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The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6)

Page 8

by Cummin, Sharon

  “Settle down, Killer,” he said with a laugh.

  Kyle moved his chair closer to hers and leaned in to help her. She couldn't help but smell the mix of Kyle and his cologne. He smelled so damn good. Being close to him sent shivers through her body. She was trying to concentrate on what he was showing her, but he was right there. His light scruff looked so sexy. It took all she had not to run her fingers across it.

  When she was satisfied that she could get out of the trap her character was in, she started the game over. Kyle told her he'd be back in a minute with drinks. When he walked back into the room, her breath caught. He'd traded in the loose tie and rolled up sleeves for a pair of running shorts that hung perfectly and a tight t-shirt. He had two sodas in one hand and two glasses in the other. When he sat down next to her, he cracked open her soda and filled her glass before setting it in front of her.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  “No,” she said. “Are you?”

  “A little.”

  Jenny laughed and looked over at him.

  “How do you stay in that kind of shape eating like you did tonight?” she asked.

  “I run,” he answered.

  “I run too, but I can't eat like that.”

  Jenny was so excited when she passed the point of the trap and yelled out into the air.

  “I did it.”

  She could feel his eyes on her, but she was too sucked into the game. He sat next to her playing along.

  “I can't imagine what it takes to make a game like this. You have to be so talented. I had no idea you made games this detailed. Gavin just does software. You guys do the cool stuff. I can't imagine how much you have to go through or even how it's possible.”

  “I can show you sometime,” he said.

  “Really,” she said. “You'd do that? I don't want to take up time you would be working.”

  “Of course I would,” he said. “I like what I do. Showing you would be fun for me.”

  “That would be awesome,” she said.

  “What did you want to go to school for?” he asked. “Before you started working for Gavin.”

  “I wanted to be a teacher or do something with kids. I love being around them,” she said.

  “You're great with Becky's kids. Do you want kids?” he asked.

  “I used to,” she said. “I'm not sure now. I would never want to risk not being able to give them what they want and need. If I have kids, I want to be sure that I can send them to college. I want to be sure that I'll be able to put them ahead of everything else. I worry about that after seeing how my mom was.”

  “Did your ex want kids?” he asked.

  “I actually never thought I would want them with him,” she answered honestly. “It's really late. I should probably get going. I've taken up so much of your time already. I can't believe I played that game for two hours. I've never done anything like that before. It makes sense to me now.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “Julie said she plays for hours at a time. I thought that was crazy. I can definitely see it now. These things are addictive.”

  Jenny stood up, picked up both glasses and cans, and walked toward the stairs.

  “I'm surprised Gavin hasn't called you yet,” Kyle said.

  “He could have,” she said. “I left my phone upstairs. What's the deal with you two anyway?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I heard you say something about him on the beach. I saw him give you dirty looks in Hawaii. Do you guys have something going on?”

  “I honestly don't know what his problem is with me,” Kyle said. “I've never done anything to him except take the job with Ethan. Can you do me a favor?”

  She grabbed her purse and pulled out her phone. As soon as she turned it on, there was a missed call from Gavin. She turned it for Kyle to see.

  “I won't tell him where I was,” she said.

  “No, can you call or text me when you get home?”

  “That's okay,” she answered. “Get some sleep. I didn't realize how late it was.”

  “Please call me,” he said. “I won't be able to sleep.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Hold on,” Kyle said, as he took off into the other room.

  He walked back into the room and handed her a container.

  “Lunch for tomorrow,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she said before hurrying out the door.

  Jenny walked out to her car and sent Becky a text that she was on her way. The entire drive home she thought about Kyle and how much fun she had with him. His games were a blast. She couldn't even imagine how he did what he did. Her mind went back to seeing him walk into the room in shorts and a t-shirt. He was sexy, and he'd even sent her home with food.

  As soon as she changed and crawled into bed, she opened a new text to him.

  Jenny: I'm home and in bed. It's been months since I've gone to bed this late. Pretty sad, right?

  Kyle: Not really. It's been about that long for me too.

  Jenny: Thank you so much for letting me play your game. I've not had that much fun in a long time. I think I'm addicted. How do I get that game? Your house is beautiful. Let me know when you want to try out that hot tub.

  She was nervous that he would make up a reason not to have her over again, but she didn't want to pass up the chance to see him.

  Kyle: You can play the game any time you want, you just have to come here to do it. Was dad waiting at the door when you got there?

  Jenny: Ha ha. I sent Becky a text that I was home and crawled into bed. I'm supposed to be up for an early run. Not really sure that's happening. It's past my bedtime.

  Kyle: Hopefully Ethan will stay home tomorrow. That will be one less thing I'll have to think about.

  Jenny: Maybe you should get an assistant. It would really help you. You wouldn't be as busy.

  Kyle: I don't know about that. I'm not sure I could find one as good as Gavin's. You want to come over to the other side?

  Jenny: Not while I'm living here. Just think about it.

  Kyle: I'm not telling someone what to do and having them get my coffee. I don't really need one.

  Jenny: You are half owner of the company, Kyle. I don't know how you do it all yourself.

