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Breaking Free (The Den Boys Book 3)

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by A. T Brennan

  There was a decent number of people in the club, and once I got on stage and started to dance, the tips started flowing, but I was still feeling off.

  It wasn’t until I was doing my bit and catching the eyes of different men in the crowd that I’d seen him.

  The man was gorgeous, and I hadn’t been able to peel my gaze from him once I’d caught his eye.

  He was wearing tight black pants that had a slight sheen to them, accentuating his long and powerful legs. His white button-down shirt was sheer and held together by two of the middle buttons so I could see a swatch of his smooth and muscular chest and a triangle of his hard and ripped stomach. He wore his dark brown hair longer on top and short on the sides, had a neat and tight beard, and his eyes were piercing. I couldn’t tell what color they were, but the look he was giving me was one of pure sex, and my already-hard dick twitched in my shorts.

  He was the hottest man I’d ever seen, and I felt a pang of longing shoot through me when I saw him lean over to talk to the guy he was standing with.

  Of course, they were together. His partner was as blond as he was dark, and he was big and strong and built like a brick shit house. It was stupid to think a guy like him would be interested in someone like me.

  At five-seven I was short by any standard, and since I was naturally slender and lean from dancing, I was the perfect twink. I also looked a lot younger than I was, which helped when I was shaking my ass for cash but sucked when I was trying to get people to take me seriously. I might be attracted to big, strong, alpha males who brooded and smoldered, but not many of them were interested in a slightly femme or emo twink, which were the only two looks I could pull off.

  I continued dancing, trying not to think about the gorgeous man standing just off the stage, but my eyes kept darting to him, and I almost sighed in relief when the guy I assumed was his partner went off to dance with someone else.

  As the songs melted together, I tried to focus on my dancing and working the crowd to get those tips and to try and enjoy myself, but I found myself checking to make sure Mr. Gorgeous was still standing in the same spot, and he was alone.

  I was only working one shift tonight, so after an hour of dancing the lights dimmed, and we gave the crowd one last shimmy or shake before heading off stage. If I’d been working my usual night, I’d be scheduled for two or three shifts with breaks in between, so my night would only be starting, but as of right now, I was done.

  As I cleaned the body glitter off my chest, my thoughts returned to Mr. Gorgeous, and I wondered if he was still around.

  I’d been dancing for almost six years, so I knew better than to get distracted by someone in the crowd. Having fans was great in the sense that they liked to tip, but interacting with them could get awkward because they wanted “Skylar” and whatever fantasy they’d built around my persona. No one was interested in Kai, and playing the part when I wasn’t working was exhausting and empty.

  Every club I’d worked at encouraged the dancers to go out and mingle before and after their dance shifts to drum up more interest and give the patrons a little extra time to check us out, but that had never been my thing. Now I was seriously reconsidering.

  It was reckless and a little out of character for me, but I made a snap decision. If Mr. Gorgeous was still out there when I was done, I was going to take a chance and go up to him.

  I found myself hurrying through my routine of cleaning up and getting changed, and by the time I was shoving my bag in my locker I was almost bouncing from nerves and adrenaline.

  “Later!” I shouted to the other guys in the change room, waving over my shoulder as I headed toward the door.

  A lot of the guys went out in costume, or at least looking like their stage persona. I liked to blend in a bit more when I wasn’t trying to get tips, so I’d pulled my long hair back into a low and stubby bun and put on a pair of distressed skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. I looked like an everyday guy, and I wondered if Mr. Gorgeous would recognize me without my sparkly shorts and body glitter.

  I pushed through the back door and made my way up to the bar, checking to see if Mr. Gorgeous was still around. If he wasn’t, I’d grab a drink before heading home, if he was... well, I hopefully wouldn’t be heading home.

  He was in the exact same place he’d been when I’d gotten off stage. He was alone and looking around, almost as though he was studying the people surrounding him.

  Hot damn, he was even more gorgeous up close. There was something about the quiet and cool confidence, not to mention the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude he had going on that made me want to climb him like a tree.

  I paused, checking him out from afar when he turned and looked right at me.

  The look in his eyes went from cool and detached to hot and dark as he raked his gaze over my body. I swear every look felt like a caress, and when he gave me a small smirk and quirked his eyebrow at me, I knew he was interested.

  Taking a deep breath, I skirted around the people in my way and headed toward him.

  “I thought silver was a good color on you, but it’s got nothing on black,” Mr. Gorgeous drawled as he blatantly checked me out. His voice was deep and rich and sent a tingle up my spine.

  “I like to go incognito when I’m not working.” I shrugged and moved closer so there was less than half a foot between us.

  He was at least six inches taller than me, and while he wasn’t bulky, he was broad and strong, and exactly what I liked in a man.

  I loved feeling a big and lean body over mine, blanketing me until I all but disappeared beneath them. There was nothing hotter than running my hands over soft skin covering hard muscles, and I was a sucker for a great set of abs. This guy had it all in spades, and my mouth watered at the thought of running my tongue over every inch of his chest and torso.

  “Well, I’m definitely a fan of both versions.” He looked me up and down and licked his bottom lip, and that move made my dick thicken and swell.

