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The OP MC 5: God of Winning

Page 22

by Logan Jacobs

  “Excuse me,” she said to the servant in a loud voice. “The green room is for common visitors. I believe the purple room is more fitting for the God of Time.”

  “Yes, my lady,” the servant replied, and he hurriedly switched directions. Then we took a different route than we had during our first visit to the castle, and we followed the servant down a long corridor to a part of the castle I’d never seen before.

  I chuckled to myself as the servant ushered us inside a large living space. Lushly upholstered velvet couches were situated in a u-shape around a large stone fireplace. A table covered in fancy crystal bottles held dark-brown liquids, and I wondered if it was something stronger than ale like scotch or whiskey.

  There was only one way to find out.

  I felt a little guilty about making myself at home in the duke’s castle while he was gone, but I knew I’d have gotten the same sort of treatment if he’d been here anyway. I might as well live it up while I could, although with our final destination being the king’s palace, I could get used to living luxuriously for a while.

  Eventually, I’d have my own castle in Bastianville, but first I had to get some masons to move to my town.

  “Please alert us if you have any needs,” the servant said with another stiff bow, and then he left us alone in the lavish purple wing of the castle.

  My companions looked around with curious expressions, but Jax hesitated near the doorway. The burly blacksmith crossed his arms and eyed the soft couches skeptically, and he looked more awkward than a teen on his way to pick up his prom date.

  “What’s up, Jax?” I asked as I crossed the distance between us. “You look a little odd.”

  “I ain’t ever been inside a castle before,” the blacksmith grunted. “I think I’d rather sleep in a pile of hay than on a perfumed bed, though.”

  “Try it,” I chuckled. “You may like it.”

  “I ain’t about to get soft on ya,” he argued with a shake of his head.

  “I’m not worried about that.” I smirked. “There’s nothing in Sorreyal that could soften you up, my friend.”

  “As long as we both know it,” Jax grumbled, and then he moved to one of the sofas. The muscular blacksmith stretched out on the lounge chair, and he let out a contented sigh. “I don’t even need nowhere else to sleep. Give me my blanket, and I’m good.”

  “I’m sure you’ll have a bed that puts that couch to shame,” I assured him, and then my gaze flicked to the rest of my entourage, who hesitated to make themselves comfortable in the lavish castle wing. “The same goes to the rest of you. You were lecturing me about acting more noble, but you’ll have to get used to being with a god, too.”

  “I could get used to it.” Bellona placed her hands behind her head and leaned back into the cushions of a couch. “When’s dinner?”

  I shook my head with amusement, and then I turned to find a servant to answer that question for me. It didn’t take me long to flag down one of the duke’s attendants, and I ordered dinner for all sixteen of us. Then I decided to explore the rooms in this part of the castle while I waited for the food.

  The main living space wasn’t the only room decorated in the purple theme, and the color carried over into every area of the wing. I perused the spines of the books in the library for a while before I claimed a bedroom for myself and my women. I chose one with a large king-sized bed so we could all fit comfortably, and then delicious aromas wafted into my nostrils, so I knew dinner had arrived.

  I hurried back down the corridor to join my companions in the fancy dining room complete with a crystal candelabra. There had to be hundreds of candles lit upon the delicate structure, and I didn’t envy the servant who had to light all the tiny flames.

  Medieval times were rough for the peasants, but I wanted things to be different for my followers. I wanted everyone to prosper along with me.

  Dinner was served with a flourish, and we all dug in eagerly. After every dish had been devoured, we all nursed glasses of a sharp-tasting wine. It was a perfect cap to the day, and I looked around the table at my companions with a pleased smile.

  “Sir.” Riondale cleared his throat. “How much time do we have in Bullard?”

  “I figured we’d leave tomorrow morning.” I shrugged. “We need to get to Vallenwood, and there’s no point in hanging out here since the duke left. Why do you ask?”

  “Well.” The young lieutenant pushed the remnants of his food around his plate with his fork. “I was hoping we would have time for you to meet my grandmother. She is old, and she cannot leave her house.”

