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Where I Belong

Page 2

by Jill Sanders

  Her eyes moved around the small shop. “So, is this place yours?” she asked before he could ask her another question.

  “The Brew-Ha-Ha, is my sister’s dream,” he said, standing up and walking over to pour himself some more coffee.

  Her eyes moved around once more. “Brew?”

  “Ha-Ha,” he supplied, with a slight shake of his head and a roll of his eyes.

  She smiled. “Your sister?”

  “Is in Alaska, currently getting over her second husband.” He rolled his eyes again and moved back until he stood directly across from her. “Who I suspect, cheated on her like the first one had.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she mumbled as she shoved the last of the sticky bun into her mouth. She reached for the bottled water, only to discover that it was empty.

  Without breaking eye contact, Rafe leaned down and pulled out another bottle from behind the counter, and set it in front of her.

  “Thanks,” she added, then downed half its contents.

  “Where are you staying?” he asked, causing her heart to flip.

  “Here and there.” She figured that was the truth and kept her eyes on his.

  He dipped his head quickly. “Fair enough,” he added as his eyes ran over her. “Why St. Helena?”

  She drank some more water and shuffled her bag on her back. She’d been tolerant of his questions so far, but now she was finding it harder and harder to dodge the answers. Besides, she was a person of honor. When she agreed to tell him the truth, she knew she’d stick to it.

  Her eyes moved to the back of the store and noticed the bathroom sign. His eyes followed hers.

  “I...” She wet her lips as she dreamed of a hot shower, but would make due with a washcloth and a bar of soap in a small bathroom sink.

  “Go. You can answer the question after.” He took a sip of his coffee and leaned against the countertop.

  She could feel him watching her walk towards the bathroom, her backpack secured on her shoulders.

  When she reached the doorway, she glanced back and watched him pull on a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Damn. The man had the sexy nerd thing going on as he picked up a book that had been flipped upside down on the countertop, and started reading. He looked like a sexy Professor Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  Hell, what was she going to do to get out of answering his questions?

  She shut the heavy wood door to the single women’s restroom and leaned against it.

  Okay, first things first. It was obvious her libido was going crazy because she’d gone too long without. So, she’d find a way out of this town, then find herself a man. Simple.

  She glanced around and smiled when she noticed the large frosted window above the toilet.

  Okay, scratch that. First, she’d clean up in his restroom, then she’d get out of his shop. Then she’d worry about the rest later.

  She took her time in the bathroom, using the small washcloth she’d swiped from an inn in Oregon, and the fancy soap from the bookstore’s cupboard—she was thankful when she noticed the full supplies in the small space above the counter.

  It took her less than a second to push all the small boxes of soaps into her bag, along with several rolls of toilet paper and some napkins.

  She was almost desperate for a towel, but since all she found were paper products, she figured she’d have to make do. After cleaning up the best she could, she opened the window quietly, then crawled up on top of the toilet and glanced out.

  There was a small alleyway in the back, with a good-sized deck leading from the back of the building. A couple cars were parked in the rear, but so far, she couldn’t see any people.

  Tossing her bag out, she hit the flush on the toilet and shimmed her way up and out the window.

  She must have gauged the distance wrong. Her legs dangled as she gripped the edge of the window. Her fingers screamed as the sharpness cut into them, holding her entire weight. She kicked out, hoping to find something to get a grip, but only found open air instead.

  Thoughts of dropping to the ground rushed into her mind. Could she afford to hurt herself? What if she broke an ankle? There was no way she could stay on the run with a broken ankle, or worse.

  Just when she was debating pulling herself back up, strong hands wrapped around her waist and hoisted her down.

  Instantly, she closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Going somewhere, hellcat?” His voice sounded even sexier when there was a hint of laughter.

  She felt him bring her body up against his and instantly felt heat spread throughout her system. Damn, she thought. I really need a man.

  His hands stayed on her waist, holding her against his chest.

  “I thought we had a deal?” he said when she didn’t reply.

  “You thought wrong.” She turned on him, anger flashing behind her eyes. She’d misgauged how close he was and almost smacked her forehead into his chin as she turned towards him, her eyes glued to his soft brown ones. “I don’t owe you anything.” She placed her hands on her hips and glared up at him.

  “The truth,” he added, causing more anger to surface.

  “Why? What do you care?”

  He tilted his head. “Something tells me if I don’t. No one will,” he added softly.

  His words took all the steam out of her fight. “Who are you?” she asked and tried to take a step back, but only had her back coming up against the brick wall.

  “I told you...” he started to say, but stopped when she shook her head. “Very well, come inside and I’ll tell you.” He tilted his head towards the opened back door of the coffee shop.

  He bent down, picked up her bag, and held it out for her. Her eyes moved from the bag to the man. Giving in, she rolled her eyes and took the bag from him, then marched back into the shop.

  When she noticed that the group of women was gone, she hesitated.

  “I didn’t kick them out,” he said from behind her. “More people will be coming and going.” He sighed as he walked behind the counter again. “It’s a small town and this place has some of the best coffee around.”