  Kyle: I'm just that good.

  Jenny: I'm sure you are. You are also that stubborn. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight, Kyle.

  Kyle: Goodnight, Jenny.

  It seemed like minutes later her alarm was going off. She got up and rushed to get ready. Thankfully Gavin was already gone to work. Becky stood in the kitchen while she grabbed a piece of bread and popped it into the toaster.

  “How was your night?” Becky asked.

  “It was just fine,” she said hoping the toaster would speed up.

  “Where did you go?”

  “I went over a friend's house.”

  “Really?” Becky asked. “What did you guys do all night?”

  “Played games and stuff,” Jenny answered.

  “You're so holding back,” Becky said.

  Jenny grabbed her toast and turned to leave the room.

  “Nope,” she said, as she opened the door and left.

  When she got to work, she got Gavin his morning coffee and went over his schedule for the day with him. She was sitting at her desk, ready to fall asleep, when her phone buzzed.

  Kyle: Are you bright eyed and bushy tailed? Did you go for your morning run?

  Jenny let out a laugh and began to type her reply when Gavin came out of his office.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said with a smile.

  “What's so funny out here?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she said. “I was just reading a text from a friend.”

  As soon as Gavin went back to his office, she picked the phone back up.

  Jenny: I'm falling asleep. I did not go for my run. How about you? You just got me in trouble for l

  Kyle: You think that's bad, tell him who it was. He'll lose his shit. I'm serious. You'll be able to watch his head explode.

  Jenny burst into laughter. She heard Gavin grumble from inside his office.

  Jenny: Stop making me laugh. You're going to get me fired.

  Kyle: Then you can come and work for me since you're so sure I need an assistant.

  Jenny: When are you going to teach me to make games?

  She was curious how he would respond.

  Kyle: Tonight. Be at my house at six.

  Jenny: I was kidding.

  Kyle: Be there at six.

  Jenny: Can I at least bring dinner?

  Kyle: Nope. I'm making dinner.

  Jenny: I don't know about that.

  Kyle: Hey.

  Jenny: I'm going home to get clothes first. I'm not wearing dress clothes all night while you sit around in shorts and a t-shirt.

  Kyle: I had a suit on.

  Jenny: Not the whole time.

  Kyle: Hhmmm.

  Jenny: What?

  Kyle: Not a thing. See you at six.

  The rest of the day took forever to pass. Her lunch was the next best part of it. She thought it was very sweet that he'd remembered. Jenny couldn't wait to get out of there and get over to Kyle's house.

  She hurried through the house, changed her clothes, and was on her way out when Becky stopped her.

  “I made dinner,” Becky said.

  “I'm good. I'm going over a friend's.”

  “The same friend as last night?” Becky asked.

  “Yes,” Jenny answered. “I'll have my phone with me. I'm not sure what time I'll be home.”

  She took off out the door with a huge smile on her face.

  Chapter 19


  Kyle left work early. That was not something that ever happened. Ethan had stayed home for the day, so he knew he was fine to leave. As soon as he stepped into the grocery store, his phone rang. It was Ethan asking a question about a project they were working on. He wanted a certain date.

  “I'll get it as soon as I get home,” Kyle said. “I left an hour early today.”

  “What?” Ethan asked. “Do you have a date or something? You never leave early.”

  “No,” Kyle answered. “I don't have a date.”

  “What's up?” Ethan asked. “You feeling okay?”

  “I'm fine,” Kyle said.

  “I'm about to pull the uncle card on your ass.”

  “I have to go. I'll call you as soon as I get home,” Kyle said before hanging up his phone.

  Kyle quickly got all of the food he needed, hurried home, changed his clothes, and started cooking while he called Ethan back. He gave Ethan the answer to his question right away and was hoping to get him off of the phone.

  “What are you doing?” Ethan asked. “It sounds awfully busy over there.”

  “I'm cooking dinner,” Kyle answered.

  “For who?” Ethan asked.



  “Did you need anything else about work dear uncle?” Kyle asked.

  Ethan went to say something, but Kyle heard the ring of the doorbell. He told Ethan he needed to go and hung up. Then he hurried for the door and swung it open. He'd taken his shoes and socks off on his way in. He had on jeans and a t-shirt but hadn't put any socks back on. She was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and running shoes. He motioned for her to come in and took off.

  Jenny kicked her shoes off and left her stuff by the front door before following him into the kitchen. As soon as she walked through the door, he heard her take a huge breath.

  “It smells so good,” she said.

  “You haven't tasted it yet,” he said, as he turned to smile back at her.

  She set the container he'd sent her home with the night before on the counter.

  “What can I help you with?” she asked.

  He motioned toward the refrigerator.

  “You can make the salad if you want,” he said.

  Jenny went through the fridge and got everything she could find to make a salad. He showed her where the knives, bowls, and cutting board were. She got right to work chopping and slicing. They worked very well together. He felt like she'd been there many times before. She helped him carry the dishes to the table, and they both sat down to eat. He'd made spaghetti and garlic bread to go with the salad. She took one bite and smiled at him.

