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Chasing After Him

Page 4

by Lynn Burke

  “I’m a reporter. I love to dig into people’s shit.”

  “Great.” I almost laughed. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.”

  “Theo says you’re a saint.” She studied me for a few seconds, carefree happiness in her eyes. “Be good to my brother and you’re golden.”

  “If you only knew how good I want to be to him.”

  Livi slapped a manicured hand over her mouth to keep from spewing wine across the island.

  “Said that out loud, didn’t I?” I laughed too, having more fun than I’d had in a long time.

  Livi’s laughter faded, but her smile remained. “I lied.”


  “His meeting me for dinner.” She leaned forward. “I really just wanted to see how you’d react to some random woman showing up at his house and asking about him.”

  “Well, you had me going. Is your outfit and those shoes part of the ploy?”

  Her eyes widened. “Of course not! A woman must always look her best.” She waggled her brow. “Just in case she runs into a royal hottie who needs seducing.”

  I held up my wine to toast. “I think I like you, Livi Risso.”

  “Good.” Her grin matched her brother’s as she clinked her glass against mine. “Cuz I think I like you, too.”

  For another hour, Livi and I laughed and chatted like childhood friends. I’d never connected so easy and quick with another woman. Seeing as how she and Theo’s personalities were similar, I shouldn’t have been surprised.

  By the time she pulled her coat back on, I knew her brother’s secrets, his weaknesses, and best of all, what downtown businesses Chantelle’s nestled between.

  The second Livi left, I plopped down with my laptop and got busy researching Theo’s lifestyle. Well into the night and most of the next day, I pulled up website after website, joined online forums, and asked a million questions. I jotted down an entire notebook worth of notes, my mind ready to explode with debaucherous thoughts Theo had called sordid.

  The idea of mixing pain and pleasure still didn’t do a damn thing for me, but seeing pictures of women bound by ropes, at the mercy of their Dom… hot damn, I’d ended up grabbing my vibrator a few times.

  That night, I dreamed of being bound by Theo’s ropes, finally free and drifting in what their community called subspace.


  “Welcome.” A tall, curvaceous blonde made her way around her desk and held out a hand. “I’m Mistress Chantelle.”

  “Charlene Tucker, and thank you for seeing me on such short notice.” I shook her hand and allowed myself a quick glance around the dim office with its leather furniture and nude paintings.

  “So, tell me why you’re interested in purchasing a membership at my club,” she said, settling down onto the couch beneath the office’s lone window overlooking Boston and its nightlife.

  I perched on a chair across from her, studying her hazel eyes, the lack of wrinkles, and what had to be Botox-puffed lips. “I’m intrigued by the BDSM lifestyle.”

  “Bullshit.” She smiled. “Who is he?”

  Chin lifting, I straightened my spine. “You’re very perceptive.”

  “In my line of work, it pays to be.” She purred the words, her eyes narrowing. “So tell me the truth of why you’re here.”

  “Theo Risso.”

  “Ah.” Her smile widened. “And you believe he’s a member here because…?”

  I smiled back, teeth and all. “A little birdie told me.”

  Lips pursed, she peered at me. I refused to shift beneath her stare. “You’re no sub.”

  “I will be if that’s what it’ll take for him to give in.”

  “Does the idea of being bound by his ropes and strung up for his pleasure make you wet?”

  God, yes. I swallowed and nodded, fighting to keep my thoughts focused on the task before me.

  Mistress Chantelle tapped a long nail on her desk as she continued to peer at me. “You’re after more than sex.”

  My dream from the night before crashed into my mind, reminding me of what I’d realized upon waking. “I … I want someone else to take charge of my life for a change.”


  I forced myself to sit straighter and meet her stare. “I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to let go, I’ll give up.”

  Her fingernail stopped tapping. “On life?”

  “No.” I half-chuckled the word, easing the penetration of her gaze. “I’m in the final stretch of my residency, and I’m struggling with the decision I made to become a pediatrician.”

