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The OP MC 5: God of Winning

Page 23

by Logan Jacobs

  “Oh, fuck, Lissy,” I gasped, and I pushed my cock deep inside her tight little pussy with one long thrust. I pulled out only to slam into her again, and her emerald eyes went wide as I started to fuck her with quick, hard thrusts.

  “You’re… going… so… deep,” she moaned between thrusts, and she wrapped her arms around her knees to hold her legs up against her chest.

  I gripped her ass cheeks in my hand as I rocked my hips back and forth, and her little pussy bobbed up and down on my shaft while spreading juices everywhere.

  Even her ass had freckles on it, and the image excited me in an unexpected way. Elissa was entirely unique, and completely perfect in my eyes, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life filling her with my cum.

  The thought had me exploding my seed deep inside her womb while I stared into her gemstone eyes full of adoration and desire.

  “Yess…” Elissa moaned as my seed filled her tight little entrance and exploded out around my shaft like popcorn popping out of kernels.

  “Is that what you wanted?” I asked as I pumped my seed deep inside her with a couple more thrusts of my semi-hard cock.

  “I want it all,” she replied with a devilish smirk. “I want to bear your child, Bash. I want my womb to swell and grow so I may raise a strong offspring for you. Our child will be perfect, or at least, I hope you think so…”

  “I know I will.” I grinned. “Wanna go again?”

  “Of course,” she giggled, and then she squeezed me tightly against her chest. “You’re amazing, Bash, you make me so happy.”

  “I never get tired of hearing that,” I replied, but then my gaze flicked to my slowly hardening member. “See what you do to me? I can’t ever get enough of you.”

  “Just as long as I am able to please you,” my wife said in an earnest voice, but she repositioned herself on the bed so she was kneeling in front of my crotch. Then she began to slowly lick and suck on the head of my cock until I was once again throbbing with desire for her.

  “You’re so fucking good at that,” I complimented, and then I picked her up, flipped her around, and lowered her down onto my fully-erect member.

  I loved watching the outer lips of her tiny little pussy stretch around the tip of my cock when I first entered her, and I savored the moment before I lowered her down my entire length. Then I released her with a smirk, and I tucked my hands behind my neck.

  “Do your worst,” I commanded with a coolly arched eyebrow. “My dick is yours.”

  “I will treasure it forever,” my wife assured me as she began to rock her hips back and forth, and I could feel the muscles of her inner walls clamping down around my length. “It’s mine…”

  “That’s right, babe,” I said, but I couldn’t stop myself from gripping her hips to urge her motions on faster and faster. “This is your dick.”

  The seed I’d already sprayed deep inside her began to dribble out around my shaft as she fucked me cowgirl style, and the sight of the white tendrils made my balls twitch with the need for release all over again.

  I wanted to see her climax once more before I filled her to the brim with my seed for a second time, though, so I spread her legs open until she was straddling me with her center of pleasure exposed, and then I began to rub her clit with my thumb while she rocked back and forth on my cock.

  “Oh, oh, oh,” she panted as she leaned into my touch, and then she began to shiver as an orgasm rolled over her like a tidal wave. “Basssshh!”

  With the sound of my name on her lips echoing in my ears, I grabbed hold of my wife, and I pulled her against my chest to cradle her gently. Then I fucked her tight little pussy until the sound of our lovemaking filled the air. My skin slapped against hers, and she moaned with delight as she pushed her hips down onto me to meet each thrust.

  “Oh, Lissy…” I murmured into the nest of fiery tendrils, and then stars burst into my vision as I came for a second time.

  “Bash…” my wife whispered as she shuddered in my grasp. “That… felt… amazing…”

  Elissa slowly began to relax, and her breathing returned to a normal pace. I let out a slow exhale as I basked in the glorious post-orgasm feelings, and my cum-slick cock slowly slid out of my wife’s overflowing pussy.

  “You are amazing,” I countered, and I flashed her a wink before I repositioned her against my side.