  “Fine. Whatever,” she said under her breath.

  “Are you going to tell me who you’re running from?” he asked when she settled in the high stool again.

  “No one...” she started to say, only to get a sharp look from him.

  “What if I told you it was from an abusive husband?” She leaned on the counter, a breath from him, and watched his eyes heat.

  “Then I’d say you’re breaking a promise.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “How do you do that?” she asked, and watched his entire face transform as he smiled.

  Instead of answering, he leaned over and picked up the book he’d been reading. He tapped the cover and she read, Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology.

  “A shrink?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Not yet. I’d just graduated when my sister called.”

  She did some quick math and realized that he was easily three years older than she was. Then she glanced at him, her body instantly responding to how he was looking at her—by vibrating. Everywhere.

  She held her breath and reached for the bottle of water again.

  “So?” he said, causing her to meet his eyes in question. “Who are you running from?”

  Sighing loudly, she glanced around the empty shop. “My family.”

  “Why?” he asked, not missing a beat.

  She avoided his eyes. “Because they want me dead.”


  “That can’t be true.” He pulled out a plate of cookies and set them in front of her, taking one for himself.

  He watched her easily reach for one and nibble on it. His body reacted instantly when her tongue darted out and licked the chocolate from her bottom lip.

  There was just something about this woman that wouldn’t let him off the horny hook.

  “Sure it is. They hate me,” she said, her eyes meeting his, this time.

/>   “Why?” he asked, sipping his coffee and getting out another bottle of water for her.

  “Because I’m worthless,” she said, her eyes avoiding his again.

  Instead of saying anything, he just tilted his head.

  “Geez.” She sighed. “Okay.” She set her cookie down and rolled her eyes. “Because I screwed up.”

  He heard the sadness in her voice and held himself back from reaching across the bar and taking her hand.

  “Family means forgiveness,” he added, thinking about all the shit his two sisters had given him over the years.

  She laughed and shook her head. “Not mine. Not after what I did.” She picked up her cookie and finished it off.

  “Why?” he asked, searching her eyes.

  “Because,” she sighed, then glanced back at the leather sofa that sat along the back wall. There were several very full large cherry bookcases on either side, and a small fireplace in the corner.

  When she glanced back at him, he could see the weariness in her eyes.

  “Because, you don’t recover from the kind of screw-ups I did.” She sighed. “Would you mind if I...” She nodded towards the sofa.

  “Where are you staying?” he asked again. From the look of her, he guessed she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks.

  “Right now”—her eyes met his— “just outside of town.”

  “Where?” he asked, seeing that she was avoiding answering.

  Her eyes dipped and he could see her struggle with energy. “There’s this old cabin,” she started.

  “Off McIntire Lane?” he asked.

  When she nodded, he sighed. “The key was under the mat?”

  Her eyes met his and he watched her chin drop. Her lips made a sexy little O. “Your place?” she asked.

  He nodded. “The power and water have been off for over two years.”

  She sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I couldn’t have gotten so lucky.” He watched her shoulders hunch. “I didn’t mess with anything.” Her eyes met his. “I swear. I’d been staying in the woods for a while when I found it empty.”

  “It’s okay.” He believed her. “I’m staying at my sister’s for now.” The truth was, going back to the cabin hurt too much. “You’re welcome to stay with me...” Before he could finish the sentence, her eyes burned his. “Scouts honor I won’t try anything.” He held up his fingers, then smiled. “Unless you do.”

  Her eyes narrowed and he watched her cheeks flush. God, she was sexy as hell.

  “Why aren’t you calling the cops?” she asked after a moment.

  He chuckled. “Why would I?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I just told you I broke into your place—” she started.

  “You used the key, right? Didn’t actually break anything?” he interrupted.

  “Right.” She sighed.

  “So”—he shrugged— “no damage?”

  She nodded. “But...”

  He leaned closer. “Eva, I get that you’ve had a rough...” He tilted his head slightly.

  “Year.” When she added this, his anger boiled deep inside at the thought of her running and living like she was now.

  “I get that you’ve had it rough, but honest, I only want to make sure you’re safe. Stay with me. My sister’s place is big enough—you’d have a soft bed of your own, a bathroom with a massive shower, and her fridge is completely stocked. Besides, she won’t be back for a few weeks. It should give you enough time to decide what your next move is,” he added. “I’m stuck down here most of the day, babysitting this place.” He thought about it and then leaned back. “Actually, if you’re willing...”

  She waited, biting her bottom lip, which only caused his dick to jump at the thought of that sexy mouth on him.

  “I could use some help around here, for a few weeks, until my sister returns. I’d pay you minimum wage.”

  She glanced around the empty room.

  “It is busier in the mornings and after school is out,” he added, glancing at his clock and realizing that in just over an hour, there would be more people than he liked to think of, rushing through the door.

  He could tell the instant she’d made up her mind. Her amber eyes lit up and turned to a sexy gold.

