The Fabled
Page 22
My eyes widened. “And you are a scoundrel, Killian Delaney.”
He smiled at me. “I think you might just like scoundrels.”
I shook my head.
I spent the next hour or so talking with Killian, visiting with Brennan and trying to avoid Roman. K finally caught my attention and pointed toward the ladies room. I nodded and told Killian to excuse me for a moment. As I walked across the room I saw Roman and Rebecca sitting at a table together. She was practically shoving her boobs in his face and he seemed quite interested in them. I rolled my eyes and kept on to the restroom.
“What are you doing with my brother?”
I stopped just inside the entryway to the restroom and looked at K. “Um, talking to him?”
“No, you’re flirting with him and you need to stop right now.” She had both hands on her hips like a reprimanding mother.
“You don’t want me to flirt with your brother?”
“Not when it might get him killed. No, I don’t.”
I couldn’t believe it. She didn’t trust me? She thought I would just drain him dry and leave him in a ditch somewhere or something. How could she think that about me?
“You think I would kill him?” My voice was small and I hated the vulnerability that was obvious in it.
She came close and took my hands. “Not you. I know you would never hurt him. It’s Roman.”
“Roman? What does Roman have to do with this?”
“Like I said earlier. You’re really dense aren’t you? Roman would kill Killian if you were to go home with him tonight. Or any other night.”
“Roman and I aren’t really a thing. It’s just a ruse we’ve been using to try to catch this killer.”
“It may be a ruse for you but I can promise you it is not for Roman. Please, if you love me, leave my brother alone.”
“Roman doesn’t care who I date. Hell, right now he practically has his face in Rebecca’s cleavage. I have a right to be with whoever I want.”
“I know you do. You should be happy. I want you to be happy. I just don’t want my brother hurt in the process.”
“I wouldn’t let Roman hurt him.”
“Please Sunny.”
“Fine. Can I at least talk to Killian if I promise not to go home with him?”
“As long as Roman doesn’t start anything with him.”
“I don’t think Roman cares who I talk to. Like I said, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t start breastfeeding off Rebecca any minute now.”
“Now, that’s just gross. Get out of here.”
“Yes, your highness. Is there anything else this lowly peasant can do for you?”
“Yeah, just get with Roman already. I know you both want to.”
I rolled my eyes and left the room. She is insane.
As I walked back into the ballroom I saw Roman and Rebecca had moved to the dance floor while Killian met me at the entrance.
“Would you care to dance?”
“No thank you. I think I need another drink.”
“Your wish is my command.”
We walked over to the bar and I order a whiskey. If I was stuck here watching Roman have a good time while I can’t even really flirt with Killian because K would kill me then the least I could do is drink. I watched as Brennan stood up from the table and held her hand out for the Jotunn. He took it and she led him to the dance floor. Great. Now everyone’s having a good time but me.
“You seem in an exceptionally bad mood. Did something happen in the restroom I should know about?”
I looked over at Killian and smiled. “Your sister thinks I would cause your death if I were to go home with you tonight.”
“She must either overestimate your skills in the sack or underestimate mine.”
I laughed. “I don’t think that’s what she meant.”
“She really thinks you would kill me? I can’t believe that. I wasn’t lying when I said she talks about you all the time. I know she cares about you and part of that is trust. You can’t not trust someone and still consider them your best-friend.”
“It’s not me she doesn’t trust.”
His eyes widened and he pointed to himself. “It’s me? She thinks I would somehow cause you to kill me?”
“No, it’s not either of us. It’s…” Roman walked up to stand beside me. “Roman.”
Killian watched us both and his eyes narrowed. Rebecca joined Roman at the bar and practically threw herself on top of him.
“Hey Sunny. Having fun?” She was rubbing her hand up and down Roman’s chest.
“Loads. It looks like the two of you are getting on.”
“Not yet but the nights still young.”
I smiled in response. Gods, was it wrong to want to kill her?
“The two of you seem to be getting along too,” Rebecca commented.
“Oh, uh, yeah.”
“We were anyway. Excuse me for a moment love. I need to have a talk with my sister,” Killian said while shooting Roman the evil eye.
“Killian, don’t. I don’t want anything to ruin her wedding.”
“I won’t have her telling you what to do either.”
“It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Perhaps not to you.” He smiled and squeezed my hand before releasing it. “Don’t worry I won’t cause a scene.”
“Fine. Just remember this is her big day.”
He nodded once before walking across the room.
I watched Killian walk over to K who had just sat after dancing with her husband again. He took the seat beside her and whispered in her ear.
“It was lucky he did not try to kiss you.”
I turned to look at Roman. He was leaning against the bar with both elbows resting on it. Rebecca was still rubbing herself on him but he was looking at me.
“It isn’t any of your damned business what he does.”
“Oh, I think we both know better than that.”
“Why would you care? You seem to be quite contented with your blonde date.”
“Jealous, Sunshine?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
He raised a brow.
