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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

Page 26

by Maya Starling

  “Where are you taking me?” Olivia couldn’t help but be curious.

  Kaden curled his arm around Olivia’s shoulder and tucked her into his side. “I want to be alone with you for a bit. I know it’s selfish but I miss you.” He kissed the side of her head.

  Olivia wrapped her arm around Kaden’s waist. “I do not mind. I wish… I wish it was just you and me for a while, as it was back at the mountain, in the cave. I never thought I would miss that cold, damp hole.”

  Kaden chuckled and brought them to a stop. They were near some sparse trees.

  He tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowed, scanning the swaying shadows. Olivia tried to see what he was seeing, hear what he was hearing. She only noticed that they were quite some distance away from their little camp. Nothing unusual drew her attention. There were only the stars above them, nature around them. A chirp, a hoot, a scuttle.

  She set her eyes on Kaden’s face. Eyebrows burrowed, trying to keep the rest of the world at bay with his frown and glare. His lips formed a tight line. And to Olivia, he was marvelous. She wasn’t afraid of his menacing looks when he was being grave, but found him darkly beautiful instead.

  His darkness didn’t frighten her. It called to the light inside of her, beckoning it to illuminate the shadows within him and chase them away.

  Olivia ran a light finger over his lips, coaxing his attention back to her. The glint in his eyes changed to one of hunger. Olivia was sure the same was reflected in her own. She slid her fingers through his hair, grabbed a handful on each side and pulled his mouth to hers.

  A voracious mating of lips, nipping, teasing, all-consuming, it lit the fires of desire inside them both. Kaden picked Olivia up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He carried her to the nearest tree, never breaking contact between their mouths. It was a fervent feast.

  Olivia’s back hit the tree and she bit on Kaden’s lip in warning. He eased the pressure as he kissed his way down her neck, his fingers unbuttoning her shirt, trembling with unsuppressed desire. He groaned with delight once he was finished and his lips left a moist trail down between her breasts.

  Tugging on his hair, Olivia tilted Kaden’s head up. She pulled off his shirt, leaving his torso naked. Lips met once more, as Kaden’s hands wandered under her skirt, over the soft skin of her thighs. He held her pressed up against the tree, grinding his pelvis against her heat.

  His hands reached the fabric of Olivia’s underwear, and he briefly set her feet on the ground so he could slide them down. Fingers fast, he unbuttoned his pants, letting them pool around his ankles. He bunched Olivia’s skirt around her midriff. She enveloped Kaden’s waist with her legs again. Kaden plunged into her, finally joining their bodies.

  “Oh my…” Olivia said once she caught her breath. They sat at the base of the tree, Olivia straddling Kaden as he leaned back against the trunk. He’d managed to at least pull his pants up, but left his chest bare. Olivia’s shirt was unbuttoned while she was snuggled in Kaden’s embrace. “Now that was raunchy…”

  Kaden’s chest rumbled and shook with laughter. She smiled and blushed.

  “That it was, love,” he said.

  Olivia kissed Kaden’s jaw. He stiffened. She presumed he was fighting off the desire, one which curled inside her as well. “I am so glad the amulet worked. I get you to snuggle with and I still have my dragon. I also know my parents will love you just as much as I do.” She nuzzled her face into his chest. When he didn’t respond, Olivia put her palms on his chest and she pushed herself away. She looked up into his eyes.


  His face contorted, as if he were struggling to reach for a lost thought. When he blinked, those amber slitted eyes appeared.

  “Órva’ar!” Olivia squeaked. She covered herself up and quickly buttoned her shirt. She slid off his lap and sat next to him instead.

  Órva’ar’s eyes never left her face.

  “What is wrong? Where is Kaden?”

  The dragon in the human’s body lifted his hand to Olivia’s cheek and caressed the blush with his thumb. “I apologize, I had to take over. You are being spied upon. He was not aware of it, but I did… I felt the intruder in our minds.”

  Olivia nodded for him to continue, eyes filled with panic.

