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Foretold Fate (Sisters of Danu Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Mia Pride

  Raising her hand to his cheek, she sat up and forced him to look at her. Their eyes locked and she gave him a sad smile, then leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I do not know what to say, Collin. I have made a mess of this for us all. I am sorry.”

  “Nay, Una. I share in the blame. I should have backed down when you told me you were carrying his child. I admit I knew you loved him, even then. And I have known all along that he loves you. I suppose I felt like I deserved my own chance to be happy with you, to hope that you could love me too, but that was selfish.”

  Seeing tears glisten in her eyes, he forced himself to smile. “I will always cherish this night with you, Una. Your kiss, the scent of your hair, your kindness…everything. If that is all I will ever have of you in this world, I shall make the memory last a lifetime.”

  “Oh, Collin…” Una leaned in and rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms tightly around him and enjoying the strength and comforting warmth of his body. “I never thought to be so loved. My thanks.”

  “Do not thank me for loving you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Lie down and try to get some sleep. You must sort this out with Brocc on the morrow.” He pulled away from her embrace and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead as he laid her back down on the bed and tucked a wool blanket in around her small frame, then slid the green curtains shut around her bed.

  She thought she heard him make a sniffling sound as he descended the ladder, almost like a stifled sob. She had hurt too many people, including herself. She vowed to herself that, on the morrow, she would make this right.

  After only a few hours of fitful sleep, Una decided that attempting to get any more rest was futile. She would not rest easy until she could sit down calmly with Brocc and apologize for her abandonment. He may be a hard man at times, but if she was being honest with herself, she did give him constant reasons to shout.

  She closed her eyes and her mind wandered back to the night he had informed her she was carrying his child. How could she have been so blind? He was obviously elated. His affection for her was genuine, yet she had, once again, pushed him away with her stubborn need to hear the word “love.” Why could she not see that he didn’t need to say the words for it to be true? Had he not showed her plenty of times that he loved her through his actions? Bringing all her mother’s dried flowers back to his home, asking her to marry him, and making love to her so passionately that one blissful night?

  Even the dresses he ceaselessly had made for her were an expression of that love. They were not to try and gain her affections. He was trying to make her feel beautiful as her body expanded with child. She could make her own clothing, what women could not? Yet he had them made for her, to save her the trouble. What a fool she had been, pushing him away for want of a single word!

  Feeling more prepared than ever to bear her soul and confess her love to Brocc, even if it meant risking his rejection, she hopped out of bed quietly, seeing that Collin was still in bed. The fire in the hearth had died down over the last few hours and only a few embers glowed beneath the blackened ashes. She looked at the bed where Collin slept and saw his peaceful face, still blissfully in the land of dreams.

  Her heart warmed with affection as she remembered his kind words to her last night. Collin was a good man. She walked over to the pile of wood against the wall and placed a new log on top of the glowing embers, stoking the fire with an iron rod and adding kindling to help the new log catch aflame. The chill of the early morning was overcoming the house and she wanted Collin to wake up to warmth. After all she had put him through, her kind gesture seemed so meaningless, but it soothed her to know that she was trying to make him happy in whatever ways she could.

  After washing her hands and face in a basin of cold water, she slipped into a soft pink dress with a high cut neckline and long flowing sleeves, tying a leather belt around her thickening middle. She smiled at herself as she realized that the newest of dresses Brocc had made for her had much higher necklines than her previous ones. Perhaps that was his subtle way of deterring all the admiration her enlarged bosom had been receiving as of late. It did little to conceal them, however, as they had become quite impossible to hide.

  She ran her metal comb through her glossy brown waves until they shone and then looked in her bronze hand mirror. Her eyes gave away her sadness. They were red, swollen and still glassy from the storm of tears she had shed the night before. Good. Perhaps Brocc would see for himself just how horrific her night without him had been and how very sorry she was.