  “I see.” Her puffed lips stretched out in what I guessed was a smile. “Are you aware of the membership fee?”

  “I am.”

  “Cash only.”

  Thanking God my parents lavished monetary gifts on me out of guilt for not spending enough time with me as a kid, I dipped my head. “That won’t be a problem.”

  She stood and moved behind the desk once more and pulled open a drawer. “I have paperwork you’ll need to fill out—personal information as well as a waiver. A full physical and blood work are required. Would you like a tour?”

  I glanced at the closed office door hiding the small reception area that revealed no hint of what lay behind the club’s closed, double doors beyond. “No. I’d rather not go in there until I’m ready to kneel at his feet in such a way he can’t say no.”

  Her smile appeared again. “You’re a smart woman, but it’s an expensive game you play.”

  “It’s no game.” I lifted my chin and took the packet of papers from her outstretched hand. “I always get what I want.”

  Mistress Chantelle’s light laughter accompanied our walk to the door. “I believe it.”


  Saturday nights at Chantelle’s sucked ass without Zane. Sure, available subs dotted the crowded lounge, but my cock didn’t find a single one attractive. For the first time, even Sasha with her flaming red hair and emerald push-up bra and panties didn’t stir my blood.

  Kaden, one of my friends and a true sadist, slouched on a leather couch beside me, eyeing the unattached women still seeking partners. He ran long fingers through his blond hair, fingers I’d heard could inflict pain enough to please any masochist. “About time we get some new blood in here.”

  I grunted my agreement. Charlene came to mind, but I pushed the thought away. A children’s doctor in training, she’d probably be horrified by such a place. Or maybe, she had a private kinky side like Zane’s woman.

  One could only hope.

  I hadn’t seen her—or her car—all week. Knowing she wasn’t taking a vacation, I’d dealt with borderline panic off and on. Twice, I called into Boston Children’s and asked to speak with her. The second her voice carried over the phone and eased my breathing, I hung up. Safe. At work. That’s all I needed to know.

  “I talked to Mistress Chantelle earlier tonight about lowering the membership fee to draw more people in,” Kaden said, bringing me back to reality.

  I glanced over to find him peering around the lounge, hungry predator glint in his light blue eyes. “What’d she say?”

  “That a new woman handed over the ten grand last Saturday without blinking an eye. Too bad she’s not here tonight.”

  “Wanna bet she’s a masochist and I’m shit outta luck?”

  Kaden chuckled, but didn’t respond as the club’s double doors opened.

  Mistress Chantelle took two steps into the lounge and paused, her silk blouse and black pencil skirt an illusion for the underlying Domme who adored leathers. Or, so I’d heard anyway.

  I craned my neck for a glimpse of the much shorter woman behind her. A flash of bare hip and long, dark tresses reminded me of Charlene and I groaned. Get a grip.

  “Must be the new blood,” I said, elbowing my friend.

  Mistress Chantelle scanned the room. Her gaze landed on Kaden and me, and her Cheshire cat grin raised the hairs on my neck. We sat unmoving as the club’s owner strode across the room. “Gentlemen. Seeing
as how you’re the only two Doms sitting on your asses rather than enjoying someone else’s, I’d like you to meet our newest member.” She stepped to the side, and the air whooshed from my lungs.

  Head bowed, hands clasped in front of her, Charlene appeared like a submissive little lamb.

  I couldn’t tear my gaze off the expanse of bare flesh—her pussy and small pert breasts covered by tiny pieces of vibrant blue silk. My cock leapt to attention and strained against my jeans zipper. I wanted nothing more than to throw a blanket around her shoulders to hide her pale, delectable-looking skin from the predator beside me.

  “What the fuck?” The words grumbled past my lips as I stood.

  “Know her?” Kaden asked, rising to his feet.


  “Theo,” Chantelle purred, “our newest sub is interested in bondage play.”

