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Raw: Book 1

Page 12

by Michelle Maris

“What do you think you're doing?” Madison felt like a rag doll as she toppled into his rock hard chest. “You better not try and kiss me with her stuff all over your face.” She circled her finger around in the air pointing to his face.

  He didn’t answer her. Instead, he pressed his body against hers as he pushed her up against the shelves filled with neatly folded towels. He got down on his knees, scooted her skirt above her hips, pulled down her panties, pushed her legs apart, and feasted on her pussy.

  Madison didn’t fight him this time. The throbbing she felt between her legs was too much for her to handle. She needed Jeremy and his skilled tongue to take care of her tonight. She gripped onto his shoulders, hoping her legs wouldn’t give out as Jeremy tongue lashed her wet folds and sucked on her clit. He trailed his hands up and down her thighs as he continued feasting. Madison heard his moans and hers melding together creating the most beautiful sound.

  Jeremy lifted her leg and placed it over his shoulder as he further separated her lips sweeping his tongue over the length of her seam then sucking her clit.

  Madison’s body began to gyrate as Jeremy grabbed onto her hips helping to steady her. He slipped two fingers inside of her and pumped in and out of the warm flesh. Madison’s orgasm soared through her body. She yelled out his name, her leg slipped off his shoulder as she fell into his strong arms resting her head on his chest.

  He held her, rocking her gently until her body relaxed. “Madison, my love, I need to get back to my date. I’m sorry I have to leave you like this.” Jeremy grabbed a pile of towels off the shelf behind Madison and dropped them on the floor. He pulled her panties up, adjusted her skirt back down, and then gently placed her back on the towels. He stood, kissed the top of her head and left Madison there alone.

  She stared at the closed door as she took in the magnitude of that man. Madison kicked him out of her bedroom without giving him a reason after he spent weeks helping her recover. Next, she humiliated him by kicking him out of her bedroom in front of his friends, and she spent months avoiding and ignoring him after he did nothing but show her kindness. He should be furious with her, but instead, he somehow made her feel… loved.

  Madison dragged herself up from the pile of towels and crept towards the door. She opened it a sliver and peeked out. She peered left then right. Once she established no one lingered in the hallway, she snuck out and hurried back to her room.

  She flopped down on her bed staring up at the ceiling as images of the evening flooded her mind. She huffed as Jeremy’s voice repeated in her head. Words like sweetheart, baby, and my love lingered in her mind. Words he used when he referred to Madison while he cared for her. Words she liked hearing until tonight when he called the Buxom Blonde those same words.

  She jack-knifed from the bed and stormed into the bathroom. She was going to take a bath until she looked around and everything in there reminded her of Jeremy. She whirled around, grabbed her comforter from her bed and stomped out into the living room. Tonight she’d sleep on the couch, the only place in her home that didn’t remind her of Jeremy.

  Chapter 9

  “Alright, guys quiet down. I’m sending a hand out around the room, everyone take one and pass it on. Bevy will come in and discuss the Gala, which takes place in two weeks.” Michael handed the stack of papers to Anthony to pass around. “Save any questions you have for Bevy. The only thing I need to tell you is that you will need to wear a Tuxedo. The Gala is a black-tie affair. Anyone here last year should already have a tux. Anyone new, please see me after. We have a guy that hooks us up.”

  Bevy invited the entire staff to the Gala; even the secondary staff members, so that meant even the guys who cleaned the floors were expected to be there. Bevy held the Gala every year in September to mark the anniversary of RAW’s opening. It was a big deal, and Bevy invited anyone who mattered to her plus anyone who begged for an invite.

  It was the only party not exclusive to the members. Bevy maintained the member's privacy during the event. No one was allowed to speak about who was a member and who wasn’t. Bevy had such a diverse guest list of over three hundred people that one could only assume who was a member and no one ever assumed correctly.

  Bevy entered the restaurant, and all conversation stopped.

