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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

Page 27

by Maya Starling

  Hoped even, to be honest…

  Is it wrong that for a second, I wished he had and that they had killed each other?

  What a horrible person I am… having such thoughts, wishing for someone’s death and then judging others.

  He didn’t, though… He did not attack mother. There was fear in his eyes. Coward he may be, but not a dumb one: he still needs mother’s services.

  Oh! Oh! The horror… well not horror really… but… I had to look at his… his… manly bit.

  I have seen drawings in mother’s books but never a real one, right in front of my eyes.

  He just took his trousers off in front of mother and me and she crouched down to examine his injury. She praised the boy that did the stitching and taking care of… it… I think the boy, Donovan is his name, he looks to be about my age, felt just as uncomfortable as I did.

  And then mother told me to come closer and take a look at it.

  I was afraid to approach, for the look in prince’s eyes made me hesitate… The threat in mother’s voice was stronger, though… it always is.

  So… I took a look. I can finally express my impressions here, who else am I to talk to than to the blank pages of my journal… I have no friends. I wonder what that would be like.

  Delilah paused in her writing and allowed herself to daydream a bit. About a different life, one where she had a normal family, mother, father, siblings, friends… She would trade her magic for it in a heartbeat.

  She looked toward her mother, still sleeping on the bed. Lilith would be out for a while, but Delilah wasn’t fooled, she knew her mother always had some sort of protection up, especially her ring. A useful thing when sleeping in a dangerous environment.

  So far, life had dealt her nothing but sorrow, disappointment and loneliness. She had to get away from her mother, no matter how afraid she was. She hoped she would get her chance soon, and that she would be brave enough to take it.

  With a deep sigh, Delilah continued to will the words onto the paper.

  It looked like a fat worm! It was small... smaller than the drawings I saw… how does it fit, manage to… enter? Does it reach anywhere? And it's so limp, dangly and pink... how does it do anything? And the other things dangling behind… so… fleshy, saggy and crinkly, one hanging lower than the other.

  It looked like an abnormal growth - and I’ve seen plenty of those.

  The mere thought of the sight of it makes me gag even now.

  I don’t like pink anymore…

  After mother’s inspection, I stepped away, stunned. I didn’t hear much of mother’s explanation about nerves; I really didn’t want to listen.

  I thought of flowers! I like flowers so I tried to remember how many different sorts I knew. I know 42, and I even named them alphabetically, started with Acacia. Including my favorite: the Sunflower!

  In the end, I found out that the prince wasn’t happy that mother suggested waiting first, to see if it will heal naturally before trying with herbs… and only if he’s desperate, magic.

  That’s where mother got him.

  She said she would help him. Her services would be free and she would make him fully functional again. All he needed to do was take me for his wife and queen. Gah! I just know my mother would make sure he needed her help, whether he realized that or not.

  The silence that followed and the tension that developed were extremely uncomfortable. I could see the prince’s internal struggle… It was visible in his eyes. His fury at mother’s suggestion… no… her demand. Oh, the fire in his eyes still makes me shudder.

  But he didn’t act on it. He just looked at me and it made me feel… unclean. He studied me for a few moments and I just had to look away, down at my feet.

  My shoes are dirty. Making a note I need to clean them. CLEAN YOUR SHOES, DELILAH! There… done. I should put a spell on that reminder. I’ll do that later.

  I was surprised when the prince agreed to mother’s demand.

  Oh my! What will become of me now? I don’t want him. I know I dreamed of him and said I wanted him… but now that he’s accepted me… I don’t want him anymore. Not after learning how foul he really is.

  A teardrop fell on the paper, startling Delilah. She hadn’t even realized she was crying. Magnus didn’t deserve her tears, she didn’t want cry because of him. She furiously wiped the tears away and concentrated on the words again.

  I am glad of one thing, though – Mother’s final condition, an extra incentive for the prince.

