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Beginning of the Reckoning

Page 42

by Vera Quinn

Chapter 55

  Callie I see Devil come through my hospital room door and I can’t help but smile. I know he is going to be pissed at me for not listening to him on the phone, but I only hope I helped. From what the nurse told me, I think I did, but it didn’t all make sense. She said no one else was hurt. I know I shot Deacon. As close as I was I couldn’t have missed, but maybe Kat and Kim are ok. I knew better than to say anything to the nurse or doctor about Deacon. First club rule, keep your mouth shut when in this kind of situation. I can’t really remember anything about after I was shot. Everything just went black. I kinda remember being woke up last night a few times but not enough to see it clearly. Devil comes over beside me and then the door opens again and Steel walks in. I look from one to the other. “Well is someone going to tell me what happened after my lights went out? Last thing I remember really well is jumping in front of Kat and then everything is black or jumbled and blurry. So what’s up?” I try to smile but these two look so serious I think I might be in real trouble.

  “Well, Mrs. Hero, you jumped in front of ma saving her from a bullet. You kept Kim from being kidnapped. You disobeyed my direct order. You shot Deacon, which, by the way, no one knows about and no one needs to. You took ten years off my life and you pissed Chief off at me worse than he already was. He may come shoot me.” Devil tells me all of this but I can tell he was concerned for me. I hadn’t even thought about dad. He must be going out of his mind since he was going way across the country on that run. I was right. I’m in deep crap.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait. I heard voices getting louder and then I saw Deacon was going to shoot Kat. It was either react or watch your ma get hurt and I couldn’t do that. I did my best with the situation I was in. I did call before I went barging in.” I look to both of them and I see how tired they both are. “The doctor said I was going to be ok. I just need rest. I’ll square it away with dad. He’ll relax once he hears my voice.”

  “Next time I say stay put you damn well better do it or your ass will be blistered red with my hand print. Are we clear?” Devil is really mad. Did he want me to hide like a coward?

  “Devil you need to calm down son. She understands she took a bad risk.” St eel tries to reason with Devil. I square my shoulders and take a deep breath. He may as well get used to me now because I won’t change myself for anyone. “Devil I understand I may have scared you but this is who I am. I cannot let anyone get hurt if I can stop it and you might as well learn that now. If I had to do it over again I would. Did you want your ma shot or worse?” I look at him and I see he understands.

  “I thought not. I do not run. I have been taught to fight for the people I love and care for and I won’t change that now.” Whatever fight he may have had left was gone. Just then I realize Kat, Kim, and Stone had come in behind Steel. Kat is standing there with tears in her eyes.

  “I love you too, sweetheart. Thank you for saving us last night. I think that’s what these two big oafs meant to say, but of course their feet get in the way.” Kat comes up to the other side of the bed that Devil is not on and bends down and gives me a kiss on the cheek and a soft hug. I hug her back and she feels like the mom I always wanted. Like I always needed growing up. Steel reaches for my hand around Devil and squeezes it, “we will always owe you Callie. You’re a Feral Steel now and forever. You have all our gratitude.” I squeeze his hand back. Then out of nowhere Devil says the one thing I never thought I would hear from him, “I love you Callie. I want this marriage to work. I know given time you can learn to love me too. I won’t give up until you do. Will you give me the chance?” I don’t know who Devil shocked more. All eyes are on him. Stone and Kim’s mouths are even hanging open. I look at him in disbelieve. The last time I believed a man when he said he loved me, he ended up breaking my heart. He did the one thing I knew he would. He cheated on me. Can I take this chance again? Am I over Mason? Do I have the feelings I think I do for Devil? All this on top of an excruciating headache. Then I just know. I can’t let doubt cloud my judgement.

  “The last man that said those words to me b roke my heart, even after he promised he wouldn’t. I don’t know you very well Devil, but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t felt something for you. I would be willing to give you a chance. A real chance, if you will just always be honest with me. But I can’t call you Devil if this is the start of something between us. I have to call you Kylar. I want that part of you, too. Can you understand that?” I give it to him as honest as I can. I will try but honesty is a deal breaker.

