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Broken Politics

Page 10

by Janae Keyes

  “It was perfect.” I said thinking back to my night with Matthew. I still couldn’t believe that it happened the way it did. I was also still slightly angry that he used the bedroom rule against me to keep me from criticizing him more, but at the same time the timing was perfect. I looked at Julie who seemed to be waiting for more details.

  “That’s it? Just perfect?” she questioned. “Come on give me the goods. Is he big? Was it rough? Romantic?” Having this sweet southern belle asking me in detail about my sex life made me want to laugh. You for sure could not judge a book by it’s cover.

  “For someone who has been practicing abstinence you sure are wanting a lot of details about my sex life.” I said to her.

  “For the next four weeks I am going to live through you until I can get some for myself.” She said. I just shook my head. “Come on details!” she begged.

  “Well... I came twice, no guy has ever made that happen though it’s not like I’ve been sleeping with a ton of guys. He’s good sized and it was a bit of both romantic and rough. It was... perfect.” I explained. Her mouth was open as she took it all in. “And we did it again this morning in the shower.”

  “For the next four weeks I hate you.” She said at once turning to her computer. I just laughed. If only she knew that this mystery guy I was talking about was the President. “You’ll have to bring him as your date to my wedding.”

  “I’m pretty sure he is working that weekend.” I said making an excuse to why my boyfriend wouldn’t be able to be my date to her wedding when truthfully my boyfriend couldn’t come because he was the President of the United States and we were keeping what we had quiet.

  WHEN I FINISHED working on what I needed to do I slipped away from the Press Corp offices and went home. I wanted to wear something other than this strange combo of one of Matthew’s shirts and my red dress. I knew when I went back to the White House I would be going straight to the residence to spend time with Matthew. I caught myself smiling because I was simply happy. As I packed a few things to take with me my cell phone rang. I walked over to the dresser where I had it sitting and realized that it was my mom calling. I hadn’t spoken to her much in the last few weeks. I picked up the phone and accepted the call.

  “Hey mom.” I said as I walked into the bathroom grabbing my toothbrush and a few toiletries to take with me.

  “Hello my stranger of a daughter.” She said to me. I’d been so busy with work and Matthew that I’d neglected to call my mom. I instantly felt bad for not doing so.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy.” I said truthfully.

  “I can tell, I’ve been keeping up with your MetroGirl blog, but you haven’t updated Broken Politics in a little bit.” She said. My mom was my biggest fan and whenever an article of mine appeared anywhere she got a copy right away.

  “Yeah MetroGirl has been taking up a lot of my time though I might have a few freelance jobs in the future. I am hoping they will call me soon. Plus things have started to get complicated with Broken Politics.” I was ready to admit my relationship with Matthew to my mom. If anyone else besides Simone was to know it would be my mom. I waited for her questions because I knew she would have them.

  “Complicated how so?” she asked me her voice seemingly laced with intrigue.

  “Well... you know with my MetroGirl article series I get to spend a lot of time with the President.” I started off slowly.

  “Yes.” She said waiting for more.

  “And I criticize him a lot in the blog. Many of the things I say are not the nicest. I’ve gotten to know him pretty well while doing my articles and…” I wasn’t sure how to continue. How did you tell your mother that you were sleeping with the President of all people?

  “And?” she questioned. I had a feeling that she knew what was coming. Even though I was in a completely different state than her my heart was pounding and my hands were sweaty.

  “And he isn’t a terrible guy. He is actually much nicer than he is portrayed and does have some decent ideas. I may not totally agree, but he is trying.” I said trying to not say it out loud.

  “And you like him.” She said.

  “Yeah he is a decent person.” I said.

  “Is there more?” she asked. She knew. At this point she had to know. I sighed because I knew I was going to have to spit it out to her.

  “Yes… He and I have kind of started seeing one another.” I admitted. I closed my eyes just waited for it and as soon as I did so I heard my mom scream. “Ouch mom my ears!” I yelled as I quickly pulled the phone away from myself.

