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Breaking Free (The Den Boys Book 3)

Page 3

by A. T Brennan

“Take your pants off. I want to see you.” Kai looked up at me, his hands fisted in my comforter. “Please.”

  Before acquiescing, I let go of his shaft and reached over him so I could grab a couple of condoms and a bottle of lube out of my night table. I tossed one of the condoms to Kai, smirking when he gave me a look of almost hopeful anticipation.

  I sat back, dropping the second condom on the bed next to us and quickly kicked off my shoes and socks before stripping off my pants and briefs as Kai ripped open the condom and rolled it on.

  As soon as I was naked, I moved between Kai’s legs and lowered my mouth to his cock.

  “Fuck!” he almost shouted, his back bowing as I swallowed him down to the root so he was bumping the back of my throat. “Oh shit!”

  I loved how vocal he was being. Nothing turned me on more than when my partner let me hear how much he was enjoying me.

  Kai’s hands fisted in my hair as I took my time teasing him, bringing him almost all the way out of my mouth before swallowing him back down. He was babbling incoherently, and when I let go of his shaft and tugged on his hips, encouraging him to fuck my mouth, he cried out.

  “Yes, god yes, Zander!”

  His hips lifted as his cock slid in and out of my mouth, and I relaxed my jaw as I looked up at him. Kai’s head was thrown back as his hands cupped my neck. The pace of his hips sped up, and I loved the thin sheen of sweat that began to collect on his skin as his muscles worked.

  “Too much,” Kai gasped suddenly, pushing my head off him.

  I sat back, grabbing the forgotten condom before ripping it open with my teeth. Kai sat up as I rolled it on, his gaze hungry as he watched me.

  “It’s okay.” I shook my head as he reached for me.

  As much as I loved to suck dick, I had a hard time letting guys touch me. It was the same as kissing. It added a layer of intimacy that I just wasn’t willing or ready to feel.

  Kai sat up on his knees so he was facing me. I had to look down at him as he moved closer, and when he reached up with one hand to pull my lips down to meet his, I let him.

  His mouth pressed against mine in a sweet kiss before he ran the tip of his tongue over my bottom lip. I opened my mouth to him, but he didn’t deepen the kiss. Instead, he moved his lips so they were pressed against my ear.

  “Please, can I touch you?” he asked softly, his breath tickling my skin as he pressed a kiss against my neck.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to say no, but there was something about his tone that made me nod.

  Kai continued to press soft kisses against my skin, and a moment later his hand closed over my shaft, and he gave me a few slow drags.

  I groaned, my eyes squeezing closed as my hands gripped his hips. His touch felt incredible. I hadn’t let anyone touch me in six years, and Kai seemed to know exactly what I liked.

  He moved up my shaft, stopping right before the flared head of my cock so he could twist his hand before moving back down, and after only a few more passes I felt my balls tighten as a tingle spread out in my lower back.

  “I’m too close,” I said breathlessly, crying out when he let me go and moved back so he could look into my eyes. “Fuck.”

  I reached up, holding him in place so I could cover his lips with mine. I didn’t know what it was about him, but all it took was a single look and some soft words, and I was breaking all my rules.

  I slid one hand to the back of his head and tugged out the elastic he’d used to pull his hair back. I wanted to be able to run my hands through the thick strands.

  Kai moaned under my kiss, his cock rubbing against my thigh as he shifted so our bodies were pressed up against each other again.

  After feasting on his mouth for a few minutes longer, I broke the kiss and paused. As much as I wanted him on his back so I could watch him, I wasn’t ready for that. I’d already broken so many rules, I was afraid of what would happen if I broke this one.

  Kai seemed to understand my hesitation and gave me a quick kiss before moving away and turning around so his ass was in the air and his chest was on my bed. I moved behind him, running my hands over the smooth skin of his back before sliding them over the globes of his ass.

  It was perfect. Full and tight, but still fleshy enough I could grab handfuls of it, and I could feel my precum filling the condom as I pictured it bouncing as I fucked him.