  “You can call me whatever you want as long as you give me that chance. I will tell you everything but club business. Can you give me that?” I see Kylar is trying, so I can give him that. Especially since this biker just did this in front of his entire family.

  “Ok, I can do that as long as it doesn’t have to do with us.” That’s my compromise and he can take it or leave it. “Since you really weren’t going to get a choice I guess I can live with that.” I see a look between Kylar and Steel and I don’t know what it is, but I know it sends a shiver down my back. I just hope I don’t regret this. Stone steps up and pushes Kylar out of the way and he bends down and kisses my cheek and I hear Kylar growl behind him. “Don’t worry brother, I’m just welcoming my new sister into the family. Callie when I first met you, I didn’t really care for you.” Another growl from Kylar. “But I thought you thought you were some kind of MC Princess with a stuck up attitude. I see I was wrong. When I’m wrong then I say I’m wrong. I couldn’t have been further from the truth and if you need anything and Devil is not around I am here.”

  “Thank you Stone. I appreciate it.” Then Kylar scoots him back out of the way. “Ok, now that I have bared my soul in front of everyone, you all need to get the hell out. We need time to ourselves. I will take care of my wife.” He grins after he says it. Don’t know what has gotten into him today but I like it. I get hugs and kisses from everyone and Steel reminds us to call dad and they are out of my room and we are alone. Kylar climbs up in the bed beside me and we wait for my food and then my release.

  Chapter 56

  Devil It has been four of the best weeks of my life since Callie has been home from the hospital. We have gotten so close. I go to work for the club during the day and Callie and I make love until the wee hours of the morning. I tell Callie every day I love her and it only gets stronger with time. I don’t want to be without her. Last night was the first time she told me she loved me and I feel on top of the world. If only everything could move so smoothly. Chief and Ty came to visit not long after Callie was out of the hospital. Dad and I explained everything to Chief about Bri and Diamondback. He was not happy. He took me to the ring and I ended up with two cracked ribs and a black eye. Amazingly I think I came out a winner. He saw how happy Callie was, so he didn’t tell her, but he has to be there when I do. Which will be next week when we get back from seeing Diamondback. Chief and Trent are going with us to explain everything to Diamondback about Karen. Chief and Diamondback are going to have to come to terms because I am telling Callie everything when I get back. There will be no more secrets waiting to come out and sabotage everything we have. Also, when Chief came to visit he showed Callie the proof that Tommy’s killer had been dealt with and Chief and I along with dad took care of Deacon. Callie seemed more at ease knowing her brother’s killer was dealt with but Chief did not tell her who sent them. We will tell her that after we get back, along with the rest. Callie is taking her car to Texas to work on it while I am gone. Stone is going to keep an eye on her for me, along with Ty, while we are out of town. Chief has a fully stocked shop with everything she needs to do a complete tune-up while she is there. She is hauling it behind her truck so she will have a ride while her car is torn apart. I’m not too thrilled with it, but Callie and Chief assure me she is an old pro at it. The things that girl knows how to do. We are going to get all her final financial things transferred while we are there. Her friend Felix is back from New York and Hanna is there so she has a full wee
k planned out. At least I won’t have to worry with her at her dad’s. Everyone has missed her and will keep her company. Tonight is the last night we’ll be together here alone for a while so I want to make it special. I plan on taking her out to eat and then home for some us time. That is the best time of day. I pull up into my drive and I see Callie has already gone and got the car hauler. I was going to do it in the morning but I guess Callie couldn’t wait. Sometime she is just too independent. I smell the food when I walk in the back door and my thoughts of going out to eat are cancelled. My woman can cook and it smells like lasagna and fresh bread. My mouth is watering and my stomach growling.

  “Damn, something smells good. Babe what are you cooking?” I walk in the kitchen and just as I get to the table of food I see Callie standing in the other doorway and she is wearing a sexy nighty with stiletto heels and a smile. I instantly forget the food.

  “Babe you are looking mighty fine there. What have you got on your mind?” I stalk towards her and just before I get to her she sticks her hand out with a little plastic stick in it. “What’s that? Is that a pregnancy test?”