  “Do not worry. We will take care of you. We will keep you safe.” Órva’ar let his palm linger on Olivia’s cheek before pulling back. “It was the witch.”

  “The witch?” Olivia gulped

  “Aye, the witch… How did she –” Órva’ar stopped as he raised his left hand where a finger was missing. “That is how. But that would mean…”

  Olivia was quick to catch on so she asked the question, dreading the answer. “Magnus?”

  “Yes.” Orva’ar nodded. He stood up, the pants pooling around his ankles. “Oh… interesting,” he said, surprised by Kaden’s nudity, intrigued even.

  “Órva’ar!” Olivia chastised. “Pull his… your pants up! Behave!”

  He laughed heartily at Olivia’s exasperation. “It is only natural to be curious,” he said but dressed as requested, shirt as well.

  Olivia turned away. It was weird for her, could she watch or not? It was Kaden’s body but it wasn’t Kaden… So confusing.


  She turned back around.

  “I need you to deliver a message to Kaden. Tell him that the witch lives. She probably used the claw in the prince’s possession to do her magic. I do not believe she will be able to perform it again, but I will be able to stop her nonetheless. Let him know that the witch has joined Magnus. If she is still seeking revenge after all these years… it does not bode well. You must hurry home and hope they do not come after you. We will need to be vigilant.”

  Olivia inhaled deeply. She gazed up at the stars, letting the breath whisper past her lips. “Will we ever have peace? It is just… so much has happened in such a short time and it is still not over.” She sighed, suddenly exhausted. “Being ever vigilant, looking over our shoulders is just so tiring. Will it ever end, Órva’ar?”

  Órva’ar held no answers. He didn’t know how to provide comfort. The hopeless expression on Olivia’s face and the dull look in her eyes prompted him to react. He stepped forward, hesitant. When Olivia didn’t recoil or retreat he pulled her into his chest and enveloped his arms around her. “Everything will be alright. I promise.” New feelings bloomed within his chest, his heart, some of them unknown and novel to him. He was needed. The urge to protect her grew, Kaden’s feelings deepening his own.

  “We shall never –” Orva’ar started, “–be parted again, my love.” Kaden finished.

  Olivia hugged Kaden to herself, afraid to let go.

  “What happened, love?” He kept one arm wrapped around her shoulder as he led them back to the camp.

  “How much do you remember?”

  “You kissed my chin… right after the raunchy comment.”

  Olivia could hear the smile in his voice, so she pinched his side.

  “This is important, Kaden.”

  “I’m sorry, Liv. It was a rather unusual experience. I recognized it because of my experience with Órva’ar… I understood that someone had entered my mind but I couldn’t do anything about it. Fortunately for us, he was quick to react and he forcefully took control.” Kaden squeezed Olivia closer for a few moments, newly appreciating how fortunate it was that Órva’ar hadn’t fought him for control in the beginning. “He is so strong.”

  “I don’t remember much afterward. Órva’ar locked me out completely until he finally let me take the reins again. It was peculiar… I actually heard the last words he said.”

  “He left a message for you. We are almost back so I will tell you and the others at the same time?”

  When they rejoined their friends, Charlie was about to tease Olivia for her disheveled looks but when she noticed their glum expressions she restrained herself.

  Olivia was quick to explain what happened, omitting the
raunchy details. The mood shifted from light and carefree to gloomy, pensive and wary.

  “It will be alright Olivia, just as Kaden and Órva’ar said. There are a lot of ifs still left unanswered.” Cassiel tried to lessen Olivia’s worries. “It is only an assumption for now that the witch is with the prince. And we are not sure they will come after you, or how she will know where to go, even if she will want to work with Magnus at all. We are not even sure that Magnus wants to come for you… I know… It is highly probable but he has been injured… So, do not lose sleep over it, nothing will happen at this moment, and we will make sure we are prepared if it comes to the worst.” Cassiel crouched beside Olivia where she was once again sitting next to Kaden. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I have no doubt we will prevail in either case.”

  Olivia covered Cassiel’s hand with her own. “Thank you, Cassiel.”

