The Fabled
Page 23
He smiled at me. “Just to see you, Sunshine. I wanted to see for myself that you were at home safe and to make sure no other men’s scents were on you.”
I slapped his arm and he shrugged. That was typical Roman.
“And how did you get me to your room last night? I’m having this horrible vision of you carrying me naked through the hotel.”
He actually blushed. “In my defense I did cover you with my coat.” My eyes widened and he hurried to finish. “I couldn’t leave you in that room. Someone would have come by and found us. So I covered you and ran up the stairs to my room. No one saw you. Well, unless you count that maid I scared as I entered from the stairs. She was too busy trying to prevent herself from having a heart attack to worry about your nakedness. By the time she had caught her breath I had the door open and you inside. No worries.”
“Wouldn’t waking me up have been a better option?”
He began stroking my hand. “You were sleeping so soundly.”
“And you didn’t want to risk me going home instead.”
He smiled and for the first time ever I saw vulnerability in Roman. He was afraid. Afraid I would have second thoughts and leave him. Again.
I reached up and ran my hand through his hair before kissing him. He wrapped his arms around me and I climbed into his lap. I ended the kiss and laid my head on his chest while he rested his chin on top.
“I love you, Sunshine. I have since the moment I saw you. Of course I didn’t realize it that instant. It took a good night without sleep to realize I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I played back every movement, every word, every look we shared that night. Finally I knew. You were the one person I couldn’t live without. I never want to live without you.”
I lifted my head so I could look into his eyes. “I’m sorry Roman.” Instantly his expression became guarded. “I shouldn’t have left before. Lucian tried to tell me. It was supposed to happen that way. I was supposed to live on. But I didn’t want to hear it then. All I could think about was having to outlive my children. I didn’t lie when I told you I forgave you. Finding Tristan made me realize Lucian was right. I was where I was supposed to be. You saved me from death and I saved Tristan. Now you’ve saved him too. I owe you for everything.”
“You owe me nothing. I changed you for myself. It was no wonder you hated me because of it.”
“I never hated you. How could I hate someone I loved so much?”
He smiled. “I want us, Sunshine. I know it can’t be like it was but I want it however I can take it.”
“I want us too. Understand that doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to boss me around and expect me to do whatever you say but I don’t mind setting you straight every now and then.”
“Set me straight?”
I smiled at him. “Yeah. You know, like last night when I bounced your head off the wall and kicked you in the ribs. How are those by the way?”
I smiled devilishly. “Perhaps you should show them your utmost attention. I believe they may even need to be kissed to make them better.”
I smiled back. “You are a bad man.”
“And you are a good woman.”
I laughed evilly before pushing him down on the bed.
“I’m going back to my house to change. I’ll meet you at the club tonight.”
“I would offer to accompany you but I have to meet with my sister about a business transaction.”
“You know I don’t like your so called sister. Right?”
He smiled at me before kissing my nose. “You should know that you have nothing to worry about. Despite her attentions she is my sister and she will never be anything more than my sister.”
“So you’re saying you’ve never hit that?”
He bent his head and rubbed his forehead with one hand. After a moment he looked at me. “I don’t think I’ve ever hit a woman before for your knowledge but I know what you meant and the answer is no. I have not.”
“Excellent answer. I guess if you’ve managed to thwart her evil plan to get you into her bed all this time then you should be safe for now. But, just for your knowledge, now that we’re together again, if she goes rubbing up on you the next time I’m with you, it won’t be pretty. You might want to give her a warning.”
“I think the best course of action would be to avoid my sister for a time.”
“That sounds like a marvelous idea.”
“Except for today. I already told her this morning that I would meet with her today.”
I pretended to pout. Did I mention I hate his sister? He ran his thumb over my bottom lip.
“I will see you this evening at the club. Would you like me to send Charles over to pick you up?”
“No. I’m perfectly capable of driving thank you.”
He kissed my forehead. “It was merely a suggestion.”
“As long as you keep them to suggestions we’ll be good.”
“Duly noted. Be careful, Sunshine.”
“Me? I’m always careful. Hell, it’s practically my middle name.”
He didn’t bother to respond to that so I left the room and made my way to the lobby to have my car pulled around. By the time I got there a valet was already waiting with the keys. I tipped him before starting for my car. Sometimes Roman was really thoughtful. Sometimes.
I drove to my house and jumped in the shower. When I got out I called K and got her voicemail which is to be expected since she’s on her honeymoon. I left her a message telling her I was sorry I didn’t tell her goodbye last night and that I hope she has the best honeymoon in the history of honeymoons.
Afterward I took my time picking out my outfit for the evening. There were still a couple Lizzy had picked out for me so I chose one of them. It seemed odd. I have been dressing up and going to the club for over a week now but tonight I actually felt nervous. No, not nervous. Anxious. I was anxious to see Roman. Wow. It’s amazing what a night of good sex could do to a girl. If I were truly honest with myself, I would say that these feelings have been steadily growing since I first laid eyes on him again but I’m not that honest.
