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Raw: Book 1

Page 5

by Michelle Maris

  “Oh, I love Canada. I went last…” Susan continued chatting away as Jeremy focused on Madison. The waiter brought out a bottle of white wine, and Bevy finally joined Madison.

  “He’s staring at you.” Bevy casually looked around the restaurant as she brought her wine glass up to her lips.

  “Who’s staring at me?” Madison asked but never looked up from the menu.

  “Jeremy.” Bevy covered her mouth with her napkin in case Jeremy could read lips.

  Madison intentionally looked up and zoned in on Jeremy. She expected him to look away when she caught him staring, but instead, he smiled at her and gave a subtle head nod.

  Madison smiled back, tucked her hair behind her ear but went right back to reading the menu. “I think I’m going to have the sea bass tonight.” Madison closed her menu and placed it in front of her. She reached for her glass of wine, took a sip, and then looked at Bevy. Madison had no intention of telling her about last night. It was so out of character for Madison to make out with a perfect stranger, but there was something different about Jeremy. And his kiss was incredible, so it was well worth stepping out of the box.

  “It’s delicious, but I’m not in the mood for fish.”

  The waiter came by, made some small talk with Madison and Bevy, and took their orders. “I’ll be back with a sample of appetizers.”

  “Thank you, Seth, and please tell chef I want my filet on the rare side of medium.”

  “Yes, Bevy, and would you like some new potatoes tonight or is it a no carb night?” He asked as he poured more wine into their glasses.

  “I’m splurging Seth. Bring on the carbs.”

  “Very well. I’ll be back.”

  Bevy lifted her glass to Madison. “To new hires.”

  Madison shook her head, “Bevy, you love this.”

  “Of course I do. I get a kick out of watching the boys vie for the attention of the most beautiful woman in the mansion.”

  “That’s very sweet of you, Bevy, but if you were single, I’m sure they’d be drooling over you.”

  “I’d like to think so, but I’d give in a lot sooner than you. I don’t have your kind of willpower. I think Jeremy is way too hot and he’s sexy. In the old days, I would have invited him to my room the first night. I melted when he took those eyeglasses off and placed them on the nightstand next to the dish of condoms during his practical.”

  “I’ll admit the glasses are sexy.” Madison glanced over at Jeremy, again. This time Amy had his ear. “Amy seems to like him.”

  “Like him! She already booked him out for a single his first day off of probation.” Bevy laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Madison cocked her head to the side.

  “He hates all her hair.” Bevy threw back her head in laughter. “She doesn’t groom… at all!” Bevy lost it. Her face scrunched up, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Madison couldn’t help herself; she broke out into laughter until she heard a deep rough voice speaking. Madison looked up as she blotted the corner of her eyes.

  “Jeremy, how are you tonight?” Bevy asked.

  “I’m doing well.” Jeremy glanced at Madison. “How are you ladies this evening?”

  “I’m doing well, Jeremy." Bevy watched as Jeremy stared at Madison. "Are you enjoying yourself so far?” She asked

  “I am. Everyone has been great in making me feel welcomed and my first night in the viewing rooms was better than I could have imagined.” Jeremy finally broke eye contact with Madison and glanced at Bevy as he responded. Madison appreciated the reprieve and focused her attention on the table.

  “I’m not surprised. I hire only the best.” Bevy boasted.

  “That’s what I’ve noticed.” Jeremy agreed.

  “It only gets better,” Bevy added.

  Jeremy redirected his attention towards Madison. “I’m sure. I was wondering, Madison, if you’d like to have a drink with me before the evening is over?”

  “That’s very sweet, Jeremy, but I’m going to have dinner with Bevy, and then I have plans for the rest of the night but definitely another time.”

  “Okay then, another time. Enjoy your meal.” Jeremy looked at Madison and then to Bevy. He walked away not feeling defeated at all. Jeremy had a suspicion that Madison wasn’t going to be easy and he wouldn’t want it any other way. He was surprised how little she added to the conversation. Michael might have been correct. Maybe, Madison was a snob.

