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The OP MC 5: God of Winning

Page 24

by Logan Jacobs

  “Stop worrying about your father,” I instructed in a firm, but gentle, voice. “Elrin and the rest of the people in Bastianville won’t let him work too hard.”

  “Not even a god could stop him from working himself to death,” Niconor countered with a shake of his head, but then he looked up at me with an awed glimmer in his eyes. “You… You read my thoughts?”

  “I know all things, Nic,” I reminded him, and I gave him a warm smile. “You will earn your father’s respect. Just being a part of my entourage is a step in that direction.”

  “That’s why I decided to do it in the first place.” The miner smirked. “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”

  “I did,” I laughed.

  We exchanged stories for a short while, and once the miner was looking more relaxed, I decided to move on to another member of my entourage. I next set eyes on the married couple, Sarah and Bron, and I watched them together for a moment before I approached them. They were snuggled up beneath a blanket in the back of the wagon, and while I watched, Bron placed a soft kiss upon his wife’s forehead.

  It was almost too heartwarming to interrupt, but I wanted to learn more about the winners of the three-legged race. They seemed absolutely in love, and I bet they would have some good advice for someone who hadn’t been married very long.

  I made a new save point before I got their attention, and I gave them one of my friendliest smiles.

  “How are you two enjoying the journey so far?” I asked.

  “Very much,” Sarah replied with an incline of her head. “It is like a second honeymoon for us.”

  “Not that we are trying to steal your glory, Great One,” Bron said in a rush.

  “Didn’t even cross my mind,” I chuckled. “Where did you guys go for your honeymoon?”

  “We stayed in an out of the way inn for several days,” Bron explained, and a nostalgic look crossed his eyes. “I don’t remember much about the town… Or even the name…”

  “Me, either,” Sarah giggled. “I barely remember leaving the room at the inn.”

  “That definitely sounds like a honeymoon,” I laughed. “I’m glad this trip can compare. I’m sure it will be more romantic once we’re staying in the palace, though, so I’ll try to give the two of you some alone time.”

  “We would appreciate that.” Sarah blushed. “It will definitely help.”

  “Maybe with the God of Time’s approval, we will be successful this time,” Bron murmured to his wife.

  “Successful at what?” I asked.

  “Getting pregnant,” Sarah supplied as her blush darkened. “We’ve been trying for a while with no success.”

  This was definitely something the God of Time should already know, so I reset back to my save point with a wave of my will.


  “You two look like you’re having fun.” I approached the married couple with a friendly smile. “Giggling over secrets, are we?”

  “We wouldn’t keep secrets from you, Great One,” Bron assured me.

  “Not like you could,” I laughed. “I know all things.”

  “I’m sure there are some things that are beyond even your powers?” Sarah tilted her head to the side with a curious look on her face. “Like the secrets between a husband and wife?”

  “Nope.” I grinned. “Like I said, I know all things. For example, the two of you are trying to have a baby.”

  “You know?” Sarah gasped, and she exchanged a look with her husband. “We thought we’d been so quiet about it.”

  “Oh, you have,” I chuckled. “I just already knew.”

  “Your power always amazes me,” Bron admitted with an awed shake of his head, and he exchanged a look full of wonder with his wife.

  Their reaction to my abilities satisfied me, so I decided to let time continue forward once more. It was fun getting to know my entourage a little better, and I looked forward to being able to make all of their dreams come true. If only I could will a woman into being pregnant, then I’d make sure Sarah and Bron had a baby soon, as well as my lovers.

  There must be some kind of baby fever in the air or something.

  Three days after we departed from the small village of Northwood Valley, we rode over the familiar crest of the hill that was the final obstacle before we arrived at Vallenwood, and I called my caravan to a halt for a final rest period. I didn’t want us to arrive in the city all dirty and tired since we were going straight to the palace to greet the king.

  “Alright, ladies and gentlemen,” I said in a loud voice as I pulled Goliath to a halt at the front of the procession. “We are almost to our destination. We have less than a day’s travel ahead of us before we reach Vallenwood, so now is your chance to clean up a little.”

  “I have our uniforms finished,” Bellona informed me. “Let’s all get changed before we are introduced to the king.”

  Everyone dismounted their horses and climbed off the wagon, and the seamstress got busy doling out the uniforms she’d made to the entire entourage. She’d been hard at work during the entire journey, and her efforts had paid off. We’d arrive at the palace looking crisp and sharp, just like the retinue of the God of Time should be.

  A short while later, the golden walls of the city bloomed from the horizon until they filled our view. A mountain in the distance created a beautiful backdrop for the large town spread out around its slope, and the golden walls reflected the light of the setting sun. We approached with my banners waving in the wind, and I trotted Goliath through the open gates of the city with my head held high. No guards moved to stop us, so I headed straight to the palace.

  The people of Vallenwood stopped what they were doing to watch us pass by them, and then the cheering started as they saw the dragon on the banner and put two and two together.

  “The Dragon Slayer has returned!”

  I grinned broadly at the crowd of people that swarmed around me, and my entourage was immediately hard at work keeping them pushed back away from me. I almost didn’t care if the horde of people overpowered us since their adoration made my chest puff with pride.

