Libera Me (Requiem Series)
Page 14
“It’s time for you to leave.” Nessa’s aunt stands on the porch, her arms tightly crossed over her chest. “The police are on their way.”
I mount the bike and leave, spinning up the highway towards the coast. Echoes of Nessa’s scream, Nesy’s seduction, and Azza’s voice mix with Caim’s warnings. The tempest whirls and spins until all I see, all I hear, is a familiar urging too difficult to ignore now.
Have you come for me at last Azza?
—I love you Nesy.
Will you now seek your vengeance?
—I commit myself only to you.
Am I to be nothing more than your slave after all?
—Until the end of forever.
Chapter 26 – Prophesy
Time holds no meaning as I speed to an unknown destination. My head fills with nothing but Nesy and my feelings for her. She saw me, felt me. She wanted me to stay with her. My heart pounds as I remember the last moments in detail. The feel of her heart beating against mine, the touch of her fingers on my skin, the smell of her hair—vanilla and smoke. I nearly broke my vows, my oath.
Maybe I should have.
The memory fades, leaving only the sad truth. There is no life possible with Nesy. It’s a dream, a myth.
One I can’t allow, no matter what I feel.
The vortex spins faster and my legs falter. Traveling shouldn’t take this long, regardless of where I’m going. I center my thoughts, determined to control the cyclone around me.
Nothing. I have no way of sensing where I am or where I’m going. A chill passes over my skin as my wings ruffle. Panic begins to crawl up my spine.
“You have not honored your commitments, Young Mediator.”
I spin, expecting to see the familiar smoke. There is nothing but the thoughts still circling around me.
“Why is it that angels never honor their oath and yet punish others who do the same?”
The sound comes from everywhere. Again I turn. And again there’s nothing.
Everything spins and swirls as images of my life stream around me, a movie filled with only Nesy. I close my eyes to the onslaught, shame mixing with a need so deep it leaves me breathless. My palms sweat, my back twitches. I stretch my neck, feeling a primal heat rush up my spine, urging me forward. But I have nowhere to go. The vortex has no openings, no destination. Just spinning that has no end.
“Stop!” I yell to the rushing darkness.
Laughter fills my ears as the portal complies, screeching to a halt. An opening forms, dumping me into a familiar corridor. Emerald tapestries line the walls, along with depictions of angels and humans.
Gabriel’s chamber. My chamber.
I’m in trouble.
I stand, my head still spinning. My knees wobble beneath me as I grab a hold of the stone wall.
“That did not look fun.” Gabriel. The master of understatement.
I turn, nearly losing my balance. Gabriel stands behind me, his emerald robes sweeping the floor.
“I see you've come home. I thought I might be seeing you...soon.”
“You did?” I ask.
Gabriel smiles. “Yes. You do have something to say to me, do you not?”
I lower my head. Was I ready to talk about my feelings with my master? Would he even listen?
Inhaling an uncomfortable breath, I look up, catching Gabriel’s eye.
“Ah yes. Not ready yet, I see. That is fine. You will say what you are ready to say.” Gabriel nods and turns, walking out of the central chamber and toward his study. “Besides, I need to speak with you.”
Dread ripples through my shoulders and wings.
I follow Gabriel into his study. A large book lays open across his desk. The parchment pages look older than any of the sacred texts in Harahel’s archives. Gold filament lines the edges. Engraved leather forms a binding.
I stare at the pages, trying to make out the ancient script. But it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen or read. Drawings line the pages, lines that loop together like the markings on Azzaziel’s neck. On Aydan’s.
I furrow my brow, silently mouthing the markings. But I can’t make out any of the symbols.
“Ask,” Gabriel says. As usual, it isn’t a request.
I want to ask about the markings, their similarity to Azza’s. Ask about the strange symbols and letters. Ask what any of it means. Ask why I’ve been brought home.
I want to ask a lot of things.
But every word sticks in my mouth, dying without a sound.
I clear my throat, feeling the unspoken questions burn against my tongue. “Um…the text. What language is it in? I can’t read it.”
“I wouldn’t imagine that you could. It’s a dead language to us now. Ever since the second war.”
I still don’t understand.
“This is the book of prophesies. The one that motivated much of Azzaziel’s actions. Since his fall, we haven’t opened it. Haven’t used the language or read the passages.”
“I don’t understand.”
“The book foretold the first war with the Jinn. And the truce. It also spoke of the betrayal and second war.”
My mind spins on too many questions. I’ve never heard of the ancient text or the prophesies.
“When was it written?” I ask, unable to contain my curiosity. “Why read it now?”
Gabriel turns away, his shoulders slumping over slightly. “The book has existed since the beginning of time. Before the Council or the Angelic Orders. Before the need for such things.”
“Before you,” I whisper.
“Long before, yes.” Gabriel turns back toward me, his expression softening. “The book chronicles the birth of evil, the strained peace that was forged at far too heavy a cost. And it foretold the second coming of evil.”
“Yes. It spoke of a fallen angel and the cost such a fall would endow.”
