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Raw: Book 1

Page 6

by Michelle Maris

  Jeremy dropped the towel on the floor and then propped pillows behind Madison and placed two under her leg to elevate it. “What can I dress you in?”

  “Can you get my pajamas?" Madison pointed to her closet. “When you walk in the closet there in the top drawer of the cabinet to the left.”

  Jeremy’s mouth dropped open when he saw the inside of her closet. It was a massive space filled with a lot of clothes. One would think Madison lived in the mansion by the amount of clothes, shoes, and bags she kept in this closet. RAW was supposed to be her home away from home on the weekends, but from the looks of everything so far, Jeremy suspected she lived in this space more than anyone realized.

  He opened the cabinet and pulled out the drawer. “You want the white short and top set?” He yelled out.

  “Yes, please.”

  Jeremy walked out carrying Madison’s little pajama set in his big hands. He stood at the side of the bed and looked down at Madison’s naked body one last time. Madison looked back at him and smiled. For a hot minute, all shame and embarrassment left her, and she enjoyed Jeremy gazing over her body. “I bet you never expected to be helping a member in this capacity. Not very sexy.”

  Tell my erection that, Jeremy thought to himself. “Lift your arms.”

  Madison raised her arms and Jeremy slid the tank top over her head and down her body. He carefully placed her swollen foot through the leg of her shorts and did the same with the other side. He guided them up her legs.

  He leaned over her. “Put your arms around my neck and lift yourself.”

  “Will I hurt you?”

  “My shoulders can take it.” He assured her.

  Madison slid her arms around his neck and lifted her bum while Jeremy slid the shorts under her. They were cheek to cheek, and she noticed his scent first. Madison inhaled a spicy clean scent. She wanted to nuzzle her nose right behind his ear. His skin was warm and soft, and the closeness sent a chill coursing through her body.

  Jeremy slid his hands over Madison’s arms causing her to drop them away from his body reluctantly. He sat next to her, his arm crossing over her thighs as he rested the palm of his hand down on the bed. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get you ice for that foot and then I need to work on that shower. Do you want me to bring anything back?"

  “Not right now, but I may need your help later if it’s no problem.”

  “It’s no problem. I won’t be long.” He patted the outside of Madison’s thigh.

  As Jeremy turned to leave, Madison called him back. “Jeremy, thank you.”

  “I’m happy to help.” He gave a small wink then left her.

  Fifteen minutes later, Jeremy returned with an ice pack. “Madison, I called my friend who’s an Orthopedic doctor. I’m going to take you to see him this afternoon.”

  “I’m fine. There’s no need to see a doctor.”

  “Madison, there is, and I’m not letting you have a say in this.”

  Madison’s jaw dropped open, as she was unaccustomed to anyone, especially a man telling her what to do but she had no choice, the pain in her foot reminded her that she was at his mercy.

  Jeremy positioned the ice pack over her ankle, stood and walked over to the bookcase on the far wall. He grabbed a book out without even looking at the title, walked back next to Madison’s bed and dropped the book next to her.

  “I’m going to fix your shower, yell if you need me.”

  “Can you hand me my cell?” Madison pointed to her dresser across the room.

  “Are you going to call Bevy and berate her for sending me instead of Michael?” Jeremy tossed Madison’s cell on the bed next to the book.

  “No, Jeremy, I’m not an ungrateful bitch. I’m thankful you’re here. I’m going to call her to remind her that you and she are the only two people I want knowing about my mishap.”

  “Why are you so worried about people knowing you slipped? Accidents happen, it’s not a big deal, Madison.”

  “I don’t want the added attention.”

  Jeremy nodded then walked into the bathroom. A half-hour later Jeremy heard Madison calling for him.

  “You need me?” Jeremy walked out wearing only his basketball shorts. His hair was wet, and water droplets trailed down his bare chest.

  Madison stuttered as she tried to answer him, “I… I, um, I need to pee. I’m sorry, I know you’re busy, but I can’t hold it.”

