Book Read Free

The Fabled

Page 20

by S. L. Gavyn

“Are you alright? I know it’s a lot and it’s going to take some time to fully come to terms with everything.”

  “Yes. I’m alright and you’re right about everything but I’m glad it happened and I’m glad it was Roman.”

  “He’s treating you well then? Like a Vampere father should?”

  “Yes. He is a good father. Just as you’re a good mother.”

  “I love you son. Never forget that. My love for you is endless.”

  “I’ve never doubted that. Who knows what you’re in for to Roman for changing me.”

  “It was worth it. You’re worth it.”

  I could practically see him smile.

  “I don’t mean to turn to business but did Roman ask you about who did this to you?”

  “Yes. I don’t remember much. There was this guy at my door and then I was being beaten but I didn’t see the person doing it and when I came to I was being pushed out of a van. I remember seeing Carly and then I passed out again.”

  “I already know what the Vamp that took you looked like.”

  “Through your magic?”


  “Did you find anything else out?”

  “No. He put his mojo on you and you followed him into a black Mercedes without tags. That’s all I’ve got.”

  “That’s more than me.”

  “You just concentrate on getting a handle on things. I want to see you as soon as possible.”

  “I want to see you too. Roman is planning on taking me to meet his grandsire, which I guess makes him my great-grandsire, in a week or two depending on how I progress. Maybe you could come with us.”

  “I don’t think Roman would like me tagging along.”

  “Actually, he was the one that mentioned it but thought it would be better if I asked.”

  “Why would he possibly want me to go with you to meet his grandsire?”

  “So you’ll no more about where I come from. My new family.”

  “I’ll admit I’m interested in meeting the guy. Especially after all the secrecy surrounding Roman’s sire.”

  “Yeah, I haven’t gotten much on that front either.”

  “I’ll go if you want me to, son. Hell, at this point I’d go to the gyno if you said you’d meet me there. Okay, that came out a bit creepier than I intended but I’m sure you got my point.”

  “Uh, yeah. Just for future knowledge, never bring up the gyno in conversation with me again.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “I guess I should go. I’m supposed to be resting. Roman said newly made Vamps tend to be more nocturnal and it won’t be until I come into my full powers that I’ll be able to survive on hardly no sleep at all or sleep whenever I feel like it. Did you know there are some Vamps that are so old they get tired of living so they just go to sleep and hang out in a basement or something for a hundred years or so then get up and go at it again?”

  “That sounds like something a Vamp would do.”

  “Hey, just remember I’m one of those Vamps you hate so much.”

  “I don’t hate Vamps. Just a select few and you are absolutely not on that list.”

  “It’s a good thing. I’d hate to have to come over there and show you a thing or two.”

  “I think you’re getting a little big for your britches. Just remember who raised you. I can still put you over my knee.”

  He laughed. “I love you, mom.”

  “I love you too, Tristan. Take care of yourself, okay.”

  “Will do. I’ll call you in a few days.”

  “Alright. Goodbye.”

  I hung up. So Roman wants me to meet his grandsire. That ought to be awkward. I’m the mother of his new great-grandchild. I bet that’s not something that is dealt with often.

  Speaking of awkward family meetings. I pulled up Brennan’s grandfather’s number. She agreed to meet with him so I had better make that arrangement. After I find out why he abandoned her.

  “Hello.” The man who answered had a deep, scratchy voice.

  “Is this Mr. Shane?”

  “I’m not buying.”

  “Whoa! Wait. Don’t hang up. I’m calling about your granddaughter.”

  “Is this some joke?”

  “Um, no. You are Brennan Shane, father to Caroline Shane, grandfather of Brennan Shane, your granddaughter.”

  “Listen here. I don’t know who you are but I’m not answering whatever questions you have about that fire.”

  “I don’t need those questions answered because your granddaughter already answered them for me.”

  “Are you a medium of some kind?”

  A medium? Why would he think that?

  “No, actually I’m an agent of the council. My name is Sunny Dubois and I recently met your granddaughter in an asylum for the criminally insane.”

  “Bullshit. My granddaughter died over two years ago.”

  “Why would you think that? There was the fire and her parents and brother were killed but Brennan survived.”

  “That’s impossible. They told me there were no survivors.”

  “Who? Who told you Brennan was dead?”

  “Two Humans. They said they were from the FBI and my daughter and her family were dead.” He took a deep breath to control his emotions. “The last thing I ever told Caroline was that she was abandoning her family and she could never come back. How could I say that to my own daughter?”

  “Why didn’t she teach Brennan to control her magic? If she would have prepared her, she would have never lost control.”

  “You’re saying Brennan caused the fire? They told me it was faulty wiring.”

  “I think we’ve established that they lied to you Mr. Shane.”

  “I want to see her. I’m her family. She belongs here with me.”

  “She’s currently staying with the leader of the council and being taught to control her magic. I told her about you and asked her if she wanted to meet you. She said yes and that’s the reason for the call. However, I will not force her to stay with you if that’s not what she wants. I have already told her she can live with me after she’s gotten a firm hold on her magic. You haven’t answered my question either. Why didn’t Caroline teach Brennan to control her magic?”