  My skin was dappled with perspiration, and the temperature in the room felt sweltering, but I was pretty sure that had less to do with the atmosphere and more to do with the physical exertion I’d just used. I’d fucked her twice in a row without tiring, but I knew I could do better than that.

  I wanted to blow my wife’s mind with how many times I could fill her with my seed, so I decided to reset back to my save point and try again.


  Elissa was stripping off her clothes, and I gave her a devilish grin.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, Lissy,” I informed her with a shake of my head. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I am the lucky one,” my wife assured me with a twinkle of amusement in her emerald eyes. “I’m the one married to a god, after all.”

  “I want to fuck your brains out,” I growled, and then I crossed the distance between us and scooped her up. This time, I tossed her over my shoulder, and I carried her to the bed like a freshly caught game.

  I had a raging hard-on already, and the images of our previous lovemaking filled my mind’s eye as I tossed my wife onto the mattress. The tiny goddess bounced with a giggle, and she spread her legs invitingly to me.

  “I am yours,” she breathed as her eyelashes fluttered over her green gemstone eyes. “Claim me.”

  “Damn straight,” I growled, and I began to rip off my clothes with an urgency I’d lacked the first time.

  During this run through, I was more aggressive with my wife, and I managed to cum inside her three times. I flipped her around like she was a doll, and I repositioned her how I wanted until she was dripping my cum onto the bed sheets. I wasn’t entirely satisfied with that, though, so I reset back to my save point with a wave of my will.


  I watched Elissa strip with hungry eyes, and I had her suck my dick for a while before we got started. I managed to break my previous record and then decided to reset for a final time.


  I took my time during the final run through, and we spent the entire night making love. Elissa’s moans were like music to my ears, and my stamina seemed unending. I didn’t know where all the cum was coming from, but my body was somehow able to keep up with my pressing demands. My wife was the one who finally begged for an end to our baby-making session, but her pussy lips were red and swollen from her multiple orgasms, so I was finally satisfied with the results.

  We collapsed back onto the pillows with happy sighs, and I didn’t even bother covering up our nude sweaty bodies. I stroked Elissa’s fire-colored mane absently as I imagined our children running around Bastianville.

  “You will make such a wonderful father,” Elissa mused as if she could read my thoughts.

  “You think so?” I grinned. “I suppose it would be hard to mess them up with you helping me out.”

  “Our children will be so beautiful, too,” my wife breathed with glistening emerald eyes, and I didn’t think she heard me over the daydreams floating through her head. “You are such a handsome man…”

  “I’m glad you think so.” I squeezed her against me. “You’re fucking gorgeous, so even if I looked like a cow, any of your children would be perfect.”

  “Fortunately, you are far from a cow,” my wife laughed, and then she suddenly pushed herself up on her elbows and fixed me with a serious look. “How could you ever think you would mess up your children? I’ve seen the way you are with Dalwin and Celeste.”

  “I suppose that’s true.” I furrowed my brow. “I didn’t really think about them that way, but you have a point. Having everyone in the entourage with us has kind of been like practice at being a dad.�

  “Being a good leader at all takes similar skills.” Elissa shrugged. “I’ve always had utter faith in you.”

  “Well, good.” I grinned. “I can’t wait to see what our kids are like, Lissy.”

  “I hope my womb swells soon,” my wife said in a wistful voice.

  “If not, we’ll just have to keep pumping you full of my seed.” I winked.

  We fell asleep with thoughts of our children playing through our heads, and I cuddled my wife closely all night long. I woke up at one point to the sound of her whimpering through a bad dream, and I rubbed my hand against her belly until her sounds calmed. She snuggled up against me, and she placed the flat of my palm against her lower stomach.

  For a moment I wished I had more godly powers, like the ability to ensure my seed grew into a baby for my wife, but I also enjoyed doing it the old-fashioned way. I didn’t know how long it would take to get Elissa pregnant, all I knew was we needed to have lots of sex.

