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SEAL's Desire (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 1)

Page 9

by Makenna Jameison

  His fingers brushed against hers as she took the bottle, and he cleared his throat.

  She was beautiful, no doubt, but the way she’d flushed under his gaze was arousing as hell. Briefly, he imagined her blushing like that as he slowly undressed her, kissing his way across her creamy skin.

  For such a confident woman, she seemed a bit shy. And it was appealing as hell knowing he could make her blush that way. He’d barely said anything at all.

  He shook his head, turning away.

  Falling into bed with Clarissa would happen exactly never, so there was no sense in torturing himself with the image of her naked in his bed. Or wondering how she’d react to his boldness. And since when did he want women in his bed anyway? Usually he spent the night at their place since it was easier to leave the next morning.

  Clarissa sleeping with his things last night appealed to his base instincts though. Maybe he hadn’t been there holding her, but to know she’d used his blanket and sweatshirt?

  There was something sexy as hell about it.

  He grabbed the water purification tablets from his backpack, tossing them to her without thinking. Again, he winced as she caught them one-handed. “I’m catching on to you, Blake,” she teased. “No pun intended.”

  “Sorry to forget about your wrist. You’re not complaining about it at all, so it slipped my mind for a second.”

  She fumbled with the bottle, trying to open it, and he muttered a curse. After helping her, he put the extra tablets back in his backpack. “This stream should lead to the river.” He glanced up at the cloudy sky, barely visible through the thick canopy.

  “Will the cloud cover hurt our chances?” she asked, astute as always.

  “It shouldn’t. Just this damn foliage that’s a problem right here.”

  “It’s beautiful,” she protested softly.

  He glanced back, looking at her instead of the trees. “That it is,” he agreed, looking away before she could notice him staring.

  “Then we’ll be out of here,” she said with a small smile.

  “Yep,” he agreed. Her gaze met his, and he reached out and brushed a strand of that blonde hair off her face. “You doing okay?” he asked, searching her eyes.

  He stood there a moment, looking down at her.

  He needed to protect her while they were out here, not get distracted. Letting your mind drift was how men got hurt on missions. How injuries and mistakes happened. He needed to be alert and aware. Treat her like he would any other victim. Blake had a job to do, and if he failed to protect her because he was thinking with his dick, looking at her pretty blonde hair and knock-out curves, then what kind of man did that make him? A damn lousy SEAL, that was for sure.

  Maybe he wanted her in all of the ways a man wanted a woman, but that didn’t matter. He had a job to do.

  “I’m okay,” she said softly.

  He nodded, looking into those green eyes for a beat longer. Hell. A man could get lost staring at a woman like her. Then he turned away, breaking whatever spell was between them. He couldn’t stand here by the water looking into her eyes all day long. He needed to finish his mission and get them both safely home.


  Clarissa followed Blake further down the stream. He seemed in more of a rush than he had been earlier, but no doubt he was eager to get out of here.

  Just as she was.

  When they’d stood there briefly at the water’s edge, she’d sworn there’d been a moment pass between them. He’d looked in her eyes, brushed her hair back from her face—almost like a lover or something. Certainly not like a man tasked to simply get her out of there.

  He was gruff and assertive as a Navy SEAL, but she could tell he had a softer side. Blake had been nothing but considerate towards her.

  “I think we should reach the river in a mile or so. It’s not the widest part, but I might be able to get the sat phone working.”

  “I hope so,” she said, looking up at the canopy of trees above them. Her clothing stuck to her like a second skin, and she awkwardly pulled her long-sleeved top off, tying it around her waist in the heat. Blake had all his gear on, not to mention his weapon and rucksack.

  He didn’t seem to even notice the heat.

  Blake glanced back, realizing he was getting a little ahead of her, and frowned as he watched her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, slowing to a stop and looking around. She had a weird sense of déjà vu. Her guide had slowed and looked around, too. Right before armed men jumped out and shot him.

  Blake began walking toward her, narrowing his gaze.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, panic beginning to rise within her.

  “You’re got bruises all over your arm,” he said, his voice tight.

  Glancing at her upper arm, she realized he was right. With the way her wrist was hurting, she hadn’t even given it much thought. And she hadn’t been able to take off her shirt at the camp where she was held—not with her wrists tied. Shoot, she’d barely gotten it off right now over her bandage and broken wrist.

  His hand rose to her arm, and she winced slightly, even though he hadn’t touched her. “They hurt you,” he said, his fingers lightly running over her skin.

  Shivers raced down her spine at his gentle touch.

  Would Blake be that careful with a woman…always? When he made love, did he lightly caress the woman he was with that same way? It was hard to imagine he acted this way around other people he rescued. He’d taken her hand earlier and held her last night as she cried.

  It was silly to think she meant anything to him though. They didn’t know each other—not really. She wasn’t sure what to make of his behavior though. And she didn’t want to admit to herself that she liked it—not when they’d be parting ways in mere hours.

  “When did they do this?” he asked in a low voice.

  He dropped his hand from her skin but stood oh so close.

