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Waiting in the Wings

Page 12

by Melissa Brayden


  “And that would make gin.” I laid my cards on the table triumphantly. “Sorry, kid. You lose again. How does that keep happening?” I asked, feigning complete mystification. I snatched up the two five-dollar bills Stewart and I had thrown into the center of the table to wager.

  “You’re a shark, that’s how. You prey on unsuspecting interns who never seem to learn their lesson about you.” He shook his head and turned his baseball cap around front ways again. “Until tomorrow, McGovern. You’ll be singing a different song; just wait.”

  I laughed and watched him storm away. It had become a bit of a pre-show ritual for Stewart and me to engage in a little friendly wager over a game of gin rummy. He didn’t win a whole lot though.

  It was time to get ready for the show, and for the first time in the past two weeks, I was excited to go on. I had extra energy and felt like dancing. We were now in Austin, having completed the tour stops in Houston and San Antonio. I’d been in Texas for the past three weeks and I was, at last, starting to get used to the unusually warm weather, even as the leaves were changing.

  I glanced at my cell phone to see if I’d missed any calls, or more specifically, Adrienne’s calls. The truth was I was nervous. I had decided to delay talking to Adrienne about the offer I’d received until the details of it were all in place. However, there was no reason to wait any longer. Latham had reviewed the contract that production sent over and it looked good. There was nothing standing between me and a very wise career move, aside from my personal life. It was an issue I was struggling with. Was I willing to sacrifice this relationship for my career? I’d gone back and forth in my head so many times. My life was about my work, my dream of working successfully in this business. On the other hand, Adrienne and I hadn’t been afforded the opportunity to try our relationship in the real world, to find out if we fit as well together there as in our incubated tour life. I wanted to give us that time to find out. And then there was the bigger issue that tugged at the recesses of my mind when I was feeling less than confident. Did Adrienne feel for me what I felt for her? There were times when I didn’t know. What if I turned down the job and moved to New York only to have her decide I wasn’t what she wanted? I’d be unemployed and brokenhearted. I leaned back on the couch and sighed. I had a real dilemma.

  In even better news, Adrienne’s recovery was going well. It had been several weeks since her surgery, and it sounded like she was up and around, even though she still needed the knee brace. After another couple months of therapy, she should be her old self again. I looked forward to calling her later that night. The thought of it made me smile.


  As I moved through the final verse of “Watch Me,” I felt on. I was in a groove and was really sinking my teeth into the character tonight. The stage lights blocked most of the audience from my view, but the first couple rows were somewhat visible. The facial expressions I saw there only encouraged me. They were into it. Hating me, but still into it.

  I walked into the greenroom after the show, having changed back into my jeans and zip-up Clean Slate hoodie. It seemed like most everyone had signed out and left the theater before me tonight. I was dragging my feet a little, enjoying myself. I walked to the stage door, massaging my aching shoulder muscle and was surprised when the door opened and Ben and I practically collided.

  “Whoa.” He steadied me with his hands under my elbows. “Sorry about that. I left my jacket. It’s getting a little chilly out there, finally.”

  “No problem,” I said, still laughing about the near miss.

  “You’re gonna sign tonight, right? Some of the folks out there are asking for you specifically. I told them you’d just be a minute.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  I pushed the door open and smiled at the group of forty or so who quickly extended playbills, posters, and T-shirts for my signature. Many had collected signatures from the entire cast, so it was difficult to find a place left to sign.

  “You were my favorite in the show,” a teenage boy said as I signed his T-shirt.

  I smiled widely. “That’s great to hear. I was a little mean though, wasn’t I?”

  “Definitely. That was so cool.”

  I laughed and nodded at his mother, who thanked me. I moved down the line and took the next playbill extended to me.

  “You were my favorite too, I think.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled down at the playbill as I signed.

  “Any chance you’re free later?”

  The pen in my hand stilled. I knew that voice, but there was no way…

  I raised my eyes to the playbill’s owner, and though she was wearing a knit cap in which the bill shadowed part of her face, there was no mistaking the sparkling eyes looking back at me. Adrienne smiled slowly and cocked her head to the side as if to say “surprise.” For a moment, we just stared, grinning at each other from ear to ear. The fans looking on must have figured out who the mystery woman was as I heard her name whispered a little further down the line and heads began to turn in her direction for a better look.

  Despite the onlookers, I pulled her into my arms for a hug, burying my face in her hair, taking a moment to breathe her in.

  “Is this okay?” she whispered into my ear.

  “I can’t believe you’re here right now. It’s wonderful.”

  “Go ahead and finish up. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Don’t you dare,” I whispered back.

  I reluctantly let Adrienne go and continued greeting the fans, taking a moment with each one, a practice I’d learned from her. When I’d said good night to the last individual and taken a final photo, I found Adrienne, took her by the hand, and led her back inside the theater. The empty hallway leading to the greenroom was now dark. I could hear the cleaning crew working down the hall, but I didn’t care.

  “What are we doing?” she asked, seemingly amused.

  “I think this is what’s called stealing a moment.” I pressed her securely to the wall with my body and wrapped my arms around her neck. “So…hi.” I couldn’t seem to wipe the grin off my face. I was still in shock and happy to take it all in.