  Cassiel settled back in place.

  Bast remained quiet through the whole retelling, absorbing the new information. She would speak when she had something of value to add.

  “I am worn out,” Olivia said through a yawn.

  “No wonder…” Charlie couldn’t help but quip, hoping to lighten the mood. She wanted to add more but stopped herself when she saw the tired look in Olivia’s eyes.

  Olivia shook her head but her cheeks turned rosy. She went to help Kaden set up their sleeping bags.

  “Not good timing, Spark.” Bast chided Charlie, making the redhead sigh as she leaned her head on Bast’s shoulder.

  Charlie was surprised when she wasn’t brushed off, and a small smile crept onto her face.

  There was hope. For her, and for all of them.

  Chapter 30

  “He expelled me!” Lilith fumed. She held onto the water-filled basin she had used for scrying. Chin pressed to her chest, her hair obscured her face.

  Magnus reeled away from the raging witch. Delilah was already pressed up against the wall, wishing she were invisible.

  Lilith took a step, her knees crumbling. Fast to react, Reed grabbed her elbow, preventing her fall. The spell had drained her. She had the gift of easily manipulating other people’s minds, but entering one, with the distance and no physical contact, was hard. She was glad for the claw which now lay crumbled to dust.

  Lilith hated showing weakness, so she pulled herself up, and with her last ounce of strength swatted Reed’s hand away. He stomped back to his corner.

  “It doesn’t matter. I got enough,” Lilith said.

  “Remember our deal –” Magnus said, glancing toward Delilah with distaste. “What did you learn?”

  “He was with a woman… they had obviously been intimate –”

  “Was it Olivia? Blue eyes, dark hair, curls down to her shoulders?” Magnus interrupted, earning a glare from Lilith.

  “Yes. He is human, but she said something about him being a dragon with the help of an amulet. She also mentioned her parents. You were right to assume that she would head back home.”

  “An amulet that helps him turn into a dragon? Where did he get it? I didn’t know such a thing existed… such power, he doesn’t deserve it! It should be mine! I’m the prince, after all!” Magnus smashed his fist against the table. The basin shook, water splashed over the edge.

  They had both forgotten about Delilah, hiding in the shadows of the room, watching and listening. Did I somehow turn my wish for invisibility into a magical reality? She noticed her mother struggle to stay on her feet. The prince kept his distance, afraid… anyone would be.

  “You said she escaped when you were in the forest?” Lilith said as she sat on a chair, resting and pretending to sort out her herbs.

  “Yes. But if she went to the barbarians, how did she survive? Do you think they took her in?” Magnus walked over to the fireplace and leaned next to it, crossing his arms across his chest.

  “They are not as you imagine them. Also, they are the last humans to still openly practice magic. Well, those among them that have the talent. But they have nothing on us witches. Our magic is much stronger.”

  Lilith thrummed her fingers on the desk. “The barbarians might have helped Olivia and those that were with her… Who knows what went on with them! How did Kaden even find her? Honestly, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I want that dragon dead! I might want to off that girl of his first... Make him relive what I went through!”

  She pointed a finger at Magnus. “You want him dead and to have your revenge on the chit, too. So I guess we have a common goal. How about we achieve it together?” Lilith stood up, a fresh surge of adrenalin giving her strength. She offered her hand to Magnus.

  The prince made a show of taking a few moments to think about it, but the decision was easy, obvious: kill the dragon, steal the amulet, take his revenge on Olivia… And if his fury wasn’t quenched by then, he would take it out on those who had helped her.

  He pushed off the wall and took Lilith’s proffered hand. “Deal. But I want to toy with Olivia first. We can discuss the details later.”

  Lilith didn’t let go of his hand just yet. “And once we both get what we want, you will marry my daughter and get her with child.”

  “I remember, witch.” Magnus glared but agreed. It was a price he was willing to pay. He could always have any lover he wanted afterward. “I will make the plans to… take care of the dragon, while you take care of my other needs.”