  “So fucking hot,” I said softly as I smoothed my hands over his ass. “God, Kai.”

  “Fuck me, Zander.” Kai glanced over his shoulder, looking back at me through a curtain of hair. “Fuck me.”

  I groaned and grabbed the lube. As I popped the cap and squirted a generous amount onto my fingers, Kai reached up and pulled one of my pillows down so he could rest his chest on it. I slicked up the condom and then smeared some of the lube over his hole, trying to ignore how inviting his pose was.

  “I don’t need any prep. Just put the lube inside me, then your cock.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked as I pressed my finger against his wrinkled flesh.

  “I’m sure. I’m not a fan of fingering.”

  I didn’t like the idea of fucking without any sort of prep, but if that’s what he wanted, that’s what I was going to give him.

  I pushed my finger inside him, biting my lip as his body opened up to accept me.

  “Do you need more?” I asked when my finger was all the way inside him.

  “That’s good.”

  I pulled my finger out of him and wiped the excess lube on my fingers on my comforter before gripping the base of my shaft and guiding it towards Kai’s entrance. I pushed against him, trying to move slowly as every fiber of my being was screaming at me to plunge myself balls deep inside him.

  I rocked my hips a few times, trying to ease into him, and when I finally breached his outer muscles, I heard him gasp.

  “Fuck, you’re tight.” I rasped. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No, it feels good.” Kai rocked backward, forcing me even deeper inside him. “Please.”

  Gripping his perfect ass in my hands, I continued rocking my hips, slowly easing my cock inside him. When I finally felt the soft skin of his legs against my thighs, I let out a grunt of pleasure.

  “Please, fuck me,” Kai begged, his hands grabbing at the comforter when I paused. “Please!”

  That cry was enough to snap the last of my reservations, and I pulled almost all the way out of him before slamming back inside his tight little body. Within seconds I was snapping my hips, driving into him as deep and as fast as I could as he cried out and screamed for me.

  “Yes, yes! Oh fuck, yes!”

  “Fuck, Kai, your ass is so tight. So fucking perfect.”

  “Yes, Zander!”

  “God, you feel good. I could fuck you for days.”

  “Oh yes,” he whimpered, looking at me over his shoulder. His eyes were glazed and shining with passion, and his lips were still swollen from my kisses. He was beautiful, and at that moment, he was mine.

  “You like feeling my cock inside your tight little asshole?” I asked, my voice deep and husky as I pounded inside him.

  “Fuck, yes,” he keened.

  “You want me to fuck the cum out of you?”


  I grabbed a handful of his ass with one hand as my other reached around his body to grasp his cock. He was still wearing the condom, and I quickly ripped it off him so I could stroke his shaft.

  “Oh fuck! Yes!”

  “God, Kai.” I fell forward, letting go of his ass and catching myself with my other hand as I leaned over his body, thrusting into him as hard and as fast as I could.

  “Oh god. Fuck, Zander. I’m gonna come!”

  Sweat slicked my body, my legs were cramping, and my lower back was tight. I was so close I could barely hold back. I gave his foreskin a few fierce tugs, and suddenly Kai was screaming under me as he came, his cum spilling over my hand.

  The moment I felt his ass clamp down around my dick, I gave into my orgasm. My hi
ps moved at a frenzied pace as I humped into him, shooting into the condom with a cry as we both collapsed on the bed. I managed to catch myself on my arms so I wouldn’t crush Kai, but I couldn’t make myself move off him as the aftershocks from my all-consuming release quaked through my body.

  “Oh my god,” Kai moaned from beneath me, his voice bringing me back to reality.

  I pulled out of him slowly, instantly feeling the loss when my cock slipped free from his body and sat back on my heels so I could pull off and tie up my condom. I tossed it on the floor and lay down on the bed so I could catch my breath, and get my head back.

  Kai rolled over so he was on his side facing me, and I didn’t like the fact that he was almost a foot away.