  With a sigh, she wrapped her cloak around her neck and clasped it with her gold circular brooch as she pulled the hood over her head and slipped on her leather sandals. The time had come to bear her soul and she could not help the clamminess that came over her skin or the perspiration of her palms as she quietly opened the door to face the new day.

  It was very dreary and wet outside from the storm that plundered their village the night before. Low hanging clouds floated all around creating an opaque fog as she slowly walked through the village toward Brocc’s home, avoiding puddles along the way. She clutched her cloak tightly around her body as the chill of the dawn stung her cheeks. No villagers were about yet, indicating that it was much earlier than she thought it was. The sun was not yet peeking over the horizon, but the sky was a forlorn bluish-grey as the dawn threatened to break.

  As she walked past one of the homes, she could smell fresh baked bread wafting into the air through the thatched roof and it made her feel slightly more at ease knowing that she was not the first in her tuath to rise before the sun. Her stomach churned with anxiety with every step she took closer to Brocc’s.

  Passing several quiet round shaped houses, few with smoke billowing out of their tops, she kept her head down and away from the wind as her eyes and feet followed the muddy path leading to the king’s large home. Sheep bleated in their byre and the cattle snorted from time to time, but all else was silent and peaceful.

  Standing outside Brocc’s home, she was suddenly frozen in place with a horrible wave of doubt. It was only a few hours ago he retracted his offer of marriage. His words drifted back to her. I do not want a wife who does not want me. Och, but she did want him! Only, he did not know that. How could he when she repeatedly turned him away? Now, more than ever, she was determined to prove it. She would push all pride aside and confess her love to Brocc, to the father of her child. She wanted them to be a family. She wanted Brocc by her side for all her days, and a house filled with many more wee children.

  Was she attempting reconciliation too soon? Doubt niggled at her. Perhaps he was not ready to forgive her for leaving him so abruptly. She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, gathering strength. This had to be done now, or else she would never get another moment’s peace.

  She pushed the wooden door open effortlessly and looked around as she tiptoed into his home. Why was the door not barred? That was odd. The tallow candles and hearth were all extinguished, but Una used her instincts to guide herself through his home and into the pitch-black corridor that lead to Brocc’s chamber. A flickering light seeped through his slightly opened door hangings and she saw his large body resting in the bed, his back rising and falling rhythmically with his breathing. Candlelight flickered off the familiar planes of his body and she longed to climb into bed with him, to feel his strength consume her as he promised everything would be alright.

  Her heart warmed to the sight of the large man lying just a few feet in front of her. In his sleep, he looked so peaceful, as if she had never angered him the night before. He was large and powerful, yet capable of so much kindness. She had treated him poorly. She must make this right.

  With a smile on her lips and hope in her heart, Una stepped forward and put a hand out to touch his shoulder. Just as his body came within reach, she saw another figure lying next to him in the bed and she abruptly pulled her hand back. Long blonde curls sprawled across his pillow as his arm draped lazily around the naked waist of the bed’s other occupant, her
bare breasts exposed from the side as her back faced Una.

  A loud uncontrollable gasp painfully escaped from Una’s lungs as her pulse increased. The sight before her was enough to crush her soul, yet her legs refused to retreat. She was frozen, forced to stare at the appalling scene. Just then, the female arose and rolled sleepily toward Una and gave her a triumphant smile as she wrapped her arms possessively around Brocc’s sleeping form.

  “Mealla?” It was all Una could mutter, staring bewilderedly at the naked couple lying in the bed where she had conceived her own child. She felt as if she might be sick as images of Brocc making love to Mealla floated through her mind unbidden. At the sound of Una’s voice, Brocc rolled over and sat up quickly, looking directly at Una with shock on his face, his hair standing on end as if someone’s fingers…Mealla’s fingers, had been running through it the night before.

  Una doubled over holding her stomach. She felt as if she would be sick, and was inwardly thankful she had yet to break her fast, or else she would have spilled her stomach’s contents on Brocc’s wooden floor for certain. Seeing the look of horror staring back at him, he flinched and quickly followed her gaze, finding Mealla lying next to him in his bed, wearing nothing more than a satisfied grin.