  “I’m Skylar.”

  For the first time since I started using a stage name, I regretted not telling someone what my real name was. Usually, I liked the anonymity and safety of having an assumed name, but right now I wanted to tell Mr. Gorgeous the truth.


  He put out his hand, and when I grasped it to give it a shake, he yanked me against his body. The move was bold and unexpected and hot as fuck.

  “Want to dance?” I asked breathlessly, trying to keep some semblance of composure as I found myself pressed against his solid and warm frame.

  “As long as you promise not to judge me.” He grinned, and it was then I noticed his eyes were the most amazing shade of slate gray. “I’m not much of a dancer.”

  “I never judge,” I promised, and it was the truth. I’d spent my entire life being judged and having people assume certain things about me based on my looks and history, and I tried really hard not to do the same to others. “Besides, the kind of dancing I’m thinking about isn’t about skill.”

  “What’s it about, then?” Zander asked, a playful grin on his full lips.

  “Feeling the music, and my partner.”

  Zander didn’t answer. Instead, he squeezed my hand tighter and put his empty cup down before tugging me toward the dance floor.

  We wove our way through the dancing couples and threesomes until we found an open spot. When Zander turned toward me, I could see a dark passion shining in his eyes, even with the flashing lights surrounding us.

  I stepped toward him, ignoring the fact that my skin felt alive with electricity as we drew closer together, but I couldn’t silence the gasp that escaped my lips when he grabbed me by the waist and hauled me against his body.

  His skin was warm and a little damp, and he smelled like an intoxicating mix of spice and sweat. I slid my arms around his waist, holding him close as I looked up at him.

  Zander slid his knee between my legs and lifted me slightly so I was riding his thigh. The move put me at eye level with the base of
his throat, and I could see his pulse beating wildly under his skin.

  Everything about him was sex and sensuality, and I closed my eyes as we started to move.

  It had been a long time since I’d danced with someone because I wanted to and not because I was on stage or trying to get tips.

  Zander’s body was solid and firm, and jolts of pleasure zinged through me every time I shifted against him. His hands gripped my hips, his thigh teased and rubbed my taint as our erections rubbed together through our clothes. I shifted closer to him, and he bent his head, curling his body around mine so that he could press our foreheads together.

  I opened my eyes and found him staring at me, his gaze moving over my face as he studied every part of me from my lips to my cheeks to my eyes. His breath ghosted over my face, and when he let his eyes linger on my lips, he let out the sexiest little growl I’d ever heard.

  “Fuck,” I moaned, unable to keep quiet when he bit his lip, then delicately licked the plump flesh with the tip of his tongue.

  Zander smirked as his hands ran up and down my back, sending more of those zings through my body. There was something about a cocky and confident man that I found hot as fuck, and Zander was definitely not lacking in either cockiness or confidence.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked huskily, pressing his lips against my ear.

  “That you know what you’re doing.” I shuddered as he deliberately breathed out so his breath tickled the sensitive skin of my ear.

  “And what do you think I’m doing?”

  “Trying to seduce me.”

  “What if I’m trying to get you to seduce me?”

  “Then you definitely know what you’re doing.” I pulled back so I could look up at him, and the passion and lust I saw shining in his eyes was intoxicating.

  When he didn’t say anything more, I decided to show him exactly what he did to me. Stepping up on my tiptoes I pressed my lips against his in a soft kiss. I half expected Zander to devour my mouth the second I ran the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip, but he surprised me.

  Instead of deepening the kiss right away, he gently and softly nipped at me, almost sipping at my lips as he pulled me against his sweaty body. I could feel the bulge of his hard cock against my stomach and rubbed against it.

  Zander groaned against my mouth, and when I did it again, he swept his tongue between my lips, tasting and teasing me as his hands gripped my ass and hauled me closer.

  I couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped my lips and wrapped my arms around Zander’s neck as I tried to get even closer.

  At this point, we weren’t even pretending to dance, and when he pulled his lips from mine and looked down at me, I already knew my answer to his unasked question.

  “Do you have a place?” I asked before he could say anything.

  “I have a place.” He nodded, licking his bottom lip again.

  “Then let’s get the hell out of here.”

  He stepped away from me and grabbed my hand, and it wasn’t until we were halfway off the dancefloor that I remembered my bag was in my locker.

  “I have to grab my bag, wait by the door?” I asked, tugging Zander closer so I could talk in his ear.

  He nodded, and when we reached the staff door, I gave his hand a quick squeeze and hurried into the staff room. It took me three tries to get my locker open, and I grabbed my bag before slamming it shut.

  Zander was standing exactly where I’d left him, and when I came through the doors, he took my hand and led me out of the club.

  There was a line of taxis waiting out front, and he steered me toward the front car, and we crawled into the back.

  After Zander gave the cabbie his address, I had to sit on my hands to stop myself from grabbing him and doing naughty things to him. Public sex was great, but cab sex wasn’t something I figured the driver would want to witness.

  It took less than twenty minutes to get to his subdivision, and when we stopped in front of a small but well-maintained bungalow, I reached for my wallet to pay the fair.

