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Beginning of the Reckoning

Page 43

by Vera Quinn

  ******* The last five hours on the road were long. We only made one stop to feed everyone and we refueled. We are parking in front of the BlackPath club house and I know Callie is anxious to see her family. Chief walks out just as Callie parks her truck with her car behind her. She jumps out of the truck and nearly tackles her dad. I take my time getting off my bike to give them a minute alone. Dad and Stone do the same. As soon as I walk up I see Chief is trying to keep his emotions in check. Callie must have told him our news because he is giving me that I’m going to kick your ass again, look. I know Chief does not like me. He likes me even less since I told him why I wanted to marry Callie, but he will keep it together in front of Callie. That man loves his daughter and doesn’t want to cause her any pain, but he doesn’t trust me. I will have to earn that. I will do it. I will earn his trust and respect if it is the last thing I do, even if he never likes me. I will prove to him exactly how much I love Callie and I can take care of her and our child and love them both like no one else. He may not like me, but he will have to respect me for that.

  “I can’t believe my baby is having a baby. I still remember the day you were born. That’s the day you wrapped me around your little finger.” Chief is happy. You can see it all over his face. Driller and Ty come out the club door and Chief waves them over. Ty is first to see Callie and breaks out in a big smile and Trent does the same when he sees Chief still holding Callie.

  “Ty, your sister is making you an uncle and me a grandpa. Driller that makes you a great uncle. Our family is growing again.” Chief can’t keep the grin off his face. He may not be happy about the timing or circumstances right now, but he is happy.” Chief lets Callie back down and Driller wraps her in a bear hug.

  “Ok Driller, let me have my turn. I never thought I’d say it but I’ve missed my baby sister. I have no one to pick on since she is gone. Did you tell her about the new prospects?” Chief and Driller both give Ty a look.

  “Did you ever think we would share a grandkid Chief? I couldn’t be happier.” Dad tells Chief but I see the eye contact between the two and I know dad is keeping something from me.

  “Dad you have new prospects? You didn’t mention anything about it when we talked yesterday. Holding back on me old man.” Callie says accusingly to her dad. Jabbing him in the side. “I’m sure a lot has changed since I have been gone. Have Felix or Hanna been around today? They thought I would be here earlier but I went to the doctor before we left to confirm my baby suspicion.” Callie was babbling on.

  “No, I haven’t talked to your friends but Kelsey, Laurie, and Chelsea are inside. They were waiting on you. We are eating here tonight. The ol’ ladies are cooking. Go on in and tell them your news I need to speak with Steel, Stone and Devil for a minute. Club business.” Callie hesitates but finally gives me a kiss and goes on inside. I know dad knows something he’s hasn’t told me but that is about to change. As soon as Callie is inside, Chief looks at me and he shakes his head, “Does her getting pregnant have anything to do with your deal with Diamondback? Because I can tell you, if you are going to up and leave her pregnant, then we are going to have a problem.” I know I deserve that. That had been my original plan but no one could get me to leave her now.

  “I guess I deserve that, but no one could get me to leave her now. She is mine.” He doesn’t know how determined I am. “Devil how much do you want this to work? Do you want our clubs to work together or against each other? Do you want Callie to be happy? I don’t think you want her to have to choose between you and her family. Are you sure who she would choose? Because I am very sure. She believes in family loyalty.” Chief is eyeing me up and down.

  “Look Chief, I want us to get along. Callie loves me and our little family. So she would have family loyalties. She also loves everyone here. I don’t want to make her choose. I thought we were going to face Diamondback together.” I look at my dad. I don’t know what Chief is getting at. He needs to just put the shit out there. “Tell me what you’re getting at.”

  “We have three n ew prospects. They will be helping with Callie while she is here. Don’t think I’m running it past you first. These guys have already been voted on. I am only letting you be aware so you won’t be blindsided when you meet them or Callie sees them. I’m leaving it to you to tell Callie” Chief and dad exchange looks again.