  “It's delicious,” she said.

  “I have many talents,” he said.

  She let out a laugh and picked up her glass to take a drink.

  “No ego issues for you I see,” she joked.

  Kyle laughed and shook his head.

  When they finished eating dinner, Jenny helped Kyle carry their dishes to the kitchen and starting cleaning them without thinking about it.

  “I like this,” Kyle said.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You, in my kitchen, doing dishes,” he said.

  As soon as Kyle turned the other way to get something, he heard the snap and felt the sting on his back. He could hear her giggling and slowly turned back to face her. She looked scared and happy at the same time. He took off toward her and she circled the island in the middle of the room.

  “Stop it, Kyle,” she yelled out.

  “Me?” he asked. “I should stop. I'm not the one that did something wrong.”

  He continued around the counter after her.

  “I'll never do it again, I swear,” she squeaked out.

  “Oh really,” he said sternly.

  He lunged forward, caught her, and pushed his body into hers against the counter.

  “You say you'll never do it again,” he said in a rough, deep tone.

  Kyle felt her body shake beneath his. Her body liked him, even if she didn't. He watched her suck her bottom lip into her mouth.

  “I promise,” she whispered.

  Kyle grabbed her wrists and lifted her arms above her head against the cabinet. His chest was against hers, and he could feel her heart racing. A small whimper left her mouth just as his phone rang. Kyle shook his head, let out a breath, released his hold on her, and turned to walk into the other room.

  “Saved by the phone,” he said. “Have those dishes finished when I get back.”

  “Yes, sir,” she yelled out after him.

  “I like that,” he said. “Hello.”

  Damn, he thought. He knew he should have looked before he answered. It was his mom. There was no getting her off the phone. He sat down at the dining room table and leaned back in his chair. She went on about how much fun she had in Hawaii and how she wanted him to go back with her soon. Then she asked about his week. A few minutes later, she started talking about Kelly's birthday being a month away and asked if he knew what he was getting her. He let her know that yes he knew what he was doing but he wasn't telling her. It was going to be a surprise for all of them.

  “I'm finished, sir,” Jenny said, as she swung the kitchen door open and let out a laugh.

  Then she jumped and covered her mouth.

  “I'm sorry,” she mouthed.

  “Who's that, Kyle?” Sandy asked. “Do you have a woman in your house? Ethan said you were cooking dinner. I should have known. Who is that?”

  “A friend,” he said without thinking.

  “What's your friend's name?” she asked.

  “You are the nosiest bunch of people,” he said.

  Kyle could have sworn he saw the smile leave Jenny's face, but he knew it was just his imagination.

  “Kyle,” Sandy scolded.

  “Yes, mother,” he said.

  Jenny turned around and walked down the basement steps. Kyle let his mom go and followed behind her.

  “Where do I need to sit for you to teach me?” Jenny asked in a serious tone.

  “Sit where you did yesterday,” he said, as he started turning everything on.

  There was no way he was mentioning the friend thing. He was just go
ing to dive into what they were supposed to be doing.

  Kyle started by showing Jenny some simple things and was shocked that she picked the stuff up so quickly. By the time they were done, she was making tiny games on the screen and seemed so proud of what she had done. They were simple, but she'd done a great job. He'd watched people in school struggle on the very same things. He made sure to tell her how great she was doing while they were working. Kyle was having a great time with her.

  “Shit!” he said, as he looked at the clock.

  “What?” she asked.

  “It's after midnight,” he said.

  “I'm so sorry, Kyle,” she said. “I need to go. I didn't mean to keep you up this late.”

  “Don't be sorry,” he said. “I love this stuff. I could sit here for hours. You're such a quick learner. I'm happy we did this.”

  She stood up and started up the stairs. He watched her grab her phone out of her purse. She looked over with a smile.

  “Becky has text me three times. I really do need a place of my own,” she said.

  Kyle could see the stress on her face. He knew she was thinking about Becky's reaction.

  “I'll help you look if you want,” he said.

  “No,” she said. “I've already taken up so much of your time these last two days. I promise not to bother you the rest of the week.”

  Kyle was surprised when she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Thank you for dinner and for showing me what you did tonight. That was so much fun. I know it was nothing like the complicated stuff you do, but I really liked it. It definitely made me realize just how hard your job is.”

  She pulled back, opened the door, and took off toward her car.

  “Make sure you text or call me,” he yelled out after her.

  Kyle stood in the doorway until her car was gone. He shut his door and leaned against it, wondering what she was thinking and so worried about getting wrapped up in something that would never happen.

  Chapter 20


  Jenny drove home happier than she could remember being in a very long time, even before her marriage. She couldn't believe Kyle had taken the time to teach her just a bit of what he does. He'd even made her dinner. Both nights at his house the hours seemed to fly by so fast.

  The lights were still on in the living room when she pulled into the driveway. There would be no getting by Becky without questions. Jenny quietly walked through the door, hoping there was a way of avoiding her friend. When she heard his throat clear, she jumped. It wasn't Becky waiting up. Jenny looked over to the couch to see Gavin with a scowl on his face.


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