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Foretold Fate (Sisters of Danu Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Mia Pride

  “That is ridiculous, and well you know it, Gwynneth!”

  “What is ridiculous?” Liam asked as he turned around to face the women. “Are you speaking of Fiona again? By the spear of Lugh, woman! I cannot keep having this conversation, Gwynn,” he said in a sharp voice.

  It always shocked her how Liam could sense her every emotion, even when he could not see her face. It also shocked her that Liam had never been struck down by lightning, for all the cursing of the gods he did.

  Saying nothing, Gwynn only turned her head away and crossed her arms over her belly with a sigh. The birds were singing in the hawthorn trees and it was a very lovely, if not breezy, day, but nothing could chase away the deep-seated resentment she was constantly plagued with.

  Gwynneth closed her eyes and let her waves of silvery blonde hair blow in the breeze as she raised her face to the sky, feeling the warmth of the sun glowing on her skin. She had to work on forgiveness and acceptance, she thought to herself as she tried on a tentative smile, but it slipped away all too soon.

  Several hours had passed and the sun was starting to set. They had stopped for a short time to stretch and eat a quick meal of bread, strawberries, and dried salted pork, but they soon pressed on, hoping to make it to Iverni before nightfall. Ceara and Gwynneth were very anxious to speak to Deaglan. He must know where their sister was and their excitement grew as the horses pulled them closer with every pound of their hooves on the soggy soil.

  “I wonder what she is like!” Ceara said, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I wonder if she is serious, like you, or jovial…like me.” She tilted her head back and laughed at her own humor.

  “Ceara! You are so cruel! I am jovial!” Gwynneth laughed, giving her sister a playful shove. “My situation is just slightly more distressing that yours!”

  “Aye, I know, Gwynn.” Ceara leaned in and kissed her sister’s flushed cheeks and laughed.

  Suddenly, Liam let out a loud, “Whoop!”

  “What is it?” Garreth asked excitedly, “Are we close?”

  “Aye! Very close! Do you see that mountain over there?” He pointed into the distance at a mountain with high peaks rising into the shadowed sky. “Iverni’s hillfort is just behind that mountain. We may need to travel a little later than we had hoped, but we will make it by the end of this night!”

  Everyone lit up with relief, even Gwynneth, though inside, her pulse was beating wildly with worried anticipation.

  By the time the cart rolled up to the iron gates of Iverni, all four travelers were thoroughly exhausted and wanted nothing more to settle down near a hearth and rest for a few days. Liam had business to tend to while he was home and he hoped that, if Deaglan could give them some viable information, they could afford to rest easy for a few days before continuing their journey.

  The sun had set several hours before and the village was roaring with lit fires and smoke escaping from the pointed tops of the roundhouses. The guards saluted respectfully at their king as they rode the cart into the village, following the rough gravel road that led through the center of the town and into the stables. As the stable lad came over to see to the horses, Liam and Garreth hopped down to help their wives out of the back.

  “We welcome you to stay in our home. You two can rest there during your stay.” Liam pointed in the direction of the home. “Over there is the gathering hall and come morning, the market vendors will line up on this road.”

  “What about Deaglan? Should we not seek him out right away?” Gwynneth walked over to Liam and wrapped her arm around his waist. His strong warm body was a great comfort to her cold aching one and she nuzzled comfortably under his arm as he brought it over her shoulder, pulling her near.

  “Go and rest, Gwynneth. I will seek him out tonight at the gathering hall to make sure he has arrived and we will all speak with him together on the morrow. I would like to speak to Duncan tonight as well.”

  “Tis a good plan, Liam,” Garreth said as he stretched out and yawned, pulling Ceara to him. “We are tired and wish to retire. I have nay energy to absorb another one of the legend’s mysteries until I have had a hot meal, a bath, and good night’s sleep.”

  With a nod, Liam opened the door to their home and smiled. It had only been three days since they left to meet Ceara and Garreth in the woods, but it felt like so much had transpired between then and now. How odd that their journey brought them right back where they started.