  “Yes, I will have to get some special herbs. Unfortunately, they can only be found in the Forbidden Forest. I’ll try the local villages first, someone might have ventured as far as the forest. There’s no hurry though, let Kaden and Olivia and the other traitors relax while you recover.”

  Magnus nodded.

  “Now, leave me be. I need to work on your recipe.” Lilith sat and waved Magnus away.

  Magnus bit back his retort as he stomped out of her room. He would have to suffer through a lot of things Lilith said because he needed her… and as much as he hated to admit it, she scared him. She was one crazy powerful witch.

  Once Magnus left, Lilith rested her head on her arms. Both Magnus and Lilith had forgotten about Reed and Delilah. Lilith’s breathing evened out, her body slumping, uncoiling, as she fell asleep hunched over the table.

  Delilah hadn’t forgotten about Reed but she only observed him as he studied her mother. He walked closer and pushed a few strands of hair out of her mother’s face. A few moments later, he picked her up in his arms and tucked her into bed. Delilah was afraid to move or say anything. She didn’t understand what was going on. Was she really invisible to others?

  Her question was answered when Reed turned and looked directly at her. His steps were predatory, an evil glint in his eyes, one that matched Magnus’. He encroached on her private space. He took a lock of her hair between his fingers before bringing it to his disfigured nose, inhaling her scent.

  Delilah’s eyes were wide and she stopped breathing, running possible solutions through her head as how to fight him off should the need arise.

  “Such a shame we cannot play.” Reed whispered into her ear as he pressed his scarred cheek against her soft one.

  Delilah gulped down the bile rising in her mouth and closed her eyes. She felt him step back and listened as he walked out and closed the door behind him. Only then did she dare to open her eyes again as she slumped down onto the floor against the wall.

  She took out her pendant and summoned her journal. Not wanting to chance waking her mother and out of need to practice her magic, she decided not to write the words but to make them appear instead.

  Dear Book,

  Today, much has happened.

  Mother and I finally met the prince. I was so excited and happy… and when I saw him, I fell in love!

  He looked perfect! Beautiful pale blue eyes, short, golden hair and a dimple to his smile once he realized the witch had come. He is tall, too, with broad shoulders! All man! As I said, perfect… just how I imagined a prince would look… a real knight. I just wished he wore hi
s armor, he would have looked magnificent then. As if plucked right out of a fairytale. But…

  As fast as I fell in love, I fell out, my heart broken.

  I still cannot understand how someone so beautiful can be so ugly. He was supposed to be my way out. This was my last hope.

  As handsome as he is on the outside, the man… the person he is… is disgusting, evil, filled with malice, hatred and resentment.

  What happened to him to make him like that? Is there a way for him to… change?

  Mother waited for him to explain why she had been summoned.

  He had been stabbed! In his private parts!

  Of course, mother manipulated him and probed his mind to tell the truth about what happened… including his encounter with a dragon. A DRAGON! Really!

  I wonder what the dragon looked like… How big was it? What color? Was it one of those raging huge beasts that burn down villages and eat babies? Like I read in the stories? I know it used to be human, but did the man turn completely dragon? His mind as well? I only know bits of what mother did to him.

  I know dragons existed a long time ago. Mother never wanted to talk about that. Maybe I’ll be able to find a real book about them.

  Oh! And the prince deserved to be stabbed… maybe even have it cut off! He tried to force himself on a woman. A woman that he kidnapped. I didn’t expect him to be of such a low character, no honor or no respect. Looks are all he has...

  I am still wrapping my mind around the idea that a woman was with a dragon of her own free will. How come he didn’t eat her? Maybe dragons really are not as people make them appear… just like Magnus is not what a prince should be.

  Honestly, if I didn’t know how effective mother was, I wouldn’t believe his story.

  That poor, poor girl… threatening her parents’ lives… and even sending word so others would fulfill his threat after she escaped… what’s the point? What does he expect to achieve by that? Such a bitter, hate filled person he is!

  When the prince realized what mother had done to him, the way she manipulated him… He was furious. I thought he was going to lunge at her…


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