The Fabled
Page 21
Brennan took her place. “I’m going to follow the queen bitch and find a seat. I’ll see ya after.”
I nodded and she took off after the wedding coordinator.
“I’m so glad you were able to calm Karen. She’s been a wreck all evening.”
I turned to the blonde in front of me. K had introduced her earlier as Rebecca. She was slightly taller than me with long beautiful blonde hair she had pinned up leaving a few strands down to hang in ringlets over her shoulders.
I smiled at her. “Seems I have a way with calming her. Probably just because she knows I can’t tolerate her acting like a psycho. I’ve got that covered for the both of us.”
She laughed. “Between you and me, I’m just ready for this part to be over with so we can get the real party started. Have you seen the men Marcus has in his party?”
“Afraid not.”
“Whoo. I’ll take two. Especially the best man. Me and that Vampere have a date. He just doesn’t realize it yet.” She winked at me.
“Vampere?” Dread pooled in my stomach
I heard the music begin and one of the doors was opened. One by one the bridesmaids made their way down the aisle as I waited. Finally, K joined me by the door and I gave her a brief hug before it was my turn to walk. She looked nervous so I gave her a reassuring smile.
A hand was held out for me and I took it before walking down the steps to the sidewalk leading up to a beautifully decorated gazebo. I looked over to see it was Roman’s hand I was holding. He smiled at me while holding his arm out and I took it. No wonder K flipped out when I told her I had a date. She was probably anticipating the fallout from Roman.
We walked down the aisle to the beat of the music and when we got to the gazebo instead of releasing me and going to his position he walked me to my spot then kissed me softly before walking over to the groom’s side to stand beside Marcus. I should have known he would be the best man. I had hoped his and K’s past would have him uninvited or at the very least only invited as a guest and not a member of the wedding party.
I searched the audience for Brennan and found her on the third row seated next to Lucian. She caught my eye and gave me a quick thumbs up. Then she looked meaningfully at Roman and back to me before pretending to swoon. I rolled my eyes and she smiled knowingly while nodding. My attention was pulled to K as she started up the aisle. She looked absolutely beautiful in her wedding dress. I was wrong. The rose in her cheeks made her look like the ultimate blushing bride and I couldn’t be happier for her.
When she arrived at the alter she handed me her bouquet and I gave her a quick hug in return. She smiled at me before turning her attention to Marcus who looked to be just as mesmerized by her as everyone else in attendance.
The service was lovely with some traditional parts and some customized just for them. They had written their own vows that were both sincere and funny. And everyone laughed and cried. When it came time for the rings Roman stepped forward and handed them to Marcus. He made sure to wink at me as he stepped back into position.
After the rings and their kiss which was disgustingly romantic they walked back down the aisle as husband and wife while the rest of the entourage followed. Roman held his arm out smugly to me. As I took it he leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
“You look very lovely in that dress, Sunshine.”
I smiled at him. “Stuff it and walk, Roman.”
He smiled back and we started down the aisle. I tried to concentrate on walking to the music but my thoughts kept coming back to him and what a fool I’ve been being where he’s concerned. First, I let him take my excess magic knowing a Vampere’s bite is erotic. Then I get drunk, call him and practically beg him to take me. What was wrong with me? I know Roman is bad news for my heart but I can’t seem to control myself. No, those were isolated cases and in both I was under duress or intoxicated. The pain was too much for me to be able to put up a legitimate fight and, though getting drunk wasn’t my best idea, it wasn’t really my fault I acted irrationally while under the influence of alcohol. No, I don’t blame myself for these actions. I blame him. He is the one trying to drag me right back under. Like he said before, he always gets what he wants and what he wants is me docile under his thumb. He probably doesn’t even care about me. He sees an opportunity to have one of the strongest Fabled in existence at his side and is playing his hand to see that happens.
By the time we were back inside the hotel I had made a resolution. I wouldn’t allow my emotions for Roman rule my decisions anymore. I would keep my distance and do only what I must in order to close my case then I would take a vacation or something. Anything to get away from him. Sure I would have to talk with him on occasion in order to see my son but I would bide my time. Eventually Tristan will be old enough to venture out on his own and I will be there for him then when I don’t have to go through Roman to do it. Now, if I can just make it through the reception I can do this. It should be easy. I’ll use Brennan as an excuse to leave early. Just have a few drinks, toast the bride and groom and get the hell outta here.
“May I escort you to our table, Sunshine?” Roman hadn’t released my arm.
“I’m capable of making it across the dining hall, Roman.”
“Oh, but it could be so much more pleasurable with me.”
I shot him an ugly look and took my arm back. Operation Vampere shoot-down is a go. I walked over to where Lucian and Brennan had entered the room from the side door with the rest of the guests.
“I’m glad you’re here, Lucian. I didn’t think about having to sit at the table with the rest of the wedding party.”
“I’m happy to be here, daughter. This is a happy time for one of your dearest friends. I wouldn’t miss it. If you would like me to bring Brennan home with me after the reception, I could.”
I turned to Brennan.