  Condition: If she needs to use magic to repair the damage done to Magnus’… thing, she will not do it until we are wed. It is her insurance. He is not to bed other women and must wait for me. Not really a comforting thought.

  Why was I left out of the entire “negotiation”? They acted as if I wasn’t there. I’m more furious at myself because I didn’t do anything… say anything…

  I should have said no. But that would’ve brought mother’s wrath down on me… the prince’s, too. He seems determined on getting fixed. I have only experienced mother’s anger taken out on me a few times… A few times too many.

  So, I did what I always do. I said nothing and just nodded my head meekly. I feel pathetic, so weak. I wish I was better, more courageous, more independent.

  And the incentive, oh, the incentive! When Magnus first found out… The chair he smashed will never be the same again, its only future is as firewood … and then he started calling mother a liar! That was a mistake. But I was surprised that she took the verbal assault in such a calm manner. That wicked smirk on her face. It was that smirk that caught Magnus’ attention and he calmed down.

  Oh… yes… the incentive… the dragon is still alive, well, in human form, and mother offered to help Magnus get his revenge. She didn’t go into details but she told him that it lives; she was very believable about it. I think mother doubts her skills against a dragon and wants to have the prince, his knights and whoever he will have on his side, as backup for her. She is probably planning on sending the men forth as a shield while she casts her spell.

  I’m not sure if she plans to kill him or curse him again… I guess cursing is more her style.

  Where was I?

  The demands, conditions, incentive… ah yes.

  In the end, the prince accepted… again, but he questioned how mother would be able to find the former dragon. Mother told Magnus she could perform a very powerful spell with the use of the claw they had but that the claw would be destroyed in the process. Magnus agreed and asked if she could find the girl as well. She couldn’t. She had no connection to her for such a spell… even mother isn’t all-knowing.

  They agreed they would do the séance later in the evening, so mother could refresh, eat, rest and prepare.

  So… that’s what we did. We also met the prince’s other men… I don’t like any of them. Donovan is good and nice but wants to please Magnus too much. And then there is Reed… I don’t know who has a darker soul… him or Magnus. They fit together perfectly even though they look so different.

  Reed has a really scarred and burned face. It seems the dragon did that to him. I found his scar fascinating; I think I could help him… heal it. Not sure I could reverse the damage completely. But when he caught me staring, he thought I was disgusted and he was very rude and mean to me. I think he would’ve done something besides snap at me had we been alone.

  I guess I won’t be helping him.

  When we are around Reed, I can always feel when he is watching me, undressing me in his mind. Such a filthy man!

  I don’t want to think about him or Magnus anymore.

  It all brings us to what transpired tonight.

  Mother successfully scried the man that used to be a dragon. I found out that his name is Kaden, and the woman’s Olivia. She found them. And learned valuable information. Mother always has that luck.

  Apparently, they are together, reunited… which I’m happy about… theirs is such a wonderfully romantic story… Wish I had a dragon of my own, n
ow… Or a man of my own, at least.

  There was talk of an amulet that can turn a man into a dragon, and now Magnus wants that as well… and the woman. What else does he want to do to her? Haven’t they suffered enough? I wish I could help them.

  In the end, mother and the prince joined forces and goals.

  Oh… and mother said something about getting some special herbs for the prince. I’m so looking forward to that little expedition. Not.

  Almost forgot… that scarred man… Reed. He acted strange tonight, toward mother, gentle even. In complete contrast to the man I have interacted with earlier today.

  You see! I told you much has happened today.

  It’s all such a mess.

  My life is such a mess.

  I wish I was a porcupine.

  Delilah caressed the words spelled on the page and sighed dejectedly. She was hopeful, yet on the verge of giving up. She seemed to see an end to her misery right around the corner, and in the next moment, it again appeared too far away for her to reach it. She didn’t know what to feel anymore, so she chose not to feel at all.

  As she stared at the pages with a blank and emotionless expression, new words appeared. Ones she did not conjure.