  Brocc scrambled out of his bed, wrapping a wool blanket around his naked body as he stepped closer to Una’s shaking form. “Una…this is not…tis not…”

  “Nay sense in hiding what we have done,” Mealla shrugged and smirked, making no effort to cover her exposed breasts. “She has seen us. Una has nay right to be upset. She left you, remember?”

  Una’s eyes widened and Mealla laughed at her. “Aye, he told me everything last night, Una. He doesn’t want you anymore.” She yawned and stretched her arms over her head, sending Brocc a salacious smile. “You were quite eager last night, Brocc. I was drained of all energy after the third time we…well, you know…I was going to leave, but you begged me to stay. Do you not remember?”

  A sob escaped Una’s throat and she clutched a fist to her heart, as if she could reach within herself to prevent its shattering. Una began to retreat, but Brocc grabbed her arm in a painful squeeze, urging her to stay. “Una…this is not what it looks like!” A flicker of doubt washed over his features, as if, he, himself, were unsure of the truth.

  A loud chortle filled the small chamber. “I assure you, tis precisely what it looks like,” Mealla purred.

  “Mealla,” Brocc growled a warning as he spun on his heels to face her and clenched his fist tighter into the wool blanket covering his nakedness, his other hand still gripping Una’s arm painfully. “Leave my home immediately.”

  He turned back to Una and tugged her into him with a painful crash. “Please, Una…”

  She shook her head as tears slid down her cheeks in a relentless stream of unbearable pain. She could feel his heart beating wildly against her palm as she pushed him away. Whether his pulse quickened due to the shame of what he had done, or the shame of being caught, was of no consequence to her. It was done and no force in the world could repair the damage.

  “Mealla is right,” she said in a shaky, breathless voice. “I left you. You said you did not want me anymore. I guess you really meant it.” She gasped as the pain of her own words infiltrated her heart, squeezing the life out of her. “I should not be here…sorry for my intrusion.” She shrugged violently out of his stunned grip and ran out of his room, down the corridor and out into the freezing cold morning. The wind whipped her face as she ran full speed back to Collin’s farm, tears blurring her vision as mud splattered all over her new pink dress.

  Chapter 10

  The morning of their departure, there was a heavy knock on the door. Everyone was up early, having rested well thanks to the accommodations of King Ewan. A serving woman had come the night before to bring them some roasted pig, fresh bread, and jugs of goat’s milk and ale. After a fulfilling meal, both couples had retired early and were ready for the journey back to Iverni to seek out the druid, Deaglan.

  Liam swiftly answered the knock while he slung his satchel over his shoulder. King Ewan was leaning against the door frame with a pleasant smile. “Greetings! I come to bid you a safe journey back to Iverni and I have had my servants pack provisions for your trip.” He signaled to a small young woman in a long brown wool tunic.

  “Thanks be to you, King Ewan, for everything,” Garreth said as he came behind Liam’s shoulder. “The shelter and food you provided were most helpful and we will remember your generosity if ever you should travel to our tuatha.”

  Ewan’s smile widened as he rubbed his hand along his red-bearded chin. “I confess, I am strangely drawn to your cause and cannot help but feel involved, having seen your sister myself as a babe. I feel as if I have seen the legend unfolding from the start. Your presence in my tuath is not a coincidence and I feel it is my duty to further assist you.” Before Liam or Garreth could protest any further help, Ewan put a hand up to silence them. “Your wives are both with child and should not have to travel on horseback if it can be helped. I have a cart I wish to lend to you.”

  “Are you certain? While we appreciate your generous offer, it may be quite some time before we can return it.

  “Aye, I am certain. Look at the smile on those beautiful faces!” The men turned to see Gwynneth and Ceara smiling widely with relief. “The Sisters of Danu should be comfortable on their journey.”

  “We do not know what to say, Ewan. Thanks are not enough. We are overwhelmed and grateful.” Liam bowed his head and Ewan smiled as he clapped both men on the back. “We are a small tuath, but we like to help where we can, and tis good to have allies…” he winked at the men and clasped forearms in comradery as he wished them a safe journey.

