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Hannah (The Hawthorne Sisters)

Page 5

by Ava Catori

  The waitress dropped off the steaks and refreshed their beers. Hannah was grateful she wasn’t carded. She didn’t want to point out the age difference. He might be embarrassed by the circumstance.

  The talk came easier this time, with no awkward silences. They spoke of his sister’s progress, about Hannah’s sisters, the weather, their work, and more of each other. Having finally accepted they were going to move forward in a relationship left them both relaxed.

  Bryce reached across the table, taking her hand. “Thank you for giving us a chance.”

  Hannah nodded. She wanted to thank him for the very same thing. Leaning forward, she smiled. She couldn’t look away from the man. Licking her lips, she nodded as he spoke. The flush on her cheeks warmed her. The feelings she had were stronger than she expected. She wanted to savor the experience and sit here all night.

  Bryce turned her wrist so that her palm was facing up. He drew lazy circles on her palm. Her nerves were on edge, and the tiniest movements had her craving more of his touch. When she leaned in, she could pick of traces of his cologne. Inhaling, she wanted more of it, wanted more of him. Her stomach fluttered and her heart raced. There was no going back; she was falling fast.

  When she looked at Bryce, she felt secure and could picture a future together. Younger guys never gave her that feeling. Guys her age were still living life on the edge, wilder, wanting to be free. Bryce was about stability, family, and treating her like a lady. Right now, she wasn’t feeling very much like a lady. She had thoughts of lust and desire, and forced the feelings down. It was too soon.

  The looks, the small touches, and the feel of Bryce’s heart in his throat had him shifting in his seat. There was an intensity between them that could be dangerous. All he wanted to do was to take her home and make love to her. He gently pulled his hand back, clearing his throat, and suggested they glance over the dessert menu. They opted for a slice of cheesecake with two forks.

  Hannah didn’t want to look away, but forced herself to glance down at the table. She looked back up at him and felt his stare. His eyes were hungry, but not for cheesecake. She shifted in her seat, and reminded herself to be a lady.

  As the waitress swung back around with their dessert, the couple shared it, lingering over the end of their meal. He suggested they watch the fair’s fireworks from a distance. They were due to go off soon.

  Paying the bill, the couple walked arm and arm out to his truck. It felt so natural, like he’d always wrapped his arm over her shoulder, but more than anything, it felt nice.

  Stopping at the truck’s passenger side, Bryce opened the door for Hannah. She thanked him, but on turning to look at him, she froze, unable to look away. Lifting her hand to his face, she slowly traced his lips, watching his eyes.

  Bryce leaned forward and tenderly kissed her. He wanted so much more, but if he didn’t corral his urges, he might do something that would push her away. He needed to remind himself to go slowly. His body wanted to move faster than his head did.

  A sweet, soft kiss and then he pulled away and went to his own side of the truck, climbing in. The electricity in the air was powerful, drawing them together. They were consenting adults; there was no reason they couldn’t…no. Keep your eyes on the prize. The long term goal was having Hannah in his life. He could wait.

  They drove to a side road a few miles from where the fair was happening. Pulling off to the edge, they sat and watched the fireworks. They brought a tear to his eye. He wanted to be done with these feelings, but that fair would always remind him of his parents. At least he could make better memories with Hannah.

  After the finale, Bryce brought her home and gave her a small kiss goodnight. He was afraid if he did much more, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. Saying good-bye, he watched Hannah get safely inside.

  On getting home, he decided to give Beverly a call to see how she was holding up. He was grateful when she answered the phone and was still sober. She was working her program, and doing better than she thought she’d be. It would take some doing, but she was trying to get her life together. He knew tonight was a difficult night for both of them.


  Allie was at the kitchen table when Hannah walked in. She was lost in thought.

  “Hey.” Hannah sat across from her sister.

  Allie looked up. “Hey.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I was just thinking about Dad.”

  “I can’t believe he’s gone. That freaks me out sometimes.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. Do you remember that time he took us into town for ice cream? You dropped your cone and were balling your eyes out. Daddy gave you his.”

  Hannah smiled. “Yeah.”

  “It was the little things he did, you know?”

  “He was a good man.”

  “I’m moving in with Richard. I guess I was thinking about what Daddy would have thought of him.”

  “Does he treat you well?”

  Allie looked down. “He loves me.”

  There was something in that answer, a deflection that Hannah didn’t like. “Are you sure about him?”


  “Okay.” She didn’t want to judge, but everything inside of her wanted to lecture her older sister. It wasn’t her place. She offered her a shoulder and an ear. She was a grown woman, and had to make her own choices in life.

  “What about you? How did your date go?”


  “Does it bother you he’s a lot older than you?”

  “Not anymore. It did at first. It seemed weird, because he was Dad’s friend. We never really interacted with him much like Daddy did.”

  “Are you going to see him again?”

  Hannah nodded. “Yeah. There’s something there.”

  “Do you think I’m foolish for moving in with Richard so soon?”

  “Does it matter what I think?”