  Not thinking about my no cuddling rule, I reached out and pulled him close, tucking him against my body so I could press a few soft kisses against the top of his head. His arms moved around me, clinging to me, as we enjoyed the afterglow.

  I had no idea how long we lay there, wrapped up in each other’s arms, but once the glow wore off and my sweat-slicked skin began to cool down, my old habits slipped into place.

  “I should go. I need to get home.” Kai pulled away from me before I could try to figure out a polite way to untangle myself and ask him to leave.

  “Do you need a drive?”

  I wasn’t sure what time it was, but it had to be well after midnight, and I didn’t like the idea of him out there alone. My neighborhood might be safe, but some of the areas around it could be questionable after dark.

  “I’m fine. I’ll order a cab.” He smiled up at me, but the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  I watched as he sat up and searched out his clothes. Now that we were done, I was at a loss of what to say. I wanted to tell him how amazing he’d been, how much tonight had affected me, but the words died on my tongue as he started to get dressed.

  “I had fun tonight,” I said lamely, needing to break the silence.

  “Me too.” He pulled on his shirt and smoothed his hair back from his face.

  “Maybe I’ll see you at the club again?” I couldn’t help asking.

  “I’m there Friday, Saturday, and most Sundays.”

  “Not Tuesdays?”

  “Not usually.” He grinned as he slipped on his shoes. “And to think I almost turned the shift down tonight.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t.” I chuckled.

  “Me too.” Kai leaned over me and gave me a soft kiss. “Bye, Zander.”


  I felt like an ass as I watched Kai leave my room, but I couldn’t make myself get up and follow him.

  I’d already broken enough rules with him, and as much as I wanted to chase him down and beg for a chance to see him again, it was better this way.

  Great sex with a hot guy. That’s all I’d wanted for the past six years, and that’s exactly what I’d had with Kai. It was enough; it had to be.

  Chapter Four


  I wasn’t sure how I felt as I sat on the front steps of Zander’s house and ordered a cab with the app on my phone. Considering how late it was, I knew it would take a while for anyone to get to me, but when the app told me it would be over an hour, I tried an Uber. That was also an hour wait, and when I tried two more cab companies, I was shit out of luck.

  With no transportation in sight, I decided to walk until I found a main drag.

  I’d never been to this area before, and I hadn’t been paying attention as we’d driven here since all of my focus had been on Zander, but I remembered the general direction the cab had taken and headed that way.

  Walking alone at night in an area I didn’t know was stupid, I knew that, but I couldn’t sit around and wait outside Zander’s door. I was restless and a little confused, and while it was true my body was still tingling from the pleasure I’d found with him, and my ass stung in a delicious way, my head wasn’t all that clear.

  I’d gone home with a guy I’d met at the club while I was working. I’d told him my real name, which I never did, and I’d given into the moment and held nothing back.

  None of that was normal for me, and I didn’t quite understand what had made me shift my entire personality for him, or made me feel that I could trust him.

  “Get in the car, Kai.”

  I jumped and turned around. I’d been so deep in thought I hadn’t heard the car pull up beside me.


  “It’s not safe to be walking around right now. Get in and I’ll drive you home.”

  I knew he was right, and a part of me was touched he’d come to find me to make sure I was safe. The bigger part of me, however, was feeling pretty damn stupid for walking in the first place.

  I walked around the car and slid in next to him.

  It was a nice car, nothing fancy, but it looked sleek and taken care of. I knew next to nothing about cars, so without looking at the back bumper to see the insignia and name, I had no idea what kind it was.

  “Thanks.” I did up my seatbelt and put my bag on the floor in front of me.

  “Why were you walking?” he asked as he pulled back onto the street.

  “It would have taken over an hour to get a car here, and I didn’t want to wait on your front step. Figured the neighbors might have called the cops on me or something,” I added lamely.

  “And you didn’t think to come and tell me so I could bring you home?”

  “I didn’t want to bother you.” I looked out the window of the car and sighed softly.