  About an hour and a half later, Madison stood from the table, as Bevy remained seated. Jeremy watched as she sashayed through the restaurant towards the French doors that led to the foyer. He noticed she eyed up Donnie and Dan and then right after she walked out, Donnie and Dan stood to leave. Pete sat next to Jeremy at the bar. “Where are they going?” Jeremy asked Pete as he nodded towards the two guys walking out of the restaurant.

  “They’re with Madison tonight.”

  “But I thought that part of the evening doesn’t begin for another hour.” Jeremy glanced down at his watch.

  “There are no rules for Madison,” Pete explained then took a swig of his beer.

  Jeremy hated to admit it, but he felt a pang of jealousy that Donnie and Dan got chosen for the night. It was a good and bad thing that the guys were not permitted to talk specifically about what individual members liked to do sexually. Good, because Jeremy didn’t want to hear about their night with Madison tomorrow over breakfast, and bad because Jeremy wanted to hear everything about their night with Madison. He wanted to know what she liked, what she didn’t like, how she purred when being touched, he wanted to know all of it. He only hoped that he’d get a chance to find out all those things on his own.


  The week of viewing room ended, and the real deal was about to begin. Jeremy watched enough men and women having sex in the past five days to realize he’d have no problem performing his various job duties. The variety of sexual acts he witnessed, he felt certain he could handle.

  He hadn’t seen much of Madison the rest of the weekend, and then he had his days off, so he went off the mansion grounds and stayed with Claire and her girlfriend for two days. He welcomed the time away to be with his friends before his new job officially started.

  It was Wednesday night of Jeremy’s second week at RAW. Tonight Jeremy became an active participant, and it was also the beginning of opportunity, the opportunity of being booked with Madison.

  Most of the women arrived Wednesday afternoons to settle into their long weekends but it wasn’t some mandatory rule. RAW was like a resort hotel with obvious exceptions. The women could check in whenever they liked during their weekend, but when they booked their weekends out the time allotted for them was Wednesday evening to Sunday afternoon.

  As Jeremy walked the mansion he hopped to catch a glimpse of Madison. From the library he watched as the ladies pulled up to valet and concierge escorted them in but there was no sign of Madison.

  He assumed he’d see her in the restaurant that evening but was disappointed when the ten o’clock hour approached and she never showed. Will greeted him at the bar. “You ready, man?” Will asked, as he landed his hand on Jeremy’s shoulder. “Your first night in a group.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready. Room Eight, right?”

  “Yeah man. This room is one of my favorites.” Will tightened his grip on Jeremy’s shoulder.

  “How many of us are going in?”


  “Which one is she?” Jeremy looked out into the restaurant.

  “Don’t look over but she’s on your right, three tables away. She’s got the long blonde hair and the big tits.”

  Jeremy casually scanned the restaurant as he caught a glimpse of her. “Pretty girl.”

  “And she likes it rough and dirty. It’ll be a good time.”

  Jeremy had no doubt it would be, but his head was not in it as he wondered about Madison. Jeremy was polite; he could make any girl feel like she was the one and only he wanted and needed, so despite his head not
being in the game, the girl would never know. He stood up from the bar and followed the rest of the guys out of the restaurant and headed up to Room Eight where they prepared to rock Andrea’s world.

  Jeremy got through his first weekend at RAW. It surprised him how open and honest the members and the Essentials were with each other. The time spent together was not just about having sex. Real friendships existed and after only his second week Jeremy felt the camaraderie that existed.


  Jeremy’s first month at the mansion was a success. Not only did he have an impressive first month’s check, but also he had a great time while he was making money. He still hadn’t run into Madison since his first week there. She was nowhere to be seen and Bevy ate dinner with her boyfriend, Bill or she joined other members at their tables.