  “Sure she is.” I couldn’t keep the sarcasm from my voice.

  Kaden took a step forward and lifted Charlene’s chin. Her eyes latched onto his Iceman-like face, and my gut burned as possessive fury lit. “And what are your thoughts on finding pleasure through pain?” Kaden asked her.

  Charlene glanced over at me, and less than a single heartbeat later, I grasped her arm and strode across the room with her in tow. Growling, I shoved the double doors open into the reception area and spun to face her the second they swooshed shut behind us.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Her shoulders straightened as heat simmered in her eyes. “You enjoy tying women up. I want to be tied up and ‘let it go’ along with a little sexual gratification. Win win as far as I’m concerned.” She placed her palm against my chest, burning me through my shirt.

  The muscle jumped in my jaw as I glared down at her. “Get dressed, get in your car, and go home.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “I didn’t drive.”

  I clenched my eyes shut and inhaled a long, slow breath as her hand slid down across my tight stomach. “Go get dressed and meet me back out here.”


  “Because I’m taking you back home, that’s why.” I stared down at her, determined to win. It took a hell of a long time, but she huffed and turned away, her ass a beacon for my eyes.

  The woman was determined—and brave, I’d give her that. Parading around half-naked in front of dozens of people, never mind dropping ten grand on a membership, gambling I’d give in without a fight.

  Beneath my anger, my ego preened like a damn peacock, but I didn’t speak two words to her on the way home. When I pulled into the driveway behind her car, I left the engine running. “Out.”


  “Get out.” I clenched the steering wheel in both hands so I wouldn’t reach across the console and pull her onto my lap. “And, stay away from Chantelle’s.”

  “And, why the fuck should I listen to you?”

  Fire laced her words, and when I turned, her glare singed me. “Because I don’t want any man seeing you like that.”

  She scowled. “What? You won’t fuck me, and no one else can either? What the hell kind of bullshit is that?”

  “You’re too refined for that place, Charlene.”

  “More bullshit.”

  I clenched my jaw and peered out the windshield. “Call it brotherly protectiveness.”

  “Bull. Shit. Tell me the truth.”

  “Goddamn stubborn woman,” I muttered. “Can’t you just drop it?”

  “You know once I’ve made up my mind, I never give up.”

  I inhaled until it hurt and closed my eyes. Why not tie her up and fuck her? Give her one night of release, a chance to let go and just feel for a change?

  Because I want more. “This isn’t going to happen tonight, no matter what you say or do. Please. Just go.”

  Stoney silence filled the car for a couple of minutes, long enough to tie my stomach in knots.

  Charlene finally threw the door open and hopped out. From the corner of my eye, I made sure she got inside safe before I sped away.


  “How the fuck did you say no to her?” Kaden asked me the next night.

  We lounged on the same couch as the previous evening, drinks in hand. “She just wants a quick escape. I want more.”

  “So fuck her and build a relationship afterward.”

  “Not that simple.” I sipped my Jack and Coke. “She’s got six months left of her residency at Boston Children’s, and I’m not going to be the ass who fucks up her lifelong dream of becoming a pediatrician.”

  “A med student can’t have relationships?”

  “Not saying that.”

  “So then what’s the problem?”

  I stared unseeing across the crowded room, the image of Charlene in that damn blue next-to-nothing lingerie filling my mind. “She’s the type who never wanted to miss a day of school. Straight A’s across the board. An almost perfect record. I won’t have her showing up late for work every morning all because I can’t keep my fuckin’ hands off her.”

  Kaden chuckled. “Nothing wrong with being late now and then.”

  “She’s never late. Never messes up.”

  “Come on, man.” Kaden downed the rest of his drink and rested the glass on his thigh. “No one is perfect.”

  I tipped my head back as my mind focused on the memory and scent of her skin. “She is.”

  “Well, shit.” Kaden cleared his throat. “I thought you told the little lamb not to come back here again.”

  His words lifted my head off the couch.