  “Good afternoon, gentleman.” She stood in front of the main bar holding papers in her hand. “I hope by now you all received the list of rules for our upcoming Gala. The next three weeks will go by quickly, and there will be a lot of people walking in and out of the mansion during the days. I ask that you help them all and if you see anything that needs attention, please bring it to my attention. I want you to read these rules carefully and commit them to memory. I want no mishaps. All sex rooms are closed off for the evening, except at two in the morning the communal room opens for the members only. The non-member guests will be escorted out by two-thirty. I expect you all to be on your best behavior. It’s always a beautiful night, and everyone enjoys themselves. Does anyone have any questions?”

  “How should we act around the members in front of non-members?” Eric yelled out.

  “You do not show anyone preferential treatment during the Gala. The members keep things low key. You will find the women that are non-members are going to act like kids in a candy store when they see all of you beautiful men. Let them! We always get a few more memberships out the evening.” Bevy looked around. “Any other questions?”

  There was silence. “Okay then, I expect everyone to pitch in if needed and I appreciate you all. Oh and I almost forgot, you need to wear a tuxedo.”

  “I already told them to see me if they don’t have one,” Michael added.

  “Wonderful, and if any of the secondary staff can’t afford to buy a tux see me in my office later. I know many of you have families to support, but I want you all to be there, so I will pay for your tux. As for all the Essential employees, you have no excuse; you can afford it.”


  Jeremy and Mason sat at the bar happy to be away from the mansion for the day. Bevy was up everyone’s ass for the past two and a half weeks, and finally, the end was near. The Gala was Saturday night, and the staff finished most of the work.

  “You played a good game today,” Jeremy said to Mason. “What did you finish at?”

  “Eighty-seven but you still beat me,” Mason grumbled as he took a sip of his vodka martini.

  “Yeah, but you’re new to the game, I’ve been playing for years. I should be better considering how long I’ve been playing.” Jeremy moved his drink out of the way when the bartender came over with their meals.

  “I’m starving. I’m glad we decided to eat here rather than go back to the mansion.”

  “Tell me about it; Bevy’s been a tyrant these couple of weeks.” Jeremy picked up his chicken sandwich and bit into it.

  “Yeah, but wait until you see the finished product. The Gala is a big deal and people look forward to it all year.”

  “I can’t wait to see Madison dressed up.” Jeremy hadn’t spoken to Madison since that night in the storage closet. She had his head spinning, but for some reason, he didn’t mind it. He was a patient man, and he’d wait for her to come around.

  “I never see…” A guy approaching the bar interrupted Mason.

  “Jeremy Turner, I haven’t seen you in years.”

  Jeremy turned around and stood up from the bar. “Alan, it’s good to see you.” They shook hands and one-arm hugged each other. “What are you doing in this part of town?”

  “I’m meeting someone for lunch.” Alan glanced around the restaurant.

  “How are Kathy and your baby?” Jeremy remembers getting a card in the mail announcing the birth of their first daughter.

  “Kathy’s doing well, and Jillian is growing up way too fast. She’s only two, but I think she has her first date next week.”

  Jeremy laughed, “That’s awesome man, I’m happy for you.” Jeremy turned to Mason. “Hey, this is my good friend Mason. We just finished eighteen holes.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Alan and Mason shook hands then Alan turned to Jeremy. “Listen, I want to warn you before my date arrives.”

  “Your date?”

  “Yeah, you know ever since Kathy had the baby, she’s not into me, anymore, so I started dating, you know nothing serious, just sex. The girl I’m meeting today is hot. I met her at a business dinner I attended with a friend but today’s our first date.”

  “I’m assuming Kathy has no clue.” Jeremy’s opinion of Alan dropped.

  “No way, she’d divorce me and take all my money if she suspected even the slightest thing going on.”

  Before Jeremy could respond Madison walked into the restaurant, and a sick feeling surfaced in his gut. “I think your date just walked in,” Jeremy said to Alan as he nodded towards the front of the restaurant.

  Alan whipped around, “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “Just a wild guess,” Jeremy replied as Madison’s expression screamed shock.