  “I guess not. I’m doing it anyway.”

  “Only you know what’s best for you.”

  Allie stood and stretched. “I’m going to bed soon. Thanks for the talk.”

  “Sure.” Hannah got up and perused the cabinets. Pulling out a package of cookies, she sat and twisted one open, licking the cream before eating the outer portions.

  Chapter 8

  Bryce and Hannah went on a couple more dates through the month of July. Come August, they’d grown more comfortable with the fact that they were becoming a couple. The age difference no longer bothered them, and Hannah got over the fact that he’d once been good friends with her father.

  Maggie and Sarah were washing dishes after dinner one night, while Hannah joined her mother in the living room. “How are you feeling about Allie moving out?”

  “I just didn’t think she’d do it that quickly. I hope she’s happy.”

  “Yeah, it was fast. I hope he treats her right.”

  “Why do you say it like that?”

  “I don’t know. I asked her something one time, and her answer left me uneasy.”

  “He’d better treat her right, or he’ll have me to deal with. An angry mother is not something you want on your hands.”

  “I’m sure she’s fine. She wouldn’t have moved in if she didn’t feel good about it.”

  “You don’t think she’s pregnant, do you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “How are things going with you and Bryce? You’ve been seeing more of him lately.”

  “Yeah,” she blushed. “I’m really growing feelings for him.” Saying the words out loud felt weird.

  “Just take things slowly. He may be at a different stage in his life.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, being in his thirties…” She trailed off. “He’s probably thinking of babies and settling down, and you’re still young.”

  “I’m old enough,” she started, and then stopped.

  “Have you…”

  “Mom! I’m not talking about that with you, and no.”
/>   Maggie and Sarah joined them in the living room shortly after.

  “What aren’t you talking about?” Sarah asked.

  “Nothing,” they said in unison.

  “So, Mags, I saw the way Tom Masterson’s son was looking at you the other day in the market.”

  Maggie blushed. “Don’t tease. He’s not interested in a girl like me.”

  “Why would you say that? You’re gorgeous. Any guy would be lucky to get a girl like you.”

  “Besides, he has a girlfriend anyway.” Maggie always felt anxious around guys. She hated that she was so shy, and hoped she’d outgrow it, but it seemed to follow her, even through college. She’d rather blend into a crowd than stand out.

  The girls talked and laughed, sharing stories and gossip. Saying goodnight, Hannah finally went to bed. Her dreams were filled with a particular handsome man that lived down the lane.

  She found her mother in the kitchen the following morning. Sitting at the table with a cup of tea, she broached the topic tenderly. “Can I talk to you about something?”

  “Of course.”

  “It’s about Bryce. I’ve really taken to him, but there’s a piece of me that’s confused.”

  “About what?”

  “This wasn’t what I planned in life. I mean, I knew I’d get involved with somebody eventually, settle down, have kids, but what if it’s sooner than I planned? There’s a part of me that thinks I should get my wild oats out of my system, experience life, travel, and that if I settle down too soon I might regret it. And yet there’s a part of me that thinks Bryce Callahan could very well be the one that I spend the rest of my life with.”

  “You don’t have to decide today. Take your time, Hannah. If he cares for you, he isn’t going anywhere.”

  “The thing is… I think I want a future with him, but we’re at different places in life, like you said last night.”

  “Life has a way of shaking out the bits and pieces. You need to know what you want. It will become clear to you at some point. You’re a bright girl, Hannah. You just have to trust that you know what makes you happy.”

  “What about you? What makes you happy?”

  “Watching my girls experience life, and thinking back on how fortunate I was to have met your father. I got to share my life with him.”

  Hannah smiled softly. “I know you miss him.”

  “Every waking hour, but he gave me the gift of four amazing daughters. Now I get to focus on them.”

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you.”

  “I have some chores to do out back. Sarah’s going to help me with a few of them, and then I’m hoping to see Bryce later this afternoon.”

  “I’m going to check the garden and pull what I can. I want to start jarring and canning a few things while they’re at their peak.”

  “Thanks for the talk.”

  Her mother nodded. “Just take one day at a time. You’ll figure out what’s right for you.”

  Hannah stood, and took a muffin off the counter. With that, she was out the door and ready to start her day.

  The smile she wore wouldn’t come off. She was happy, and looking forward to seeing Bryce. He was cooking dinner for her, and they’d watch a movie. It was that relaxing kind of night she liked better than any other. Bryce fit her like a glove, and when it was the two of them, she knew in her heart he was the one.

  She’d dated enough guys to know that Bryce was different. He paid attention to details and listened to what she said. He wasn’t in a hurry, trying to get her out of her clothes, and was willing to take things at her pace. It’s not that they didn’t both have urges, but they decided they’d appreciate taking their time and getting to know each other better before they went down that path.

  If they went there, it was for keeps. It wasn’t spoken, but they both knew. Something special was between them, and with each passing day, each week, their lives braided together.