  “Why Mr. Steel I believe you answered your own question.” S he is grinning from ear to ear. My heart starts pounding so hard. “Are you pregnant?” I had been hoping she would be. We hadn’t ever used protection. but I know these things can take time.

  “Yes, Mr. Steel I most certainly am. You’re going to be a daddy.” She jumps in my arms and I catch her and I just want to pull her inside me to protect her and our child until it is born. I don’t know how I got so lucky. I kiss her and she puts her legs around my waist and I back her up against the wall. I feel her heat and I want inside of her now. I can’t wait. I start pulling my clothes off and she’s trying to hang onto me. Then I think. “Is it ok with the baby? Was I too rough with you? Oh baby, I’m sorry. I will be gentle. I wasn’t thinking. Are you ok?” It all keeps coming out.

  “Calm down baby. Everything is fine. I’m pregnant not sick. I am going into the doctor in the morning before we leave just to recheck. Now let’s finish what you started.” She bends down and kisses me. I deepen the kiss but I stop and hold her face in my hands and look at her, “I love you so much and I will be the best dad I can.”

  “I love you too and I know you will.” She didn’t even hesitate. She loves me. I feel on top of the world. I have it all. I bend down and I pick my wife up and take her to our bedroom and shut the door behind me. I walk Callie backwards to our king size bed while devouring those luscious lips I have become addicted to. Our tongues tangled together. I run my hands down the sides of her body and then pushed her back down on the bed and I followed on top of her catching most of my weight on my elbows. I pull her legs apart and settle between them. I’m home and I don’t want to leave. I keep devouring her mouth. The sweetest taste I’ve ever had. Callie

  He’s devouring my mouth and the taste of mint and him has me mesmerized. I am on emotion overload. He’s right where I want him, I just need him closer. I feel his impressive erection and it is giving me the right traction but not enough, I need more. I need closer. I need less clothes. I grab handfuls of his shirt and pull. I’m sure I’m scratching his back along with it but it just seems to spur him on. He finally understands I need to feel his skin next to mine and pulls it over his head and throws it. He takes my silky nighty in his hands and rips it down the front. “I hope you weren’t too attached to that. I’ll buy you a new one.”

  “No need, it was in the way. I need more.” I can barely get the words out. I reach down and unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans. He’s trying to toe his boots off but he is having problems. I bring his attention back to me when my hand goes into his jeans and grabs his cock in my hand and squeeze. Then I begin to rub up and down the shaft. When I get back up to the head I feel the pre-cum and I rub it around the head to lubricate it. I let my hands explore his body. He rips my panties with one jerk and his head is between my legs before I can move. He runs his tongue down and then back up. Taking my clit in to his mouth and softly sucking on the bundle of nerves. I grab the sheet in my hands and my back comes up off the bed. I am so close.

  “Please, Kylar! Please I need more.” I let out a loud moan and I begin to feel it. “You are so beautiful in our bed. All laid out for me. I need inside of you before I go off.” He starts kissing his way up my body. He pays attention to my breasts. Licking and sucking on each nipple until they are hard and begging for more attention. “Tell me what you need baby. Say it I want the words.”

  “Fuck me Kylar! I need you inside me.” I moan out. Barely in a whisper. He presses his head at my entrance and he enters into me with one push. Then he stills. I know he is fighting for control but tonight I am having none of it. I want him wild and without control so I roll him over and I begin to grind down on him. I move until his head is almost out and then I slam back down. I set a fast rhythm and then grind. I am chasing my own orgasm and it isn’t long before I feel it and he knows, he feels the contractions. I am milking his cock. When he can take no more he rolls me back over and sets a pace that has us both exploding. I swear I see stars behind my eyelids and his head is pushed back and I hear him yell “Callie, damn. Callie, I love you.” Then I’m not sure which of us is spent the most, but I know Kylar only had his jeans and underwear pushed down below his butt cheeks. I start laughing and Kylar raises his eyebrows at me. “I can’t help it. Look at us. My clothes are in tatters on the floor and you don’t even have yours off. Do we have no control?” I keep laughing but Kylar hasn’t joined me so I look at him.