  “Hi yourself,” she answered quietly, moving a stray strand of hair off my forehead. “Have you missed me?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Come here, you.” She caressed my cheek with her palm, pulling my lips to hers.

  I couldn’t think of a better invitation. Her mouth was warm and inviting, forcing me to delve deeper, my tongue meeting hers as both of us sank further into each other. The kissing escalated into a full-blown make out session. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth, a move I’d learned was a favorite of hers. Her hands were around my waist, pulling me closer to her still. It wasn’t long before she reversed our positions, pushing me against the wall. I laughed inwardly, recognizing the reversal of power, a give and take dance that was quite familiar to us. Adrienne kissed my neck, moving up to my ear and taking my lobe into her mouth. I moved my hands under her shirt and onto the warmth of her back, needing to get closer and closer to her. I pulled her body firmly against mine, our breasts pushed together, the kiss unbroken. Our breathing turned erratic and her hands, moving up and down my sides, were driving me crazy.

  If the hallway lights hadn’t flipped on above us, I don’t think we would have stopped anytime soon. Unfortunately, they did and peering at us from down the hall was a cleaning woman who looked to be at least seventy-five years old.

  “Can I help you, young ladies?” she asked, somewhat confused and maybe a little frightened.

  Adrienne took a step back, giving me room to straighten.

  “Just on our way out,” I answered, giving her my sweetest smile, hoping maybe she recognized me from the cast and realized we weren’t there to murder her and hide the evidence. “Sorry to bother you.”

  The woman stared back at us, clearly suspicious about our intentions.

  “Good night. See you tomorrow,” I called back to her as Ad
rienne pulled me to the door, giggling.

  As we spilled back onto the street, she turned to me. “Why do I feel like a teenager who just got busted in the locker room at school?”

  I looked at her, mock surprise on my face. “Did you hook up with girls in the locker room at school?”

  “I totally did.”

  I shook my head in wonder. “You were so far ahead of me, it’s ridiculous.”

  “You’re catching up, I’d say.” She tossed her head in the direction of the stage door, indicating what I’d gotten us into.

  I laced my fingers through hers as we strolled through the streets of downtown Austin. The night air felt warm and comfortable and the stars gleamed brightly above. Though it was clear her knee was in much better shape, we still had to maintain a much slower pace. I looked at her hopefully. “How long can you stay?”

  “I have to fly back to New York tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Really? That long?” My disappointment was clear.

  “I know. This was kind of last minute though. I was offered six episodes of Time Chasers and have to be on set for a fitting by late tomorrow. I knew if I wanted to sneak in a visit, this would be my only shot. I thought what better place to be in late autumn than Austin, Texas. See, I know a girl there.”

  “A very lucky girl who is thrilled by this little surprise, I might add.”

  “I hoped you’d like it.” She smiled, tugging my arm a little.

  “Congratulations, by the way. Time Chasers, that’s a hot show right now. I was just reading about it.”

  “I know. I kind of lucked out.” We stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. “I’m a little nervous about it though. I haven’t done TV for a while, and since this could lead to other projects, I don’t want to screw it up.”

  “They wouldn’t have called if they didn’t want you specifically. Just show up and do what you do, Age. You can’t go wrong with that.” The light changed and we walked to the end of the block. “Where to now?”

  “Let’s head back to the hotel. I need to say hello to a few people to be polite, and then I’m all yours.”

  “Sounds good. But I’m only sharing you to honor your sense of etiquette. Let’s be clear.”

  “You’re such a giver.”

  “I know.”


  The hot water was just what the doctor ordered. I had given the show my all that night, and was happy I had, knowing now that Adrienne had been in the audience. I sighed as tension from the day left my body.

  Adrienne went to Ben’s room down the hall to pick up the luggage he’d allowed her to store there earlier today, and to catch up with some of her friends. I’d gone ahead and gotten in the shower, so we’d have more time together when she returned. She’d been gone at least ten minutes and I already missed her. I realized once again how happy it made me knowing she was in the same city as I was.

  I toweled off and put on one of my more alluring sleep outfits. It wasn’t exactly lingerie, that was more Adrienne’s thing, but the lace-adorned boy shorts and tight fitting tank top I wore accentuated my body in the right places.

  Still no Adrienne. I took a seat in the comfy looking hotel chair and thumbed through the hotel provided booklet outlining Austin’s local attractions. I made note of some of the things I’d like to check out on my downtime but was interrupted by the sound of a card key in the door. I looked up as Adrienne entered, dragging two large bags behind her. I immediately jumped to my feet to help. “Why didn’t Ben help you with these? You shouldn’t be dragging these things around with that knee.”

  “Not true,” she said. “My OT guy would applaud my efforts and say this is exactly what I should be doing. Oh…you look hot.” She stopped and took me in.

  “I remember you liking this outfit.” I took a step closer.” To my surprise, she sidestepped, and moved into the room, passing me by. Ouch.

  “Can we talk for a minute, Jenna?”

  “We can always talk. You know that.” I followed her into the room and sat on the end of the bed, next to her.

