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Waiting in the Wings

Page 11

by Melissa Brayden

  I found tour life very different with Adrienne gone. A little lonely, but at the same time I went out with the gang more and spent my time with a variety of people. There was no reason to rush back to my room anymore, and so I didn’t.

  It was Tuesday afternoon in Houston and hot outside for October. I took another swig of my iced coffee and waited as the last few stragglers took their seats for the weekly company meeting before sound check. Most of us were dressed in shorts and T-shirts, some still wore their sunglasses to mask the effects of the night before.

  Craig began to speak. “Before I get into site specific information and scheduling, I do have an announcement to make. While we’re in Houston, we should expect a visit from our esteemed director, probably within the next day or so. It’s quite possible he’ll slip into the house and catch a show, so be sure you’re giving it your all this week, not that you don’t always. In other news, I think we can all agree Tara has done an amazing job covering the role of Evan so far, but starting on Thursday of next week, there will be a new addition to the company. Kayla Holland will take over the role of Evan permanently. We’re thrilled to have Kayla join us and hope you will welcome her into our group.”

  I looked around the room. Everyone kind of nodded to one another, a few curious glances shooting here and there. This wasn’t a name I was familiar with, which was interesting as I thought they would cast another recognizable name to draw in the crowds. Not that we needed stunt casting. The show continued to sell out on its reputation alone.

  After a completely uneventful sound check, I made my way to the bookstore across the street and nabbed a table in their café. Treating myself to a blueberry muffin, I settled in and took out my phone. Adrienne answered on the second ring.

  “Well, this is unexpected. I didn’t think I’d get to hear your sexy voice until tonight.”

  I smiled inwardly. Hearing Adrienne on the other end of the phone sent a jolt of excitement through my body. I sat up a little straighter. “Let’s just say I miss you and thought I’d steal a few moments. Plus I have covert news to report. Your replacement has been named.”

  “Ooh, who is it? Dish.”

  “Kayla Holland. Ever heard of her?”

  “Yes, I have. She’s the standby Evan for the New York Company. She should be good. Probably really good. That was a great move for them to give it to her.”

  “It doesn’t matter. She won’t be as good as you.”

  Adrienne chuckled into the phone. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you might be a tad bit biased.”

  “No way. I call ‘em as I see ‘em.”

  “Well, do me a favor and be supportive when she gets there. Remember what it was like your first week.”

  “Right, so I should greet her in a towel then?”

  “Oh, you’re bad. And for the record, no, you better not.” She laughed.

  “Got it. See? I’m all for taking your advice. You’re very wise and especially cute, if I remember correctly. But it has been a while.”

  “Too long.” She paused for a moment. “It says here on my glamorous refrigerator schedule that you are in Houston today. How is it?”

  “Houston is hot. That’s about all I know of it so far. Very, very hot.”

  “Like take-your-clothes-off-it’s-so-hot hot?

  I felt the color reach my face and exhaled slowly. “Listen, you, I’m in a public place. You cannot say things like that to me right now.”

  “All right, all right, I’ll behave. I’m just bored and you’re my favorite distraction.”

  “How was your PT this morning?”

  “Frustrating as hell, but I’m trying to be patient, like you said. I hate being cooped up here. I should be working, being productive. This sucks.” She sighed heavily.

  It was her daily rant. But I completely sympathized. I would have had as terrible a time of it if I were sidelined the way Adrienne was. It was my job to listen, and I could do that. I popped another bite of muffin into my mouth.

  “Have they confirmed the date of your surgery?”

  “Mmm hmm. Next Wednesday.”

  “I can’t believe I’m not going to be there.”

  “Please don’t worry about it. It’s an outpatient procedure and very inconsequential. I’ll be happy once it’s done and I can get on with my life.”

  “I know, babe. I’m counting the days until I get to see you again.”

  “Three and a half months and you’re a free woman. I’m already thinking of all the things I want to do with you when I see you.”

  I closed my eyes. “Public place, remember?”

  She laughed. “Well, I meant ice skating and fancy restaurants, but if you want to go there right now, we can.”

  “Sorry, guess I’m extra sensitive. I just miss you.”

  “I miss you too. I better let you go.” Despite her joking, I could tell she was a little down in the dumps today.

  “Okay. I’ll talk to you tonight.

  “Definitely,” she said and hung up.


  On Wednesday afternoon, as I toweled off after a short run in the hotel’s fitness center, I looked up to find Craig entering the gym. “There you are,” he said somewhat exasperated. “I’ve called your phone about five times now.”

  I stilled my arm and stared at him, nervous. Today was the day of Adrienne’s surgery and though it would be a quick and routine procedure, I was still a little uneasy about the whole thing. I’d gone for a run to take my mind off it. “Damn it.” I looked at my phone on the bench. “I guess I’m not getting a signal in here. Is it Adrienne?”

  “No, no, nothing like that. I’m sure she’s fine,” he answered. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  “Then what’s up? Is there something else wrong?”

  “Probably not, but I need for you to arrive at the theater a little early tonight for a meeting with Dermot and Brenda.”

  “A company meeting?” I asked.

  “No, they’d like to meet with you individually.”