  “Caroline was born a null, magicless, she thought she was an outcast. I tried to tell her, the magic didn’t matter but she never felt like she fit in. That’s why she left.”

  “And she couldn’t teach Brennan because she didn’t know how herself.”

  “She still should have brought the girl to us.”

  “Brennan said she hid it. She knew her family didn’t like to talk about magic at all.”

  He sighed. “I want to see her. I made mistakes and I have paid but I want to know my granddaughter. She’s my namesake. She’s all I have left.”

  “I will call back with a date and time once I’ve talked to Brennan.”

  “You’ll tell her I didn’t know, won’t you?”

  “Yes. I’ll be in touch in a few days.”

  I hung up and took a deep breath. That was a very unfortunate situation. Hopefully, something good can come out of it with Brennan and her grandfather. I really hope so.

  That night Roman wasn’t at the club. Carly just shrugged when I asked where he was. It didn’t surprise me she was less than helpful. I wasn’t worried too much about it but I didn’t get a chance to tell him I wouldn’t be here tomorrow due to K’s wedding. I guess he’ll figure it out when I don’t show up.

  I performed with the band and afterward decided to meet with some of the fans. I could use a fill-up on a couple of magics and after Roman syphoned off the excess last night I wasn’t worried about over doing it. There were several different kinds of Fabled there and I made sure to take a small amount from each species. My bodyguard was a constant center piece in the room while I met with people and talked. After a while I decided to go out to the lot and meet the people who had watched my performance from there. They greeted me with open arms and many drinks.

  By the time the bar was closing I was hammered and Beefcakes offered to drive me home. I gracefully accepted since I knew I was in no condition to drive. Beefcakes helped me into the backseat of his car and we were off into the Fort Worth night. My mind instantly went to Roman. Why didn’t he come to the club tonight? Was it because of last night? Was he embarrassed by what happened? What did he have to be embarrassed about? He was the one that turned me down. Where does he get off getting me all worked up and then dropping me like a hot potato? I ought to give him a piece of my mind. I should insert right here that it is never a good idea to call a man who has scorned you while you are drunk as a skunk but that’s exactly what I did. I pulled out my phone and pulled up his number. I would tell him what was what.

  It went to voicemail. Oh he wanted to play that game did he.

  “How dare you treat me this way. You act like a jerk last night then you don’t even have the balls to show up tonight? You know what, forget you. I don’t need you and your teenage drama. I was perfectly fine before you came along and I’ll be just as fine when you’re gone so you can keep your fickled fangs to yourself. I can’t wait for this case to be over so I can be rid of you.”

  I hung up. There that should teach him. I looked in the rearview mirror in time to see Beefcakes eying me before he turned back to the road.

  When I got to my house it took three attempts at putting the key in the lock before I hit pay dirt. I waved to Beefcakes before walking through the door and locking it behind me. I didn’t wait to kick off my heels and started undressing as I went to my bedroom. By the time I was there I roughly took off the dress I had worn tonight (not for Roman) and climbed into bed. My phone started ringing or maybe it was inside my head. Either way, it stopped after a minute and I was out like a light.

  Someone was pushing my hair out of my face. I managed to open on eye and saw Roman sitting on my bed.

  “Whyareyouhere?” I slurred.

  “I came to make sure you were well after you drunk dialed me.”

  “I’m fine. Peachy. Better than great.”

  “You look it. Might I ask why you chose tonight to get drunk?”

  I attempted a shrug but since I was laying on my stomach it didn’t really happen. “Adorin’ fans like buyin’ drinks.”

  “I see. So you spent the evening with them since I wasn’t there.”

  I rolled my eyes and everything began to spin. I sat up. “The world doesn’t spin around you, Roman. Right now, it’s spinning around me.”

  He pushed me down until I was lying on my back then he pulled the sheet back up over my chest. Oops. Guess I should have put some night clothes on.

  “I wasn’t suggesting the world revolved around me, Sunshine. Merely that perhaps you missed me.”

  “I have missed you. But my aim’s getting better.” I started laughing uncontrollably.

  “If you weren’t drunk I would be worried about that threat.”

  I continued to laugh. When I finally stopped he leaned forward and kissed me. My body reacted instantly. I tried to pull him closer but he pulled back before it went too far.

  “Sleep Sunshine. I will see you tomorrow.”


  “One day soon. I will kiss you and I won’t stop unless you tell me to. But I won’t do it when you are drunk or under the influence of my magic. When I make love to you it will be because you want me to.”

  He leaned forward again and kissed my forehead and I was once again unconscious.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The next morning I picked up Brennan and took her to a local day spa for the works. Afterward we went back to my house to get ready for the night’s festivities.

  “Are you really going to wear your hair like that?”

  “What’s wrong with my hair?” I had pulled it up in a bun.

  “Nothing if you’re trying to look like a school marm.”

  “And, what would a seventeen year old girl know about school marms?”

  “More than you’d think. Come here and let me fix it.”

  “Okay, but try to keep it within a foot of my head. I don’t feel like having to make sure I don’t poke anyone’s eye out if I bend over.”