  “Uh-uh.” She shook her head. “I need you over there. This is important and I don’t trust myself when you look like that.”

  I nodded and moved back to the chair. “What’s up?”

  She took a breath. “I know about your offer.”

  I blinked hard. “You do?”

  She nodded and raised her eyes to meet mine. “I waited for you to tell me on your own, but it was starting to seem like you were never going to. Have you accepted?”

  “What? Of course not.” I sighed, hating she’d found out before I could explain. This cast was impossible to keep things from, apparently. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, to be completely honest.”

  “It’s an incredible opportunity, Jenna.”

  “I know that. Trust me, I know that but…”


  “What about us? Our plans? New York?”

  “It’s a complicated situation, and I want you to do what’s right for you.”

  I inwardly cringed. It wasn’t exactly what I was hoping to hear. Did she not want me to come to New York anymore? “That was a very politically correct answer you just gave.”

  Adrienne studied the ceiling, seeming to take her time formulating her thoughts. “I don’t want to be the thing that stands between you and your shot. What if we don’t work out, or worse. What if we do and you end up resenting me?”

  “That would never happen.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  I raised my hand, bringing the conversation to halt. “Hear me out. What if we did the long-distance thing? I know fifteen months is a lot longer than three, but we could make it work. I know we could. I’d come to New York any chance I got, and LA’s nice in the spring.”

  My words hung in the air and Adrienne seemed at a loss. “A quick weekend here or there? That’s all it would be, Jenna. I don’t know.”

  I brushed away a stray tear. I’d been so stressed out lately and this conversation was asking too much of me. I looked pleadingly at Adrienne. “You don’t have to decide tonight. Can we table this for now and just…be together? Forget the rest of the world?”

  Adrienne nodded, a resigned smile on her lips. She crossed the room, and as she reached the chair, I gently pulled her onto my lap, her knees on either side of my hips. In that moment, I needed to be with her more than ever before. I pulled back and went to work unbuttoning her shirt slowly, deliberately, and let it fall from her shoulders. She gasped when my lips and tongue found the column of her neck and kissed my way up to her chin. I pushed her bra up over her breasts. Her nipples were hard, already anticipating my touch. I took one into my mouth as Adrienne threw her head back, her breathing already shallow. My tongue circled the bud, my teeth teasing as I grazed its ridge. I moved on to her other breast, offering it the same attention.

  “It feels like forever since you touched me this way,” she breathed.

  “That’s because it has been,” I murmured.

  Her hips began to rock against my own and I was instantly wet. She reached under my tank top, laid her palms flat against my rib cage, and moved them upward, cupping my breasts, squeezing and caressing as she moved. The sensations already shooting to my groin doubled. While it would have been nice to take it slow, my need overtook my ideal and I was a woman on a mission. I pushed a hand between us and unbuttoned her jeans, reaching into them until I found her warm center. I moved my fingers through her slick folds, encouraged as she whimpered at the intimate contact. Adrienne grabbed steadfastly to my wrist and guided me, pushing me deeper. She began moving rhythmically across my hand, the whole process applying pressure to my already swollen clit and making me think I might beat her to the finish line. I tilted my head back, closing my eyes, struggling to hold on.

  “Jenna, baby, look at me.”

  And I did. Those green eyes, now hooded with wrenching desire, were my undoing as they slammed into mine. I felt myself tumble over the e
dge as the orgasm racked my body, shooting through me like a speeding train. The movement of her hips only prolonged the intense pleasure that had now cascaded outward to each extremity. Adrienne joined me as the muscles around my fingers contracted, clenching me tightly. She cried out and rode my hand until the last pulsations left her spent and satiated. She collapsed forward onto my body, tucking her face into my neck and kissing it. I pulled my hand from her jeans and wrapped my arms around her, holding tight.


  Morning came too soon. It was only fitting that the day Adrienne left was overcast and drizzly with a newfound chill in the Texas air. Unfortunately, I had press obligations for the show first thing and Adrienne had a lunchtime flight to catch, so she would hang back at the hotel until then. She was fresh from the shower when it was time for me to head out. I absolutely hated the thought of being without her again.

  I placed my hands on her shoulders and met her gaze in the mirror while she brushed her hair. “Are you sure you don’t need help getting to the airport?”

  “Nope. I got it.”

  “I’m sure Stewart wouldn’t mind. You could save money on cab fare and I wouldn’t have to worry about you hurting your knee. It’s a win-win.”

  “Tell you what.” She turned and placed her arms around my waist. “I promise not to do further damage to my knee if you promise to relax a little.”

  “Tall order.” I kissed her forehead. Adrienne and I had made love twice the night before and our time together reminded me how strong my feelings really were for her. We hadn’t continued our conversation about LA, and I knew this was the last time I would see her before having to give the producers my answer. I’d stayed awake most of the night thinking about it, but I’d finally made my decision. This job was too big for me to risk and I had to stay focused. I didn’t want to give Adrienne up, but she had to meet me halfway. If she wasn’t willing to, she clearly didn’t feel for me what I felt for her. The separation would be a difficult test of our relationship, but I knew we’d come through.


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