  Zander beat me to it, and after waving off the change, he grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the cab.

  He didn’t say anything as he led me up to his front door, but as I waited for him to unlock it, I started to get a little nervous.

  “Do you have roommates?” I asked as he pushed the door open.

  His house wasn’t huge, but it could definitely fit more than one person.

  “No.” He glanced down at me.

  “A partner?” I hated to think it, but it wouldn’t be the first time a committed guy brought me home, and I refused to contribute to cheating.

  “It’s just me.” He pushed the door closed behind me. “Any other questions?”

  I paused and looked him up and down. It felt as though my skin was being charged with electricity, and I was so hard my dick was aching. The sheer level of need I had for this man was crazy, but instead of analysing it and fucking things up like I usually did, I decided to just let go and live in the moment.

  “Where’s your room?”

  Zander grinned and yanked me against his body, his lips descending on mine in a hard and dirty kiss. I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed the backs of my thighs, and I gasped in pleasure as he lifted me and crushed me against him so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

  I loved a show of strength and a little manhandling, and at five-foot-seven and less than one hundred and fifty pounds, a lot of guys could toss me around. I usually didn’t let guys I didn’t know get too handsy because it was hard to gauge if they’d know when to back off so they didn’t hurt me, but nothing about Zander’s moves were rough. If anything, he was being gentle and treating me with reverence.

  Still kissing me, Zander began walking down his hallway and right into his bedroom.

  Chapter Three


  It was taking everything I had not to throw Skylar down and rip off his clothes so I could see his beautiful body again. I loved the way he clung to me, letting me carry him right over to my bed. He held on tight as I crawled up the mattress, and when his head was lined up with my pillow, I slowly lowered my body so I was lying over him.

  “Fuck, Skylar,” I groaned as his lips traveled from my lips down the column of my throat, and I couldn’t stop the low growl that escaped my lips when he gently bit the juncture where my shoulder met my neck.

  “Kai,” he gasped.

  I pulled back so I could look down at him questioningly.

  “Skylar is my stage name. My name is Kai,” he said breathlessly,

  “Kai,” I said softly, smiling as I gently traced my thumb over his plump bottom lip. “It suits you.”

  “More than Skylar?” he asked, and I couldn’t help noticing the flash of uncertainty that passed through his eyes.

  “More than Skylar.” I nodded.

  He smiled and reached up, gently cupping my face as he pulled me down for another kiss.

  I couldn’t be certain, but something told me Kai didn’t tell a lot of people his real identity, not if they’d met him as Skylar, and I felt a flush of pride go through me at the thought of him putting any kind of trust in me.

  Something between us changed after Kai’s confession. Gone was the rough, raw desire I’d felt before. I still wanted him, but I felt the need to slow down and really enjoy him.

  He felt so incredible under me with his legs wrapped around my waist and his hands cupping my face. Everything about him was tight and toned, and I loved how he fit against my body.

  Our kisses were long and languid, our tongues massaging and teasing each other as our bodies rubbed together in a slow and sensual way. I could have kissed him for hours, which wasn’t normal for me.

  Kissing was intimate and sensual, and letting go and being in the moment like that with a hookup was not something I ever did. Kissing was a tool for seduction, and I usually engaged in the bare minimum before moving onto something else.

  I fisted
my hands in the material of his shirt, yanking it up so it was bunched under his armpits. Kai cried out under my kiss as I ran my hands over his chest and then slid one of them down his taut stomach until I was cupping his cock through his jeans.

  “Fuck,” he moaned as I gripped his hard shaft, moving down his body so I could lay kisses on his chest.

  Kai wriggled beneath me as he hastily pulled off his shirt, and then his hands were gripping the back of mine, tugging at it insistently.


  I sat back on my heels, my knees between his legs as I unbuttoned my shirt and stripped it off. He looked incredible. His skin was so pale it almost glowed against my dark blue comforter, and while he was slender, he still had incredible muscle definition. He had a dancer’s body, and I fucking loved it.

  “God, you’re hot,” Kai groaned as he reached up, his small hands running over my torso. “So sexy.”

  With a grunt I lowered my lips to his chest, kissing over his pec before tracing my tongue over his nipple. Kai shuddered beneath me, his hands gripping my hair and tugging gently.

  “I want you naked, now.” I sat back, my hands searching out the fly on his jeans so I could rip them open.

  Kai nodded, lifting his hips as I started to yank them down. It took a bit of shifting so I could get his socks and shoes off before pulling the tight pants down his legs and tossing everything on the floor. When he settled back on the bed, I took a moment to really look at him, and my cock pulsed in anticipation.

  He was glorious; there was no other word to describe his perfection. Every inch of him was smooth and soft. Except for his cock, which was as hard as mine and pointing toward his belly button. He was bigger than I’d expected, and while he wasn’t overly thick, he was long, and he was uncut.

  I gripped his shaft in my hand, sliding his foreskin back to reveal the almost purple head of his cock.

  “Fuck,” I breathed as precum bubbled out of his slit and slid down his skin.

  My mouth watered at the thought of tasting him, but that wasn’t something I would risk with someone I didn’t know.


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