  “Ha, ha. Oh ye of little faith.”

  A few hours later we were on our way. Both the wedding and reception were to be held at the Lakeview hotel in Toronto.

  “This is so cool. I’ve never been to Canada before. Or through a portal. This going to be awesome.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, excuse me Mrs. Sourpuss. You’re just mad because you have to get up in front of a bunch of people and pretend to be nice.”

  “I have fears too, Brennan.”


  “Uh, falling on my face in front of a bunch of people I don’t know.”

  “Pfft. If you fall, all you have to do is get up, shoot them all your evil eye and carry on like it never happened. Trust me, no one’s stupid enough to laugh. At least not to your face.”

  “Thanks Brennan. That makes me feel sooo much better.”

  “I aim to please.”

  We arrived at the hotel to find it packed with people. I gave the keys to valet and we picked our way to the concierge desk. They told me I would find the bride and her entourage in conference room three and vaguely pointed which way we should proceed. I turned to find the lobby even fuller than when we walked in.

  “Outta the way bitches. Hot chicks coming through.” Brennan started into the crowd pushing aside the people that didn’t move out of her way fast enough. “I said move it. You don’t want to piss off the Thief. Not if you want to live that is.”

  All eyes were immediately on me and I ran to catch up to her.

  “Could you keep it down?”

  “Why? If I had a nickname that made people tremble with fear I would shout it from the rooftops.”

  “That’s the difference between me and you. I would prefer not to have the excess attention.”

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself. It got us through the crowd didn’t it? She said conference room three?” She pointed to a sign on the wall that pointed down a corridor before starting down the hall leaving me standing there frustrated.

  When we got to room three I had barely knocked when the door was flung open and I was drug into the room.

  “Sunny, oh thank the Gods. I didn’t think you were coming. I mean, I knew you would come. I was just afraid you wouldn’t. You’re such a good friend. What would I do without you?”

  There were streaks down her face and more tears in her eyes waiting to fall.

  “K. Get a hold of yourself. You march over there and fix your makeup right now. I’ll not have my best friend getting married with mascara streaks and rosy cheeks. Well? On with you.”

  She looked shocked for a moment before she nodded once and turned for the mirror setup in the corner. A glance at the other ladies in the room showed looks of relief. I looked behind me to see Brennan had managed to sneak in and take up residence in a corner. I decided to change the subject off the wedding and all the stress that went with it.

  “K, I’d like you to meet my date.”

  K turned around with a look of shock on her face. “Date? How could you bring a date?!”

  “Uh, the invitation said plus one. Doesn’t plus one equate to bring a date?”

  “Not for you! All the invites said that. How could you? This is a disaster!”

  “One extra person a disaster does not make.”

  “You’re really dense aren’t you?”

  I raised a brow at her. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that. K, I would like you to meet Brennan, my date for this evening.” I looked at Brennan in the corner. “Brennan, this is K the psychotic friend I told you about.”

  “Hey. She means that in a totally platonic, not gay kind of way. ‘Cause I don’t swing that way if you know what I mean.”

  “She’s? Oh. Oooh, I see. Whoo, that’s a relief. It�
��s nice to meet you, Brennan.” She turned back to the mirror and returned to working on her makeup.

  “Uh, it’s nice to meet you too. I think.”

  She looked at me and I put my finger to my temple before twirling it around in a universal sign for crazy. Brennan nodded enthusiastically. I had better tread lightly with K this evening. She was wound up tighter than Dick’s hatband.

  “So, other than the whole crazy face you look beautiful tonight.”

  Her eyes narrowed at my reflection in the mirror.

  “You’re late. I wanted you here hours ago so you could help me get ready.”

  “You didn’t include that in your little care package.”

  “That dress looks great on you by the way.”

  “Thank you. I really like it. Your dress is amazing of course. Marcus is lucky to have found you.”

  K has an eye for fashion and her dress was perfect. It was a slim fit instead of something poufy and it fit her like a glove.

  K came back to me with renewed makeup and hugged me tightly.

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Sunny. You always know just what to say to keep me on track. Marcus is like that. He knows how help me without smothering me too. I am a lucky woman.”

  “Aw. Shucks.”

  She punched my arm. “Take the compliment. It won’t kill you.”

  “Thank you K. I consider myself lucky too. Mostly because you haven’t killed me yet.”

  “Ha, ha. Now come over here and meet my other friends before the wedding begins.”

  She told me there was no time for a practice session and something told me she was lying. Why, I don’t know but I wasn’t going to argue. At eight o’clock on the dot a no nonsense looking woman entered the room and threw a bouquet in my hand. Then she passed out the rest to the other three bridesmaids and told us to get into position. I wasn’t the only who looked lost so Miss No-nonsense pushed us out the door then guided me toward a set of double doors that led outside. She looked at us sternly.

  “The men are lined up already. Wait for the music before exiting. Don’t forget to walk with the music. The last thing we need is some speed walker messing things up.”

  “Aye, aye cap’n.” I mock saluted and she gave me the evil eye before walking away.


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