  “So you two are in a relationship, a real relationship?” she questioned.

  “Yes for real. He is my boyfriend and I am his girlfriend, but we are keeping this extra quiet. We aren’t telling anyone who doesn’t need to know. I’m afraid that it could hurt my career.” I explained to her knowing she would understand.

  “But you really like him?” she questioned.

  “Yeah I do. He’s sweet, kind, smart…just everything. We argue like crazy over politics, but we know when to stop most of the time. He makes me feel special and he likes me for my brain. I love that about him.” I felt myself smiling as I gushed over him to my mom. It was the first time I’d really gushed over him, but that was hard to do when keeping the relationship a secret.

  “As long as you are happy. I’m a little shocked that you are now in a relationship with someone you recently despised.” She said and I thought about this fact all the time. I hated him, but I hated him as a politician and not as the man he is.

  “President Von Hansen and Matthew Von Hansen are totally different people to me. I’m with Matthew and being with him makes me happy.” I couldn’t believe I was saying all of this out loud. Now I wanted to go shout it from every mountaintop. I was happy with Matthew. Amazingly, besides when we argued over politics, it was an easy relationship. He was easygoing and fun. I felt like I could always expect a good time when I was with him.

  I ENDED UP talking to my mom for a nearly two hours. Once I finished with her I changed into a high-waisted pink flare skirt with a white tank top. I grabbed my things and went straight to the White House.

  Walking into the residence it was quiet. I looked around for Matthew, but he was nowhere to be found. I figured that he was still in the Oval or in meetings. I put my toiletries in the bathroom and my small weekend bag in his bedroom. I settled onto one of the couches in the sitting room with my iPad.

  I was so engrossed in a book on my iPad that I hadn’t realized Matthew arrived until I felt lips graze my cheek. I jumped to see him right next to me. I couldn’t help, but smile when I saw him. I put my iPad down and stood up from the couch. He instantly pulled me to him and planted kisses on my lips and down my neck.

  “Watch yourself. Julie already noticed a hickey on my neck earlier.” I said to him, but he ignored me and continued with the kisses. I smiled to myself. “How were your meetings?” I asked breaking his concentration. He groaned and pulled away from me.

  “Boring and mostly a waste of time. Seriously everything that we talked about was either nothing new or they could have emailed to me.” He said as he loosened his tie. He took it off and started at the buttons on his shirt cuff. “How was your afternoon?”

  “Good I got some work done. Hung out with Julie and when I went home. My mom called and I talked to her for about two hours.” I explained to him. “I umm…I told her... about us.” He quickly looked up at me.

  “You told your mom about us?” he questioned.

  “Yes I did. She’s happy for us and can’t wait to meet you.” I said to him giving him a smile.

  “Well, I can’t wait to meet her.” He said as he finished his last cuff button and rolled up the sleeves on his shirt. “Is she going to keep us a secret?”

  “If we can trust anyone with the secret it’s my mom.” I said reassuringly to him.

  “It’s a secret as long as you want it to be. I’m fine with telling the world that I’ve found a fantastic
girl.” He said as he came back in my direction. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me close to him. “Now I was thinking we could have some ice cream.”

  “Mmm Ice Cream sounds good.” I said.

  “Well let’s go get some.” He took me by the hand and we went to the main door of the residence.

  “It’s not in the kitchen?” I asked him.

  “Not the residence kitchen, but the main kitchen has a soft serve machine.” He said to me as he started to pull me along the hall.

  “Can we just walk in the kitchen like that?” I asked him. He started to laugh.

  “I’m the President I can go where I want and everyone is gone home.” He stated arrogantly. Sometimes his arrogance drove me insane and other days like today it turned me on.

  Damn him.