“I’m cool with that as long as you’re not going to ignore me all night for Mr. Tall-dark-and-fangy.” She waggled her brows.
I smiled. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
She winked at me. “Now, where’s the grub? I didn’t get all dressed up for nothing.”
“You go find a seat and I’ll join you afterward.” I gave her a hug and she turned to follow Lucian to a table.
I slowly made my way to my table. Several of the bridesmaids were already there as well as a couple of the groomsmen. I realized there were name tags so I sat at the seat designated for me. K joined me a minute later.
“Oh wow. That was amazing Sunny.”
“Yep. That was one of the most beautiful wedding ceremonies I have ever seen. You looked amazing. I couldn’t be happier for you.”
She hugged me hard. “Thanks. I know this isn’t your thing but I’m really glad you’re here.”
“You know me. I’m a sucker for light Elves.”
“I’m very glad to hear that.”
I turned to see a blonde man who looked very much like K. He walked over and hugged her before turning to me.
“Sunny, I’d like you to meet my brother Killian.”
“Oh, so this is the infamous brother that made your childhood such torture.”
He smiled. “I assure you it was the other way around.” He bowed to me. “It is the most extreme pleasure to finally meet you, Sunny.”
I raised a brow and K rolled her eyes.
“Can it, Kill. Sunny’s not interested in you and your fancy talk.”
I laughed. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
“Well, excuse me for trying to impress a beautiful woman.”
I turned back to K. “You obviously never mentioned me to him.”
“Only all the time. I can’t recall a conversation with my little sister in the last half century without her mentioning you. It has raised my interest quite a bit,” Killian clarified.
“Not to mention all the talk about the Thief and her abilities.”
“I will admit that is rather intriguing too.”
I raised a brow and he moved cl
oser to whisper in my ear.
“I’ve always wondered if you were truly as dangerous as they say. I’ll admit I find that rather appealing.”
“You like to flirt with danger. I think you’re in over your head.”
He stood back up and smiled. “We shall find out.”
I smiled back.
“Ladies. If you’ll excuse me, I have a designated seat I must occupy.” He winked at me. “I will see you later.”
He walked over to the other side of the table and I’ll admit it wasn’t a bad looking sight. I glanced at the other side of Marcus to find Roman watching me. By his clenched jaw he saw enough of our exchange to not like it. I raised a brow and he raised on right back so I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to K. Only, she was playing tonsil hockey with Marcus so I pretended to straighten my dress. Anything to keep my eyes off of them or the Vamp on the other side of them.
After a few minutes everyone settled and dinner was served. I tried to eat some but it’s very uncomfortable eating in front of a hundred people. The wedding table was set up on a makeshift stage that was raised about two feet off the floor. By the looks of it after the meal the table will be taken away and the platform will serve as a dance floor. In the meantime it meant we were the center of attention for all the tables surrounding us.
Once the meal was finished there was a steady crowd of people approaching the bride and groom congratulating them. I decided to take the opportunity to go talk with my guest for this shindig so I made my way across the room to their table. There was another young gentleman having an in depth conversation with Brennan as I sat down. She turned to me and rolled her eyes.
“Will you tell this fool that fire beats ice any day of the week?”
Okay, that wasn’t what I expected them to be talking about. I eyed the guy. He looked to be maybe eighteen with almost white hair and brows and glacier blue eyes.
“You’re pretty short for Jotunn, aren’t you?”
His eyes narrowed. “Surely you of all people know looks can be deceiving.”
I smiled. “True but I always expected Frost Giants to be more…manly.”
“And I’m not manly.”
“Well, sure in a scrawny, teenager sort of way.”
There was frost forming on his finger tips and I saw Lucian lean forward slightly.
I smiled at the boy. “I’m just messing with you. I’m Sunny by the way.” I held out my hand and he smiled at me.
“You think I’m afraid to touch the Thief?”
I shrugged and he took my hand. I let a small amount of his magic fill a slot I’ve never filled before. As I released his magic I smiled at him. Sometimes it’s just too easy to use someone’s own insecurities against them. I turned to Brennan.
“He’s strong. Really strong. But you’re stronger so go easy on him.”
His eyes widened as her face split into a smile.
“So what was that about dueling? You name the time and I’m there buddy.”
His eyes narrowed at her.
“There will be no dueling for you, Brennan. Not until you are sufficiently schooled in magic,” Lucian said destroying her fun.
“Aw, come on Lucian. He was talking smack. You heard him.”
I patted her shoulder. “I think that is better known as flirting. Look it up.”
She was gaping like a fish. “No, he was…” She turned to him. “You were bragging about your strength.” He raised a brow and her cheeks flushed. “Oh. Okay. I get it now.”
I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “Stick with me kid. I’ll teach you the really important stuff.”
“Like how to make every man want her?”
I looked up to see Roman standing behind me.
“Something like that.”
He smiled at me before shaking Lucians hand then he turned to Brennan and bowed for her.
“It is lovely to see you again, Brennan. I must say, you look stunning tonight.”
She looked self-conscious all of a sudden and I rolled my eyes.