I was about to grab my purse to leave when the intercom at the gate buzzed. I checked the screen to see Charles in the car before I hit the button to open the gate. I grabbed my purse and checked my makeup as he pulled up to the front of the house. He met me at the bottom of the steps.
“He just couldn’t take no for an answer.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Sunny.”
I sighed. “Well let’s get this show on the road.”
I noticed the passenger door of the car opening and a Vampere stepped out. I looked at Charles and he smiled.
“He didn’t send me.”
I turned back to look at the other Vampere. He was the one that had taken Tristan from his home. That’s when Charles struck me with a syringe. I reached for his arm and began pulling in his magic but it was slow in coming and after a second I couldn’t use my magic anymore. He smiled at me.
“A little serum the doctors mixed up. You’ll be sleeping like a babe in a minute.”
I could hear another vehicle approaching and the other Vamp walked around to stand beside Charles.
“Why? You’re in league with the Humans?”
“Me? No, I’m just a spy for my mistress. She is the one who has partnered with the Humans. Now she wants you out of the way. Why did you have to give in to him? I was able to convince her you didn’t want him and your relationship was a charade to try to catch the Humans. She believed it until he told her this morning you were together. His happiness will mean your death.”
Everything was beginning to spin. I leaned against the side of his car.
“Desiree. She wants Roman unhappy?”
He leaned in closer. “No, you silly girl. She wants Roman to be hers. You should have stayed away. It was the only thing that kept you alive. Now it’s too late.”
There were hands on me and I could do nothing to stop it. They were wearing masks over their
faces but I knew they were Human. They loaded me in the back of a van and I was unconscious before we ever left my estate.
Chapter Twenty-Six
“Everything you need except someone to talk to”
There was the brightest light in existence shining into my face. I tried to cover my eyes but the constant pounding made it impossible to go back to sleep.
“Would ya keep it down? I’m tryin’ to sleep.” Ah! It hurt to talk. My head was what was pounding. I tried opening my eyes and it only made the pain more intense. I licked my lips and realized I was super thirsty. How long had I been out? My memories came rushing back to me. Charles was a spy for that bitch Desiree. Oh, I am going to have so much fun killing that sad excuse for a Vampere. Roman probably won’t like it but he has the same pants to get glad in as he does to get mad in and that bitch deserves it.
First, I have to move. I tried to sit up and about threw up as a result. I heard someone walk into the room before a nasally male voice spoke.
“Sorry for the headache. I’m afraid it’s an unavoidable side effect of the drug you were given.”
“I’m sorry too. Because your death is going to be an unavoidable side effect of pissing me off.”
“My, you are a feisty one.” He moved closer until he was practically whispering in my ear. “Let’s see how long it takes to break that spirit.”
I opened my eyes as I reached up and grabbed his throat before throwing him to the ground with me on top of him. I slammed my fist into his face, pulled back, and slammed it forward again.
Then I was lying on the floor convulsing from the electrical pulse coursing through my body. My muscles were locked up while it felt like I was being punched over and over.
After several seconds it blessedly ended and I laid where I had landed on the floor. As I laid there I heard another male voice reprimanding the first. I opened my eyes and everything was slow to come into focus.
“I told you not to antagonize the patients. How many times must you be told? This is experimentation not torture.”
“She attacked me. I did nothing but try to bring her lunch.”
“I don’t need your lies.”
A hand came into view and I took it. I tried to send my magic out to take this Human’s energy but it was gone. I looked inside myself and it wasn’t where I could normally feel it. There was a nothingness. A hole where my magic used to be. I also noticed a small bandage on my forearm in the place my chip was inserted. They obviously knew what they were doing to remove the one thing that would allow my location to be found.
“What did you do to me?”
The hand belonged to a man who looked to be in his late forties. He was dressed in an expensive suit that was tailored to fit him perfectly.
“You are referring to your magic. It is this entire facility. You will not be able to access magic here.”
“Why not?”
“Now, I can’t reveal all my secrets. Don’t worry as long as you behave yourself your stay here doesn’t have to be an unpleasant one.”
“Why am I here then? If you’re not planning on killing me like the Vamps, why bring me here.”
He looked at me and smiled. “You’re special. Not some run of the mill Vampere. You are unlike any other Fabled. That makes you valuable indeed. Come, I’ll show you to your living quarters.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You said living quarters. When you’re being held captive the room you’re kept in is a cell. All prisons have them. Look it up.”
His smiled remained. “I like you Sunny. I think we will have a long lucrative relationship.” He opened a door and motioned for me to step inside.
“Lucrative for me or you?”
He just shut the door and locked it.
“They do not care about us. We will be here until death takes us.”
I turned to see a woman with bright orange hair sitting on one of the two cots in the room.
“You are Fabled too?”
I wish I could read her magic but it seems even that is gone from me now. Or maybe it’s because her magic has been taken too.
“I am Phaedra. I was Fabled once but no more.”
I moved closer to the cot. “They took your magic.”