  “I’d like to meet her, too,” Elissa interjected with a bright smile. “She sounds so sweet.”

  “Oh, that sounds lovely,” Eva cooed. “I wouldn’t want to miss it.”

  “I will go as well.” Mahini nodded, but she didn’t elaborate.

  “Looks like we have a side quest.” I grinned. “How about right now, Ri-guy?”

  “Are you serious?” Riondale’s mouth fell open. “Y-Yes, thank you, sir, please.”

  “Lead the way,” I chuckled before I stood from the table. “The rest of you can get some much-needed R and R while we’re gone.”

  “Sure ye don’t need backup?” Jax asked.

  “I’m good.” I grinned. “Go back to your couch for a while. Or better yet, take a bath.”

  “Hey, now,” the blacksmith growled. “I smell like flowers and rainbows.”

  “Sure…” I shook my head in disbelief, and Jax tossed back his head before he let out one of his big belly laughs.

  “Alright, ye lot have fun with the old lady.” Jax waved goodbye, and then he lumbered down the corridor.

  The rest of my entourage seemed content to lounge around without argument, so I followed Riondale out of the purple wing to the entrance of the castle. Once we were headed into the city, the young lieutenant lit a torch from a road lamp, and then we took a dark side path that veered away from the main road.

  I kept a hand on the hilt of my sword since the area seemed seedier than the other parts of town I was more familiar with, but I trusted Riondale’s guidance. I just hadn’t imagined his elderly grandmother living in such a rundown part of the city.

  The young lieutenant stopped in front of a door covered in chipped gray paint, and he knocked softly before he pushed the portal open.

  “Nana?” Riondale called out in a gentle tone as he stuck his head in the crack. “It’s Rion. I brought some friends with me.”

  “Rion?” Suddenly, a hand reached out from inside the dwelling, and the older woman grabbed the young lieutenant by the scruff of his shirt before dragging him inside. “It is you!”

  “Hi, Nana,” Riondale said, and then he beckoned for us to come in. “These are my friends.”

  The young lieutenant was locked in a tight embrace, but the woman who held onto him was half his size. She could have passed for a dwarf, she was so short, and the mop of curly brown hair on her head didn’t help the image fade from my mind. Then her clouded gray eyes peered over her bent over grandson’s shoulder to notice us standing in her doorway.

  “Oh, company, oh, no,” the older woman gushed, and she hurried to make herself more presentable by smoothing down the wrinkles of the shapeless gray tunic she wore.

  “I apologize for our unexpected visit,” I said, and I flashed her my most charming smile. “My name is Sir Sebastian, the Archduke of Bastianville, and the God of Time, but please, call me Bash.”

  “Riondale has told me of the man he followed during his last visit,” the older woman said. “He said you insisted he called you by a nickname, but I thought it was a tall tale.”

  “I would never lie to you, Nana,” Riondale insisted in a worried tone, and his grandmother fixed him with a stern look. “Well, not anymore. Children make mistakes, after all.”

  “Just as long as you learned from your mistakes,” his grandmother huffed before she turned back to me with a brilliant smile. “Would you like a cup of tea? Who are these other people?”

  “Forgive me, I forgot myself.” I gestured to the three women who stood patiently behind me. “This is my wife, Elissa, my blood bonded, Mahini, and Evangeline, the Duke of Bullard’s daughter.”

  “You bring nobles here without a single word of warning,” the older woman admonished her grandson, and she swatted at his shoulder playfully. “Send me a courier next time, would you?”

  “I will have to remember that request in the future,” I said. “Our unexpected visit is mainly my fault. We weren’t sure when we’d arrive in town.”

  “I just asked him to come with me after dinner,” Riondale hurried to explain, and his grandmother gave him a shrewd look. The young lieutenant bowed his head respectfully to his elder, and pride flashed in her eyes for the briefest of moments.

  We ended up staying for two cups of tea while we caught up Riondale’s grandmother on his adventures. There were several stories I told of the young lieutenant’s great leadership and sense of duty, but then Ri-guy’s face started to turn red, so I cut my tales of his epicness short.