  It wasn’t until his fifth week at RAW that Jeremy watched from the library as the concierge brought her bag out to her Mercedes. Madison drove a diamond white metallic AMG S65 Coupe. Jeremy loved cars, and he knew that car carried a price tag of over two hundred thousand dollars. He wondered how she footed the bill, possibly Madison was married.

  Many of the married members didn’t hide the fact that they were indeed married. They continued to wear their rings around the mansion and openly talk about their husbands and children. RAW was a haven for them to express themselves however they needed and judgments were not permitted. But Madison didn’t wear a ring, and Jeremy wondered if she had a sugar daddy footing the bill. The car, her membership as an exclusive, her clothes, her hair and that body all took big bucks to maintenance. The thought of Madison going home to some old man and having to go down on his shriveled up little penis twisted Jeremy’s head.

  He wanted to ask the guys questions, but showing interest in one member over the others was a strict rule in the RAW handbook. Jeremy had to extract information as time went on without causing suspicion. He remembered Michael mentioning that Madison was a divorce attorney, so maybe she footed the bill for herself. If she did the woman had to make sick money based on what Jeremy noticed so far.

  When the weekend began, Jeremy hoped when the schedule came out that Madison was on his list but he found out quickly that an Exclusive member never had to book her men in advance. Madison had a private room set for every possible sexual experience, so there was no need to hold a room for her unlike the other members who had to book a sex room at the time they booked their weekend.

  He investigated further and found out that the others Essentials were not booked with Madison for the weekend either.

  So when Jeremy watched Madison drive off, he questioned what she did the whole weekend at the mansion. Did she stay in her room the whole weekend? Where did she eat? Why did no one run into her? Either way Jeremy knew he was forced to wait to see her when she next visited the mansion. The one positive note was Madison and Bevy were good friends, and the guys mentioned Madison stopped in often because of their friendship.


  Two weeks later, Jeremy lounged near the pool reading a book when the outside employee phone rang. Jeremy looked around before he stood. He was alone, so he shoved his bookmarker in place and trotted towards the phone. “Jeremy speaking.”

  “Oh, Jeremy, finally I got somebody on the phone.” Bevy huffed. “I’m glad it’s you who picked up.”

  “Bevy, is everything okay? You sound frantic.”

  “I know you told me your father’s a plumber, and that you picked up some of his skills.”

  “Yes, why?”

  “I need you to go to Madison’s room. She slipped in the shower, and when she tried to catch herself, she took out the faucet.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She thinks she sprained her foot, but she sounded fine. But listen carefully, Madison keeps her life private and hates to be fussed over so don’t say anything to the others. She may need your help, and then I need you to turn off the main water valve for her room and assess the damage for me.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll go now.”

  “Thank you, Jeremy. I won’t be back to the mansion for another four hours, so if you can get things under control as much as possible I appreciate it, and then I’ll call a plumber in to fix the faucet.”

  “Bevy, I can fix it. Plumbing is how I supported myself before I came here.”

  “Oh, wonderful! And please remember to be as discreet as possible. Madison has a few issues, and something like this could push her over the edge.”


  “Just be gentle with her.” Bevy left it at that.

  Bevy gave Jeremy specific instructions to get to Madison’s room. She repeated twice that the door marked private was Madison’s bedroom, and he was to open no other doors in that area of the mansion.

  Jeremy hung up, searched out some tools from one of the storage closets, and made his way over to Madison. It was a long walk to her room on the other side of the Mansion. No one ever visited that side of the mansion. It was closed off to anyone not invited into her space. The guys that frequented her room talked about how nice it was and how it had all the amenities, but they never got into specifics, so Jeremy had no idea what to expect.

  He knocked on the door and listened for her response. He heard nothing, opened the door a sliver and called out for her. “Madison, it’s Jeremy. Bevy called me to help.”

  Still no answer. Jeremy walked further into her bedroom and towards the slightly closed door, which Jeremy assumed, was her bathroom. He knocked as he pushed the door open a few inches, and Madison responded.

  “Oh thank God you’re here, Michael.”