  Ceara and Garreth walked down a corridor to the chamber they usually shared when they visited Iverni as Liam started up a fire. Grabbing Gwynneth swiftly, Liam pulled her to him as he gave her a slow, sweet kiss that helped to alleviate some of her tension.

  Could he sense her apprehension about his visit to the hall tonight? Would Fiona corner him and try to win him back as she always did? Liam tried to hide it from Gwynneth to protect her, but she knew the truth. No matter how many times Liam rejected Fiona’s advances, someone always made sure to inform Gwynneth when Fiona had been seen hanging on Liam’s arm. And he took pity on her because she was with child, possibly his child. He should be firmer with Fiona, but it was against his nature to be cruel to a woman…but what about how cruel that woman was to his own wife? Did that not matter? Was it any wonder Gwynneth was so distraught whenever Fiona was near? She would stop at nothing to steal Liam away and he seemed oblivious to the severe anguish it was causing his wife.

  She chewed her bottom lip nervously before taking a deep breath. “Liam, must you visit the hall tonight? We only just arrived home.”

  Liam pulled Gwynn slightly away from his body and scrutinized her with his knowing stare. “Aye. I must.” He said defensively. “This is about Fiona, is it not? You do not trust me.” His voice became gruff and low as he crossed his arms and squinted down at her accusingly.

  “Please, Liam, tis not that—”

  “Good. Then lie down and relax.” With a quick kiss on the lips, Liam walked out the door, leaving Gwynneth alone with her thoughts.

  She looked around the familiar house she grew up in. It was passed down from king to king and had been her father’s before it was Liam’s. Its main living space was quite large with a central hearth that was used for light, warmth, and cooking. A long rectangular stone slab that was used as a food preparation surface was next to the hearth and a heavy iron cauldron suspended by a series of chains attached to rods hung over the fire. A crank allowed her to raise or lower the cauldron as needed.

  Wicker baskets surrounded the walls, storing a range of objects from grains and dried meats to wool blankets and cloth. Their long wooden table was low to the ground and took up the entire right side of the room, surrounded by furs and plush cushions to sit upon.

  A warm bath sounded wonderful, but it was far too dark and chilly to head out to the well to gather the water alone. Usually Katriona, their help around the home, would aid Gwynneth in these matters, but she had gone to visit family while Gwynneth and Liam traveled. It would have to wait until the morning.

  For the time being, Gwynneth removed her leather slippers and climbed into the soft bed, burrowing her sore body into the familiar feel of their bed furs. Gwynneth sighed and stretched out her body as she enjoyed the warmth of the fire. Though the low pops and crackles of the hearth would normally ease her tired mind, tonight, they were of little comfort.

  Chapter 11

  As Una entered Collin’s home, a gush of wind blew in, causing the fire to flicker angrily at the cold intrusion of the outside world. Her hair was wrapped wildly about her face and she tried combing it back with her fingers while she leaned against the wall, heaving with exhaustion. She could not cry; she was much too angry. If it had been any other lass in the entire tuath, Una could possibly understand Brocc filling his void with another woman’s body. But not her, not Mealla.

  “That beast!” she shouted as she slid down to the floor, holding her rounded abdomen as the image of Mealla in Brocc’s bed flashed unwillingly in her mind over and over.

  Collin was just waki
ng up for the day, propped up on one elbow as he looked at her with concern. His black hair was standing on end and his bare-chest’s muscles gleamed in the firelight. His striking blue eyes followed her as she slid to the floor. “Una! What has happened?” Collin climbed out of bed, turning his naked backside to her as he slipped on his trousers and loosely knotted them, letting them hang low on his narrow hips. Una couldn’t help but stare at his powerful masculine form, but she was much too shaken and angry to linger on the sight of his body for long. He came over and sat down next to her, taking her freezing cold hand in his warm palms.

  “I did as you suggested and woke up early to go speak to Brocc. He was asleep when I arrived. But he was not alone.”

  Collin’s mouth dropped open in shock, “Nay!”