  When we arrived in the main White House kitchen it was dark. Matthew flipped the switch and all the lights came on. This kitchen was HUGE. I could see how this kitchen could push out hundreds of dishes on the night of a special party with hundreds of guests. Matthew pulled me along down to a soft serve ice cream machine. Next to the machine was a cabinet and he opened it to reveal all of the best toppings for ice cream. I was in awe. This was a little kid’s dream. There were about 20 different kinds is sprinkles, chocolate chips, nuts, coconut shavings, waffle bowls, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce and so much more.

  “Dinner?” Matthew said looking at me with a grin on his face.

  “Ice cream for dinner… why not.” I said excitedly as Matthew pulled out two bowls.

  “Chocolate or vanilla?” he asked me

  “Mmmm…let me think… vanilla.” I answered. He put a bowl under the machine and started to fill it with swirls of vanilla ice cream. I could only imagine how I was going to cover my vanilla ice cream in chocolate sauce and sprinkles. He gave me way too much ice cream and sat my bowl on the counter and grabbed his own bowl.

  “I’m getting chocolate… I like my ice cream chocolate just like my girl.” He said as he eyed me. I grinned at him. How could he affect me like this? I then playfully stuck my tongue at him. He just grinned. I loved that we could have fun together. He wasn’t always President Von Hansen and in moments like this he was Matthew, my Matthew.

  We were both full on ice cream. I sat on the counter finishing the last bite of my huge bowl. I sat the it down next to me and looked at Matthew who’d already finished his, but he was watching me. There were so many times when I could catch him just looking at me. My heart skipped a beat as I looked into his insatiable green eyes. He slowly came to me and positioned his body between my legs. I could feel my stomach flip as he ran a hand up my arm. The hairs on my neck stood as his fingers barely brushed against my cheek. He pressed his lips against mine. His kisses were slow and calculated.

  I felt his hands on my trembling knees slowly inch further up as they brushed under my skirt to caress my thighs. His mouth moved from mine as he planted warm slow kisses down to my neck.

  “After all that chocolate I need some dessert.” He whispered against the skin of my neck. I inhaled at the feeling of his warm breath on my skin and moaned in response.

  “We can’t do this here.” I breathed out.

  “Who says we can’t.” he said as he nibbled along my neckline. His hands on my thighs took hold and spread my legs wider inching up my skirt. I was no longer going to protest because in that one moment a whoosh of warmth spread through my core. I inhaled in his nutmeg and sage scent. Just smelling him sent tingles through every nerve ending in my body.

  At the time I could only think of us; and how we were in that moment. I wasn’t a writer and he wasn’t the President. We were just Kayla and Matthew two people who shared this crazy connection and who were sharing this moment together. Even though that I worried about writer Kayla and President Matthew. I had a secret that I was keeping from him. I wanted to tell him, but I was scared. I didn’t know how he was going to react to it. I knew that he must have known about Broken Politics because everyone seemed to know about it. I went from one extreme to another and I needed to be honest, but couldn’t quite find the courage to do so.

  “What’s wrong Baby?” he asked me before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Just thinking.” I said as I looked at him.

  “There’s no time for thinking right now.” He said against my lips. I roughly pressed my lips to his. He was right there was no time for thinking and I didn’t want to think. I wanted to be in this moment feeling everything and being with him.

  His fingers drew circles on my inner thighs. He was teasing me slowly inching closer, but never quite there. He kissed down to my neck once more. I tried to shift my hips forward to indicate what I wanted. I felt his lips curve into a smile against my neck.

  “Please.” I breathed out hoping to persuade him.

  “And I thought I was the horn-dog.” He said into my ear. I let out a frustrated sigh and he laughed. Just then I felt his fingers barely graze my now soaked panties. Slowly he hooked his fingers around the lacey fabric and moved them to the side. My breathing had gotten hard in anticipation. I felt his fingers slightly brush me and then he did it again. “You’re so wet.” He whispered before gliding his finger inside of me followed by another. I could only moan in response.