  Jeremy chuckled. Madison looked like a little girl asking to use the bathroom. He walked over to the bed and removed the ice pack off Madison’s ankle. He grabbed the towel he used earlier to dry Madison off and wiped down the front of his body then pointed to her foot. “It’s very swollen; you may have fractured the bone.”

  “Unfortunately, I think you’re right.” Madison slid her arms around Jeremy’s neck as he lifted her from the bed. He brought her into the bathroom near the toilet and told her to stand on her good foot while she continued to hold on to his shoulders.

  “I’m going to scoot your shorts down and then lower you onto the toilet.”

  “This is embarrassing,” Madison mumbled.

  “Sweetheart, it’s just me, don’t feel embarrassed.” Jeremy whispered as he slid his hands under Madison’s shorts and scooted them down her thighs. He lowered her onto the toilet, but before he could step away to give her privacy, he heard Madison peeing.

  “I’m sorry. I had to go so badly that once I was in position, I couldn’t hold it.” Madison leaned her elbows on her knees and rested her head in her hands as she finished peeing. “I never peed in front of anyone before. I didn’t think I could.”

  Jeremy smiled and turned his back to give her privacy. “I was going to step out but what’s the point, now.”

  Jeremy heard the toilet paper roll spin and the toilet flush.

  “Will you help me wash my hands?” Madison asked.

  Jeremy bent down in front of Madison. She slid her arms around his neck and rested her forearms on his shoulders. Madison stood on her good foot while he pulled up her shorts. He then stood up enough to slide his shoulder under hers and help her hop over to the sink.

  When Madison finished washing her hands, Jeremy swept her up in his arms and carried her back to bed. “Give me a few minutes to finish up in the bathroom and then we’ll get you dressed for your doctor’s appointment.”

  Jeremy cleaned up in the bathroom and himself. When he walked out into Madison’s bedroom, he found her asleep. He sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her shoulder, “Madison,” he whispered. “Sweetheart, we need to get going.”

  Madison opened her eyes as a sleepy smile gathered at the corners of her mouth. “I dozed off.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry to wake you, but I need to dress you and then find a way to get you out to my car without anyone seeing you.”

  “No worries, we’ll take my car. It’s parked down below in the garage. I have a private entrance.”

  Jeremy thought that odd. Madison had a private entrance, yet he saw her leave out front on that Sunday. He wondered just how often she was here, and didn’t see her. When Michael said that Madison was always here, he didn't know how true that statement was.

  “What do you want to wear?” He stood from her bed.

  ”Inside the closet, all the way to the back on the left are dresses that are easy to get on and off. Pick one and my underwear and bras are in the center cabinet, top drawer.”

  Jeremy shuffled through the row of dresses and settled on a cotton green little number. He then searched through Madison’s lingerie. She had draws filled with sexy and expensive lace and silk lingerie. He chose a sheer black set then closed up the draws. He grabbed a pair of Tory Birch flip-flops and walked out of the closet.

  He dropped the outfit on the bed, lifted Madison and positioned her on the edge. Jeremy sat on his knees on the floor and shimmied the sheer lace panties up her legs. Madison stood on her one foot and held onto Jeremy’s shoulders for support. He scooted the panties over her bum then tapped her ass with his ha
nds when he finished, “All set.”

  Madison flopped back on her behind as Jeremy held Madison’s bra. It dangled on his finger in front of her. “Do you need my help putting this on?”

  Madison ripped it off his finger, “No, I can manage.”

  “Most women would have said yes.”

  “I’m not most women.” Madison slipped the straps over her arms and before she could fasten it in the back. Jeremy stood close to her, reached his hands behind her and hooked her bra. Madison noticed the bulge in his pants and swallowed hard.

  “You are not like any woman I’ve ever met,” Jeremy said, as he inhaled her scent and absorbed the heat coming off her skin.

  Madison ignored his comment and adjusted her breasts in the cups of her bra as Jeremy picked up her dress. She wanted to tell him he was like no other man she ever met, but instead, she said nothing, lifted her arms and Jeremy slid the dress over her head.