  “Darling a man never takes it well when he just fucked the hell out of his wife and she starts laughing.” Then I see the smirk on his face.

  “Ok, big man how about if we clean up then we feed your child because we are hungry?” He then takes his hand and rubs my still flat belly.

  “We’re going to have a baby. You’re carrying my baby. I love you so much.” Then he kisses me again, this time tenderly. “We need to feed our baby.” Kylar tells me but I don’t pay him any mind. I think this is the happiest I have been in my life. Definitely a turn for the better in my life. That’s the last thought I have before I drift off into a blissful sleep.


  We were up early this morning and made it to the doctor first thing. Callie is carrying our child. We stopped to eat and now we are back at my parents’. I can’t wait to tell them our news. Callie wanted to wait a little while but I told her I’d never make it so we better tell them together or I’d spill. I still haven’t lost the smile on my face. We walk in the back door and everyone is sitting in the kitchen and as soon as I see their faces I just blurt it out, “Callie’s knocked up. We’re having a baby.” Callie turns and hits my shoulder.

  “Nice delivery Kylar. Callie’s knocked up. Really?” She’s kidding cause I see the smile on her face. “I would suggest you let me tell my dad. I don’t think he would appreciate those words.” She’s probably right but what was wrong with them? She is knocked up. Ma is the first to jump up and hug Callie. and then Kim. They are just fussing over her. Dad comes over and pats me on the back and shakes my hand and then he gives Callie a hug. Stone is standing over by the cabinet with a grim look on his face and I could kill him for the words coming out of his mouth, “How do you know it’s yours? You two haven’t been together that long.” I fix him with a stare that would make most men shake.

  “Because ass, I am the only man she has had. Callie was a virgin on our wedding night. She’s not like the women we keep around the damn club and you need to check yourself or we are going to have problems.” I look at Callie and she looks embarrassed.

  “Damn brother, I was kidding. Where did your sense of humor go? Everyone knew Callie was a good girl.” Stone is laughing now but he came close to picking himself up off the ground.

  “Callie is mine and no one will even play with her that way.” I fix my brother with a stare. He seems unfazed. He makes his way over to Callie and takes her into a hug. “I’m so
rry sis. I was only playing. Devil is sure touchy. I hate to see how protective he gets once you start showing. This is going to be funny. I feel for you darling.” Callie lets him hug her and she seems ok. I just don’t want her upset. He’s right about one thing, I am protective. I don’t know how I ever thought I could get her pregnant and divorce her. That seems so long ago. Now I can’t imagine my life without her. Dad hugs Callie and he says, “Another generation of Steel family on the way. I am so happy. I’m going to be a grandpa.” Dad looks at me over Callie’s head and I know he wants to talk to me. “Congratulations to both of you. I can’t wait to spoil our first grandchild. Callie you have to take care of yourself now and keep our baby safe.”

  “Dad, it’s our baby. Callie knows she has to be careful now. We had this talk on the way here. She agreed. No more unnecessary risks. She also has to eat more.” I give dad a look. I’m a possessive of my family. Callie, the baby, and me, our little family. Now I have something of my own to protect.

  “Callie have you had morning sickness yet? Are you sleepy all the time? Any dizzy spells?” my ma is plummeting her with questions. “No nothing. I do get tired in the evening a lot more, but besides that I’m good. If I hadn’t missed my period, I wouldn’t have suspected anything.” Callie gives the answers like a trooper.

  “Well this is all great news, but we need to get on the road so we can get to Chief’s and get some sleep tonight before our big ride.” Dad kisses mom and then kisses Kim’s cheek. “You two behave while we are gone. Call if you need anything. I have a prospect rotation keeping an eye on the house and you have all the brother’s numbers if you need anything. Call if you need me but I don’t know when I will get to the phone.” With that I kiss the other two women in my life and Stone does the same.

  “Callie don’t overdo while Kylar is gone and be careful of those fumes.” Ma is in mother hen mode. I hadn’t even thought of the fumes. I look at Callie. “Don’t worry Kylar, I’ll make Ty do the smelly work. I know what not to do.” Callie is letting me know not to worry, but I just want to put her in bubble wrap until she has our baby and maybe afterwards.


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