  I grinned into her hair as I held her womb in the palm of my hand, and I sighed as I returned to sleep.

  I had dreams of babies all night long, and while some were stressful and odd, they were mostly wholesome. I hoped my wife was right about leadership skills making for a good parent, but I supposed I would just have to wait and see.

  The sun shone brightly through the windows the next morning since I’d never asked for the curtains to be pulled shut the previous evening. It was for the best, though, since I had planned on being back on the road early in the day.

  I groaned to myself as I heaved my legs over the edge of the bed, but then I felt Elissa’s petite fingers trailing across my shoulders. She came up behind me, and she craned her neck around to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  “Good morning, my husband,” she greeted in a cheerful voice.

  “I take it you feel good this morning?” I chuckled. “Are you ready to get back on the road?”

  “Maybe a quick bath first,” she suggested with a sly smile. “We both got a little sweaty last night.”

  “That’s a good point.” I nodded. “You go first. I’ll grab us some breakfast while I’m waiting for you.”

  “Very well.” She planted another kiss on my cheek before she bounded from the mattress and headed into the attached bathroom. “I’ll hurry.”

  “Take your time!” I called at her back, and then I turned to find some food for the two of us. I was sure the rest of my companions were equally capable of hunting down a servant and requesting food, so I was confident they could take care of themselves for a little while.

  A short while later, I’d eaten, bathed, and gotten dressed in clean clothes. Then I put on my armor, strapped my weapons to my belt, and slid my feet into my griffon feather boots.

  The rest of my gear would be taken to the stables by servants, so I turned my attention to making sure the rest of my entourage were also ready to depart. I strode down the corridor to the main living space of the purple wing, and I found my team waiting patiently for me on the couches spread around the room.

  “Is everyone ready to leave?” I asked as I scanned over the faces of my entourage. I received nods of affirmation and salutes in response, so I led my team out of the purple wing of Castle Bullard toward the stables.

  It wasn’t long before we were back on the open road with the castle sinking away on the horizon behind us, but the turrets and towers remained visible for a while as we traveled steadily to the east.

  The members of my entourage entertained themselves with conversation and by singing songs, and I taught them a few simple tunes from my old world. I cracked up laughing when I got them all to chant the lyrics to “Stayin’ Alive.”

  I hoped our journey would remain uneventful the rest of the way, but I stayed vigilant for any danger lurking on the path ahead. Riondale’s eyes also constantly flicked from one side of the road to the other, and Jax maintained his position as the rear guard of our caravan. After the attack from the ninja-like assholes, we were all on high alert, but I didn’t see anything wrong with that.

  We camped at night since there weren’t a lot of towns with enough room for all of us, and I didn’t want to make the small villages suffer too much hardship just so we could sleep in beds. Still, we were greeted like heroes everywhere we traveled through, and I waved to the cheering and waving people like I was on a parade.

  Then we passed through Northwood Valley, the town where a little girl had gone missing during our previous journey to Vallenwood, and the townspeople were overjoyed to see me again. Bella was safe and sound this time, and she waved enthusiastically as we rode through the village.

  I took advantage of our time on the road to run drills every morning since I wanted all the members of my entourage to be able to at least defend themselves, but I was surprised by how quickly the civilians picked up the combat skills. My followers were determined to please me however they could, and at that time, it meant learning how to use a sword.

  We also went on some hunting trips while we traveled to replenish our stores of fresh meat, and I taught everyone who needed to learn how to clean and dress fresh game.

  We were getting closer to Vallenwood, and excitement was high. Every conversation I overheard was about what my people wanted to do while in the big city, and their eagerness was contagious. It made me want to learn more about the expectations of my entourage, so I trotted Goliath up next to Jeron’s horse before I cleared my throat to get the woodsman’s attention.

  I made a new save point so I could reset and awe him with my knowledge about him, and then I gave him a broad smile.

