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Edward Burne-Jones

Page 38

by Penelope Fitzgerald

  14. R.D. p. 452

  15. R.D. pp 452–3

  Chapter 2

  1. R.D. p. 452

  2. R.D. p. 401

  3. R.D. p. 139

  4. letter to Olive Maxse, 3 August 1894. Lord Hardinge of Penshurst

  5. R.D. p. 413

  6. R.D. p. 465

  7. R.D. p. 192

  8. R.D. p. 562

  9. R.D. p. 469

  10. R.D. p. 532

  11. R.D. p. 139

  12. R.D. p. 139

  13. R.D. p. 20

  Chapter 3

  1. R.D. p. 294

  2. R.D. p. 468

  3. Fitzwilliam Museum Library

  4. Oxford and Cambridge Magazine January 1856

  5. These details are all from The Working Men’s College Magazine, 1859–62

  Chapter 4

  1. Frederick Catherwood, the artist and traveller. His Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America was published in London in 1844

  2. R.D. p. 139

  3. R.D. p. 324

  4. R.D. p. 377

  5. R.D. p. 104

  6. H.M.G. 19 March 1893

  7. R.D. p. 423

  8. R.D. p. 381

  9. R.D. pp. 15–16

  10. R.D. p. 405

  11. R.D. p. 219

  12. R.D. p. 19

  13. R.D. p. 488 Rooke suggests in a pencil note that the joke may have been Comyns Carr’s

  14. R.D. p. 555

  15. R.D. p. 520

  16. Leigh’s subsequently became Heatherley’s School of Art

  17. R.D. p. 430

  18. R.D. p. 556

  19. R.D. p. 465

  20. R.D. p. 430

  21. to F.G. Stephens, undated, c. 1890. Bodleian

  22. H.M.G. 14 August 1893

  Chapter 5

  1. R.D. p. 450

  2. The story of the Painting of the Picture on the Walls and the Decorations on the Ceiling of the old Debating Hall in the Years 1857–1859, OUP 1906

  3. R.D. pp 124–5

  4. D.G. Rossetti to E.B.J., undated, 1858. Fitzwilliam

  5. G.B.J. to F.G. Stephens, 11 January 1905. Bodleian

  6. R.D. p. 433

  7. D.G. Rossetti to G.B.J., Paris Sunday 1860. Fitzwilliam

  Chapter 6

  1. Rossetti and his circle had become interested in this home through a friend, Major Gillum. There is a poster for the home in the background of Madox Brown’s Work

  2. R.D. p. 558

  3. This letter is now in the collection of Professor Fredeman

  4. Letter to Mary Gladstone, undated 1879. B.M. Add MSS 46,246

  5. Professor Lang quotes this remark from an unpublished note by Bell Scott in a footnote to his edition of Swinburne’s Letters

  6. R.D. pp 8–9

  7. Letter to D.G. Rossetti, 10 June 1862, Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia

  Chapter 7

  1. R.D. pp 364–5

  2. H.M.G. January 1893

  3. letter to Dalziel Brothers, undated B.M. Add MSS 39168 ff 59, 61

  4. R.D. p. 251

  5. R.D. p. 501

  6. R.D. p. 119

  7. Letter to W. Allingham, December 1864. Fitzwilliam

  Chapter 8

  1. R.D. p. 425

  2. William Cowper Temple took the name of Cowper-Temple in 1869, when the Broadlands estate was made over to him

  3. Letters from Warington Taylor to Philip Webb, D.G. Rossetti and others, 1866–9. Victoria & Albert, Reserve Case JJ35

  4. R.D. p. 297

  5. Burne-Jones may have met George Howard earlier than this. There is a Tristram drawing in the Victoria & Albert, apparently for the Bradford windows commissioned in 1862, with a note saying that George Howard gave some assistance with the figures