  “Just tell me.” I’m getting pissed off the longer I stand here. “I can do that.” He grins at me. What kind of shit is that? “My three new prospects are Cru and Jeb Jameson, and then Mason Brumley. Three pretty good men. Straight out of the marines.” I think for a minute and then it registers exactly who is talking about.

  “No fucking way that asshole is coming near my wife. She is mine.” I am consumed with anger. All I see is blood and then I just swing. I catch Chief by surprise and I knock him back into the side of the building but he comes back fast and we exchange punches. Driller and Ty grab Chief and Dad and Stone grab me to separate us. I am so enraged

  “That bastard will stay away from my wife. How can you have him in your club after he cheated on your daughter? What kind of dad are you?” I can barely talk I am so angry.

  “I’m the same Dad that let an asshole live after he married my daughter under false pretenses. Do you want me to go in there and explain it all to Callie just the way it is? You and Mason will have to put your differences aside while you’re here. I have told him he will let Callie set the pace of their friendship while she is here. I trust my daughter and I have his word. Take it or leave, and you don’t get my help. Don’t you trust your wife?” he knows I can’t argue with that. I have to have his help to make everything right for Callie. I have to do this, but I don’t have to like it.

  “He comes near my wife I will end him. End of story. Do you understand Chief?” My dad still has not said a word. He just keeps looking at me. Stone looks like he could take Chief out himself.

  “Something else Devil. You ever come up in my house again and swing on me, I will shoot you where you stand. Are we clear? I don’t like you, but I will tolerate you for my daughter. But you will respect my club. Are we clear boy?” Chief just keeps throwing them at me.

  “I’m not your boy. I don’t like you either, but I will tolerate you for Callie. But don’t disrespect me as her husband. I will put your boy in the ground and never break a sweat. Do you have that clear?” I give BS just as well as I can take it. Then I turn to go tell Callie the last man she wants to be around will be helping with her care while I am gone. I am not good with this. Not good at all. I walk in the club house and all the members are watching us walk in. Apparently they were expecting my entrance. I see Callie with Kelsey and motion her over. I see Chief, dad, stone and Ty have followed me in, but they are going over to the bar area. I get Callie and take her hand. “Babe come take a walk with me outside so we can talk.” She starts to turn with me to go but Kelsey grabs a hold of my arm and shakes my hand.

  “Congratulations Devil. I cannot wait for that baby. It has been so long since we had a baby in the club.” She is bubbling with excitement.

  “Our child won’t be here much. This isn’t our club.” I know it came out harsh but right now I am still so damn pissed I could kill someone. “We live in Oklahoma.” “Oh, I know. I just meant when you visit. It’s not that far to travel. I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by it.” Kelsey thinks I am mad at her. “He knows you were just excited Kelsey. He’s just being an old bear.” Callie is trying to smooth it over but right now I could care less about Kelsey. I just need to get Callie alone.

  “Devil we’ll tell her in here together. I don’t want you putting your spin on this.” Chief came up on the other side of us and was now right beside Kelsey. “I can tell my wife Chief. I don’t need your interference.” Chief does not like my response

  “Son, let’s take Callie in Chief’s office and the three of us can tell her.” I don’t need my dad’s interference either. He let Chief blindside me.

  “Are you saying that as my Presiden
t or my dad?” I know not to push him too far but I just can’t get my temper in check.

  “Both. Now let’s go.” Callie looks totally confused. She is going to be blindsided too, when she finds out, and I don’t like it. I don’t want to see the pain in her eyes. “Callie, baby. We need to go with our dads. Just remember I love you, and I had nothing to do with this. I only found out about it outside.” I want Callie to know I had nothing to do with this.

  “Ok babe. It’ll be ok.” This woman just doesn’t know. We follow Chief and dad into Chief’s office and shut the door behind us. Chief sits in his chair behind his desk and dad stands a few feet from him. Callie and I sit on the couch across from them. I take Callie’s hand to reassure her and then I just blurt it out because no amount of sugar coating that will make it better.