  The wheels in my head began to turn. Why was I being singled out? It was no secret that the last girl who’d held the role of Alexis was let go by this very same director after he caught the show on the road. “Craig, level with me. We’re friends. What’s the meeting about?”

  He met my gaze sympathetically. “I’d tell you if I could, kid, but I wasn’t given the details. I’m sure he just wants to go over some notes. Don’t worry yourself.”

  I nodded, trying to take his words to heart. He was probably right. It was best not to freak myself out unnecessarily. It was entirely possible he liked what he saw of me in the show and just wanted to tweak a choice or two I’d made.

  All the same, it took forever for six thirty to roll around. I entered the Hobby Center stage door and made my way to the small office that stage management had been working from. I’d be lying if I said my palms weren’t sweating. I felt like I’d been called to the principal’s office and I didn’t know what the offense was.

  The door to the office was standing open as I approached and Dermot and Brenda were bent over an open folder on the desk. I knocked lightly to announce my presence and smiled politely when they glanced up in response. “Jenna,” Brenda said, “it’s so nice to see you again. Please come in and take a seat.”

  I did as instructed and made my way to the small, two-person couch across the desk. I swallowed. I swallowed again. It was apparently a new nervous habit of mine. Brenda took the seat next to me and Dermot remained in his chair behind the metal framed desk.

  He squinted at me slightly. “So you’re probably wondering why you’re here.”

  I nodded, but did my damndest to keep a relaxed smile on my face. I’m not sure how effective that attempt was.

  “I don’t know if you were aware of this or not, but Brenda and I caught the show last night. I make it a point to check in with the tour every few months or so to make sure the show’s in good shape and offer direction where I think necessary. I must admit I was a lit
tle surprised by what I saw from you and thought we could talk about that.”

  “Okay,” I managed. “Let me take out my notes and something to write with. I want to be sure I get everything.” As I reached down and opened my bag, he put out his hand, gesturing for me to stop my progress.

  “I don’t think that will be necessary. If I could finish?”

  I straightened. “Please.” I felt a horrible sense of foreboding. If he didn’t want me to take down the notes he had for me, it was most likely because I wouldn’t be given the opportunity to improve. I was beginning to see the writing on the wall and it wasn’t good. I blinked hard and forced myself to focus.

  “What I brought you in here to say is I liked your work last night.” I ran that sentence through my head a second time to be sure I had heard him correctly. “You have a strong sense of the character and made some unique choices that only enhanced Alexis’s motivations. I was very pleased with what I saw.”

  Shazam. The smile on my face was no longer forced but one hundred percent genuine. Unequivocal relief poured through my body from my head to my toes, and I couldn’t resist a controlled exhale, despite the presence of these two theater powerhouses. “Thank you. I was worried I was about to lose my job for a moment there.”

  Brenda laughed and placed her hand on my knee. “Quite the opposite, dear. Dermot and I would like to talk to you about an opportunity and see if you might be receptive.” My eyes widened as I looked from Brenda and back to Dermot questioningly. I inched forward in my seat as Dermot began to speak.

  “The show has sold out in virtually every venue we’ve placed it in. In fact, the New York production doesn’t have a single available ticket for six months. It seems we have magic in a bottle with this show. The producers have opted to strike while the iron is hot and open a sit-down production of Clean Slate in Los Angeles. We’ve been given the green light to start officially casting in two weeks, but I’d like very much for you to consider taking on the role of Alexis in the LA cast.”

  I was completely unprepared for this series of events. There was a lot to consider about an offer like this, and a million different thoughts raced each other around my mind. Not to mention the fact that I was reeling from the emotional extremes of almost having no job at all to being, in a sense, offered a promotion.

  Brenda took this opportunity to jump in. “It would be an ideal move for you, Jenna. There would be lots of press associated with the casting and the opening of the show. Not to mention the fact that LA is a high-profile city and you’d be positioning yourself ideally for more opportunities as an actress.”

  “If I accepted, when would I leave the tour?” I asked.

  “You’d stay on for three months and then move into rehearsals in California with the new company. There’ll be some minor changes made to the show and we’ll want you to be there for the entire process, of course.”

  I thought this through. I had three and a half months left on my contract as it stood and was then scheduled to move to New York. This was a major career opportunity, but it would definitely throw a wrench into my earlier plans. I thought about Adrienne and how much I was looking forward to giving things between us a fair shot in the real world. Maybe this would only delay that opportunity a bit. Adrienne was an actress; she’d understand the importance of this kind of opportunity. A few extra months would be hard, but hopefully we’d get through it. “So if I accept, I would sign for another six months?”

  “No. Because this is a sit-down production, similar to the New York show, we would need you to commit to a full year. The contract is fairly standard, but I can send it over to your representation if you’d like, give them a chance to look it over for you.”

  A year. My hopes plummeted. I couldn’t live in LA for a year with Adrienne in New York and still have a chance at things working out between us, something I was hoping for. But at the same time, how in the world could I justify passing up this chance? I couldn’t. I’d spent my entire life working toward a goal, and to walk away from this opportunity was in direct opposition to everything I’d done thus far in my life, not to mention, it would be insane.