  “Och, aye! With none other than that horrible lass, Mealla! Of all the women! The one he swore he did not lust after!”

  “Are you certain it was her? It must have been dark.”

  Una chortled. “T’was her. She had a gleam in her eye, as if she meant for me to find her in his bed all along!”

  “What did Brocc say when you found them together?” Collin prodded.

  “He feigned shock, of course, acting as if he was surprised to find her naked in his bed. He said ‘tis not what it looks like’…how else could it be? She knew I had left his home. She knew he nay longer wanted to marry me. He must have confided in her before he…he…” she stopped and looked away, unable to say the words.

  Collin scratched his head and frowned down at her. “I am truly sorry, Una. That must have been awful to see. What did you do?” Collin slid is hands reassuring up and down her arms, comforting and warming her all at once.

  “I apologized for intruding and left. He did only tell me yestereve that he nay longer wants to marry me. He is free to do as he wills. But, och! Now I shall never be able to show my face again.” Una placed both hands over her downturned head in shame.

  “Never mind her. She is overambitious. Mealla might have caught Brocc while deep in his cups and sulking over you, but I will wager that is as far as she gets with him, especially after this.”

  “Well, it matters not, now does it? One night with her might as well be a lifetime, as far as I am concerned. It happened and I have been forced to face the truth. I must move on with my life...” her voice trailed off as she realized she had nowhere to go, after turning Collin down and losing Brocc all in one night. She supposed she would just have to move into her mother’s old home and learn to live a solitary life with her child, just as her mother had with her. It would not be so bad, after all. The thought rang untrue in her mind, but what other choice did she have?

  As if reading her thoughts, Collin raised her hand to his lips, giving it a soft kiss. “You shall stay here with me.” Seeing her eyes widen and her mouth open in protest, he held up a hand to stop her refusal. “Una, I love you and that means I want what is best for you, and your child. I would never ask you to leave my home with nowhere else to go.”

  “Collin, I appreciate that, but—”

  Collin’s thumb and forefinger came down to clamp Una’s lips closed in mid-sentence. Her nostrils flared at the intrusion, but he only persisted in his hold. “Do not say you will go to live alone in your old home, Una. I will not accept it. A woman and child should never live alone if it can be helped…and it can.”

  He let go of her lips, allowing her to speak again. She wrapped her hand around his wrist and looked at him imploringly. “I really should not stay. I would only harm any other prospects of marriage you may have.”

  “Other prospects? Och Una!” Collin guffawed and grabbed both of her hands as he stood up, pulling her with him. His warm body towered over hers, her head only reaching to the middle of his bare chest. She looked up at him as their eyes locked. “The only lass I have ever offered for is you. I do not wish for another woman.”

  She flushed at the sincerity in his voice. Then felt slightly relieved when he smiled and broke the tension. “Come, let us break our fast and plan our day. Perhaps a walk in the garden? We can share our midday meal there?”

  With a forced smile, Una nodded and followed him to the table and sat down on a cushion, trying to ignore the knots in her belly as she slowly consumed her porridge with apples, feeling thankful for Collin’s hospitality, yet utterly aching inside.

  Once the sun found its way over the horizon, the clouds were quickly chased away and replaced with the wondrous calm that can only be witnessed after the passing of a storm. As Collin strolled through the village with Una’s arm linked in his, he was aware of the tension in her stride. She was wearing a lovely linen dress colored the softest of yellow with a leather belt tied around her waist. She was the perfect image of elegance and grace as the warm spring sun shone through her honey brown locks. The wind only slightly blew, giving a welcome sporadic breeze that hit Una’s dress just at the right angle, showing off her small, almost imperceptible, swollen abdomen.

  A twinge of jealousy niggled at him as he wished the child was his own. He knew she was not his to claim, yet he felt a powerful need to protect her and the babe. He would have gladly spent the rest of his life raising the child as his own if only she had accepted, but her heart belonged to Brocc. He thought a moment about Mealla in Brocc’s bed and, though it had hurt Una, he couldn’t help but feel hopeful. Mayhap this could be just the thing to turn her away from Brocc and into his arms.