  Jeremy stepped back to get the full view. “Very pretty.”

  “Thank you.” Madison broke all eye contact and focused on her swollen foot. “I’ll need my bag and my car keys.”

  Jeremy looked around the room. “Where are they?”

  Madison let out a deep sigh. “Jeremy, you are going to see something, and I don’t want you to ask me any questions about it. My keys and bag are through that door.” Madison pointed to the door down a short hallway off the backside of her bedroom. “You’ll see my bag and keys on the counter.”

  Jeremy cocked his head at her and raised his eyebrow. He walked towards the door and looked back at Madison one last time before opening it. “Are you sure?”

  Madison nodded her head. Jeremy knew what he’d find behind the door. He suspected it the second he walked into her bedroom. Madison lived here at the mansion, and though he wouldn’t ask her any questions and he knew Madison wouldn’t offer any information, he also suspected Madison was the sixty percent partner.

  He opened the door and walked into a beautiful space. It was Madison’s private apartment. An open layout, expertly decorated in soft colors of cream, gray, and blue. A full gourmet kitchen with a balcony wrapping around the entire length of her space. Floor to ceiling windows looked out onto an infinity pool and a magnificent view of the grounds. Jeremy knew of no other place in the Mansion that had this extraordinary view.

  He noticed her keys and her clutch were where she said they’d be. He grabbed them and walked back to the bedroom. As she requested, Jeremy asked no questions.

  “Jeremy, there’s an elevator at the back of the kitchen that takes us down to the garage.”

  Jeremy handed the keys and bag to Madison then lifted her from the bed. They walked out into the apartment and Madison pointed to a door back off the kitchen.

  She pressed the button as Jeremy stared at her. “Please, don’t look at me that way.”

  “Which way are you referring?” Jeremy cocked his brow at her.

  “Jeremy, you get one question, one question only and then we don’t speak of this again, please.”

  The elevator doors opened, and Jeremy carried Madison into the mirrored space. “One question.” He repeated.

  “Make it a good one because I won’t offer this again.”

  Jeremy thought about what she just said. He didn’t need to ask any of the questions Madison thought he’d ask. He already knew the answer to those questions. He was aware that Madison lived here full time and he assumed she was the sixty percent owner. There was no doubt in his mind. There was only one question he wanted answered.

  The elevator doors opened, and Jeremy stepped out. There parked in the garage was the Mercedes Madison drove off in the weekend he watched her from the window.

  “So are you going to ask me a question?” Madison hit the button on her key fob.

  Jeremy walked around to the passenger side. “Can you grab that?” He leaned in so Madison could reach the door handle.

  She opened the door and Jeremy carefully lowered Madison in the seat. He lifted her legs and swung them around then fastened her seatbelt across her lap. He closed the door as he heard her say, “Well?”

  He slid into the driver's side at the same time pushing back the seat using the button on the side. As the seat motored back, Madison watched and waited for him to ask the big question. He fastened his belt, hit the button for the garage door, turned on the ignition, and then looked at Madison.

  “I get one question, so I’m going to ask the only one I care about.” Jeremy dropped his hand on Madison’s arm resting on the console.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Did you like when I kissed you?”

  Madison’s mouth dropped open. Jeremy tapped under her chin to close it.

  Madison hesitated, looked forward then back at him. “Yes.”

  “Good, that’s all I wanted to know.” Jeremy looked back, placed the car in reverse and slowly pulled out.

  Three hours later Jeremy carried Madison up to her apartment. “Bed or couch.”

  “Bed. I’m exhausted.” Madison rested her head on Jeremy’s shoulder as he carried her through her apartment and into her bedroom.

  Madison did indeed fracture her ankle. It was a clean break in only one bone, and the ankle was stable, so the doctor put a short leg cast on her, no weight on it for a month to six weeks, and she needed to go back for checkups with X-rays to make sure nothing shifted.