  Vallenwood remembered me, and they were happy I was back.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Give the Great One some room!” Mahini called out in a voice as sharp as her blade. “We are on our way to see the king!”

  Her words cut through the onslaught of voices, and the crowd grumbled as they began to disperse.

  I led our little procession through the wagon-wheel design of the city, and I aimed for the main entrance of the palace. We passed through the bustling marketplace where the streets were crowded with people, and I was careful not to trample over anyone with my horse.

  I listened to the oohs and aahs of my entourage as we entered the city of Vallenwood, and the girls and I exchanged a knowing glance. Riondale and Corvis were also less than impressed, but this wasn’t their first time to the capital, either. Jaxtom’s reaction was my favorite, though, since the burly blacksmith’s mouth hung agape, and his eyes were wider than I’d ever seen them. He craned his neck around in an effort to see everything at once, and he gasped over the height of the buildings that towered over us.

  It looked like all the damage from Smiguel, the great crimson dragon, had already been repaired since there wasn’t a sign of fire damage anywhere. The people of Vallenwood were back to their normal lives, and no one had to live in fear of the beast any longer. My chest swelled with pride as I remembered how I’d become the Dragon Slayer.

  I still had the lance the king gave me, too, but I’d left it back in Bastianville since the lizard asshole was dead.

  My thoughts turned to the dragon egg I’d stolen from the beast’s nest, but I pushed the thought from my mind. There would be time to ponder the egg later since I knew it was safe and sound hidden in my house with the rest of the items I’d scavenged from the creature.

  Then we arrived at the main entrance of the palace, and servants were already trotting out the humongous doors as we pulled to a
halt. They wore the green tunics trimmed in gold common for all the king’s servants, and they bowed low as we all started to dismount. The servant in the front rose back up as I walked toward him, and I flashed him a friendly smile as I made a new save point.

  “Greetings, O Great One,” the servant intoned in a robotic voice. “We have been expecting you. The king awaits you.”

  “I know.” I nodded sagely, and then my gaze flicked to the entrance behind him. “After you.”

  I glanced back over my shoulder to make sure the rest of my companions were following me, and I noticed the stable hands were already leading our horses away to the stables. My women and my entourage blinked back at me with neutral expressions, but they were lined up in two rows with the girls at the front.

  “Thank you. Follow me, Your Grace.” The servant inclined his head, and then he snapped his fingers at the other green tunic wearing people who’d come outside with him. The group of servants jumped into a formation around us, and then the head servant walked between the open doors of the palace.

  We followed him straight to the throne room at a brisk pace, so I didn’t have time to ogle at the decorations this time. My companions slowed a little to take a look for themselves as we traversed the long corridor, though, so our formation stretched out into a thin line until they caught me glancing back at them and quickly got back into a crisp row.

  The audience chamber was empty when we arrived, but the king stood near the dais where his throne sat waiting for us. Thinning shoulder-length brown hair sat beneath his golden circlet, and his narrow frame was dressed in a rich green velvet robe over a golden chainmail tunic.

  The first time I’d seen him, the king had worn armor encrusted with gemstones, so it was nice to see he had a more casual side sometimes. My entourage formed a line a short distance away from the throne dais, and I nodded in appreciation to my companions before I turned my attention to the king.

  “Freddy!” I greeted in a friendly voice. “Long time no see. How are ya?”

  I crossed the distance to the king, and I stuck out my hand for him to shake. The older man smirked as he placed his palm in mine, and I sensed no animosity in his gaze.

  “Sir Sebastian.” The king inclined his head, and his eyes twinkled in amusement. “I hope you had safe travels through my kingdom?”

  “Actually, we were beset by assassins early on,” I reported. “But I made quick work of them, and no one else bothered us the rest of the way here.”

  “Assassins?” The king frowned, and he turned to stare out the gigantic window situated behind his throne. “That is most unfortunate.”

  “Unfortunate for the assassins,” I replied. “They’re the dead ones, after all.”

  “It was highly unwise for them to target an immortal deity,” the king agreed with a solemn nod. “You must have really ruffled some feathers in Sorreyal if even you have a price on your head.”

  “What do you mean, even me?” I pressed. “Who else got attacked recently?”

  “My personal wizard was poisoned,” the king informed me in a quiet voice. “He survived, but it was intentionally done. If you were also targeted by assassins, then it is no coincidence.”

  I resisted the sudden urge to spill my guts about the Duke of Arginold and his court wizard, Racine, to the kindly king, but I kept my lips pressed firmly shut until the feeling passed. The two assholes had killed each other, and there was no proof of my involvement, so I planned to keep it that way. Still, I knew about the plot to overthrow the king between Edinburg and Arginold, so I had to do something.

  But what?

  “How long ago did the poisoning occur?” I asked as I tapped my finger against my chin.

  The king shot a glance at my entourage. “We will speak another time. Alone. Perhaps after the banquet? I’d like you to meet the others before we talk.”

  “You can trust my people,” I assured the king with a coolly arched eyebrow. “Who are these others you want me to meet, and why?”

