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The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6)

Page 7

by Cummin, Sharon

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Perfect,” he said with what she knew was a forced smile.

  What was his problem, she wondered? She walked back to her desk and flopped down into her chair. When she reached down to open her browser so she could continue looking for a place, she felt a piece of paper on her keyboard. It was folded in half. She opened it and couldn't believe what it was. It was Kyle's phone number. The words above it said “Let me know when you're available to come check out my house.” She looked at that paper over and over, shocked that he had left it on her desk. Without a moment of hesitation, she programmed his name and number into her phone. He had just been cold in the hallway, but he had left her that note. She was more confused than ever.

  Ethan and Kyle spent a little over an hour with Gavin before leaving without her seeing them. She didn't want to seem too eager, but she didn't want Kyle to change his mind. The thought of spending time with him sent a shiver through her body. Even if it was only once to look at his house, she was taking him up on the offer. Gavin walked into his office and shut the door. Jenny pulled her phone out and started a message.

  Jenny: I'm usually available after six on weekdays and all day on weekends. You're the one with the busy schedule. Seeing as you don't have an assistant, you can check your own schedule. :-) When would you like to show me your place?

  She didn't get a reply right away and couldn't help the nervous feeling she had. Was he just doing it to be nice, or did he really want to show her? What would Gavin say if he knew Kyle invited her over? Becky would laugh and make fun of her. She had been trying to figure out Kyle the entire week in Hawaii. Jenny's thoughts went back to the previous week. There were times he was defensive and crabby, but there were also times he was sweet and caring. Who was Kyle, she wondered? She had only found out a few small things about is life while they were there. What else didn't she know about him?

  She was just cleaning up the conference room from Gavin's meetings he'd had that day and was glad he wouldn't be as busy the next day. Her phone was on the table while she cleaned out the trash and washed down the counter in the corner where she had coffee sitting during the day. When her phone vibrated and moved around, she wanted it to be Kyle but was sure it was Gavin looking for her. She was pleasantly surprised when she brought the screen to life.

  Kyle: Are you busy tonight?

  She quickly replied.

  Jenny: No.

  Kyle: Are you sure your dad will let you out of house?

  Jenny: Very funny. Nevermind.

  Kyle: I was just kidding. I'll be home around seven tonight. Ethan's ass finally left. I'll pick up something to eat. We're both leaving late. You can just eat at my house.

  Jenny: You don't have to do that. I can stop and get something if you'd like. What do you want?

  Kyle: I'll get it. Be there at seven.

  Jenny: Yes, sir. Maybe you don't need an assistant after all.

  Kyle didn't respond to her text for a few minutes, and she'd started to worry that she had upset him. It was much easier to be sarcastic in writing than it was in person. Just before six, he sent a text with only his address. She wasn't sure it was a good idea to go to his house after all. If he was in a bad mood, she really didn't want to make it worse. It seemed like every time she opened her mouth, she was offending him.

  Jenny decided to stay a bit late and go to Kyle's straight from work. If she left at her regular time, she'd walk in the door at Gavin's and have to leave right away again. Being gone that whole week had put her behind a bit on her work anyway. Gavin had gone to a meeting and was going home from there. Jenny really didn't want to take the chance of having to explain herself to him or Becky. He wouldn't even realize she was still at the office anyway.

  She'd gotten a lot accomplished during that extra hour she was there. When she walked out to her car, she felt really good. She typed a quick message to Becky that she was meeting up with a friend and would be home later. Then she input Kyle's address into her GPS. It said it was a thirty minute drive and would put her there right at seven.

  The closer she got, the more nervous she became. She didn't want to do anything to irritate Kyle and wanted her visit to go smoothly. The time they spent watching a movie and running together on vacation was nice. She really could see herself becoming good friends with him. He was a great guy, and she couldn't help but wonder how it was that he was still single. Sure, she was, but she was divorced already. She felt like a teenager as she pulled her car onto his street. Her palms were sweating, and her hands were shaking. Cut it out, she told herself. He's not interested in you like that. Relax. He's just a friend of Gavin and Ethan's.

  When she pulled her car up his long driveway, she instantly fell in love with his house. She couldn't see the house from the street. There were trees on both sides of the drive. The house was surrounded by woods. It was like his own place where nobody could bother him. What a dream, she thought. There was a porch light on that lit up the entire front of the house. It was beautiful. The wood porch wrapped around the entire front and side of the huge, two-story house. His garage was attached and could fit at least three cars inside. She would have loved to have seen his front yard, but it was too dark out. Jenny stepped nervously onto the porch and looked over to see a swing with pillows on it. She let herself imagine sitting out on a cool night, relaxing on the swing, reading a book, and listening the noises of nature that would surround her. She jumped when she heard the front door open.

  “Were you going to knock?” Kyle asked.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I was just admiring your porch and swing.”

