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Chasing After Him

Page 3

by Lynn Burke


  I walked into one of my stores Monday morning and got slammed with my manager and assistant manager throwing accusations at one another about deposit discrepancies. After I poured over paperwork, straightened things out, and fired the asshole stealing from my uncle’s pockets, it was after ten at night.

  I’d wanted to find out if Charlene had taken advantage of my gift and if it’d helped her unwind, but no lights shone in her windows.

  As always, she was up before the sun and gone the next morning. She must have pulled more than a double because I didn’t catch sight of her again until Thursday afternoon.

  In scrubs as usual, she unloaded groceries from her car.

  “Need any help?” I rounded my Cherokee and enjoying an eyeful of her lovely ass I’d never noticed as she bent over.

  “Last ones, but thanks.” She slammed the door shut with her hip as I drew near, a calculated gleam in her eyes setting me on edge.

  “Take advantage of your spa day yet?” I asked.

  “Sure did.” Her smile dazzled me, and I stared into blue depths fringed by black lashes. “Best day of my life. So far.” The damn gleam returned. “I owe you one.”

  I grinned and fiddled with my keys while transferring my weight from one foot to the other. “No you don’t. It’s the least I could do for my too-hard working neighbor.”

  “If I could cook, I’d insist you come over for dinner. Unfortunately, the kitchen and I weren’t ever taught to play nice. How about we share a bottle of wine instead?”

  I peered at her, focused on finding signs of her intent. Held breath. Pulse jumping in her neck.

  Ah. I moved closer, so she had to tip her head back to keep eye contact. Sure enough, her lips parted when I glanced down at them. She touched the tip of her tongue to the top bow.

  So, Charlene Tucker, friendly neighbor wanted me. I’d labeled her and put her from my mind a year ago, writing her off as a kid. How had I not noticed her attraction? Blinded by unconscious choice? My smile didn’t fade, but I narrowed my gaze. “Red or white?”


  “The wine,” I said, allowing a little interest to show in my own eyes. “Red or white?”


  “Now or later?”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks flushed, and she backed up a step, glancing down at her rumpled attire and the grocery bags in either hand. “Later.”


  Unwavering crystal blue eyes met mine. “See you then.” Her breathless voice twitched my cock.

  I knew what she was up to, but it wouldn’t work. Didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy a glass or two of wine and some good conversation. The second I closed my front door behind me, I adjusted the growing bulge in my pants. “Don’t get any ideas, buddy. She doesn’t need us right now.”


  At seven, I knocked on Charlene’s door. Sure enough, she answered in come-get-me attire—tight jeans and an off the shoulder blouse. Unbound, her hair fell in gentle waves around her bare shoulder and small breasts. Large erect nipples drew my gaze, and my eyes lingered to enjoy the sight.

  “Lookin’ good, kid,” I said with a grin, lifting my focus to her flushed face.

  “Come on in.”

  Charlene stepped back, and I walked into the entry, breathing deep of her peaches and cream scent. “Place looks great. Always this clean?”

  Her light laughter had me wanting to hear more. “Always. I need everything in its place, all the time.” She moved into the living room with its dimmed lights.

  “Wish I was like that,” I said, scanning down her backside. Although petite, Charlene hid a nice rounded ass and hips to grasp beneath her tight jeans.

  “You could be.” She perched on the edge of the couch and poured two glasses of wine from the bottle on the coffee table. “It’s simply a choice.”

  I chuckled and sat in the chair across from her—close enough to chat, safe enough to not touch.

  Her brow tightened into a quick frown as I stretched out my legs, but she smiled again and leaned forward to hand me my wine.

  “So how was the spa?” I asked, settling back.

  She pushed her hair off her bare shoulder and curled one leg beneath her. Creamy white skin drew my attention, and I imagined licking and nibbling along her collar bone. Would she taste as good as she smelled? My cock took a liking to the thought, and I focused on my wine, enjoying a nice long sip.