  6. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H., undated 1867

  7. Ye True and Pitifull Historie of ye Poet and ye Ancient Dame BM Ashley 3428

  8. Letter to Philip Webb, June 1866. Victoria & Albert, Reserve Case JJ35

  9. R.D. p. 69

  10. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H., undated 1867

  11. Prices pencilled in on Christie’s copy of the Anderson Rose sale, 23 March 1867

  12. His list is now in the Fitzwilliam Museum

  13. Letter to Fairfax Murray, 6 December 1872. Fitzwilliam

  Chapter 9

  1. Information from Mrs Francis Cassavetti and Ion: a Grandfather’s Tale by A.C. Ionides (1927)

  2. Letter to D.G. Rossetti, 3 November 1876. Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia

  3. Dr Zambaco to Mme Onou, 17 June 1880. B.M. Add MSS Eg/3234

  4. H.M.G. January 1893

  5. R.D. p. 69

  6. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. September 1867

  Chapter 10

  1. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. 22 October 1867

  2. R.D. p. 69

  3. Letter to Olive Maxse, 27 March 1894. Lord Hardinge of Penshurst

  4. Castle Howard, G.B.J. to R.H. by hand, undated 1869

  5. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. by hand, undated 1869

  6. Castle Howard, G.B.J. to R.H. by hand, undated 1869

  7. Letter to D.G. Rossetti, undated? 1870 (quoted in part in Portrait of Rossetti 1964 by R. Glynn Grylls)

  8. G.B.J. to May Morris, 6 September 1910. B.M. Cockerell Papers, Add MSS 52,734

  9. B.M. Add MSS 45298 (b)

  10. A Book of Verse is now in the Victoria & Albert

  11. D.G. Rossetti to Jane Morris, B.M. Add MSS 52,333A (quoted in part in Portrait of Rossetti 1964 by R. Glynn Grylls)

  12. Castle Howard, G.B.J. to R.H. 5 September 1869

  13. Letter to D.G. Rossetti, undated 1869. Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia In November 1878 Burne-Jones sent the ‘Duchess’ a drawing of Mary Zamboca by Rossetti, and received from Corfu ‘three closely-covered sheets of a rather hysterical order’, complaining that she preferred this drawing to the one she herself had commissioned from Rossetti (Surtees 541, now in the Clemens-Sels Museum), and accusing the artists of exchanging the two. Rossetti complained that Burne-Jones’s drawing should never have been sent away at all, since it was a gift, and Ned replied in great distress that he had ‘returned it by mistake never having known till this year that it had been a gift of yours’. This drawing (probably Surtees 542) can hardly have been the portrait which Rossetti specially drew for Burne-Jones in 1870, and the whereabouts of this are unknown. The letters quoted are in the Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia

  14. William Morris’s unfinished novel. B.M. Add MSS 45,328

  15. H.M.G. undated, January 1893

  16. The story about Howell trying to bring Georgie and Mary Zambaco together was told to the Pennells by Whistler in his old age as something which Howell had told him more than thirty years earlier, and even then Whistler spoke of ‘the touch of realism which only he could have invented’. Nevertheless the story has been repeated in several biographies – proof of the compulsive power of Howell across space and time

  17. Letter to D.G. Rossetti, Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia

  18. The Annual Register for 1871, for example, discusses the incident and says that ‘it is pretty generally held that the Society showed an extravagant degree of prudery’

  Chapter 11

  1. Letter to Olive Maxse, undated, 1890s

  2. Letter to Watts, December 1870, Watts Gallery

  3. Castle Howard, G.B.J. to R.H. 28 September 1869

  4. In a list of his work begun in 1872 E.B.J. entered ‘1863. A Danae burnt in a fire … Howell said it was burnt, therefore it was not.’ Fitzwilliam

  5. Letter to Fairfax Murray 14 July 1873. ‘… a disagreeable affair about one of the copies of red chalk heads of mine you made for Howell.’ Fitzwilliam

  6. R.D. p. 479

  7. This notebook, which is quoted in the Memorials, now belongs to Miss Mary Chamot

  8. Quoted from the Penkill Papers (now at the University of British Columbia) by Prof
essor W.E. Fredeman. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Vol 53, No. 1, Autumn 1970, and Vol 53, No. 2, Spring, 1971

  9. R.D. p. 88

  10. Letter to D.G. Rossetti, undated, but annotated by W.M. Rossetti as seeming to refer to the hanging of Gabriel’s large Dante’s Dream on the staircase of Mr Graham’s house’. E.B.J. offers to throw his own picture out of the window if necessary to make room for it. Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia

  11. Letter to Mary Gladstone 14 April 1881. Fitzwilliam

  12. Letter to Fairfax Murray 26 December 1871. Fitzwilliam

  13. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. 1 August 1872

  14. Mysterious, because Howell told Rossetti that he was receiving compensation from the District Railway for the move from North End House, although he seems never to have paid rates there and the District Railway did not in fact have to purchase it. They may have paid compensation on his second house (Chaldon House) though the only authority for this is Howell himself, since the railway company’s solicitors, Baxter & Co, have long since disappeared.