  “You are not alone.” Delilah read the words out loud. The same words that had offered her comfort before.

  “Who are you?” she asked the words and read the answer, “Your time will come. Go with him when he asks.”

  “Him who? Who are you?” Delilah asked again, this time even writing out the words.

  Then she waited. When no more words appeared, Delilah sighed and closed her journal. With her words of magic, it became a pendant again and she tucked it in under her shirt.

  She rose to her feet and tiptoed in silence out of her mother’s room and into her own.

  “Good night,” she murmured to no one as she closed her eyes, hiding from the world under the covers.

  Chapter 31

  “Olivia, slow down!” Kaden laughed as he caught up with Olivia.

  “We are almost home!” Olivia said, giddy with anticipation. She slowed her horse from a canter to a walk, nonetheless.

  “If I remember correctly,” Kaden spoke, riding Mousse alongside Starlite, “we still have about two more hours.”

  “Yes! Just as I said… we are almost there.” Olivia repeated with a happy laugh.

  They had passed by Remor, not stopping in it because Olivia was too restless and excited to get home. Nobody minded, not having any reason to go and visit the town.

  Nervousness built in Olivia’s belly, fluttering its wings, nestling around her heart. Despite her worry about possible situations they might be in for, she couldn’t help the happiness spreading through her at the thought of coming home, healthy and well, with her man by her side. She couldn’t wait to introduce Kaden to her parents. They would surely love him as much as she did.

  She would finally be able to tell them the truth, to tell them about Magnus, about the abuse and the possible danger coming their way.

  Kaden brought Mousse closer to Starlite and snatched Olivia out of her saddle, pulling her onto his lap. Her surprised squeak echoed around them. Charlie, Bast and Cassiel laughed from behind.

  A family passed by, traveling in the opposite direction, towards Remor. The young woman sitting in the back of the wagon laughed quietly, as she watched the exchange between Kaden and Olivia. Her mother on the other hand, gave a disapproving shake of her head. The youth these days couldn’t seem to keep their affections restricted to moments of privacy.

  Olivia blushed but didn’t fight it. She sat across Kaden’s lap sideways and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding on tightly. She knew it would be useless to scold Kaden about it, and Olivia minded it less than before. Why should she care what people thought of her? Especially people she would probably never see again in her life. She had the approval of those that mattered and that was all she needed. She would enjoy her time with Kaden, but still stay prudent enough in her own way.

  Kaden winked at the young woman as the wagon passed by. She giggled in return and waved at them surreptitiously.

  “I love you, Kaden.” Olivia smacked a kiss upon his cheek. “You make me happy.” She snuggled her head under his chin.

  Kaden chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, too. And my sole goal in life is to make you happy. I’m glad I’m doing it right.” He took the reins in one hand so he could wrap the other around Olivia, pulling her close.

  Starlite followed her owner, her side almost bumping against Mousse. The others caught up with them as well.

  Olivia smiled at Charlie, who sat riding behind Bast as they flanked Mousse on the other side. Bast felt comfortable enough riding a horse now, and had decided to give Charlie some respite by taking over the reins.

  “I cannot wait for you to meet my parents. I know that you have met them but you have not really met them. You know?” Olivia said.

  “I know what you mean. I’m looking forward to it as well.” Charlie couldn’t seem to keep the smile off her face as she had her arms wrapped tightly around Bast’s waist, her cheek pressed against her goddesses’ back. She was as close and as snug as possible.

  Kaden nuzzled his face into Olivia’s hair for a bit as he listened to their exchange.

  “You will love my parents. I am so glad and proud to be their child. My father might seem quite frightening at first but he is a very loveable and affectionate man. Very proud, too… and my mother, she is a very caring woman, smart and strong. I really look up to her. Oh! And she taught me all there is to know about flowers. She really likes flowers, and the garden that you will see, she tends it herself.”