  I’d finally gotten what I wanted. I held onto the counter for support and my head went back. The tingling through my body intensified as he moved his fingers. He then touched my most sensitive area with his thumb and I groaned out. He nibbled along my collarbone. His free hand slid from under my skirt and moved its way up my side to the swell of my breast. He took my it into his hand kneading it slowly and purposefully.

  “Baby… yes.” I moaned feeling my body reacting to every touch, my eyes closed shut. I was gripping the counter with everything that I could. He worked his fingers faster and harder. I knew I couldn’t take it much longer. It was like a sudden chemical reaction burst from within me. The tingles were all like tiny bombs exploding as my body reached its peak. I moaned his name over and over.


  I TOOK HER back to the residence. I wanted more of her badly and she knew it. Once we were through the door she began kissing me and unbuttoning my shirt. I find the zipper on the side of her skirt and unzipped it before tugging it down her body and allowing her to step out. She was everything and more. I wanted her completely naked. My mind was spinning with all I wanted to do to her and how loud I wanted her to scream my name.

  I pulled her with me into the bedroom and watched as she lifted her tank top over her head leaving her in nothing but her bra and panties. I unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants eager to get out of them, but then there was a sound. It was coming from her bag and she rushed to it. I was disappointed with the interruption, but I knew it could be important to her.

  “My phone sorry.” She said as she searched through her bag and pulled out her phone looking at the screen. “It’s the Huffington Post. I might do some freelance writing for them. I need to take it.” She said with a mixture of excitement and apologies. “Kayla Johnson.” I loved watching the way her face lit up. I loved the passion she had for what she did.

  She sat on the edge of the bed talking on the phone. I laid down on the bed next to her, as I ran my hand up and down her caramel arm and intertwined my fingers with hers. She turned to me and gave me a smile. I never knew a creature could be this perfect until I met her.

  “Yeah no problem. I can come by Monday morning.” She said to whoever was on the other end of the call. “Yeah until then.”

  Like a ton of bricks it hit me. I just stared at her as she ended the call and put her phone on the bedside table. She gave me an excited grin, but the only thing I could feel inside was anger and rage. She looked at me confused. I could tell she knew I was not pleased. I sat up and glared at her.

  “Until then?” I questioned.

  “Yeah I’m meeting up with one of the editors to talk about some articles I’m going to do for them.” She explained, but
that wasn’t the explanation I was searching for. I knew and I wanted to hate myself and hate her.

  “UNTIL FUCKING THEN. It’s you... It all makes sense. K stands for Kayla.” her eyes instantly widened. “You’re behind Broken Politics.” my voice was laced with rage.

  “Matt. I’m sorry. I was going to tell you.” She croaked. I could clearly see she was upset, but I was beyond that.

  “You are behind the one blog that has kept me awake at nights and has taunted me since I entered the race for this office. Those words have run through my mind time and time again making me feel like a failure. I fight every day so I won’t break because I know the first to say anything will be K. The very girl…” I paused for a moment and looked into her eyes. “I’ve had in my bed.” I finished, shaking. I stood up and stared her down.

  “Matt…” she squeaked out, but I didn’t want to hear another word from her.

  “OUT!” I shouted.

  “Baby.” She put her hand on my arm, but I yanked away. I can’t believe the woman that I was just giving pleasure to is the same person who has ridiculed and belittled me for the past few years.

  “Out Now!” I growled. I could see tears forming in her eyes. I looked away from her because I knew just seeing her cry would make me want to cave. I couldn’t do that. She had betrayed me in the worst way possible. I watched as she grabbed her shirt and yanked it on. She picked up her bag and phone before leaving the bedroom. I could hear her fumbling with her things in the sitting room. I was not going to go see. I couldn’t look at her.

  I waited until I heard the door open and close before I walked into the empty sitting room.

  I needed a drink. I walked over to the cabinets in the corner and opened it. I took out a glass and a decanter of bourbon. I poured myself a drink. I took a swig of the brown liquor and let is burn down my throat. I needed to feel the pain. I’d allowed this girl inside and I allowed her to break me.


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