  “When they first grabbed me I guess. That’s really the least of my worries though. Remember the broken wrist?” she asked, awkwardly holding it up. She wasn’t sure why Blake was so concerned about a little bruising on her arm. It certainly wasn’t ideal, but goodness. She’d been tied up and nearly raped. This was nothing.

  He shook his head, scrubbing a hand over his face. “I don’t like that they hurt you.”

  “Well let’s hurry then,” she urged him. “I don’t want them to find us out here.”

  His face grew hard. “They won’t fucking touch you, Clarissa. I promise you that. Come on,” he said, moving one hand to the small of her back to guide her forward. It felt like an almost intimate gesture—Blake’s hand at her back. His large body towering above hers.

  He was controlling her space the way he commanded a mission—leading her where he wanted. Ensuring her safety.

  He smelled faintly of sweat as he walked at her side, but it was masculine and earthy, not overwhelming. What she wouldn’t give for a long, hot shower right now. She was grungy and sweaty and just wanted to wash the past few days off of her.

  To take a nap for hours and hours safe at home in her own bed.

  “Watch your step,” Blake said, helping her over a rotted-out log.

  It was sweet the way he was helping her—unnecessary maybe, but sweet. Maybe he wasn’t used to hiking with women. His SEAL team certainly was all men. And he’d flat out said the women he dated didn’t even like to get their hair messed up.

  She didn’t know what to make of his attentiveness though.

  A few raindrops began to fall, and Blake grumbled behind her as she looked skyward. “Hopefully this blows over. The storm won’t help matters.”

  “I thought satellites were too high up in the sky to be affected by the weather,” she said.

  “That’s true for the most part. But since I’m already having trouble establishing a connection out here, I was hoping for clear weather conditions.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense,” she agreed. Raindrops continued to fall, and she swiped them f
rom her chest. She should probably put her shirt back on since she was wearing a camisole, but then she’d have no dry clothes. “Can I put this in your backpack to keep it dry?” she asked, removing the shirt from her waist.

  “Yeah, good idea,” he agreed, taking it from her. “Why don’t you put this over your wrist.” He handed her some kind of plastic, and she awkwardly slid it on. She probably looked ridiculous, but she didn’t want the bandage to get wet.

  A loud crack of thunder boomed, and then the rain began to heavily fall.

  “Let’s head over to those larger trees,” Blake said, and then they were jogging toward an area slightly more covered. Blake got the tarp back out of his backpack, managing to quickly rig it up over some low branches. The two of them sank to the damp ground, watching as the sky opened around them.

  The sounds of the rain pouring down were interspersed with the chatter of monkeys and chirps of birds and insects. “Wow, listen to all that,” she said, looking around in wonder. It was oddly peaceful sitting here in the middle of the storm, listening to the sounds of nature. “What?” she asked, catching the expression on his face.

  “Nothing.” But his lips quirked.

  “Oh come on. We’re stuck out here together waiting out the storm. Now you have to tell me.”

  He lifted a shoulder, flashing her an easy grin. “You. You’re excited over the sounds of animals and a rainstorm.”

  “I’m a biologist,” she protested.

  “I know. You’re just…different than most women I know.”

  She lightly elbowed him with her good arm. “You were teasing me for dating the wrong types of men, but it works both ways. You’re an outdoorsy guy—athletic, clearly. Adventurous. You’ve been with the wrong women.”

  “Guilty as charged,” he agreed with a low chuckle. “But everyone is young and foolish once.”

  “How old are you anyway?” she asked, looking over at him.

  “Thirty-two.” He took a swig of his water, and her eyes trailed over the dark stubble on his jaw. For such a ruggedly handsome guy, he had the decency to look a tiny bit sheepish at the moment. Not that he’d ever admit to that. “How old are you?” he asked, nailing her with those dark eyes.


  He nodded, appearing to think that over.

  “Now what?” she asked with another laugh.

  “My buddies and I meet a lot of college-aged women. They’re into drinking and a good time, mostly.” He shrugged. “I guess I’ve grown up.”

  “I’d say so,” she said with a laugh. “You’re a decade older than them.”

  “Yep. Ain’t that the truth.”

  “Well, anyway. I came here to study the rainforest. So of course I don’t mind sitting here for a little while. It’s beautiful. I liked it more before I was kidnapped though.”

  Blake muttered under his breath. “Understatement of the year, I’d say.”

  She leaned back against the bark of the tree, enjoying the feeling of Blake at her side. Funny how she’d been afraid just a little while ago, but after rushing through the rain, she felt more like her old self again. Like she was on an adventure, not on the run from some bad guys.

  “I guess this will slow down our rescue,” she said.

  “Yep. We can keep moving, but damn. We’ll end up soaking wet, and the storm won’t exactly help in establishing communications. We might as well wait for it to blow over. So what made you come down here all alone?” he asked. “I mean flying off to Colombia for research and all.”

  “I’m writing an academic paper. I don’t really have close friends at the university—not people that I’d travel with at any rate. I wanted to conduct my own research, so here I am.”

  “Funny, because I never go anywhere alone.”