“Thank you, Roman. You look great too.”
“I thank you.” He turned to me. “The bride and groom are about to dance the first dance. They would like us to join in for the next one.”
I looked at Brennan. “Duty calls. Try not to bust his balls too hard.” I tipped my head toward the Jotunn and she blushed.
Chapter Twenty-Four
“Love/hate relationships”
Roman led me to the dance floor as K and Marcus started their first dance. They looked wonderful together. I never really thought K would settle down but I can see why she would pick Marcus as the one to do it with.
Killian came over as the dance was ending.
“There you are. I was just about to find you for the next dance.”
I opened my mouth to reply but Roman did it for me. “She already has a partner I’m afraid.”
Killian eyed him as an opponent. “Does she now.”
“But I would be happy to reserve the next one for you,” I added to prevent any argument.
They both looked at me at the same time. Killian with interest and Roman with anger. I smiled nicely at both of them in turn before allowing my eyes to rest on the beautiful couple dancing in front of us.
“Wonderful. I cannot wait.” Killian turned to Roman. “You can warm her up for me. It’s always best to start with a beginner before moving to a professional.”
“That is odd. I thought you were a womanizing freeloader.”
I pretended to ignore them.
“I suppose that is better than what I have heard of you, the Roman. I heard you killed so much that finally you turned that blade on your own sire just for the pleasure of it.”
“You’ve heard much. I would advise you not to believe everything you here, elf.”
Killian smiled at him while I gaped. “Oh, I only believe the truth. It’s one of our specialties you know. Being able to distinguish truth from rumor. Have a nice dance.” He bowed to me and kissed my hand. “I will see you in a few minutes.” He winked as he rose and I rolled my eyes but smiled.
After he was gone I covertly looked at Roman out of the corner of my eye. He was watching Killian walk away with a look of murder on his face. He turned to me and I knew now wasn’t the time to ask him about it. The song ended and another began and Roman held out his hand to me. I took it and he led me to the dance floor. He was an amazing dancer and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t doing my best just to keep up. He set me up for a spin and when I came back to him he held me close.
“I have missed dancing with you, Sunshine. There are so many things I have missed. Dancing would certainly make it into the top ten.”
“You have a list?”
“Oh yes, would you like to know what is at the top?”
He spun me again and brought me back to him.
I raised a brow. “I could imagine.”
He put his nose to my neck and breathed in. “I’m sure you could.”
I tried to keep my distance through the rest of the dance.
As the song ended and another began Killian was standing at Roman’s side. “May I?”
Roman said nothing as he released me and took a step back. He bowed once then left the dance floor. Killian took my hand but I was still watching Roman. He walked to the edge of the dance floor to where Rebecca stood talking to another man. A moment later she took his hand and joined him on the dance floor.
I would not watch them dancing. After all, I have my own dance partner who wasn’t too bad. He didn’t seem to like to show off as much as Roman and so I didn’t have to work to keep up.
“You’re very quiet. Did the Vampere put you in that bad of a mood?”
I smiled at him. “No, though he often puts me in such a mood he was actually containing himself tonight.”
“That’s refreshing. I hear he’s not one to make friends easily.”
“It seems you know a lot about Roman. Care you tell me any of it?”
I can think of much nicer topics to discuss. Can’t you?”
“Like you?”
“Well, if you insist. I like quiet walks on the beach and intimate relationships with brunettes who like to steal other’s magic. Is that enough information?”
I laughed. “I have to say that criteria seems rather hard to fill.”
“I think you’re up for it.”
I laughed again. He was just so damn charismatic.
“I like the way you laugh. It’s sexy as hell.”
“You definitely bring it out in me.”
“See I knew I would rub off on you eventually.”
“I have to admit it’s odd to have a man hitting on me. Typically they avoid me like the plague. After all, I am the Thief.”
“Ah, but I have an advantage most of them don’t.”
“Really? And, what is that?”
“My little sister is your best friend.”
“So that makes you invincible?”
“That means you would never hurt me because you would be hurting Karen. And we both know you would never hurt her.”
I smiled at him. “Thanks Killian. That’s one of the nicest things anyone has said to me in a long time.”
The song ended and he bowed to me. “I am pleased you are happy. So does that mean I get to take you home tonight?”
I laughed. “Slow your roll, cowboy. The night is still young.”
He smiled back and escorted me off the dance floor. “In that case I believe you need a drink.”
“Do you plan to get me drunk and take advantage of me?”
“Do you think it will work?”
I laughed. “Possibly. It was just the other night I…” Perhaps telling him about my phone call to Roman isn’t the best conversation.
“You can’t leave me hanging like that. What did you do? Kiss a girl? Assault some stranger in the corner of a bar? Call your ex and rant about his short comings?”
“My, your imagination is quite lucrative. Nothing like that. I just made a fool out of myself. I’d rather not talk about it.”
“Aw, come on. You’re not even going to give me a hint about what you did?”
I shook my head.
“You are a hard woman, Sunny Dubois.” He leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “Guess it’s a good thing I like it hard.”