“Well, contrary to what you believe I don’t care what or who you do. I hope the two of you will have a great time tonight because I know I will be.”
He took a step forward effectively causing Rebecca to take a step back to keep from being pushed over.
“I will kill him if he touches you. You think I will allow you to be with someone else. I will make the scene with Tristan on the roof look like child’s play.”
“How dare you threaten him! You’re standing here with your face practically in her cleavage and you have the nerve to threaten someone for touching me.”
“You know I care nothing for her.”
“What?!”Rebecca and I said at the same time.
Roman turned to Rebecca. “Thank you for a lovely time this evening but I believe this little charade is over.”
Rebecca looked outraged before she turned and stomped away.
“You’re a real piece of work Roman.”
I turned to walk away from him too but he wrapped his arm around my waist.
“You will not be getting away so easily.”
“Screw you, asshole.”
I stomped on his foot and he released me. Instead of walking over to K and Killian or even Lucian and Brennan I started for the door. Lucian already volunteered to take Brennan home so I had no reason not to leave. I would call K later and apologize for not telling her before I left.
I made it out of the ballroom and into the hallway before Roman caught up to me. He put his hand on my shoulder to stop me.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Home. I can’t stand to see your face a minute longer.”
“I don’t think so. You and I have unfinished business.”
I turned to him. “What business would that be?”
He moved closer to me. “I
seem to remember you begging me to stay the other night.”
Was he serious? Oh dear Gods, this man made me crazy.
“Go fuck yourself Roman.”
I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall of the corridor.
“I would much rather fuck you, Sunshine.”
I used Werewolf magic and pushed him away from me. He hit the other wall and looked at me. I started to walk away again and he pushed me against a door to one of the conference rooms. I punched him in the face and he grabbed me around the neck.
“You think to just walk away from me? I am getting seriously tired of that.”
“Let go of me or I will hurt you.”
He ran his nose up the side of my neck as he held me there. “Would you really?”
I tried to knee him in the balls but he blocked me with his leg.
“You’ll have to do better than that, Sunshine.”
I narrowed my eyes before punching him in the ribs on his right side. His arm came down to protect himself releasing me in the process. I tried to punch him in the face again but he blocked so I pushed him away from me. He managed to stop himself before he hit the opposite wall and came at me at Vamp speed. Before I could protect myself he had opened the door behind me and pushed me into the room. I hit the wall and used it to bounce off of as I came back at him at Vamp speed. He used my momentum to turn me, throw me into the wall behind him and pin both arms beside my head. I used the last of my Werewolf magic to knee him in the ribs and he released my left arm but managed to hold onto the right. I punched him in the jaw with my left. He grabbed my arm and pinned it beside me again. He was smiling.
Gods, could there be a more frustrating man? I tried head butting him since he was too close to kick and my arms were pinned but he was too fast. I released a scream of frustration and he smiled broader before sobering. He just stood there holding me in place looking at my face. It seemed he traced every line with his eyes before they settled on my lips. He took his time moving closer and I tried to keep my breathing calm but I could swear they would be able to hear my heart pounding in the ballroom at the end of the hall.
He kissed both corners of my mouth before he finally placed his lips fully on mine. As I opened for him a moan escaped me. There was just something so right about our mouths touching and our bodies pressed together. As the kiss deepened he released my arm to put his hand into my hair fisting it and pulling slightly. I pulled my other hand out of his grasp and put it into his silky smooth locks before pulling it hard enough he lifted his head and I kissed his neck sucking slightly. After a minute he pulled on my hair until I looked up and he claimed my lips again.
The more we kissed the more urgent we got until I was pulling his bow tie off while trying to unbutton his shirt. I’m ashamed to say a few of the buttons didn’t survive the process but I wasn’t too concerned with it. I was more worried about removing his shirt tails from his pants so I could have open access to his chest. And oh what a chest he had. It was absolutely beautiful. Well sculpted and lean with just a sprinkling of hair along the top half until you reached his navel and the happy trail that started there. The thought of following that trail certainly made me oh so happy. There was only one imperfection which was a single scar the size of a nickel just above his left nipple. I reached out and ran a finger over the scar. He moved closer and began kissing me again. After a minute I pushed him hard. He wasn’t expecting it so he had to take several steps back. I used Vamp magic to push him against the opposite wall and pinned his arms beside his head. He smiled at me then leaned his head forward to kiss me again. I pulled back just before his lips touched mine and his eyes narrowed. My head dropped to his neck and he tilted his head to give me access but I didn’t stop there. I wanted to explore every inch of that beautiful chest and he wasn’t going to stop me. My lips moved along his collar bone and I took the opportunity to give him a nip. Just enough pressure to be almost painful without breaking the skin. He hissed and I licked where I had bitten him. My lips continued their track down to his right nipple where I nipped again. He must have been prepared this time because even though his breath hitched he didn’t make a sound. I smiled against his skin before kissing my way to the other nipple to show it the same attention. He groaned when I bit this one and before I knew it I was against the wall and his lips were on mine. He reached down and cupped my ass before sliding his hand down my thigh and lifting it. I wrapped my leg around his hip and he ran his hand back up my leg taking my dress with it. He continued to lift it until it was on my waist then he reached up with his other hand and slowly brought down the zipper on the other side. The dress was strapless so it fell down enough to show my bra. Roman lowered his head to my chest and began kissing each breast in turn. He pulled down one cup and took the entire areola into his mouth. I moaned as the sensation was felt all the way to my core. But he wasn't done. He reached up and pulled down the other cup and did the same to that breast. I put both hands in his hair and tried to stay upright while his other hand slowly slid down my body to my panties. He ran it along the top from side to side and my breathing picked up even more.