  “It was good seeing you. Call me. We should get together for a game of golf.” Alan patted Jeremy on the shoulder.

  Jeremy didn’t respond. Mason shook Alan’s hand, and Alan left them to greet his date, Madison.

  “You want to take this to go?” Mason suggested as he tried to pull Jeremy’s attention away from the scene playing out in front of them.

  “Do you think she knows he’s married?” Jeremy asked.

  “Probably not.”

  Madison and Alan followed the hostess to a table for two along the wall to the right of where Jeremy sat. He had a perfect view of Madison over Mason’s head. “No, we’re staying, and if he gets up, I’m going over there to talk to her.” Jeremy sat back down on the barstool.

  “You’ll be breaking the rules.” Mason pointed out.

  “What’s one more? I’ve broken so many rules, and Bevy has yet to fire me.” Jeremy picked up his chicken sandwich.

  Mason chuckled. “That’s because the ladies love you.”

  “Whatever the reason, I’m still there, and I need to warn Madison before she sleeps with that scumbag.”

  “I hate to play devil’s advocate but don’t you sound hypocritical? You sleep with married women all the time.”

  “Yes, but it’s all out in the open, and no one is misleading anyone.”

  “And their husbands?” Mason added.

  “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” Jeremy paused, “I wouldn’t tell Alan’s wife, but Madison has a right to know, in case, she thinks their date is something more.”

  “And because you’re jealous and you don’t want any other man to have her.”

  Jeremy picked up his drink, “Yeah, that too.”

  “You’re the fucking best, man. You don’t even try to deny it.” Mason laughed and almost choked on his food.

  Madison’s heart raced as the hostess seated them. She could feel Jeremy’s eyes on her, and for some odd reason, she felt like she got caught cheating on him. She hated herself, she was becoming weak to this man, and now, Madison felt guilty that Jeremy watched as she had lunch with another man.

  “You know that guy at the bar?” She asked Alan just as they sat down.

  “Yeah, we grew up in the same town, went to the same high school. Jeremy's a great guy. In school everyone loved Jeremy, especially the girls.” Alan opened the menu the hostess handed him. “When he saw you walk in he knew you were my date. I guess me must look like a good match.”

  Madison huffed but decided not to comment. Madison and Alan met a few months ago. Madison’s client brought Alan along on their business dinner. At the time she said yes to the date she was in a vulnerable place because it was right after Jeremy nursed her back to health. She and Alan were only getting together now because Alan kept canceling. He traveled for work, and his schedule kept changing, or at least that’s what he told Madison.

  At this point, Madison didn’t want to go on this date, but in an attempt to get Jeremy off her mind she didn’t cancel but then the universe had to go and screw that up and now she had a date with a man she had no interest in while the man she wanted, watched.

  Madison and Alan ordered their food. At this point, she wanted to get this date over with as quickly as possible. Thankfully, Alan dominated the conversation talking about himself so Madison could sit and nod without saying much of anything.

  Jeremy and Mason finished their meals and sat at the bar with drinks in front of them while they stared up at the televisions hanging over the bar. They conversed little with each other, and ever so often Jeremy glanced over Mason’s head to look at Madison.

  Madison finished her lunch and excused herself. From his peripheral vision, Jeremy caught her standing. Madison walked past the bar on her way to the ladies room. Jeremy and Mason remained sitting facing forward, but Jeremy caught her reflection walking behind him in the mirrored wall behind the bar. “Mason, I’ll be right back.”

  “You know this will get you kicked out for sure.” Mason reminded him.

  “Maybe, I’ll take my chances.” Jeremy had looked at the back of Alan’s head before he stood up. He made his way downstairs and waited outside the bathroom door.

  When she finished, Madison opened the door and jumped as Jeremy pushed her back into the bathroom.

  “Jeremy, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Madison, Alan’s married. His wife’s name is Kathy, and he has a two-year-old daughter named Jillian.”

  Madison never suspected Alan to be married and honestly, she didn’t care. She knew this was their first and last date, but she wasn’t going to share this information with Jeremy.