  I nodded my head to Brenda. “Yes, please send the contract to Andrew Latham at the Journey Agency, but I think I need some time to think this over. Would that be all right?”

  Brenda and Dermot exchanged a glance but nodded their agreement. Dermot came around the desk and took my hands in his. “I think this is something you’re going to want to be a part of, Jenna. Have a great show tonight and let me know what you decide.”

  I thanked them both and walked, slightly stunned, to my dressing room. I sat at the table and stared at my reflection in the mirror, a slow smile showing at the corners of my mouth. I nodded slowly to the girl looking back at me as that smile grew. Regardless of whether I took the job or not, this was good news. I was doing a decent job and someone had noticed. I gave myself a moment to revel in the excitement before switching into game mode. I still had a show to do and that was my priority. I would sort out the rest later.

  Three and a half hours later, I was walking quickly back to the hotel, anxious to check on Adrienne and hear how she was doing. The procedure on her knee was outpatient and she should be back home by now.

  I swiped my key card in the door and didn’t hesitate to start dialing. Adrienne’s phone rang and rang and rang before finally rolling over to voice mail. I tried again and was surprised when a male voice picked up.

  “Hi, is this Jenna? It’s Colin.” Ah, the friend of Adrienne’s who’d taken her to and from the surgery. Sounded like a good guy.

  “Colin, hi. Sorry it’s so late. I was calling to check on her. Is she around?”

  “She’s asleep and I didn’t think I should wake her. She took a Vicodin for pain and it completely knocked her out. The good news is she’s still doing well.”

  “That is good news. Would you mind if I called back and left her a voice mail?

  “No, I think she would love that.”

  “Thanks, Colin.”

  “No problem.”

  After hanging up, I looked around the empty room. I was disappointed. I wanted to talk to Adrienne and have her tell me herself she was okay. The long-distance thing sucked and it hit home how difficult things would be if I took this job. I blinked back the stupid tears and walked the length of the room as I dialed. I listened to her voice on the outgoing message and smiled. Part of me wanted to call back and listen again.

  “Hi, sweetheart, I just talked to Colin and he told me you’re sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you but had to let you know I’m thinking about you. I’ll call tomorrow. If you wake up, call me. I don’t care what time it is.”

  I hung up but continued pacing. I was exhausted, but at the same time knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I checked myself in the mirror before impulsively grabbing my bag and heading to Heat, the Latin themed bar where everyone had gathered. I could use a drink.

  I found my friends right away and took comfort in the loud music and dim lighting. Lanie hopped over a stool so I could sit between her and Georgette. Ben and Sienna sat across the table. As I passed, I nodded to Kyle, who sat at the bar with Diana and Craig.

  “So how’s our girl doing?” Lanie asked.

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t get to talk to her, which is upsetting.”

  “She sounded fine when I talked to her,” Sienna said evenly, meeting my gaze.

  “You talked to Adrienne? When?”

  “About half an hour ago, after the show. She sounded good. She’s been watching movies on the couch. She said the pain is manageable.” She gazed at me dispassionately, like a teacher would at a not so very bright student.

  I stared back at Sienna, surprised at this new information. How was it possible that Sienna had spoken to Adrienne so close to when I had called and was told she was fast asleep?

  “Maybe she didn’t want to talk to you. I don’t know.” Her smug smile completely annoyed me.

  Before I did bodily harm
to her and put my job at risk, I excused myself from the table for fear of what I would say or do next. Lunging across the table for Sienna was probably not in my best interest. I walked purposefully to the bar and ordered a dry martini. I nursed it alone until Diana and Kyle motioned for me to move down a few chairs and steal Craig’s spot. The pair were in high spirits and playing a trivia game on the screen above the bar. It was mindless fun and just what I needed to distract me from the events of the evening. Around two a.m. and four martinis later, I looked around the bar. Two thoughts occurred to me: A) the three of us were the only ones left from the company, and B) the bubbles in my scotch and soda looked so perky and pretty and small. It was probably time to turn in. We walked back to the hotel together singing My Fair Lady songs led by Kyle, who’d done that tour prior to this one.

  I waved a sloppy good night to my friends and found my way back to my room. I stumbled inside, pulling off one article of clothing at a time as I walked to the bed. On the way there, I felt my hip vibrate and pulled out my phone. It was Adrienne. Well, damn, all of a sudden she wanted to talk to me. “Hi,” I said, a little louder than I meant to.


  “That’s me.”

  “Sorry, you sounded different.”

  “I feel different.” I meant it too. I hadn’t been this drunk in forever. “How are you?”

  “Your words are slurred. Are you drunk?” She sounded concerned.

  “Don’t you worry about me, okay? I’m supposed to worry about you. But you won’t let me do that. You let Sienna worry about you. That’s not fair.”

  “She told me you had some stuff going on, so I went to bed. But I just got your message and wanted to call.”

  “I’m sorry. I think I’ve had too much to drink.”

  “Yeah, I think you have too.” I could hear the irritation now apparent in her voice. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. That’s good.” I put my head to the pillow and fell asleep with the phone to my ear and the lights on. Not my most shining moment.


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