  Jeremy opened the door all the way, “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Bevy sent me.” Jeremy looked down at a naked Madison sitting on the tile floor her legs stretched out in front of her with her back leaning up against the bathroom cabinet.

  She threw her hands up covering her breasts. “Jeremy, I’m naked.”

  “I can see that.” He placed the toolbox on the floor and knelt in front of Madison. “Your ankle looks bad. It’s going to need to be iced.”

  “I know it hurts.” Madison dropped her hands next to her. What was the point in trying to hide her naked body? She needed Jeremy’s help, so he’d see it all anyway.

  Jeremy swiped his finger along the top of her slick thigh then rubbed his index finger and thumb together. “What’s this?”

  “I was using a scrub on my body when I slipped, and I didn’t get to wash it off.”

  Jeremy took in a deep breath as he assessed the damage. Water gushed out of the shower wall, a large towel sat on the shower floor in a puddle of water, a small teak bench was tossed on its side, and the container of body scrub was flipped upside down. He glanced around the bathroom. In front of the large picture window was a claw footed tub and off to the right was a large sitting area with a couch and two small chairs.

  He looked back down at Madison. “Sweetheart, I’m going to lift you and place you in the tub so I can wash this oily scrub off your body. Wrap your arms around my neck.”

  Madison whimpered as she threw her hands up over her face. “Jeremy, I’m embarrassed. Please don’t say anything to anyone about what happened.”

  “Madison, you slipped. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “You promise you won’t say anything.”

  “Sweetheart, I promise. Now put your hands around my neck.”

  Madison wrapped her arms around his neck as Jeremy slid his hands around her naked oily body. Jeremy lifted her off the floor, carried her across the room, and laid her down in the tub. He turned on the water and fiddled with the faucets until he got the right temperature then he plugged the tub. With his hands, he rubbed the salt and oil from her skin. Madison watched as he slid his hands over her thighs and down her calves.

  “Do you have a washcloth?” Jeremy asked.

  Madison pointed to the closet in her bathroom.

  Jeremy stood and dried his hands on his shirt. He retrieved a washcloth and towel from the l
arge linen closet. He came back and knelt at the side of the tub and began washing her body of all the oily scrub. “Lean forward, please.”

  Madison sat forward as Jeremy held her shoulder and glided the washcloth down her entire back then he came around the side of her body. Madison leaned back on the tub as Jeremy glided the washcloth across her breasts and under them then down her stomach and back up repeating the path over again. Madison watched Jeremy’s face as he glided the washcloth across her skin. He stared at her body as he moved across her breasts but he never flinched, not even as her hardened nipples moved under the palm of his hand.

  When he finished, he wrung out the washcloth and drained the water from the tub. Madison sat helpless, naked, and utterly turned on by this man. The tenderness he showed in everything he did was unexpected and different. Madison was unaccustomed to such kindness from a man.

  Jeremy grabbed the towel and leaned over the tub and patted Madison’s skin dry. When he finished, he tossed the towel over the edge of the tub. “Madison, hold onto to me, I’m going to lift you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as Jeremy lifted her naked body from the tub. He bent at the knees with her in his arms. “Sweetheart, grab the towel.”

  Madison lifted the towel from the side of the tub and threw it over his shoulder.

  He carried her out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. He stood next to her bed. “Sweetheart, throw the towel on the bed.”

  Madison dropped the towel on the bed as neatly as possible, and Jeremy settled her on top of it. “Lean to one side.” Jeremy nudged her hip in the direction he wanted her to move.

  Madison shifted onto her forearm while Jeremy dried her bum and the back of her leg. “Lean this way.” He tugged on her other hip pulling the front of her body towards his.

  Madison leaned to the side facing Jeremy. He leaned over her and dried her bum and the back of her leg on that side. “Roll over a little more while I pull the towel from under you.” To get leverage Madison gripped the blanket beneath her with one hand and with the other she grabbed the inside of Jeremy’s leg. She felt Jeremy’s hand on her lower back as she rolled towards him then he shimmied the towel from underneath her body.


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