  15. William Morris to Charles Faulkner 18 November 1872. Walthamstow

  16. Letter to F.S. Ellis, undated, 1876. Fitzwilliam

  17. Watts to Mrs Cassavetti, 4 May 1876. Mr Francis Cassavetti

  18. H.M.G. 19 March 1893

  19. Penkill Papers, University of British Columbia

  20. letter to Fairfax Murray, 16 October 1872. Fitzwilliam

  21. H.M.G. February 1893

  22. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. undated, 1872

  23. R.D. p. 496

  24. Letter to Watts, January 1874. Watts Gallery

  25. Castle Howard, G.B.J. to R.H. 31 July 1874

  26. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. undated, 1874

  27. Letter to D.G. Rossetti, undated, 1874. Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia

  28. From the same letter

  29. Letter to Fairfax Murray 10 December 1874. Fitzwilliam

  30. Letter to Arthur Balfour 27 March 1875. Balfour Papers, B.M. Add MSS 49838

  Chapter 12

  1. Letter to Norman Grosvenor. ‘Friday 11 or 16’ 1876. Lady Tweedsmuir

  2. The N.E.D. gives the earliest use of the word ‘aesthetic’ in the meaning of ‘having good taste’ as 1871

  3. D.G. Rossetti to Jane Morris 2 December 1877. B.M. Add MSS 52,333A

  4. Ionides seems to have influenced Gilbert to change his libretto back from a story of rival curates. ‘I want to revert to my old idea of rivalry between two aesthetic fanatics, worshipped by a chorus of female aesthetics,’ he wrote to Sullivan on 1 November 1880

  5. H.M.G. 20 September 1894

  6. Letter to Mary Gladstone, October 1879. B.M. Add MSS 46,246

  7. Letter to Miss Stuart Wortley, undated, 1877. Lady Tweedsmuir

  8. Letter to Olive Maxse, 8 October 1893. Lord Hardinge of Penshurst

  9. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. 30 September 1870

  10. H.M.G. 24 April 1896

  11. Letter to Norman Grosvenor 26 December 1877. Lady Tweedsmuir

  12. Letter to Mary Gladstone 22 November 1880. B.M. Add MSS 46,246

  13. Letter to Miss Stuart Wortley, undated, 1877. Lady Tweedsmuir

  Chapter 13

  1. H.M.G. 18 January 1893

  2. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. undated, 1880

  3. Other commissions such as St Philip’s, Birmingham, and St Margaret’s, Rottingdean, were accepted by Burne-Jones personally

  4. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. undated, 1880

  5. Letter to Mary Gladstone, Autumn 1880. B.M. Add MSS 46,246

  6. In his recollections of sitting for the head of Love for Rossetti’s second version of Dante’s Dream (1870–1871), Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson speaks of the beauty of Marie Stillman and of Mrs Morris, ‘of course a much older woman’, although in fact there were scarcely three years difference between their ages

  7. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. February 1882

  8. Letter to Mary Gladstone, October 1880. Fitzwilliam

  9. H.M.G. 9 August 1894

  10. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. 1 January 1885

  11. Letter to William Michael Rossetti 3 July 1882. Fitzwilliam

  12. R.D. p. 476

  13. H.M.G. August 1893

  14. Letter to Mrs Cassavetti 7 August 1883. Mr Francis Cassavetti

  15. Letter to Swinburne, undated, 1883. Brotherton Colletion, University of Leeds

  16. R.D. p. 472

  17. R.D. p. 32

  18. Life at Wortley Hall is described by the Wharncliffes’ niece, Lady Tweedsmuir, in The Lilac and the Rose (1952)

  Chapter 14

  1. Letter to F.G. Stephens, undated, 1886. Boldeian

  2. Letter to Watts, undated, 1881. Watts Gallery

  3. H.M.G. undated, 1894

  4. H.M.G. August 1894

  5. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. January 1885

  6. Letter to F.G. Stephens, June 1885. Bodleian

  7. Margaret Burne-Jones to Watts, dated ‘the Saturday before Good Friday’, 1887. Watts Gallery

  8. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. November 1887

  9. Letter to Watts, undated, 1887. Watts Gallery

  10. Burne-Jones’s will was signed on 21 August 1888 and probate was granted on 12 July 1898. He left (after the sale of pictures still in the studio) £53,493 9s. 7d. Later codicils refer to advances made to Phil and Margaret to be taken into account in part satisfaction of their shares