  “Like I said, the spa was the best day of my life. I needed to get away and relax. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I air toasted and kept my gaze on her lips as she took her first sip. Damn. I really, really wanted to touch.


  Theo obviously liked how I looked. He’d enjoyed an eyeful of my bra-less chest and he’d also taken a sudden interest in my lips. I licked the lingering droplet of wine off the upper while lowering my glass. Time to get things moving. “So.”

  He lifted his gaze, brow quirked. “So.”

  “Why’d you agree to come over tonight?”

  Theo’s sexy smirk sent flutters through my stomach. “I enjoy making you laugh. Helping you remember there’s life outside of your life’s goal.”

  “Is that all?”

  He nodded and tipped up his glass, not taking the time to savor the dry, oaken flavor.

  My entire body tingled with the thought success was in reach. “Why didn’t you sit over here with me?”

  Theo peered at me with his dark eyes. Fathomless and unreadable. “Because you’re on a mission.”

  For the second time since he’d arrived, laughter bubbled from me. “I am.”

  “And according to you, you always succeed.”

  “I do.”

  He studied the wine while swirling it in the glass. “I sat over here to thwart your plans.”

  I narrowed my eyes as I studied his face. “Why?”

  “You don’t need any distractions right now.”

  Spine stiffening, I lifted my chin. “Or perhaps that’s exactly what I need right now.”

  “Not my kind of distraction.”

  His gaze latched onto me, and finally—finally—heat I’d dreamed of simmered in his stare. I fought the strange desire to lower my eyes. “I never back down. Ever.”

  His coy smirk sent a rush of moisture straight south to slick my panties. “You should.”

  “Oh?” I allowed my smile to grow and rubbed a fingertip along my shirt’s drooping neckline. His attention swung downward. “And why’s that?”

  “You’re messing with fire.” He lifted his gaze and scorched me with the lust in his black eyes.

  Fire? Oh yeah. My body ignited, and burning need swelled between my thighs and settled into my clit. I got up and set my wine glass on the coffee table while moving around it—all without breaking eye contact. Focused on his face, I peered down at him from between his legs. “I can handle a little heat.”

  “I dish out more than mere flames, little lamb.”

  Little lamb—as though he imagined leading me to the slaughter. Sweet shivers caressed my skin, hardening my nipples as we stared at each other. A flicker of unease twinged in my stomach as his word “sordid” from the weekend before came to mind. Was he into the whips and hot wax thing? Not a fan of pain, I hesitated a few seconds before remembering he sat in my home. We’d be in my bed, therefore my rules.

  I took the wine from his hand and set it on the table behind me without turning away from him. A breath later, I straddled his powerful thighs and threaded my fingers through his hair. “I want you, Theo Risso.”

  His playful smirk didn’t diminish the lust in his eyes. “Change your plans.”

  “No.” I claimed his lips, and he grabbed hold of my hips and dragged me closer. His erection pressed against my throbbing pussy, bringing a moan upward. One of his hands tangled in my hair and tugged my head to the side, angling my mouth for him to take control.

  My scalp stung where he pulled, but I ground against him, moaning again
st his mouth. Should have worn a damn skirt, I thought while gyrating my hips. He’d had me on edge for so long…

  I snaked a hand between us, grasped his hardness through the jeans, and sucked on his tongue. Flutters lit in my stomach as he groaned and reached back to squeeze my ass.

  “Fuck,” he said against my lips the second I released my hold on his tongue.

  “That’s the idea.”

  He let out a loud exhale and sat back, his fingers untangling from my hair and smoothing the mussed strands back from my face.


  She tasted sweeter than any peach I’d ever eaten, and her tiny waist and hips molded to my grasp. The need to devour every inch of her roared through me.

  If you care about her, you’ll stop right now.

  I closed my eyes and inhaled. “This isn’t going to happen,” I said, my voice more ragged than I expected.

  “Yes it is.”

  I chuckled, trying like hell to rein in my fuckin’ flying high erection. “You are one determined woman.”

  “And you are one hard-headed ass.”

  Making a noise of agreement in my throat, I forced myself to slide her back across my legs, away from my straining cock.