“Why was the book abandoned?”
“We all knew an UnHoly would bring about a new war. We went to great lengths to ensure that it never happened. And in our arrogance, we created the very war we sought to avoid. After that, the Council thought it best we never read from the future again.”
“Zanethios, sometimes knowing of a possible future guarantees its creation. Maybe it is best to let go and let the future unfold as it wills.”
Silence grows between us as his words seep into my mind, taking root.
“Why pull the book out now? Is there a prophesy related to Nesy?”
Gabriel shakes his head, long amber waves of hair bouncing along his shoulders. “Perhaps. But that is not the subject of my search. My interest is in our history.”
“So the book has more than prophesies?”
“Oh yes. It chronicles our existence. All of it. As well as the existence of every sentient being—the angels, the UnHoly, the Jinn, the Seers, humanity. Everything. It tells of your existence. Nesayiel’s. Even Aydan’s.”
My mind swims with the possibilities. One day with that text and I could learn everything about Nesy, including a way out of the mess I’ve created.
“But,” Gabriel says, his eyes penetrating my thoughts. “Knowledge like this has its own seduction. A taste of the stories on these pages and you will want more. Too much and you won’t be able to resist. You will read the prophesies and you will create the futures that scare you the most. It is always the way with books such as these—books with the power of true knowledge.” Gabriel straightens, his shoulders stiff. “We are not ready for that kind of power. No being is.”
“But you’re reading it?”
“Yes. And I am trained to resist the seduction.”
“What are you looking for?”
Gabriel chews on my question, a million expressions floating across his face.
“I am researching
your brethren. And the smoke.”
“And what have you discovered?”
“Things are in motion. Unclear. We are standing at the crux of change, the most frightening and hopeful of times.”
That isn’t an answer.
“And you have a specific question you want to ask, yes?”
“Yes. What have you learned about the smoke? What other forms can it take?”
“Ah yes. I wondered when you would want more information about your captor.”
“As long as you hold on to Nesy and all you have lost, the smoke remains your captor. And it can take the form of any sentient being.”
“A demon?” I ask.
“And Azzaziel.”
“Of course.”
I form the next question with care, almost afraid of the answer. “Nesy?”
“Most assuredly Nesayiel.”
My mind focuses inward, replaying every moment of every encounter with Nesy. The blankness of her thoughts, the smoky scent of her skin. The confusion and chaos that seems to permeate every cell.
Everything I would expect to find in a being born of smoke and ash.
But not only the demonic smoke.
Nesy’s mind is filled with something familiar too. Fear and worry reminiscent of her days as human. Doubt so similar to the days after Adam. Nesy still exists in the recesses of the girl’s thoughts.
I think.
All I know for certain is that I gave the smoke a lot more than my memories.
I gave it a way in to Nesy. To Celestium.
“Gabriel, does the smoke have other names it’s called? Other preferred forms?”
Gabriel turned the pages of the book, settling on one decorated in the exact same knots and loops as the markings on Azzaziel and Aydan. He scans the pages, his mouth drawing a grim line.
“Here it is.” Gabriel traces the lines of text with his fingers, reading aloud. “’Iblis, King of the Jinn, has but one offspring. Lilith. Queen of the Dark Creatures.’” He continues to trace his finger along the lines, mouthing the words silently.
He turns the page settling on a new line of text. “She is the holder of the species. She alone can carry the essence of life for her race. She can guarantee their survival, even in annihilation.”
“Does that mean she can…restore the Jinn somehow? Breed?”
“No, not exactly.” Gabriel meets my gaze, his face hard and tight. He closes the book and sighs.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
Gabriel looks down.
“Master? Please? I need to know.”
“There is a legend more ancient that the one foretelling of Azzaziel. It says that a new race will be formed from the ashes of the fallen, the UnHoly.”
My back stiffens as my pulse quickens. “Go on,” I say.
“It speaks of a race born of the Beast. Such a creature would be difficult to stop. Even for Mikayel.”
“And you think the smoke, Lilith, can make such a race.”
“I don’t know. But yes…I think she is involved.”
“And my memories of Nesy?”
“Zanethios. We don’t know anything for certain. But I believe dark times are coming and we must all be ready. You must be ready. Strong. I cannot afford to lose any more angels.”
“Are we headed for war?”
“We’ve never stopped being at war.” Gabriel picks up the book, clutching it tightly.
He walks to his armoire and locks the book inside. “I should not have pulled this out,” he whispers more to himself than to me.
Gabriel’s words swim around me. Through me. A new war. A new race. And all because of me and my bargain with Lilith.
She floods my thoughts again. Such fear. Such chaos. Such doubt.
Is she Lilith’s real target? Is Aydan?
The possibilities whirl around me in a rapid series of flashes, refusing to coalesce.
Too many possible outcomes.
Too many potential futures.
And none of them good.
“Zanethios?” Gabriel’s voice does nothing to quell the tempest tossing through me. “Zanethios, this is not your fault. There is always evil. It grows, just as we grow. You cannot hold yourself to blame.”