  “Less than half an hour ago I had my dick in your ass; trust me when I say that driving you home is no bother.”

  When I glanced back at him, Zander was grinning, and I found myself smiling back.

  “Where am I headed?” he asked, looking back at the road.

  “You know Glendale Avenue?”


  “I’m off Glendale and Prescott.”

  “In those apartments?”

  “Yeah. The first one in.”

  “Okay. Just let me know if I’m taking a wrong turn or something.”

  “I will. How did you know I was walking?” I asked. Last I’d seen him, he’d been naked in his room.

  “You dropped this.”

  He reached into the catchall of the car and pulled out the small notebook I used to keep track of everything from my class, work and show schedules to my finances.

  “I found it on the floor near the front door when I went to make sure you were able to get a car. When I didn’t see you, I figured you’d taken off, and I didn’t want you out here alone.”

  “Because I’m such a fragile guy, I can’t handle myself?” I couldn’t help muttering as I tucked the notebook in my bag.

  “Because there are bad people out there and some of the areas around here aren’t safe for anyone.” He looked at me. “I have no doubt you can handle yourself, Kai.”

  “Sorry. The defensive shit kind of sneaks up on me and comes out before I can stop it.”

  “Any reason for that?”

  I looked at him and saw he was giving me sidelong looks as he drove. He seemed concerned, and like he actually cared about my answer.

  “I’m not the biggest guy, and I can be a little femme. I’ve spent my whole life having people assume I’m weak or need help with everything because I’m not some big masc guy.”

  “I can see how that would be frustrating. I kinda get it.”

  I glanced at him in surprise.

  “People assume I can handle everything. I’m big and strong physically, but I’m not allowed to need help or break down.”

  “That’s got to be hard. As annoying as it is to have everyone think I’m helpless, at least I can ask for help or get upset about things.”

  “Something tells me you don’t ask for help often.” He gave me a pointed look.

  “No, I don’t like owing people or looking weak.”

  “Needing help doesn’t mean you’re weak, Kai. And anyone who helps you and then expects to b
e repaid is an asshole.”

  “I’ve met a lot of assholes in my life.”

  “Can I ask how old you are?” He glanced at me, and I suppressed a grin.


  “Thank Christ.” He breathed out a sigh of relief, and I laughed.


  “At the club, I figured you were in your twenties since they serve, but then I realized I didn’t see you drink, so you might have been younger.”

  “You’re safe. I’m old enough to vote, drink, and I’m almost past the age of shitty car insurance rates.”

  Zander laughed and took a right turn. We were about ten minutes from my building.

  “The barely legals don’t do it for ya?” I asked teasingly.

  “What’s that saying about when the age difference gets creepy? Half your age plus seven?”

  “I’ve heard that. For this not to be creepy, you’d have to be thirty-five or younger.”

  “Good thing I’m the perfect age, then. I’m thirty-five.”

  The grin he shot me was heated and almost leering, but it was sexy as hell, and my breath hitched as I stared back at him.

  “Good thing.” I swallowed, tearing my eyes from his and looking out the windshield.

  We drove the rest of the way in silence, but it wasn’t a strained silence. It was comfortable.

  When we reached the cluster of small apartment buildings that made up my neighborhood, I directed him to mine and grabbed my bag as he stopped the car.

  “Thanks for the drive.”

  “Of course.”

  I wanted to ask for his number, or if I’d see him at the club again, but I kept my mouth shut. My life was such a clusterfuck it would be stupid to want more than a hookup.

  “Night, Kai.”

  “Night, Zander.”

  Before I could do something stupid like lean over and kiss him, I pushed the car door open and climbed out.

  Zander waited until I was through the security door, and after waving as he drove off, I headed down the hallway to my apartment.

  I unlocked the door as quietly as I could and crept inside. It was so late I knew my mom would be sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake her. She worked mostly evening and night shifts as well, and I tried to let her get as much sleep as she could on her off days.


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