He took a step back and my leg dropped. I looked at him with a pout. How could he leave me like this? But he just looked at me. After a moment he smiled. Then he dropped to his knees and slowly ran his hands up my legs to the bottom of my dress. One tug and it fell to the floor. I watched him as he tucked his thumb in each side of my panties and slowly lowered them. I bit my lip at what I knew was to come and he didn’t disappoint. He again ran his hand up my leg before lifting it onto his shoulder and burying his face in me. I moaned loudly and clutched at the wall on both sides but there was nowhere to hold on to so I ran my hands through his hair. I was already so close I knew I wouldn’t last long.
A minute later I screamed Roman’s name as I came harder than I ever have before. I was panting and my legs felt like jelly. Roman looked up at me.
“Liked that, did you?”
I smiled wickedly at him before pushing him backward. He landed on the floor with me on top of him. I kissed him hard tasting myself on his lips. He tried to roll us but I pushed against him. It was my turn to torture him and I would get my turn damn it. I scooted back before sitting up and looking down at him. He was so beautiful it was unbelievable. No wonder every woman wanted him. I wanted him and I didn’t even want to want him. But no matter how hard I tried to deny it I think I will always want him.
“What are you thinking about?”
“How much I want you. How much I don’t want to want you.”
He raised his brows.
“But I want you anyway,” I finished with a smiled.
He smiled back and I ran my nails softly down his chest until I reached his trousers. I unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants then slowly lowered the zipper. I slid down his body taking his pants with me. He was commando and I felt like a kid at Christmas ready to try out my new toy. I bit my lip and he licked his. Instantly I was under him with him staring into my eyes.
“I want you to say yes, Sunshine. Tell me you want me to have you.”
“Yes Roman. I’m yours.”
He smiled before lowering his head to my neck and running his nose up to my ear. “I love the way you smell when we make love. I would have this scent every day for the rest of my existence.” He kissed his way down my neck then back up over my jaw and finally taking my lips again. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist. It placed the head of his erection at my opening and I wanted to push him forward but I waited. He ended the kiss and lifted up on his arms to watch me as he entered me. I bit my lip to keep from screaming out. It felt so good I wanted to yell it to the mountain tops.
He began a rhythm that built in intensity until I couldn’t contain my moans anymore. I could feel another orgasm building and I was about to go over the edge when he pulled back and flipped me over. I was powerless to stop him. It felt like my muscles had atrophied. I was his doll to pose as he liked. He e
ntered me from behind and reached around to stroke my nub. I came again and my strength was renewed. I met his thrusts as hard as I could and he reached up to grab my hair and pull it. My head was wrenched back but I still rocked into him. It was a fast, hard rhythm and I loved the hell out of it.
Finally, I could feel him growing inside of me. He pushed my head and upper body down to the floor as he increased his pace as fast and hard as an ancient Vampere was able. It was one constant friction causing another orgasm to overtake me. I yelled his name and he screamed mine as he found his release. We both collapsed to the floor unable to move as the intensity of our lovemaking left us paralyzed.
After a few minutes he lifted me to lay my upper body on his chest and stroked my hair with his hand. We lay there like that for quite a while until I eventually dozed off with his heartbeat as my lullaby.
Chapter Twenty-Five
“Devotions and deceptions”
I woke with the most alluring smell filling my nose. I opened one eye to see Roman freshly showered sitting on the bed watching me. Oh yeah, I slept with him last night. And, apparently I actually slept with him too since it seems we’re in a hotel room. I can only guess it’s a room in the same hotel I fell asleep in or he has some ‘splainin’ to do. I looked under the sheet to check and yep, I was still naked.
“Looking for something?” He was smiling.
“Just wondering a few things.”
“Did you already have a room here?”
He nodded. “Marcus asked me to come up here before the wedding. That is why I was not at the club.”
“So you came all the way back to my place the other night when I called you? Why?”
“To make sure you were alright. You were obviously inebriated.” He shrugged. “I couldn’t take the chance you would be unable to make it home. I called Charles on my way and he told me Roland had taken you home.”
“I believe you have been referring to him as Beefcakes.”
I nodded. “If you knew he had taken me home, why did you come anyway?”