  “Your dad has Mason and his two friends prospecting for him and they are going to help watch out for you while I am gone.” Callie looks at Chief and then me. “Actually, only Mason is goi ng to help with you. Jeb is helping our tech guy because that is his thing and Cru is still seeing doctors over his injury so he is in and out.” Chief doesn’t seem to find anything wrong with this.

  “Ok. Well, dad, did you tell him that Kylar probably would not want him close to me? I mean he is my ex and all. I don’t want to make Kylar feel uncomfortable.” I cannot believe what she just said. She’s not losing her temper.

  “What, is that your only concern? Not that he is the man that broke your heart?” Chief and dad are both smiling and I want to wipe the smiles off both their faces. “Kylar, when I realized I love you, I let that go. Mason cannot hurt me anymore because I love you and not him. The only people I have held a grudge against in my life is the people who took Tommy away from me and Karen, the woman who gave birth to me and then abused me. Life is too short. I love you and this baby I’m carrying and our families. Mason is not important. Do I want to be friends with him? No. Will it be strained around him for a while? Yes. But he does not concern our happiness. End of story.” Callie is too calm. She can’t mean what she is saying. No one is that forgiving.

  “Callie I don’t want him around you. I don’t forgive.” I am getting angry again. I will just have to let him know to keep his distance and as soon as this is done we will be out of here and back in Oklahoma. Soon Callie will be getting round with my baby and then he’ll see she is mine and if he tries anything with her I will end him. I take one last deep breath.

  “Ok but he will keep his distance. You are mine and he is nothing.” We better get this done so I can get back to Callie. “You see Devil, I know my daughter and she has the biggest heart of anyone I know. When she called and told me she was in love with you, I knew she would forgive Mason. She doesn’t have it in her to hate someone.” Chief looks too smug. I would love to wipe that smile off his face.

  “Dad, I said I let it go and I have. but I don’t forgive him. If he is in your club I won’t cause a scene for you, nor him. But dad, do not disrespect Kylar. He is my husband and I will do what is best for us. Not disrespecting you, but my place is beside my husband.” My heart swells with love for this woman. She is on my side where she belongs. This takes the sting out of this. I know I can trust her and my smile is back on my face but Chief’s smile gets bigger.

  “That is exactly what I would expect of you Callie. You belong with your husband and I have to respect that, so now we have all said our piece but Steel.” Chief looks at my dad and both men look happy.

  “I am so glad Devil has Callie. This is going to work. You see Devil, this was the test to see how you two would react and you both did exactly the way you should have, so now we know you will go the distance.” Dad was testing us. Now I understand. They wanted to know if going to all this trouble was worth it. Can’t say I like how they went about it, but it worked. They know Callie and I love each other. I know Callie will stand beside me even against her dad.

  “I want you to let me talk to Mason before we leave. I will tell him face to face Callie is mine.” I have to see in his eyes so I know what kind of man this Mason is. “Mason and Jeb will be here later. You can speak to him. No fighting. I already kicked his ass for hurting my girl. That was my job. Of course Ty did also and Driller may have also. His ass was kicked thoroughly.” I hear a laugh come from Callie and it surprises me. Little vixen.

  “Ok. If this is done, dad, can I go to the hou se and settle in and take a nap. This has been a long day. If we are having dinner at the club tonight with everyone I need a little sleep.” I look at Callie and she does look tired. She needs to eat a snack or something too.

  “Babe, if they are through jac king with me, I will take you and we need to go the grocery store and get you some healthy snacks.” I want her rested and fed. Isn’t that what you do for pregnant women?

  “Go ahead and take care of Callie. We will catch you up on anything you miss later.” Dad said, so I take Callie by the hand but she waits for her dad to say something.

  “Love you Callie. Go take care of my grandbaby. We will catch up some later.” Chief tells her and she seems satisfied. “And so it starts. Now it’s not take care of me but tak e care of my grandbaby. I see dad. I have been replaced.” Callie says it with a straight face but it’s not long until she is laughing. “You are so easy dad. I was just kidding. You should have seen your face. Priceless.” Callie can’t help teasing Chief, she has missed her family.