  The three women by my side listened to me hype up my right-hand man, and their eyes quickly filled with desire as they watched me interact with the sweet old grandmother. Elissa’s fingers twitched, Mahini licked her lips, and Eva straight up had fuck me eyes, and it was all I could do to ignore the need I saw written all over their faces.

  Finally, I called an end to our visit, and I gave the impossibly short old woman a warm hug.

  “Promise me you’ll keep him safe,” she requested as her clouded gray eyes landed on Riondale’s face.

  “I swear it.” I nodded solemnly. “Nothing’s going to happen to any of your grandchildren while they are under my command.”

  Riondale’s grandmother nodded in satisfaction, and then we said our final goodbyes before heading back toward the castle. Riondale once again led the way until we made it back to the main streets of town, and then we walked side by side.

  “Your grandma is good people.” I grinned. “Thanks for bringing me to meet her.”

  “I’m sure she can all but die happy now.” Riondale smirked. “I’m grateful as well, sir. More than words can say.”

  “Anything for you, Ri-guy,” I chuckled, and then I clapped him on the shoulder. “How do you feel about being the general of my army?”

  “I-I-I would be honored, sir,” he stammered out in wide-eyed amazement. “I couldn’t possibly…”

  “You’re definitely one of my main choices,” I explained. “Just think it over, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.” Riondale nodded.

  We made our way back to the purple wing of the castle, and we split off from Riondale as me and my women headed toward the bedroom with the king-sized bed.

  “Finally, we’re alone,” Elissa sighed.

  “It feels like forever,” Eva added.

  “We must avoid being greedy, ladies,” Mahini murmured with a sly smile. “We need to take turns pleasing the Great One…”

  “I can get behind that.” I grinned. “I’m here for all of you. Do with me as you please.”

  “Elissa needs a baby,” Eva announced in a decisive tone. “She’s been wanting one for so long already…”

  “It’s true.” The tiny goddess shrugged her petite shoulders, and her eyes filled with longing as they trailed up my body to my face. “I love it when you fill me up with your warm god seed, too… That’s my favorite part, after all the climaxes, of course.”

  “I’ll have you overflowing before the night is over,” I promised in an earnest tone, and I meant every word.

  Mahini and Eva exchanged a knowing smile, and the two ladies clasped hands before they turned toward the bedroom door. They sauntered away with swaying hips, and it took me a moment to realize what was happening.

  “Where are you going?” I asked the two departing backs.

  “Enjoy your wife, Great One.” Mahini shot me a wink over her shoulder.

  “We’ll see you in the morning,” Eva added, and she fluttered her fingers in farewell.

  “Goodnight!” I called at the two beauties before they disappeared from sight, and the door clicked shut behind them.

  “Well, I guess that’s decided.” My eyes instantly shot to my wife, and her emerald eyes twinkled brightly back at me. “Take your clothes off.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Elissa replied as a shit-eating grin split across her face.

  The tiny red-haired goddess was in for a night she wouldn’t soon forget, and my mouth watered at the thought of her being filled with my seed. If she wanted a baby, then who was I to tell her no?

  I would give her what she wanted since there was no way I could resist that magnetic look in her eyes.

  What else would a god do?

  Chapter Ten

  I made a new save point right then and there so I could go back and relive the moment as many times as I wanted.

  My sexy, red-haired wife was naked moments later, and I quickly crossed the distance between us to scoop her up into my arms. She weighed almost nothing, so I easily carried her to the bed while planting sweet kisses all over her adorable face. I kissed each freckle on her nose, and then I placed her gently down on the mattress.

  “Don’t you want me to pleasure you first?” Elissa asked as her eyelashes fluttered across her emerald eyes.

  “First, I want to devour you from head to toe,” I growled.

  She looked absolutely scrumptious, and my mouth watered as memories of her flavors sprang to my mind. No matter how many times I made love to my adorable wife, I could never get tired of absorbing every single detail.

  “Oh,” Elissa giggled, and she scooted backward into a more comfortable position.