  Charlene stood inside the double doors in another tiny blue number, chin lifted, scanning the crowd. Instant need sprang my cock to life.

  “She’s no sub, that’s for sure.” Kaden said, taking the drink out of my hand as I stood. “Have fun trying to break that spirit.”

  “Fuck.” I shoved my way through the crowd, more than one cuss spewed at my back.

  Her damn saucy smirk landed on me, and her body relaxed into a sensual pose meant to entice.

  It fuckin’ worked. I wanted to throw her to the floor and fuck her until we both found what we wanted.

  Drawing deep for my usual control, I grabbed her arm and hauled ass back out the doors into the empty reception area for the second night in a row. Once shut in the dim quietness, I spun her around and glared down at her. “What the fuck?”

  “I told you I wouldn’t give up.”

  “Well you need to.” I dropped my hold on her and clenched my fists at my sides. “I don’t want this.”

  She glanced down at the bulge in my jeans and smirked. “Liar.” Her fingers twined in my shirt, and she stepped closer, dousing me in her peach scent.

  Fingernails digging into my palms, I fought back the desire—the fuckin’ need—to touch her. Lick her lips and thrust my tongue between them to take possession of her mouth.

  Eyes lowered, she stared at her tight grip on my shirt. “Tie me up, Theo. Make me forget reality for a while.”

  “No.” My voice wavered.

  “I’m always in control. Needing to have everything just so. I’m tired, Theo. Exhausted.” She peered up at me, blue eyes wide and pleading. “Please. Help me escape.”

  Christ, the begging. Did me in every fuckin’ time. “Do you have to work tomorrow?” I heard myself ask.

  She shook her head.

  My conscious hollered no, but I nodded. “Go get dressed.”

  She hesitated. “Are you just going to drop me off at home again?”

  I straightened. “You want this, then you play the part, sub—just not here. You know what a safe word is?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yellow means you’re unsure, red means stop. Understand?”

  Fire filled her eyes as she peered up at me with an I-will-not-be-defeated stare. “Yes.”

  “This isn’t a game, little lamb. Get dressed. Now.”

  Charlene lowered her direct gaze and sc
urried through a side door, a small smile giving away her triumph and making me realize getting her into subspace might prove difficult.

  Contort her body with my ropes and send her swinging, or simply tie her up and tease the ever loving shit outta her? I tipped my head back and hissed an exhale through my lips as images of what her petite body would look like suspended from the ring in my bedroom ceiling flashed through my mind. Crimson knots against her pale skin … fuck. I adjusted myself and stared at the door she’d disappeared through.

  She’d played a good game, but it was my turn to make her squirm.

  Giving her the release she seemed desperate for would be easy, but keeping our emotions—the distraction I feared—out of the equation would prove more difficult. But, goddamn I planned on trying. I needed to try for her sake.

  Home wouldn’t be the best or safest place to play with temptation, but no fuckin’ way would I allow her body to be on display for every salivating jackass Dom wanting fresh meat to brand.


  My damn hands shook as I threw on my long, wool overcoat atop the skimpy lingerie Livi had helped me pick out earlier in the week—blue like the one I’d worn the night before.

  Stomach fluttering and muscles quivering, I strode back to the reception area. Theo glanced down at my coat and groaned, clenching the keys tighter in his hand. “All you’ve got on under that are those scraps of silk, right?”

  I couldn’t help my smirk.

  He heaved a breath. “Let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked as he held the front door open and motioned me out into the cold.

  “To my place.” He strode down the snow-dusted sidewalk toward the parking garage. “I suppose you didn’t drive again, did you?”

  “No. Livi dropped me off.”

  He stopped short and spun, dark fury shooting from his eyes. “Livi?” The muscle jumped in his jaw, his nostrils flaring as he breathed. “Meddling little brat.” He spit the last word and turned, stomping away.

  As with the first time, Theo didn’t say two words the entire ride home. His anger filled the car, making my skin tingle.


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