  “What do you want to do in Vallenwood?” I asked in a curious tone.

  “Well, to be honest,” the woodsman began in a hesitant voice, and he shot me a cautious look. “I’m looking for a wife.”

  “You want to get married?” I grinned. “That’s awesome.”

  “I’ve been living alone for a long time now,” Jeron confessed. “Seeing you so happy with your women makes a man long for a warmed bed, if you know what I mean.”

  “I hope you find her,” I said. “And I’ll help in any way I can.”

  “I appreciate that.” The woodsman smirked. “Having a god at your back could certainly come in handy with the ladies.”

  “Is there no one back in Bastianville who has caught your eye?” I shook my head in disbelief. “There’s been people flocking to town for a while now, I’m surprised you didn’t find a woman among the new arrivals.”

  “There was one girl I courted for a short time,” the woodsman admitted with a shy smile.

  “What happened?” I pressed as my curiosity got the best of me.

  The woodsman was attractive enough, and physically fit. His job at the lumber mill required him to move heavy logs around, so his arms were as thick as tree branches, and he was tanned from his time spent in the sun. He was also soft spoken and kind, so he was a good catch. It was a shame he was still lacking a girl, and I made a mental note to help fix the situation as soon as possible.

  “She started courting one of those twins you brought to town,” he explained. “I’m not sure which one, though.”

  “Unfortunate.” I frowned, but then I shot the woodsman with a reassuring smile. “Have no fear, we’ll find you a lady in Vallenwood. You have my word.”

  Then I reset back to my save point with a wave of my will.


  I gave the woodsman a friendly smile, and he returned the expression.

  “I wanted to tell you something,” I said in a mysterious voice.

  “Yes, of course, Great One.” All the blood drained from Jeron’s face, and I realized he’d immediately assumed the worst. “You can say anything to me.”

  “You can calm down, I’m not kicking you out of my entourage or sending you back to Bastianville,” I explained with a wry smirk. “I wanted to assure you that we will find you a bride in Vallenwood.”

  “H-How did you know what I was thinking?” Jeron’s mouth gaped open, and he
swallowed visibly.

  “I know all things, Jeron,” I informed him with a flourish of my hand.

  “You’re really going to help me?” Hope bloomed in his eyes.

  “Of course,” I laughed. “What else would a god do for his followers?”

  “I-I am speechless, Great One.” Jeron shook his head. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Pleased with myself, I flashed him a broad smile, and then without another word, I turned to ride beside someone else while the woodsman stared off into the distance with a dazed expression on his face.

  I made a new save point before I hacked my next followers’ dreams for Vallenwood, and I picked Niconor to learn about next.

  The muscular miner kept his horse’s reins gripped tightly in his hands, and he rode with his head held high. His gaze was locked on the road ahead, and he didn’t notice me maneuver Goliath up next to his steed.

  “How’s it going?” I asked to break the silence, and the miner jumped.

  “Apologies, Great One,” Niconor said as he regained his composure. “I didn’t see you there.”

  “Yeah, you looked deep in thought.” I glanced sideways at the stiff-necked miner. “Whatcha thinking about, Nic?”

  “I was worrying about my father,” Niconor admitted. “He isn’t as strong as he used to be, but try telling him that. He’ll die in the mine, and be happy about it, but I… I just wish for a better life for him.”

  “Have you told him about your thoughts?” I asked in a curious tone.

  “He wouldn’t listen.” The miner shook his head in dismay. “He’d curse me for being disrespectful at the mere mention of him cutting back on work. Respect is very important to him.”

  “It sounds like it’s important to you, too,” I pointed out.

  “All I’ve ever wanted was my father’s respect,” Niconor confessed with a heavy sigh. “That’s why I signed up for your entourage. I want to bring honor and glory to my family name.”

  I’d learned enough to impress him with my knowledge, so I reset back to my save point.


  I rode up beside Niconor, and I cleared my throat to get his attention.


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