  Jeremy placed Madison on the edge of her bed, undressed her and put her back in her pajamas. He lifted and placed her in the center of her bed, put a pillow under her foot and covered her with the blankets. He brushed her hair from her face with his hand and leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Do you need anything else?” Jeremy asked as he placed her cell next to her.

  “No, but thank you for everything.” Madison looked up at him.

  “You’re welcome. I’m going to run down to the car and get your crutches.”

  “Thank you and when you come back can you bring me a glass of water and the briefcase on the chair in the kitchen, please?”

  Jeremy nodded and smiled.

  A few minutes later, Jeremy came back in the room. Madison had dozed off. He set Madison’s crutches down on the bed next to her then he placed the glass of water on the nightstand next to her bed and the briefcase on the floor in arms reach.

  Madison opened her eyes as Jeremy walked towards the door he walked in before this whole day began.

  “Jeremy,” Madison called out to him.

  “Yes, Madison.” Jeremy turned around and took a few steps closer.

  “Will you check on me later?”

  Jeremy walked back to Madison's bed. He handed Madison her cell. “Program my number into your phone and text me if you need anything.”

  Jeremy recited his number as Madison added him to her contacts. “But will you still visit me later without me texting you.”

  Jeremy bit down on his lower lip and squinted his eyes. “You can ask for help Madison.” He knew it would take a lot for Madison to ask for help, so he thought it unlikely that she’d text him.

  “I don’t want to take up to much of your time.”

  “The ladies booked me this evening, but I’ll stop by beforehand.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be alone here; No one but Bevy, and now, you know about this room.”

  Now that surprised Jeremy. “You don’t use this room when you invite the men here?” Jeremy pointed at the floor.

  “No, this is my private bedroom, and I’d like to keep it that way. You’re the first man to be in this room and my apartment.”

  “Really?” Jeremy nodded as he looked around the space one more time. What he learned about Madison today shocked him and intrigued him all the same. He wanted to know more, and though it was fortunate that he picked up the phone today when Bevy called, he knew it would take a lot more to get Madison to open up to him. “I’ll be back later, but text me if you need me. I mean it.”

  “I will. I’ll see you later.” Madison sank lower in her bed. “Oh, and Je
remy when you come back would you mind helping me do a few of the basics to get ready for bed.”

  “Yes and if you need me to come back at the end of my night, I will.”

  Madison smiled, rested her head into the pillow, and closed her eyes.

  Jeremy had taken one last look before he left. Madison looked different in bed under the covers with her eyes closed. She looked vulnerable. Jeremy liked her that way, and he had a feeling that the Madison who strutted through the restaurant making no eye contact with anyone was an act she put on in front of people but behind closed doors, Madison might be very different, and Jeremy was determined to know that side of Madison.

  Chapter 5

  Jeremy had tapped on the door before he entered. Madison was in bed where he left her earlier except now she was surrounded by papers.

  “What’s all this?” He asked as he took in the mess of papers and files spread out on her bed.

  “Work. What’s that?” Madison pointed to the bag in Jeremy’s hand.

  “Dinner. I had Mason wrap it up for me to go.”

  “He didn’t ask where you were taking it?”

  “Nah, he didn’t care. Let me carry you out to the kitchen.”

  “Can you help me into the bathroom first?”

  Jeremy removed his blazer and lifted Madison off the bed. Madison unconsciously nuzzled her nose into his neck. “You smell good, and you look very nice. Your date will be happy.”

  “I try.” When Jeremy dressed this evening he wasn’t thinking about his date, he thought only of Madison.

  While Madison used the bathroom, Jeremy brought the food out to the kitchen. He opened all the cabinets until he found plates and silverware. Jeremy ordered two of the same meals. He told Mason he was having a quiet dinner with a friend and Mason didn’t question him.

  When he finished in the kitchen, Jeremy walked back into the bathroom. Madison managed to lift herself off the toilet and leaned on the countertop in front of the sink when he walked in. “I’m starving.” She said when he entered.


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