“No. No one can take all of someone’s magic.” She eyed me. “Not without killing them. It is only suppressed deep within us. No access. I will die in here and, without my magic, I will not be reborn.”
Reborn? I took a good look at her. Her hazel eyes seemed to see right through me while her long hair flowed around her like a mane. If I squinted my eyes just right it almost looked like flames. Flames. Reborn.
“A Phoenix. I thought there were no more of your kind.”
“I fear I am the last. The end of a great line. All will be lost soon enough.”
I knelt down so I was right in front of her. “Bullshit! I refuse to believe we will die here. I’m a fighter and I need you to be one too.”
“I was once. It has been so long ago.”
“Well, it’s time to get your backbone reproportioned because we will be leaving here soon and I’m going to need you to fly.”
She closed her eyes. “Flying. The Gods, I miss it.”
“I need you to tell me everything you know about this facility. If you know its location or any determining factors.”
Her eyes popped open and she looked mischievous. “I almost escaped once.”
“You did? How?”
“I stabbed a guard and ran. There were many stairs to climb but when I reached the top I felt renewed. I flew. For the first time in so long, I flew.”
“What did you see? Tell me in detail.”
She closed her eyes again. “There were fields everywhere I looked. Nothing but fields as far as I could see except windmills. Windmills and wheat fields. Except. There was one road off in the distance. It was busy.”
“You mean like an interstate?”
She looked confused. “Many lines and lots of moving carts. More than I have seen in my lifetime.”
“Was there anything else? Any signs?”
“They shot me down. I fell and much was broken. When they brought me back we passed through a large gate. There was a sign on the gate. It said LabTech Pharmaceuticals. There was a small building with lots of windows but they brought me back down here. That is all I remember.”
“That is enough. If I can get in touch with the right people, they will be able to find us.”
“They will be captured too.”
I laughed. “You don’t know the people I do. Do you know what keeps our magic suppressed?”
She shrugged. “Doc said it was the wind that kept us from our magic.
The wind? Wait. She said there were windmills. She probably thought they were for grinding the wheat but I know they aren’t used for that anymore. Windmills are for creating energy to power things. More than likely they are what is powering the facility and whatever is suppressing our magic. Great. Now I have all the pieces to the puzzle but I have no way of telling anyone else. I’ll just have to escape so I can bring these assholes to their knees. They picked the wrong girl this time.
Several hours later a guard came to get me and I realized I recognized him. He was the Human hiding behind a dumpster when the Vampere from Roman’s club was stolen. He was holding a taser and I didn’t doubt he would use it. He motioned for me to leave the room and I did without a word. There was a time and place for everything and I was sure he would get his.
There was a hallway with several doors on each side but the guard led me to an intersecting corridor and I went in the direction he pointed. He stopped me outside a door and knocked. There was a voice from inside directing him to come in. He led me into the room and sat me at a chair facing a large desk. The man I had spoken to earlier was sitting behind it. He nodded at the guard who nodded once before leaving.
After the guard left he looked me over.
“Perhaps you can answer some questions f
or me since it looks as though I’m going to be here a while.” I figured we might as well cut the pleasantries. My head was still hurting and I really didn’t feel like playing.
He smiled. “I don’t think you are in the position to ask the questions.”
I continued as though he hadn’t spoken. “Why would a billionaire give a rat’s ass about Vamps? I mean sure there’s the whole living off of blood thing but really that’s about it. Are you trying to be like them? Is that it Mr. Niobe? You try to get a Vamp to turn you and he shot you down. Can’t say I blame him really. I mean, who would want to be stuck with some middle aged man with a perpetual stick up his ass for the next century or more.”
“Are you finished, Ms. Dubois?”
“Not by a long shot but I’ll be happy to give you an opportunity to respond.”
“My reasons are my own. You think I would want to be a Fabled? You think your kind is better than ours?”
“See that’s the problem. Me? I don’t have a kind. Like you said, I’m an anomaly. Different than everyone. But I don’t like people picking on those who are weaker than them. Those Vamps you stole couldn’t defend themselves. They didn’t deserve what you did to them.”
“Didn’t deserve it?! They are monsters all of them!”
“Whoa someone has Fabled issues. What, you don’t like the Fabled so you spend your free time experimenting on them? Is that why you own the Witch asylum.”
“Oh, this is much bigger than just me. I am just one of many. The headmistress was easy enough to manipulate. She was weak and wanted to hold onto as much power as possible. She would provide us with patients and we used them for experiments until we learned all we could from them.”
“The Caduceus? Or did you think up a cooler name. I think the justice league had been taken.”
His eyes narrowed. Okay, his two easiest buttons. The Fabled and trash talking his little group.
“Did you know the Caduceus formed before Christ walked this earth?”
“You don’t say? It’s funny, I looked up the symbol of Caduceus and all I found was info about the US Med Corps and Hermes. Wasn’t he the one with wings on his shoes? Doesn’t really strike fear in the hearts of his enemies.”