  When she turned to face him, she let out a tiny gasp that she covered quickly with her hand to her mouth. Kyle had lost his suit jacket and was standing with his tie hanging loose around his neck, his top two buttons open, and the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up. Her eyes moved down his body to see his shirt hanging out and only socks on his feet. Her body warmed instantly. Maybe it was a bad idea to go there, she thought. What had she gotten herself into?

  Chapter 17


  Kyle was looking forward to showing her around his house. He was so damn proud of his home and what he had accomplished. He picked up food on the way home and was hoping she wouldn't back out at the last minute. When he saw her standing on his front porch looking over toward the swing, he watched her lost in her thoughts. She looked so cute standing there. He knew he needed to open the door and pull her back to reality from wherever she was. When he watched her eyes travel up and down his body, he felt as if she were checking him out but knew better than to think that. She was just being nice by agreeing to come and see his house.

  “Isn't it great? I knew when I saw Heath's that I wanted a house that was off on its own. If I had been quicker, I could have bought Tara's house. He'd totally redone the entire thing. Then she moved in with him. I thought about it but wasn't ready at the time. I kind of wanted a house that wasn't personal to them though. It would have felt strange to me. Come on in. Did you come straight from work?”

  “I did,” she said, as she stepped through the door. “I needed to catch up from vacation and Gavin was out at a meeting. It's easier to get things done with everyone is gone sometimes.”

  “I know what you mean,” he said. “I do a lot of work here at night. There's nobody going in and out of my office. Ethan's the worst for that. He stands in my doorway and waits for me to acknowledge him. I can't complain too much though. He's been so damn good to me. I picked up Chinese. Hope that's okay. I got a few different things since I didn't think to ask you what you liked.”

  “You didn't have to do that,” she said shyly. “That was really nice of you.”

  “We should probably eat first. Is that okay?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she answered.

  He walked through the house to the dining area. She followed behind him quietly. He was so nervous and hoped she couldn't tell. The bag of food was on his dining room table. He'd alrea
dy gotten out two plates, silverware, and glasses. He pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit. She looked nervous, but he knew he was reading her wrong. Kyle pulled the containers out of the bags, and he saw her eyes widen.

  “You're going to be eating leftovers for a week. I can't believe you bought all of this,” she said.

  He laughed, as he offered her each of the containers and explained what all he had ordered.

  “You can take some home for lunch tomorrow, unless you go out for lunch. I forget that not everyone eats at their desk,” he said.

  “That would be nice,” she whispered.

  Kyle ran to the kitchen to get them both a soda and some ice. He sat back down and filled his plate. There were so many things he wanted to learn about her, and he wasn't sure he'd have the chance to talk to her again without anyone else around.

  “Gavin didn't seem too happy about you looking for a place,” Kyle said.

  “He'll be fine. I've gotten really close with Becky the last few years. He's kind of taken on this big brother attitude since I filed for divorce. She was the one that wanted me to move in with them. I really didn't have anyplace to go when I left. He's not a bad guy. He thinks he can save everyone he knows from any hurt or sadness. His heart's in the right place. He's just a bit overbearing. It's something I want to do for myself. I've been at their house for over six months. Being on that vacation made me realize it was time to move on with my life.”

  “Really?” Kyle asked. “How's that?”

  “I don't know what exactly it was that made me see it. There were a few things I guess. I'm not wanting to meet someone and dive into a relationship or anything. I just want to make some friends and maybe get together with them. I would never bring anyone into their home. I'm friends with Becky, but Gavin's still my boss. It's not easy.”

  “He was grumbling away in the conference room about it.”

  “I bet,” she said. “I want to find a place on my own. I don't want him saving the day again.”

  Kyle knew he had given her a confused look.

  “When I filed for divorce, I still lived in the house. Jim was pissed when he found out I'd filed, and Gavin came over and helped me pack and move my stuff out.”

  “I was shocked when I found out you were getting married,” Kyle said without thinking.

  “Why's that?” she asked.

  “Just was,” he said, as she stood and took his plate into the kitchen.

  He went back to get the containers of food that were left and packed her a lunch. He'd just finished when the door opened behind him and he heard her gasp.

  “This kitchen is amazing,” she said excitedly.

  He watched her move around while she looked at everything.

  “Do you cook?” she asked.

  “Not really,” he said. “I like cooking and learning new things, but it's just me here. Now that everything has settled down, I've thought about cooking dinner for my mom and John. When I was little, she always cooked for us. That was one of my favorite things. Do you cook?”

  “I love cooking,” she said. “I haven't cooked since I moved in with Becky and Gavin. She cooks before I'm usually home. I can't believe this kitchen, Kyle. Look at this staging area. It takes up the whole center of the room. I love it. You're so lucky.”

  Kyle saw the smile fall from her face as soon as the last word left her mouth. He liked seeing her smile.

  “I didn't mean lucky like this house fell into your lap. I know you work your ass off. I just meant you get to cook in this kitchen. Nevermind.”

  Kyle reached out to grab her arm before she could leave the room.

  “I know what you meant. This kitchen is amazing. Thank you,” he said. “I want to show you the rest of the house.”