  Chapter Three

  What the hell was she thinking? Eva stood under the hot shower later that night and moaned with pleasure as the water washed away all the dirt and grime she’d felt caked on her for the past week.

  She’d watched him manage his sister’s store like a pro. He’d been right, shortly after four that evening, there had been a line almost extending out the front door of the place. Older kids rushed in from after school, their backpacks flung over their shoulders.

  She’d ended up helping him fill orders and clear tables, and by the time they locked the doors, shortly after six, she’d been exhausted. She’d also been starved and impressed that Rafe seemed to know how to handle most everyone in town.

  But now, she was in pure heaven, and completely insane. Rafe had been right once again—his sister’s shower was massive. As was the guest room in his sister’s place. The fact that he was staying in a smaller room just down the hallway from her, did little to settle her nerves and her desire to run down there and rip off his clothes.

  She rolled her head under the spray and nudged the temperature down a few notches. Her body shivered at the cold water, but she knew she needed it to clear her mind from the sexy brown- eyed man who somehow could get her to say and do things she normally wouldn’t.

  Trusting a complete stranger went against everything she’d ever learned. Then again, trusting people she’d known hadn’t always worked out for her either.

  She pulled the thick towel around her body and wrapped another one around her long hair, enjoying the soft scents from the soaps and shampoo Rafe’s sister Cindy had in the bathroom.

  The tile flooring gleamed as she crossed the bathroom. She leaned over the sink and wiped the steam from the mirror.

  She sighed at the skinny girl staring back at her. Removing the towels, she assessed her image and frowned at her reflection. She’d gone too long without a good meal. Her hip bones protruded out and she was pretty sure she could play her ribs like a xylophone. Her cheeks were hollowed out and there were dark purple circles under her amber eyes, her only remaining attractive feature.

  Picking up the fresh pair of sweats Rafe had given her, she pulled them on along with an old T-shirt, and tossed the wet towels into the laundry bin. Since he’d shown her where the washer and dryer were, she was currently washing everything she owned, including the clothes she’d peeled off herself moments before stepping into the best shower of her life.

  She used his sister’s comb to straighten her hair, and smiled at the length of the blonde tresses. At least she had her amber eyes and lighter hair, she thought as she walked out of the bathroom and into the room she had been given for the next few weeks.

  When her stomach growled, she decided to venture out of the room and head down the curved staircase towards the kitchen. Rafe hadn’t been lying about that either. The place was well stocked. She hadn’t seen so much food in her life.

  When she walked in, all the lights were on and Rafe was standing at the stove. A Wonderful aroma filled the entire room.

  “That smells amazing,” she said, tucking her legs underneath her as she sat on a barstool. She glanced around and marveled at the beautiful surroundings.

  She’d seen enough magazines to know that Rafe’s sister’s place could have easily donned the cover of any of them.

  Its high wood ceiling allowed enough light into the room that, even in the evening, there was enough brightness to cook and eat from. The bar top was made from a huge block of wood, carved in a gentle arch.

  The barstools were heavy and had high backs and rich leather seats. They were so comfortable, she easily relaxed while Rafe rushed around the massive stove and cooked. There was a large overhead vent pumping out the steam from the cooking food.

; Over in the corner, a cozy breakfast nook with soft cushions and windows surrounded the booth area. Fresh flowers sat on the table.

  Actually, when she looked around, she noticed several vases of fresh flowers.

  “When did you say your sister left?” she asked, leaning closer to see if she could get a look at what he was cooking.

  “Five days ago,” he added, not turning around. “Why?”

  “Who delivered these?” she asked, fingering the soft petals of the blossoms.

  “Hmm?” He glanced over his shoulder, then smiled big as love flooded his eyes. “Cara,” he said, then turned back to his meal. “She stopped by this morning.”

  Eva felt her heart slow as her shoulders slumped. She’d assumed, by the way he’d been looking at her like she was a piece of dessert, that he was single.

  She may break into other people’s homes and crash there, but she wasn’t a home wrecker.

  “She owns the place a few doors down from the Brew-Ha-Ha. It’s called Fashion Flower.” He chuckled and moved a pan from the heat. “Actually, she’s the reason Cindy opened her place.” He was too busy moving food to plates to notice the slight frown on her lips.

  She tried desperately to ignore the damn sexy man in worn jeans and faded T-shirt standing at the stove, barefoot, cooking for her. Especially since he was currently gloating about his girlfriend.

  “They may be crazy, but that’s why I love them.” He finished up and she realized she’d zoned out the last part of his conversation.

  “Hm?” she asked with a frown.

  “My sisters,” he added with a chuckle. “They’ve always had this unhealthy competition. That’s why Cindy opened the coffee shop. To compete with Cara.”

  “Your...sister,” she supplied, causing him to nod.

  “So, I hope you like fish.” She was grateful he changed the subject.

  He nodded towards the table behind her.

  “Depends.” She squished up her nose. But, she couldn’t deny that the smells were nothing but wonderful.


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