But it is my fault. “I should have said no to Mikayel. Followed my teachings. Let Nesy go.”
“No. It’s what I should have done.”
“All things happen for a reason, Zanethios; even when we can’t know what it is.”
“I should have let her go. For all of our sakes.” I turn away from Gabriel and leave, riddled with a shame and grief too difficult to manage.
All of my training, my existence, has been about detachment. Letting everything go. Staying any emotions. And now, without regard for my training or my vows, I’ve put everyone at risk.
My race.
And for what? To follow my heart? Hold on to something that can’t ever happen? A fantasy?
What was I thinking?
Nesy is not mine.
She can never be mine.
I walk through the chamber and out into the courtyards. Faster and faster I walk until I’m running through the streets and out of the gates into the training fields.
Sentinals’ voices surround me. The colors of the sky dance in familiar patterns. It’s all as it should be and yet, it’s so very different.
I don’t know which way is up, which way is down.
Let her go, I tell myself, repeating it over and over. A futile attempt I know. She owns my heart, always has. And although my loyalty is to Celestium, there is a truth I must acknowledge…
I’ve sacrificed it all for her.
I would again.
I reach the knoll where Nesy and I spent countless hours talking after she returned to Celestium. It was here that she confessed her feelings for Adam. Here where I healed her mind. Here where we promised to keep each other safe in any situation.
It was here where I fell in love.
Tears fill my eyes as my heart clenches. I love her. I don’t want this truth that I can’t deny. Pushing away the memory, I swallow back the pain. There’s no time for this wallowing, no time for regret. Gabriel’s story flits in and out of my mind. The legends, the prophesy.
Maybe Lilith isn’t after Nesy. Maybe the war, the darkness—maybe none of it will happen.
Who am I kidding? There is only one answer for me. I must go back. See Nesy. Discover the truth for myself.
I will find out why Lilith wanted my memories, and who Nesy is. In my heart, there is but one answer…
How could she be anyone else?
Chapter 27 – Reflection
I step from the portal, careful to remain in the shadows. After everything, I’m not entirely certain I can trust Nesy. Or myself.
She stares out of the window, watching Aydan’s bike speed away from the house, swallowed in the glare of the sun. A few tears break loose from her eyes and travel down her cheeks. She wipes them away, her expression torn between sorrow and fear.
Definitely Nesy. Lilith wouldn’t feel such sadness. Lilith wouldn’t be lonely. I may not know what Lilith has planned, or how Nesy fits into everything, but I do know that the girl in front of me is Nesy.
And I know another thing as well: I never should have made the deal I made, never should have sacrificed her peace for my need to see her live.
I should have let go back then.
I swallow hard, watching as Nesy crosses the floor and collapses in front of her mirror. She pulls the hair away from her face, studying each contour, each curve. Her eyes again fill with tears. Her breathing comes in ragged spurts and she buries her head in her hands.
“Why,” she whispers. “Why don’t I know who I am?”
Her voice cracks as
she rolls to her side and curls into a ball. Hugging her knees to her chest she begins to sob.
My heart fractures into pieces, my need to comfort her too great.
Let go, Zane. Please let go. Cass’s voice comes in an unwelcomed rush. I close my eyes, pushing her away. Pushing everything away.
No Cass.
No Celestium and legends of races yet uncreated.
No failures or shame.
Just Nesy. Me. This moment.
My breathing slows. Nesy’s vanilla scent fills my senses, along with the pine and salt floating in through the open window. I can feel every sob filling Nesy’s chest, hear the words she mumbles.
“Who am I? Why can’t I remember?”
Every instinct tells me to run to her, sweep the thoughts away, heal her pain. I open my eyes, ready to ignore the warnings of Gabriel. Ready to forsake my oath to stay away.
Nesy rolls back and sits. She stares too long at her reflection before opening her mouth to speak. “I don’t know who you are,” she says to her image. “Nothing about you is familiar.”
In this moment, she sounds like Nesy and my compulsion to reveal myself grows stronger.
“Who is this girl I’m supposed to be, this Nesy? Why don’t I remember anything about her? Nothing about a life with him, nothing about the world he speaks of. He looks at me with an intensity I know I should feel. But I don’t. I can’t.”
She closes her eyes and inhales a sharp breath.
“I don’t want to know that girl,” she whispers.
I picture myself running to her, wrapping my wings around her and creating a safe haven just for us. I imagine telling her about Lilith and our deal, about the vengeance I fear is coming. In my fantasy, I feel myself kissing away Nesy’s pain. And my own.
“I know how to fight,” Nesy’s says to her reflection. “To kill. Why? How? In what life would I need such skills? Is this even a life I want?”
“Who are you talking to?” An older woman walks into her room.
“Geez, can’t you knock?” Nesy scrambles to her feet. “I’m not talking to anyone.” She wipes the tears from her cheeks and I push myself further into the shadows.
“You’re crying?”
Nesy sighs, almost laughing. “Aren’t I always?”
The woman softens and sits on her bed. “Come here,” she says as she taps the bed lightly.