  “Go on baby girl. I love you too.” Callie is still laughing when we get to the front door.

  Chapter 59

  Devil I hate leaving Callie this way but it is the way it has to be. We have to settle with Diamondback and get Bri away from him. Then I can get Bri out of the picture and concentrate on my little family with Callie. We have everything we need to take to him about Karen. Then when I get back I settle everything with Callie and Chief can break it to her about Diamondback. After all that is over Callie and I can get back to Oklahoma and away from Mason Brumley and wait for our child to arrive. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have this. I’m going to be a dad. I didn’t talk to Mason last night. He still hadn’t arrived by the time we headed back to Chief’s house for the night. I will talk to him before we leave. He will know he has no place in Callie’s life now. Callie looked so damn sexy this morning with her just woken up look. That girl doesn’t have to try. She just is the sexiest woman I have ever known. The thought of our child being inside her is enough to make me want to wrap her in bubble wrap until he’s born. That’s all I think about. I know it’s a boy. We didn’t sleep much last night. The thought of being away from her had me making love to her all night. Since when do I think of sex as making love? Since Callie. I kissed her good-bye this morning but I told her to stay in bed and reminded her about her vitamins and to eat. I’ll remind Ty and Stone to remind her while I am gone. I also put an alarm on her phone every day as a reminder for her vitamins. I know she’ll take care of herself but it’s my way of reminding her I love her every day. Chief and I rode in to the club house together. Dad and Stone stayed there last night. Ty is at the house with Callie. Now all I have to do is have my talk with Mason. When we walk into the bar area I see a few men sitting there eating breakfast. Dad and Stone are sitting at a table. Chief goes to the bar and I go to speak to dad.

  “Have either of you met Mason yet?” Dad tilts his head to two of the guys at the bar. It is what I figured. The two with the military looking haircuts. I waste no time and head in that direction. I hear dad and Stone’s chairs scrape across the floor and they are right behind me.

  “Which of you is Mason?” I ask as I approach the two. The two turn towards me. “Who’s asking?” The taller of the two asks me. “I’m Devil and I am Callie’s ol’ man.” I never take my eyes off him. The bulkier of the two looks me in the eye, “Then that would be me. I’m the man that is going to take her from you.” Before I know what I am doing I hit him in the mouth and then follow that up with a jab to the ribs. He comes back at me with uppercut under my jaw and a jab to the s
ide of my face. I get some more rib shots in and he gets a kidney shot in on me. Then as fast it starts Chief and his buddy grabs him and dad and Stone have me.

  “Enough! We don’t have time for this today. Prospect back off. Devil you do the same.” Chief will not keep peace between us if Mason thinks he can take Callie. “The way I heard it Devil, you haven’t claimed Callie as your ol’ lady. You’re married but you haven’t give her a property patch yet.” There’s not much I can say to that. It’s true but as soon as I get back that will change.

  “That will happen as soon as I get back but we are married and she’s carrying my child. Stay the fuck away or I will put you in the ground. Are we clear prospect?” Now I really don’t want to leave Callie, but I trust her and I have to get this taken care of.

  “Marriages can be temporary. She only married you because I screwed up. I haven’t had my chance to even talk to her in person yet, but now I will.” Mason is looking like he could care less about our marriage. He is full of hate for me. “But the way I hear it I’m not the only one that kept a secret from her. What is she going to say about your secrets?” This asshole is only a prospect. He shouldn’t know my business.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Chief said he keep this confidential. I know he is fishing. “Ok, enough from both of you. This is my club and I’m going to tell you both what is happening. Mason you are going to help with Callie’s security. I know you still love her so you will keep her safe, but you will only protect her. You are not to use this to your advantage. Only do your job. This is club business and we don’t discuss club business with Callie. Do you understand?” Chief has now given the order for no one telling Callie so I feel a little more comfortable.


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