  11. Letter to Selwyn Image undated. Bodleian

  12. Letter to F.G. Stephens 8 October 1888. Bodleian

  13. Castle Howard, E.B.J. to G.H. 5 September 1887

  14. H.M.G. July 1894

  15. H.M.G. 25 March 1893

  16. Letter to Miss E. Muir, 9 June 1890. Fitzwilliam

  17. R.D. p. 535

  18. H.M.G. undated, 1893

  19. article in La Revue du Louvre et des Musées de France no. 6, 1972

  20. These details are from Charles Carrington’s Rudyard Kipling (1955)

  21. H.M.G. January 1893

  Chapter 15

  1. R.D. p. 519

  2. Letter to F.G. Stephens, undated, 1890. Bodleian

  3. Letter to Mrs Stillman, December 1889. Fitzwilliam

  4. H.M.G. 24 April 1897

  5. H.M.G. marked ‘late 1892 or early 1893’

  6. R.D. p. 407

  7. Marked ‘early 1893’

  8. H.M.G. 16 January 1893

  9. H.M.G. 1 April 1895

  10. H.M.G. July 1893

  11. H.M.G. September 1894

  12. H.M.G. 16 May 1896

  13. R.D. p. 512

  14. Letter to Watts, undated, 1891. Watts Gallery

  15. Letter to Watts, undated, 1891. Watts Gallery

  16. H.M.G. undated, 1893

  17. R.D. p. 529. Burne-Jones, however, told Mrs Gaskell that he had only seen the sea twice before he was twenty-three

  Chapter 16

  1. H.M.G. marked May-June 1894

  2. R.D. pp 9–10

  3. W.H. Kendrick to Sebastian Evans 5 December 1885. Bodleian

  4. H.M.G. 13 October 1894

  5. H.M.G. ‘latest night’, 20 March 1895

  6. H.M.G. 26 October 1894

  7. H.M.G. 26 October 1894

  8. H.M.G. undated, 1893

  9. H.M.G. undated, marked ‘such a lovely letter’

  10. H.M.G. 13 May 1893. ‘D.D.’ was the pet name of Edith Balfour, who became the second Mrs Alfred Lyttelton

  11. Letter to Mrs Norman Grosvenor, marked December 1892 or January 1893. Lady Tweedsmuir

  12. H.M.G. 14 August 1893

  13. Burne-Jones’s only other exhibit at the R.A. was a set of drawings for Troilus and Criseyde in 1894

  14. Letter to Watts 10 February 1893. Watts Gallery

  15. W. Rossiter was a member of the Work-Men’s College and the founder of the South London Gallery

  16. H.M.G. March 1893

  17. H.M.G. 9 March 1893

  18. H.M.
G. 13 May 1893

  19.H.M.G. May 1893

  20. Letter to Mary Drew, undated, 1893. Fitzwilliam

  21. personal information

  22. H.M.G. marked ‘late 1892 or early 1893’

  23. H.M.G. marked ‘1893–4’

  24. Sidney Cockerell to May Morris 8 June 1922. The Clover Hill edition of Cupid and Psyche (1974) gives an opportunity to compare collotypes of the original drawings with the wood engravings

  25. R.D. p. 24

  26. H.M.G. undated, Sunday 1895

  27. R.D. p. 564

  28. R.D. p. 522. Burne-Jones was probably wrong about Mabel’s expression, but was certainly one of the earliest admirers of her red hair, which was to be immortalised in Yeats’s To A Dying Lady and Ezra Pound’s Pisan Cantos

  29. H.M.G. July 1893

  30. R.D. p. 541 The Merciful Knight reappeared in Birmingham on 9 May 1898, and is now in the Birmingham City Art Gallery

  31. Letter to Olive Maxse 20 October 1893. Lord Hardinge of Penshurst

  Chapter 17

  1. R.D. p. 429

  2. Letter to Norman Grosvenor, undated, 1894. Lady Tweedsmuir

  3. H.M.G. marked ‘Jan-Feb 1894’

  4. H.M.G. 9 August 1894

  5. H.M.G. 23 July 1894

  6. There are copies of these pamphlets at the Grange Museum, Rottingdean

  7. letter to Watts, undated 1894, Watts Gallery

  8. H.M.G. 20 April 1895

  9. letter to Mrs Ady 27 November 1894. Fitzwilliam

  10. H.M.G. 28 September 1894

  11. H.M.G. 22 July 1894

  12. H.M.G. 11 July 1894

  13. H.M.G. marked ‘Jan-Feb 1895’

  14. This account is taken from H.M.G. 6 January 1895, Mrs Comyns Carr’s reminiscences, and the review of the first night in The Times

  15. H.M.G. 30 March 1895

  16. H.M.G. May 1895

  17. R.D. p. 409

  18. H.M.G. 13 October 1894

  19. H.M.G. undated, 1894

  20. H.M.G. 1 April 1895

  21. H.M.G. May 1894

  22. H.M.G. April 1895

  23. R.D. p. 72

  24. H.M.G. 2 May 1896

  25. H.M.G. 1 April 1895

  26. H.M.G. 25 May 1895

  27. Letter to Mary Drew, undated, 1895. Fitzwilliam

  28. H.M.G. 1 May 1895

  29. R.D. p. 474

  30. Letter to Fairfax Murray 2 September 1895. Fitzwilliam

  31. R.D. p. 172

  32. Letter to Lady Rayleigh, Xmas 1895. Fitzwilliam

  33. R.D. p. 458

  34. R.D. p. 156

  35. Letter to F.G. Stephens 7 May 1896. Bodleian

  36. R.D. p. 228

  37. H.M.G. 22 February 1896

  38. 24 April 1896


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