  “The nobles, of course.” The king frowned. “I need you to read their minds with your god powers, and then we will meet up to discuss your findings.”

  “Isn’t that cheating?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I’m the king.” He shrugged.

  “Fair enough.” I scratched my chin. “So, you want me to investigate everyone, or is there someone specific you have in mind?”

  “Just follow your instincts,” the king replied. “I trust your godly judgement, but make sure you have proof of any accusations.”

  “When is this banquet?” I asked as the wheels began turning in my head. With enough respawns, I could learn all about everyone invited in the span of a single night. It would be hard, but I was always up for a challenge.

  “Tomorrow evening,” King Frederick said, and his eyes began to twinkle with excitement. “There will be a ball after dinner, so wear your dancing shoes.”

  “Alright.” I smirked. “I’ll be there.”

  “You are the Archduke of Sorreyal,” the king pointed out. “It would be rude for you to be absent.”

  “I’m also the God of Time,” I reminded him in a hard tone.

  “Yes, yes, of course, my apologies.” The king waved a dismissive hand. “I’ll have someone show you to your rooms. I hope the west wing is adequate again?”

  “That’s fine.” I nodded. “Just as long as I have a soft bed and a warm bath, I don’t care where you put me.”

  The king clapped his hands together, and a servant rushed forward from some unseen shadow in the room.

  “Show Sir Sebastian and his people to the west wing, please,” the king instructed. “Then make sure they are provided with dinner this evening.”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” the servant replied with a low bow, and then he turned and marched toward the entrance of the throne room without a word.

  I caught the questioning glances from my entourage, and I shrugged. “Let’s just follow along.”

  I already knew the way to the west wing because of our previous visit to the palace, but I also knew the king needed his small formalities in order to feel like he was more powerful than me.

  He wasn’t, but he’d figure it out eventually.

  For now, being allies with the king of Sorreyal worked in my favor, but the second that changed I would rethink my position. Besides, it appeared we could have common enemies once more.

  We passed through the corridors, the foyer, and then turned down the hallway that led to the west wing of the palace. The servant kept a brisk pace, so we hurried to keep up with him, but a few moments later we entered the regal living space I was familiar with from our previous visit.

  “This is starting to become a recurring theme,” Riondale teased as he tossed himself down on one of the sofas. “I’m getting used to living in the lap of luxury.”

  “Good,” I chuckled. “You deserve the best, Ri-guy.”

  “This will take me some getting accustomed to,” Bellona said with an awed look on her face as she gazed around the room. “Look at the size and quality of the curtains! I could make ten dresses from one sheet!”

  “Did you hear him say there’s going to be a dance?” I wiggled my eyebrows at the seamstress. “You’ll get to wear a fancy dress yourself for once.”

  “It’s going to be wonderful to see all the latest fashions in Vallenwood,” she replied with excitement shining in her eyes. “I’ve wanted to come here since I was a little girl.”

  “Think you’ll be able to get me a fancy new tunic to wear to the ball?” I grinned. “I have to make a good impression on the entire summit of nobility, after all.”

  “I’ll get you fitted for something extra special later tonight,” Bellona assured me.

  “In the meantime, let’s divide up the available rooms between our group,” I said, and I raised my voice so my entire entourage could hear me. “Tonight is easy, but tomorrow the real work begins, so get some rest while you can.”

s like we’re just goin’ to a big party,'' Jax observed. “Nothin’ about that says work to me.”

  “Oh, you’ll see.” I flashed him a mischievous grin. “I bet you’ll be worn out long before the end of the banquet.”

  “Is that so?” The blacksmith tossed back his head and let out a loud belly laugh. “You’re on.”

  “This is going to be very entertaining,” Riondale said with a wry smile. “I’m looking forward to a ball for the first time in my life. Thanks for that, Jax.”

  “The least I could do, my lord,” Jax countered with a mock bow, and the entire room erupted with laughter.

  I was pleased my entourage could joke around with each other since it made time pass so much faster when we were all having fun. The more they trusted me, the happier they became, and it was gratifying to see the direct results of my influence. Having so many trusted eyes and ears with me could really come in handy, too, and I tucked the thought away for later use.

  Then dinner arrived with a parade of servants pushing carts covered in white cloths. On top were silver domed dishes, and the delicious aromas began to float through the air toward my nostrils the second the servants entered the west wing. Once the meal was served, we all sat around the fancy dining room table and ate as a group while the servants kept our drinks filled.

  I sat back and listened to the chatter among my companions for a while, and it made me happy to hear how excited they were about staying in the palace. Caelia’s gaze flicked to my face every once in a while, and I gave her my most charming smile, which caused her to blush and stare at the table. Jeron and Niconor compared notes on the king, while Jax and Riondale discussed how difficult it would be to scale the city walls.

  Celeste devoured her meal like she hadn’t eaten in days, but Adelina picked politely at her food in between conversation. Kylor and Corvis discussed the differences between the stables at Bullard and the ones in Vallenwood, while Sarah and Bellona talked about what they planned to wear to the ball.

  The table was full of happy people, and I sighed contentedly as I scanned over their faces.


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