  She leapt up, hands fisted at her sides, eyes spearing blue darts my way. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Not a goddamn thing.”

  “Would you prefer I was a man?”


  “Then what’s the problem? I’m more than willing. I’m wet and ready.”

  Fuck. I slid my gaze down over her trembling body and back up. Her hard nipples begged for my teeth, but jaw clenched, I continued my slow perusal upward to peer into her eyes. “I’m not going to fuck you.”

  If looks could kill, they say. Yeah, I’d have fifty scalpels sticking from various body parts. I stood up before she decided she needed a little more practice slicing and dicing. Hands on hips, she glared up at me.

  I couldn’t help another chuckle. “You are so damn hot when you’re pissed.”

  “Oh, fuck off.” She spun, and all but ran to her front door. “I don’t know why the hell I bothered. Not like you’d be into someone like me anyway.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked, stalking across the living room to tower over her.

  Little Miss In-Control’s throat bobbed as she swallowed and shrank away from me. “You’re” —her voice wavered, and she licked her lower lip— “the hottest man I’ve ever seen, and I’m nothing special. Tiny tits, hardly any curves to speak of—”

  I grabbed her up in my arms and pushed her against the wall. Crushed my mouth to hers, taking. Tasting. Fucking her mouth with my tongue.

  Her legs wrapped around my waist, and I thrust against her softness. She gasped against my lips as I ground my hard as hell cock against her again. “Obviously I think you’re something special,” I managed the second I found strength to tear my mouth off hers.

  “Then fuck me.”

  Heaving for breath—and control—I tipped my forehead against hers. “No.”

  Fuckin’ hardest thing I’d ever done, I stepped back and lowered her to her feet.

  Pain rather than pissiness filled her eyes. “I don’t understand.”

  I dug my short nails into my palms to keep from ripping the jeans off her and taking her there against the wall. “You’re too close to completing your residency.”

  “What does that have to do with fucking?”

  “I would hate myself if I was the reason for your less than stellar record. Stay focused, Charlene.”

  “God.” She huffed, throwing her hands in the air. “Getting laid is not going to ruin me.”

  “Your life goals mean too much to you for me to take the chance.” I grabbed my coat off the rack beside the door and let myself out while she glared at me, unmoving.

  Goddamn, I hate that I cared. Fuckin’ hated it. What happened to my fuck ‘em and hightail-it-the-hell-outta-there attitude?

  Breathing in the cold air, I glanced at the star filled sky while crossing the snow-covered little lawn to my walkway. No fuckin’ clue why I cared, but I prayed to God and the Mother Mary that Charlene still wanted me in six months, because the day she completed her residency, I planned on tying the little lamb up and satisfying the itch she had going on between her thighs. And, after one taste of her, I knew one night wouldn’t be damn near enough for me.

  I stepped up onto my stoop and glanced over at her front door. Damn, determined woman. No way in hell one rejection would keep her from trying to get what she wanted though. I’d have to be on guard.


  The nerve! The fucking nerve of that ass. I stormed back into my living room, picked up my wine and downed it. He wanted me, I wanted him, so what the fuck?

  “Gah!” I clenched my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose. There was nothing worse than having my plans thwarted as he called it. “Goddamnit.” I grabbed the wine bottle and chugged a few swallows before my better judgement kicked in.

  Five-thirty came quick—and unwanted with a wine hangover.

  Time to reassess my plan. I needed to find his weakness and swoop in to claim my prize.


  Friday night and I actually got off work at a decent hour. I had plans to head over to Theo’s after a quick shower, wearing nothing but an overcoat. Oh, and shoes. Yeah. A bit nippy to go without them.

  Damn Cherokee wasn’t in his driveway when I pulled onto our street.

  My heart sagged, tugging my brow down along with it. I’d gotten myself so worked up at work, dreaming about dropping my coat and wrapping my nakedness around Theo. Or, falling to my knees and grabbing his cock before he could say a word.

