands? Being attuned to a woman’s feelings?

  God damn.

  Maybe he should just give up his man card right now.

  His SEAL buddies would probably laugh to see him traipsing through the jungle, hand-in-hand with Clarissa. Then again, they helped civilians when they rescued them. His team would think she literally needed help walking out of there.

  Not that it made his own chest clench when she was afraid.

  They stopped to climb over a fallen tree, and Blake reached up after he’d jumped off it, helping her down.


  Clarissa was so small and slender compared to him, he had half a mind to just haul her into his arms and not let go. He wanted to shield her from the world, keep anyone else from harming her. Now with his hands at her slender waist and her body close to his?

  Something felt oddly right about it.

  Not that he dated women he saved, but damn. The way her blonde hair had
been sexily tousled when she woke up, the way she’d slept on his sweatshirt?

  He could get used to something like that. Odd, because he didn’t really have serious girlfriends. Sure, he had in the past, but those relationships always fizzled out. The life of a SEAL was rough, and while some women enjoyed dating one, they didn’t love his deployments and habit of up and leaving without notice. Not that he had a choice in the matter.

  Being out here camping overnight with Clarissa had been almost damn peaceful. They didn’t have much in the way of gear, but she hadn’t complained. Any of the women he’d been with in the past back home would be fussing over their hair or whining about their makeup.

  She was completely natural, yet gorgeous.

  And she’d been through a hell of a lot.

  He released her waist, and they continued walking, Blake once again taking her hand. It wasn’t necessary, but the way she held it tightly, giving him her trust, was humbling. And the fact that he liked her hand in his? Well, so what if he did. It didn’t mean a fucking thing. He was just helping the woman he’d rescued.

  Blake heard the sound of water up ahead, but it turned out to be just a small stream. “We can refill our water bottles here,” he said as they came to a stop.

  Clarissa agreed, and he took his canteen back from her, ducking down to fill it up.

  “What?” he asked, catching the expression on her face as he stood back up.

  She shook her head, her blonde hair shimmering in a lone beam of sunlight. “It’s silly. I went hiking with this guy a few months ago—I mean, truth be told, I think he just agreed to the hike because he wanted to get me into his bed. It was our third date.”

  Blake chuckled, filling the second bottle.

  “But anyway, we went hiking one Saturday afternoon. First he was mad that his tires got dusty when he drove to the trailhead, and then he seemed upset that his shoes got a little muddy. I mean, we were hiking for God’s sake. Of course there’s a little dirt. And here you are trudging through the rainforest, crouching down by the stream like it’s no big deal.”

  “Hell. You’ve been with the wrong men, sweetheart,” Blake said as he stood. His eyes sparked with amusement as he handed her the canteen back. Was it his imagination, or was there a hint of a flush creeping across her cheeks? “My buddies and I camp, skydive, deploy in all sorts of conditions. You’re too adventurous for those academic types of yours.”


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