  Hannah cleaned up and headed over to Bryce’s house. Sarah and Mom were playing Scrabble when she left. Maggie was reading a book, like usual. Allie had already moved out. It felt weird not seeing her on a daily basis, but if it’s what made her happy, she wished her the best.

  Pulling into Bryce’s driveway, she hopped out of her truck. He greeted her with a hug and a smile. Tender kisses followed.

  He had to pull himself away. He wanted to trail those sweet, soft kisses down across her neck, along her breasts, and…control yourself. Bryce forced himself to focus on the meal he’d been cooking, and led her back to the kitchen.

  “It’s just about ready,” he said.

  The way her blonde hair framed her face, he was certain she could pass for an angel. She was the most beautiful girl he’d laid eyes on. He was amazed that a gorgeous girl like Hannah fell for a guy like him. He was a humble rancher with nothing more than a big heart and a love of nature to offer.

  His heart raced around her, and he could barely look away. His palms grew sweaty, and she made him feel like a schoolboy with a crush. Time stood still when Hannah was near, and it was like they were the only people that existed. Bryce knew his future was standing before him, and he hoped she felt the same way.

  Plating up supper, the couple sat at the table, barely able to focus on the food in front of them. The smiles, the looks, the wordless flirting between their bodies kept their attention. Bryce’s foot rubbed against Hannah’s, and slowly crept up her leg. Leaning forward, Hannah teased him with sensual words.

  It took everything inside of Bryce not to tear away from the dinner table and take her to his bed. Choking down the desire that was bubbling up inside of him, he shifted, and then tried to focus on his food.

  “I hope the chicken’s not too dry.”

  “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “I tried something new, but I don’t know too many recipes.”

  “I’m not picky.”

  “I’m happy to hear it,” he laughed. “I can make a few things well, but only a few.”

  It wasn’t working. Neither could concentrate on supper. Hannah’s heart was lumped in her throat, thumping so loudly. She wanted to touch him, to run her hands over his strong arms and chest. She wanted to lie naked with him and make love to him. She forced the thoughts away, trying to chase them from her mind. She needed to take things slowly, because she was falling way too fast.

  Eventually they managed to eat some food. After cleaning up, they retired to the sofa to watch a movie. Hannah leaned up against him, snuggling into the nook of his arm as he wrapped it around her. She could picture sitting against him like this forever. Was this what she wanted, though? To settle down so soon, still young? All she knew was that the world felt right when Bryce Callahan was by her side.

  Chapter 9

  With fall upon them, the colder weather had already snapped in. Snow found its way in early September, and frost was settling every other night. Hannah wished the summer months would last longer, and longed for warmer days. September was a month of confusion, some nice weather and some unbearably cold.

  The one thing Hannah enjoyed about the crisp, cool days was snuggling up with Bryce in front of the fireplace, watching the wood crackle with shades of yellow, orange, and blue. There was nothing cozier.

  When the sheriff called, it was like old times again. Bev was back to her old behavior, and the sheriff was asking Bryce to come get her.

  Slamming the phone down, Bryce crumpled onto the sofa beside Hannah. Dropping his head in his hands, he sighed. “She was doing so well. I thought things were changing. How can I have a life with you when I have to babysit my sister, keeping her out of trouble? I love you. You don’t deserve a life of us chasing after her bad habits.” He was distraught, hurting, and angry with his sister.

  Hannah ran her hand over his back. When the words came out, she swallowed hard. “You love me?”

  Bryce looked at her, his cheeks flushed, realizing what he’d said. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

  A small smile spread
across her face. “I love you, too. And I’m sorry about your sister; I can go with you to get her.”

  “You shouldn’t have to. She’s a grown woman and needs to take care of her own problems. I need to live my life, not worry about hers.”

  He was venting, frustrated, and tired of Beverly’s troubles. She wasn’t going to change, but he was tired of picking up the pieces. It was time for him to let go. She needed to face the consequences of her choices.

  Bryce dialed Sheriff Chapman back. “I won’t be picking her up anymore. It’s time for her to take care of herself. I’ll send bail money around in the morning, but I think it’s time for her to figure things out.”

  Hanging up, Bryce felt guilty. He’d let her stay in jail for the night. He just couldn’t be co-dependent anymore. He tried to fix her, save her, make things better, but it was draining him.

  “Do you think I’m a bad person?” His face softened.

  “I think sometimes tough love is the only answer.” She squeezed his hand, and sat quietly watching the fire with him.

  “I should go get her.” He stood, paced, and sat back down. “No. She won’t learn.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I want her to get her crap together.” He collapsed beside Hannah. “Her life could be so much more. She’s throwing it away. She blames herself for our parent’s death. She couldn’t have known how it would happen. It was an accident.” He shook his head. “I’m going to go get her.”

  “Do you want some company?”

  “I don’t think so. I need to have a heart to heart with her. This will truly be the last time I bail her out. She can’t expect somebody to save her hide every time.”

  Hannah nodded. She couldn’t imagine he wouldn’t help again. As much as he wanted to tell her he wouldn’t save her, he was the type of man to rescue those in trouble. It’s just who he was.


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