  Should have been more realistic. Just because his cousin stopped going out with him on weekends, didn’t mean he wouldn’t find something else—or someone else to do.

  I pulled into my driveway and turned the key, heaviness laying over me like a shroud.

  There’s always tomorrow.

  The car door creaked as I opened it. Cold air bit my nose and whipped at my ponytail. Cursing winter for the first time, I hunched my shoulders and hurried up my front steps.

  A car pulled into Theo’s driveway, his floodlights coming on and illuminating a BMW I didn’t recognize.

  Tall and slender, a black-haired model hopped out of the car in painted on jeans and ridiculous heels. I didn’t return her cheery, big wave and bright smile. “Theo around?” she called.


  She strode across the sidewalk and up my walkway, her arched brows furrowed, full, red-painted lips pouted. “We were supposed to meet for dinner a half hour ago, but he never showed. He’s not answering his phone either.”

  She clutched her designer coat tight and shifted on her engine red hooker heels with their five inch stilettos.

  I cleared my throat as my stomach clenched, not bothering to keep the chill from my glare. “I’ll tell him you stopped by, Miss…?”

  “Oh.” Her smile reappeared, brightening dark eyes and lifting prominent cheekbones. “Livi.” She held out her hand, but I crossed my arms and stiffened my spine, making my scowl more than apparent. Laughter escaped her. “I’m Livi Risso. Theo’s baby sister. You’re Charlene, right?”

  Heat flooded my face, and my hands dropped to my sides as I closed my eyes. “Yes. Sorry.”

  “No worries.” Livi laughed again.

  “Here.” I turned and unlocked my door. “Come on in.”

  Livi kicked off her heels and hung up her coat on the rack, same as me. “Nice place,” she said, padding behind me to the kitchen.

  “Thanks. Wine?”

  “Sounds great.” Her chipper tone reminded me of Theo. I should have recognized the similar wave when she’d climbed out of her car. I dropped my bag on the island and gestured toward a stool, warmth flooding my face again.

  “Just getting off work?” she asked with a quick glance down at my scrubs while sitting.

; “Yes.” I grabbed a bottle of Pinot out of the fridge and two glasses.

  “Theo said you’re studying to be a pediatrician. Impressive.”

  “And hard as hell.”


  A tired smile appeared on my lips as I poured us both a generous splash. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “Well, here’s to you,” Livi said, her eyes bright and twinkling. “May the next six months of your residency breeze by.”

  “I’ll toast to that.” I swallowed down a good gulp. “How’d you know I only have six months left?”

  “Theo likes to talk.” She leaned onto the island, chin in hand.

  “He talks about me?” My voice sounded tiny.

  “Lately, you’re all he talks about.”

  My knees gave way, and I slumped onto a stool. “Seriously?”

  Her eyes twinkled again. “He’s got it bad.”


  “Oh yeah. He told me you’d hit on him a few times in the past year, but he thought you were too young.” She raised her glass in toast similar to how Theo always did.

  So he had noticed. Heat flooded my face.

  Livi sipped and lowered her wine to the island. “To be honest, I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You’re a good, stable woman, not a floozie like most of those women he hooks up with at Chantelle’s. That’s what he says, anyway.” She smiled, her gaze open and accepting. “I’ve spent all of five minutes with you, and I’m sure he’s right.”

  My responding smile came easy. “Thanks, but what is Chantelle’s?”

  “It’s where he and Zane went almost every weekend until our cousin finally collared Raquel.”

  Again, Theo’s word ‘sordid’ whispered across my mind. “Chantelle’s is some sort of club, I take it?”

  Livi chuckled again and sipped her wine. “You could say that.”

  “Explain.” I asked as soon as she lowered her glass.


  “Ah. Collared. Gotcha.”

  “Theo’s a ‘B’ guy though. He’s not into inflicting pain.”

  An image of me tied to his bed, helpless and begging flashed through my mind. All four of my limbs tingled as my blood heated. I wet my upper lip with my tongue. “So, uh … how do you know so much about your brother’s personal life?”


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