  “Is he not wonderful?” Ceara beamed as he walked away, “I could just kiss him!”

  Garreth gave her a mock scowl and smirked. “Would you prefer me to leave you here with him, then?” he said conspiratorially as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body against his, possessively kissing her until she pulled away breathless.

  “Alright you two,” Liam said with a nod of his head, “let us get going.”

  Looking up at the cloudless azure sky, it was hard to believe a storm had poured down upon the land just the night before. Only the soggy earth and muddy puddles gave evidence to the recent rain, but the large horses pulling the cart trudged through the slippery mud with ease as Liam and Garreth held the reigns.

  The day passed by in an uneventful daze. Gwynneth could feel the excitement radiating off Liam as the traveled toward home. His cobalt eyes were alive with anticipation and he chattered away about the responsibilities he had left to Duncan, his faithful companion and second in command. After everything Duncan had helped Liam and Gwynneth accomplish several moons ago, he was their most highly trusted and respected man in the village.

  Though she looked as equally relaxed as her husband, the closer they got to Iverni, the more anxiety seeped into Gwynneth’s every nerve, causing her to feel ill all over. All she kept imagining was the smug smile on Fiona’s face as she rubbed her swollen belly and claimed Liam as her babe’s father. When Gwynn was still married to Baine, Liam had had a long affair with the beautiful, and extremely feisty, Fiona O’Beirne.

  With her tight ebony curls that seemed to bounce around her elegant pale face and her inquisitive big brown eyes, Fiona was a formidable woman and she made Gwynneth nervous. When Liam arrived back home to Iverni four moons ago with Gwynneth, announcing their plans to wed, the whole tuath had rejoiced for their king, except Fiona. Since that day, she had gone out of her way to make Gwynneth suffer for what she saw as a betrayal.

  It was only a few days after the wedding when Fiona, with her already curvy body and ample bosom, had approached Liam with the news that she was with child. Though it could be another man’s child, the timing was correct and it gave Gwynneth endless nights of lost sleep, thinking of that wicked woman giving birth to her husband’s child, an honor Gwynneth was n
ot happy to share with her.

  It took all her self-restraint to control her anger when she thought back on that day, convincing herself time and again that Liam did nothing wrong. However, every time Gwynn looked down at Liam’s babe growing within her womb, her bliss was muddled with the knowledge that another woman was carrying his child as well, a sibling to their own. Gwynn would never be rid of that woman for the remainder of her life, and the thought of Liam visiting Fiona’s home to see their child made her ill beyond the point of reason.

  With every roll of the cart closer to home, Gwynneth’s nerves became more and more visible as she sighed frequently, rubbed her stomach absentmindedly, and chewed on her bottom lip, deep in thought. Ceara stared at Gwynn’s blank expression, knowing instinctively what was nagging at the very core of her sister. She placed a gentle hand on Gwynn’s lap, but she did not respond.

  Giving her a playful bump of the shoulder, Ceara smiled and said, “Stop brooding.” Gwynneth’s face came to life again, looking startled out of her dark thoughts as she looked over at Ceara’s knowing smile.

  “Tis easy for you to say. There is not another woman walking around claiming Garreth as the father of her child.”

  “True enough. However, Liam has room for only one woman in his life, and you know that. Whether this babe is truly Liam’s or not shall remain a question until the child is born, so there is nay sense worrying about it constantly. Besides, did you not confess that she was also Baine’s concubine? The babe could easily be his…or any other man’s for that matter!” Ceara gave Gwynneth a hopeful smile, winking at her.

  “Fiona is deceitful and jealous. She would tell any manner of falsehoods to ensure Liam is attached to her for life. But tis so embarrassing! The whole tuath knows my husband bedded that horrible woman! And I have to walk around feeling like I could lose Liam to her at any moment.” Gwynneth whispered quietly so Liam could not hear how she truly felt.


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