  “Except camping,” she reminded him.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I meant when I pack up and leave the country, my team is with me. I make decisions for the entire group. And even then, we’re not on our own—I’ve got communications set up with an entire slew of people. I’m in contact with the U.S. military. Usually.”

  “Well, if I was chasing after terrorists, I’d want a team of tough guys with me, too.”

  Blake chuckled. “They’d love that—being called a group of tough guys.”

  She looked over and smiled, enjoying the brief moment of levity between them. “Are they like you?”

  “Some of them. The younger guys are still into chasing after women every weekend. You’d like Troy and Grayson—they’re funny but fun-loving and always up for an adventure. Jackson is more of the strong, silent type. I think most women tend to be a little scared of him. Not that he’d ever harm a woman. And Ethan and Logan? Well, they’d probably chase after anything in a skirt.”

  “But you guys are all close.”

  “We have to be,” he agreed. “We work and train together. Live together when we’re on an op. I’d trust those men with my life. With your life,” he said, growing serious.

  “That must be nice having a bond like that. I mostly work alone, so….” Her voice trailed off as she shrugged. “My job is nothing like that. I don’t have family.”

  His dark gaze landed on her again, causing her heart to palpitate. Goodness, he was handsome. A real-life warrior and action hero. His life was as different from hers as could be. She lectured college students and wrote academic papers. He literally flew in and saved people.

  She felt a hint of a flush crossing her cheeks as he watched her, and she looked away, breaking the connection between them. He’d just flat-out admitted he dated young college students. He wouldn’t be interested in someone like her. Not that anything would happen between them anyway. She lived in Texas. He’d mentioned San Diego a few times. She knew there was a big naval base out in Coronado and assumed that’s where he was stationed.

  No doubt he was too busy living his life as a SEAL to even have a relationship.

  The rain began to slow down, and Blake stood back up, helping Clarissa to her feet. He held her hand a beat too long, then released it and looked out into the forest. “It’ll be wet, but it’s barely drizzling now. We should be able to make some good progress.”

  She followed his gaze, looking at the water dripping from the trees. A tiny bit of sunlight peeked through the cloud cover, making the leaves glisten. It was beautiful and surreal.

  And they needed to get back to reality.

  “Let’s keep going then,” she said.

  Chapter 15

  Blake tried to avert his eyes as Clarissa stood beside him. The rain had dampened her white top, and it was currently clinging to her like a second skin. He didn’t want to embarrass her by mentioning it, but damn. His cock had immediately risen to attention when he saw a hint of those gorgeous breasts through her damp shirt.

  With her blonde hair, green eyes, and amazing curves, she looked like some sort of goddess come to life.

  A goddess in cargo pants and hiking boots, he thought with a smirk.

  Man. He would meet the perfect woman for himself while running an op with his men. In the middle of the goddamn rainforest no less. It just figured. He stuffed the tarp back into his rucksack after shaking some of the water off, trying to ignore the thoughts racing through his head. At the moment, he wanted to back her against the nearest tree and kiss the living hell out of her.

  Not that that was appropriate on any level.

  “I just need to quick, uh….” She gestured toward the trees as he nodded. Damn she was cute when she flushed like that. Maybe he’d quick relieve himself as well.

  Clarissa disappeared as he zipped up his bag. He walked off in the opposite direction of her, coming back before she did after he’d finished his business. He looked up at the overcast sky through the canopy of the trees while he waited. Hopefully any more bad weather would hold off so they could make some real progress. He was anxious to connect with his men and find out if they’d gotten Abboud.

  And he sure the hell wanted to get Clarissa safely out
of here so she could get proper medical attention for her broken wrist.

  A few more minutes ticked by, and Blake began to grow concerned. He knew it would take her longer than him, but she’d been gone longer than he expected. Frowning, he began moving in the direction she’d walked off in. He wanted to call out her name so he didn’t surprise her, but if she was in some sort of trouble, there was no reason to let anyone else know he was coming.

  Moving through the trees, he wondered why she’d gone so far away. His gaze swept the area, and he took a few more steps then froze as he caught sight of her in the distance. A man was behind her, his hand over her mouth, and he had a knife at her throat.

  Clarissa looked positively terrified. Her face was completely pale, and her camisole had ridden up slightly as she struggled with him.

  He could see tears streaming down her face even from here, and the guy was dragging her backwards, further into the forest.

  Rage roared through him. He should’ve never fucking let her out of his sight. Never.

  That asshole looked more like one of the local drug runners than the men his team had been after last night. But his hands were on Clarissa. He was touching her. Hurting her. And she was fucking his.

  Circling around on his approach so he wouldn’t be seen, Blake moved quicker than most men. He could take a shot right now and eliminate this guy, but that would probably scare Clarissa and risk her safety as well. He didn’t like the blade of the knife against her skin.

  Blake moved hurriedly through the trees, his blood boiling and adrenaline surging through him. Damp branches and leaves brushed against his arms, but he was silent. His fury deadly.

  His gaze narrowed as he drew closer. He lifted his weapon, his finger caressing the trigger. One wrong move, and this guy would be dead before he even saw Blake coming.


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