  Walking with Una around the village felt so natural. He could see the curious eyes watching them as they passed, but he was too focused on the day he had planned for Una. The rain the night before had turned the ground to mud, but the beaming sun was slowly working to dry the earth and he had a quiet place in mind to sit down and eat their meal of bread, raspberries, nuts, and leftover meat he had packed in a wicker basket for them.

  “Not even the brilliant sun above can shine as brightly as you do, Una.” He looked over at her sad profile and felt gratified when he saw the corner of her mouth quirk up as a slight blush spread over her cheeks. She looked at him from the side of her eyes, long dark lashes veiling her emerald green eyes and his heart skipped a beat. No woman in the tuath could begin to compare to the natural beauty and elegance she possessed.

  “You do know how to make me smile, Collin,” she grinned after and looked away quickly. He could sense her lingering sadness, though she tried valiantly to hide it.

  “Good, because your smile takes my breath away.” He smirked as he watched her chew her bottom lip and then sobered slightly. “There…” he suddenly stopped and pointed to a spot straight ahead. “You see those rose bushes and snapdragons? Just beyond that is a wonderful spot in the garden with some rocks we can sit upon to enjoy our meal.”

  He led her through the many different colored flowers and the smells of spring floated all around, the sweet honeysuckle mingling with the scent of marigolds. Una laughed to herself as they walked through the blooming foliage.

  “What are you thinking about?” Collin asked with sincere interest. “I have not heard you laugh like that in a long time.”

  “My mother, actually. Being surrounded by all this nature reminds me of my childhood. She always worked with me in the garden and pretended that I was a goddess, making flowers bloom as I walked past. She would run around on tiptoe, a small branch in her hand, pretending to be a faery watching over the lost goddess of the earth.” She put her hands up to her mouth and giggled.

  Collin enjoyed watching her as she remembered the easier moments of her life, before her mother fell ill. He missed those days as well, being in her presence every day and watching her smile so frequently and easily. Life had dragged Una down too many times. He wanted to lift her up and never let her go.

  “I have been so consumed by my own trivial problems that I have not even allowed myself to truly miss my mother. I suppose it was easier to keep moving, cleaning, cooking, and taking care of Brocc the way I used to take care of my mother. I have not stopped to think of her or let myself b
elieve that I needed to be cared for, as well. Soon I will be caring for a child of my own. I suppose it seems like the natural progression of life. Still, being out here reminds me of a happier time in my life. Does that make sense?”

  Collin looked over at her and sat her down on one of the large flat stones within the secluded garden. “This may surprise you Una, but I remember very well the games you and your mother used to play. I used to watch from a distance as you laughed, and I always agreed with your mother. You are a goddess. You always have been. I barely saw you after you were sent away to your foster home…with Brocc’s family. Once your mother fell ill, nobody saw much of you, except when you briefly went to market. It seemed your spirit had been stifled during those few years. I have enjoyed being in your company more recently and seeing the revival of your spirit.”

  “Collin, you are much too kind to me.” She blushed as she picked a fresh raspberry from the basket and chewed on it slowly.

  He sat down next to her on the large stone and watched her continue to nibble delicately on berries, his eyes following the grace of her slim fingers as they came to her soft, red lips. He sighed. “How I long to be one of those berries right now…” He watched as she froze in mid-bite and slowly looked up and locked eyes with him. With a laugh, she took the half-eaten berry and stuck in up to his mouth. He slowly parted his lips, giving her finger a soft nip as she released the berry into his mouth.

  Her chest started to rise and fall as her flush further deepened. Taking a chance, he hesitantly leaned in to taste her lips, lightly running his tongue along her sweet berry-stained mouth. She sighed and slowly opened her lips to him, leaning in further to wrap her arms around his neck as he placed his hands on her hips. His kiss deepened and she moved closer, running her hands softly through his hair.


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