  “You didn’t know?” Jeremy asked though he could see it all over her face.

  “No, I didn’t” Madison took in a deep breath. “Jeremy. Let me go. You are not allowed to approach me outside of the mansion.”

  “I know I’m breaking a rule and it’s not the only one I’ll be breaking today.”

  “What do you mean?” Madison’s heart raced.

  Jeremy unbuttoned Madison’s blouse and lifted her breast from the lacy cup and covered it with his mouth.

  “Jeremy.” She whispered his name as Jeremy sucked on her nipple. She raked her fingers through his hair and dropped her head back while pleasure surged through her body.

  “Madison, I need you. And I don’t give a fuck about the rules.”

  Madison inhaled a shuddering breath. “What are you going to do?”

  “Madison, are you on birth control?” Jeremy kissed her neck as he kneaded her breast.

  Madison tilted her head back offering more of her skin. “Yes.” She answered then exhaled.

  Jeremy lifted her skirt over her hips, moved her panties aside and slid his fingers inside her. “Madison, I want you all to myself.”

  “I’m all yours.” Madison purred while lost in the sensations coursing through her body.

  Jeremy slipped his fingers out and hastily unbuttoned his pants. He positioned his cock at her opening and growled as he pushed inside her. Jeremy lifted her behind on top of the counter, grabbed her legs and guided them around him. He pounded into Madison as she cried out his name.

  He held the back of her head as he whispered in her ear while he continued his assault. “I hate seeing you with another man. It makes me sick. I want to be the only one allowed to touch you.”

  Madison dragged her fingers through his hair pulling on his strands while pulling him in closer to her. She wanted to tell him that no other man mattered to her. They never made her feel the way Jeremy did. She only wanted Jeremy, but she couldn’t say those words out loud. So she said the only thing she wanted him to know for now, “You’re the first and only man who made me orgasm.” She whispered.

  Jeremy didn’t expect Madison to say anything so when she admitted that it made him want her more. “Come for me, baby.” He pounded inside of her moving his hips slightly to help her orgasm. “Tell me when you’re there.”

  “Almost.” She whispered. “I’m alm
ost there.”

  Jeremy continued pounding into her as his cock rubbed her sweet spot. Madison’s body gyrated, and Jeremy felt her milking his erection. He quickened the pace as he watched Madison lost in her orgasm. He grabbed her tit and massaged it as he thrust deep inside of her. “Madison, I’m going to empty myself inside of you.”

  “I want you to.” Madison held on to Jeremy as his body stiffened and he growled out her name. He dropped his head back and pushed his groin into her hips as his cock pumped out every last drop.

  Jeremy walked out first and when he got back to the bar, Mason shot him a look. “Don’t tell me anything. I don’t want to know how many rules you just broke.”

  Jeremy threw his head back and laughed, “Let’s go. This is on me.” Jeremy waved down the bartender.

  As they walked out, Madison came up from downstairs. They both looked at her but said nothing as she passed.

  Madison returned to the table and apologized for taking so long, “There was a small line at the ladies room. I can’t believe they only have one toilet for the women.”

  “No worries, I had a call come in.”

  “From your wife.”


  “You’re married.”

  “Who told you?” Alan looked back to see if Jeremy was still around.

  “I’m a divorce attorney; you’d be surprised what I can find out.” Madison stood from the table, “Go home to your wife, Alan.”


  Jeremy took his run outside. The mansion had magnificent grounds with access to woods and trails beyond the property. It was a beautiful fall day, and he wanted to burn off steam. He couldn’t stop thinking of Madison on her date with Alan yesterday, and he only hoped Madison didn’t sleep with him.

  He thought he knew Madison, but most of what Jeremy knew were assumptions based on the time he spent with her. Madison didn’t seem like the type of girl that would have an affair with a married man. Jeremy couldn’t see her doing that to another woman.

  He finished his run and walked up the paver driveway. He got closer to the parking lot and noticed Madison’s car parked a few spaces away from the entrance. Madison stepped out and startled when she saw Jeremy.


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