  The contrast of her pale skin and flame-colored hair against the lush purple velvet bedspread was very appealing to my eyes, and I appreciated her for a long moment while I absently pulled off my clothes.

  “You are so beautiful, my love,” I murmured as I pulled my shirt over my head. Then I kicked off my boots and began to tug at the ties of my pants. “I am proud to call you mine…”

  “I am proud to be yours.” She stretched open her arms to beckon me to her. “I yearn for you every minute of the day. Don’t make me wait any longer, please?”

  “We have--”

  “All the time in the world,” my wife cut me off with a smirk.

  “Smart ass.” I grinned, and then I let my pants slide to the floor.

  Elissa’s eyes widened as she took in my fully-exposed presence, and her tongue flicked out to moisten her dry lips, but she didn’t say anything, so I crawled onto the bed toward her.

  A moment later, her lips were on mine, and our tongues sought each other out with instant longing. Once I had my hands around her cheeks and my tongue roved around the inside of her mouth, I devoured the taste of her lips with urgency. Elissa tasted like bubblegum and ice cream, and I was addicted to her flavors.

  My wife’s hands dug into my shoulder muscles, trickled down my arms, slid up my sides, and grabbed onto my hips as our kiss lengthened. She pulled my crotch toward her with a demanding tug, and I chuckled against her lips.

  “You’re feeling things already, huh,” I observed as I gave her a mischievous smile.

  “I need you, Bash…” My wife gazed up at me beneath lust-hooded eyes, and her nails dug into the skin covering my hip bones. “Fuck me, please?”

  “I will.” I smirked. “First, though, I’m gonna play with you for a while. We just got started, darling.”

  “I love everything you make me feel,” Elissa sighed. “I apologize for being so impatient.”

  “You are my goddess,” I explained in a soft voice. “I must worship you from head to toe.”

  “Oh?” Elissa giggled, and her legs spread open the slightest bit.

  “Yep,” I chuckled. “So, you should just lay back and enjoy it.”

  My hands were on her thighs in an instant, and I pressed her legs open with gentle pressure until her crevice was fully exp
osed. Then I trailed the very tips of my fingers along the skin of her legs, and I circled closer and closer to her center of pleasure. I avoided it with every rotation, but that only caused my wife to whimper with need, and I felt my cock throb with mounting desire.

  I was rock-hard already, and I hadn’t even eaten her out yet. Just seeing how bad she wanted me had me overly turned on, and I took a few deep steadying breaths before I repositioned myself between her legs.

  Elissa’s eyes glimmered with excitement, and her hips lifted encouragingly toward me.

  I leaned down and planted the softest kiss on her inner thigh, and she inhaled sharply as goosebumps erupted across her legs. I trailed my lips up her skin until I was right next to her red downy-covered mound, and I exhaled my warm breath against her entrance.

  Elissa’s hips moved upward toward my mouth, and I met her movement with my tongue.

  “Oh, Bash…” she moaned as my tongue flicked from the bottom to the top of her entrance. “Yesss.”

  I pushed her legs back before I attacked her pussy with a ravenous appetite, and I had her gasping for air in a matter of moments. I’d teased her so much she was pulsating around my tongue with every thrust inside her moist entrance, and my cock grew even harder as I felt her climax against my face.

  “Ohhh… ohhh… ohhh!” Her climax came suddenly, and I lapped up her warm juices as she thrashed against me.

  Then I repositioned myself up onto my knees, and I used my hand to rub some of her slippery pussy juices down the length of my shaft. Then I angled the tip toward the tiny goddess’ dripping wet pussy.

  Elissa realized what I was doing, and her emerald eyes lit up with delight.

  “Yes, Bash, please, fuck me!” She wiggled closer to me, and her pussy rubbed up against the tip of my cock. “Please…”

  “I like listening to you beg.” I smirked, and then I leaned forward and slid inside her slowly, inch by inch, as her tiny pussy stretched around my girth.

  “Oooh,” Elissa whimpered as her fingers dug into the muscles on my shoulder. “Deeper… Please…”

  I pulled out just the smallest bit so I could slide in more smoothly, and Elissa stretched her legs up above her head.


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