  Charlie felt a pang of jealousy hit her tight in the gut. She’d never had that; with her mother a prostitute and father just a passing stranger. The only thing she knew about him was that she got her hair from him and that he was a traveling entertainer with a voice like no other. His name had slipped past her mother’s lips once. Nathaniel.

  “Oh! And Sebastian! You have to meet him as well.” Olivia added, bringing Charlie back from her thoughts. Charlie could not help but smile at Olivia’s enthusiasm. Olivia could be such a child sometimes, mostly when excited, like now. Charlie’s smile widened when she remembered she had a new family now, with a sister, too, and that everyone accepted her for who she was. Nobody looked down on her because of what she used to do.

  “Who is Sebastian?” Kaden couldn’t help but ask, as he absent-mindedly tightened his hold on Olivia, the shot of possessiveness surprising him. He knew he had nothing to be jealous about, he trusted Olivia with his body, heart and soul. When he dug deeper, though, he noticed that these were Órva’ar’s feelings.

  Órva’ar had plenty of opportunity to get to know Olivia better throughout their travelling and was beginning to care for the human and enjoy her company whether he was in control or Kaden. It made him feel less lonely because when she listened, always with the utmost attention, he felt like the center of her universe. And she never did seem to run out of questions to ask.

  “Sebastian is Lord Mykke. The one I was betrothed to when I fled from home.”


  “You have nothing to worry about, Kaden. I did, after all, run away from that arrangement. I will never regret doing that. It led me to you.” Olivia looked up, a bright smile on her face and Kaden lowered his head to press a chaste kiss against her lips.

  “And he fancies someone else. I hope he acted on it as I told him to or he will hear it from me again.”

  “Uh-oh!” Charlie teased, “He wouldn’t want to get on your bad side… that would be… very… umm… dangerous. You might hug him to death!”

  “Charlie!” Olivia turned to glare at her friend, making both Kaden and Bast chuckle.

  Charlie shuddered. “I admit I was wrong. If you give him that glare…” She winked.

  Olivia’s brows furrowed into a frown. Kaden tipped her head back and kissed the crinkles. “My Olivia c
an be very persuasive and intimidating, don’t underestimate her fierceness.”

  “I’m not… it’s what saved us in the end.” The somberness in Charlie’s voice made Olivia look back at her friend. There was gratitude and admiration in her eyes.

  Pup burst onto the road, out of the trees from the left side. Disa followed at his heels and tackled him to the ground.

  “Disa!” Bast yelled. Disa paused with her paws on either side of the wolf, and turned her head and attention towards Bast.

  “Wait Bast, look!” Kaden said.

  Pup gave Disa a playful lick and nip.

  “They are playing!” Hearing Cassiel’s voice surprised them, just as much as the sight in front of them.

  Bast tilted her head to the side as she studied her feline sister. Disa’s body posture was indeed playful and not threatening.

  “You’re right.” Bast confirmed. “Disa, you’re free to play.”

  Disa immediately turned her attention back to Pup who had just managed to set himself free. He bounded into the forest again and Disa followed.

  “That was adorable!” Charlie said. She settled her chin on Bast’s shoulder.

  Two hours later, Olivia was still perched on Kaden’s lap, now asleep in his embrace. She dozed off to the lulling swaying motions of the horse, surrounded by Kaden’s scent and the safety his hold provided. The night before, she had barely managed to get a few hours of sleep, excited about her return.

  As they left the trees behind, the sway of the horse changed and the sound of the horses’ hoofs clunking on the cobbled road roused Olivia from her slumber.

  “What is happening?” Olivia yawned as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with one hand.

  Olivia’s voice woke Charlie up as well. She had fallen asleep holding on to Bast. Cassiel nudged his horse closer to Mousse. Pup and Disa drew nearer as well. Something foul lingered in the air and they were guided by their instincts to protect.

  Kaden brushed some hair off Olivia’s face and tucked it behind her ear. “We have arrived.” He kissed her forehead.


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