  Kyle walked her around the main floor. When she saw the sunroom, her eyes lit up. He couldn't help but watch her expressions. She stepped out into the room, and he flipped the lights on.

  “This is beautiful. I can only imagine it in the day as well. You have woods surrounding you. I could sit out here all day and get lost in a book.”

  “Check this out. It's my favorite part,” Kyle said with excitement.

  He opened the door to the deck and turned the outside lights on.

  “You have a hot tub. This deck is amazing. Did you have it built?” she asked.

  “That was already here. I haven't really taken advantage of the hot tub yet. I imagine it's pretty cool at night.”

  “You haven't used it yet?” she asked with a shake of her head.

  “I've only been here a little over a month. John and Heath helped me get everything the way I wanted it. I'm just getting used to coming home to my own house after work. Maybe you could come hang out one night. We could use it then.”

  “I'm totally down for that,” she said.

  Kyle was shocked that she'd actually seemed excited about his offer. She turned around and walked back into the house. He took her upstairs and showed her the bedrooms and bathrooms. By the time they got to the last one, she let out a laugh.

  “You must have someone to clean for you. It would take forever to clean all of these rooms.”

  “I have a lady that comes in twice a week. I try not to be a slob. I plan to live here for a very long time,” he said.

  “I bet your niece and nephews love it here,” she said.

  “They've been calling to see if they can come over. I haven't had them yet. Maybe in the next few weeks. I'm not sure yet.”

  He walked back down the stairs and stopped on the main floor. She looked at him with a smile on her face.

  “What?” he asked.

  “The basement,” she said.

  “You want to see it?” he asked.

  “I've heard so much about this basement. Between what you told me and what I've heard Gavin say, I have to see it.”

  Kyle had a proud feeling hearing her talk about it. He loved what he had done with it, and he was happy to hear that Gavin was talking about it too.

  “What did Gavin say?” he asked.

  “That it blows Ethan's room away and that it's the ultimate man cave.”

  “Come on,” he said feeling like a kid in a candy store.

  Without thinking, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the stairs. She was right behind him. When they got to the bottom, he turned on the lights and walked into the room.

  “Wow,” she said from behind him.

  Kyle was right where he belonged. Being down there always brought him happiness.

  “Gavin was right,” she whispered.

  “What?” he asked.

  “This blows Ethan's out of the water,” she said.

  “You've been to Ethan's?” he asked, feeling slightly aggravated.

  “I went once a few months ago with Becky. Julie showed me his game room. This is huge,” she said.

  So she wasn't there with Ethan, Kyle thought. What was up with them?

  “How many televisions does one man need?” she asked.

  Kyle walked into the room.

  “These computers are set up with my stuff for the company. They hook to that television,” he said, as he pointed to the wall. “That table is set up with my personal games.”

  “You have your own?” she asked.

  “I do,” he said. “That was something I agreed with when I first started working for Ethan. I keep my rights to my own games. The company has even bought some of them.”

  “Are you serious?” she asked.

  Kyle nodded with the biggest smile on his face.

  “My stuff hooks to that television. The last television is hooked to the cable for movies and games. That's why there are chairs and couches in front of it.”

  “You have an office upstairs as well?” she asked.

  “I do,” he said. “When I come home late at night, I work on stuff that I need to do without being interrupted. I don't necessarily need to come down here and turn everything on. Those are the times I work in the office. Ethan calls and asks questio
ns or a client calls. Those are things I can do up there as well. I come down here on the weekends most of the time. Heath and John helped me put it all together.”

  “This is amazing, Kyle. I can only imagine how proud you are,” she said.

  “I am,” he said with a smile.

  “You're so different down here,” she said, as she looked around.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You're so happy. You have a great smile. Can I play one of your games?” she asked.

  “You want to see the newest one? We just released it,” he said.

  “Not the company. I want to see one of yours,” she said.

  “One of mine,” he said. “You don't have to do that.”

  “I want to,” she said. “I understand if you don't want to show me.”

  “I'd love to,” he said, as he walked to the table and started turning everything on.

  Kyle was shocked that she'd asked to see his personal games, and he couldn't wait to show her.

  “I wasn't thinking of the time, Kyle. Am I keeping you from anything? You just invited me over to show me the house.”

  “I'm good,” he said. “Unless you have somewhere to be.”

  “Nope,” she said.

  He turned on the huge television on the wall and motioned for her to sit down at one of the laptops he had turned on. Seconds later, Kyle turned on a game and dove right into explaining it to her.

  Chapter 18


  Jenny sat patiently as Kyle showed her the features and explained the point of the game. She sat next to him and moved around the screen. She was not a gamer and could never understand Julie's fascination with any of it. Within minutes, Jenny was hooked. She found herself deep into the game and so aggravated that her character was trapped. When she yelled out at the screen, Kyle looked over with a shocked expression.

  “What was that for?” he asked.

  “Every single time I come around that corner, I get trapped. It doesn't matter what I do,” she snapped.


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