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Monstrous Lust

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by E M Beastly

  Monstrous Lust

  The Saga of a Erotically Monstrous Forest

  Monstrous Family Affairs

  and other dark tales

  "Another Monstrous Bundle"

  by E.M. Beastly

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  Copyright © 2017 E.M. Beastly

  Kindle Edition

  Independently Published

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  Paperback Collections

  The Paperback Collection

  Paperback Collection #2


  The Forest Stud's Ultimate Bundle:


  Monstrous Seeds made from Monstrous Deeds: Bundle #6

  Eldtritch Desires "Sex and Monsters Bundle #7

  Monstrous Lust: Devil's Garden of Dark Delights (Another Monstrous Collection of Forbidden Lust)

  * * *

  Let The Monstrous Lust Continue!!!

  I am an author who loves the weird. I hail from the empty state of Wyoming and spend my time, when not writing erotica, reading weird stories by authors like Lovecraft, Lord Dunsany, F. Marion Crawford and others who like the strange. They inspire me to make erotic monster stories. Its fun and fascinating to explore this strange, taboo side of sexual ideas. So if you want to read erotica that explores some new territory, mixing weird monsters and hot fun, then stop on by and take a read.

  My Twitter: Where I like to share my releases and other things.

  Oh Hey, I now have a email newsletter to let you know when new releases are put on the shelf.

  Monstrous Family Affairs

  Table of Contents

  Click on Story Link

  Monstrous Family Affairs

  The Prelude...

  Part 1....

  Part 2....

  And Other Dark Tales

  Two Sister's Ghost Story of Lust.....

  The Temptress in the Night Steed's Garden.....

  What Lies Buried Under the Breeding Grounds...

  Monstrous Family Affairs

  The Prelude

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  The Morels family was the first family in over fifty years to be banished from their small town community, something not much seen in today's progressive America. Nonetheless, rural hotspots full of extreme conservatism reminiscent of a darker age when the rules of god and church were absolute still dot the modern landscape. Like pagan cults, these communities cling to old traditions, frowning down upon the 'new' as if it was some dangerous stranger.

  Wilson, the father, and husband, had been the one to take the brunt of the community's accusations for the crime. The action his community took against him was both unfair and unjust, for murder is considered one of the highest and most detestable crimes. However, this Christian community believed it more important to destroy that which they defined as profane and abhorrent rather than uphold one of God's sacred testaments.

  It all came about because Wilson's son had committed statutory rape. A twenty years young man and a sweet sixteen were not meant to be together, or so, the community declared. It did not matter that the courts of law had decided to be merciful to his son. These people were unsatisfied. They were not willing to overlook that young love can be misguided. Therefore, the lovers' actions were declared an unforgivable sin, especially when the two were unwed, and she was the pastor's daughter.

  With their father's murder unsolved and their presence unwanted, the family fled. Not wanting to bring further attention to themselves, they mourned in isolation. They found it deep in the forests and mountains where Wilson's deceased mother's old home sat. A place that all of Wilson's surviving children had to wonder why they never came to know this place of scenic beauty whilst growing up. There is so much green, and the forest is so incredibly dense and ominous that to look through its shrubs and branches made them all wonder what frolicked there. Next to the forest is a grand meadow with a lake that dwells under the shadow of a breathtaking mountain. This mountain, a towering monster that stands as the magnificent backdrop to the whole scene, is worthy of being the centerpiece of any artist's canvas. It was here where Thomasin, her brother Carlson, and her sisters, the twins Juno and Grace, would support their grieving mother Melinda in what was little more than a little frontier home that sat lonely in this wilderness.

  The small home buried here seemed ancient. It even had a wood-burning cook stove to help declare its antiquity. The place had working electricity, but its outlets and ornate electric wall lamps looked to have not been updated for over seventy years. An elderly aunt that only Melinda had any prior knowledge of being related to her family was the one who had maintained the place. Wilson had been a private man when it came to his relatives. Even Thomasin, oldest of his daughters, only knew that her grandmother died when her father was still a child. Outside of that, she or her siblings never went to any reunions on his side of the family or met any of his relatives. Yet, Thomasin also thought her father was an only child. To realize she had an aunt made her wonder just how much about his family he wanted to hide.

  It was Aunt Lora who had suggested they come live here, at least for a time being. That would also help provide Melinda and her family with a job. The place served as a small farm. There were a couple of wooded acres used for planting, as well as a handful of chickens, and strangely peacocks, that needed tending. In addition to the chickens and peacocks, there was also one large workhorse Thomasin had the pleasantry of meeting after he nearly ran her over. She had no idea that such a large animal was being stored in what appeared to be a small shack, and did not expect the massive jack-in-the-box to jump out when she reached for the unlatched stall door. The big beast freely kicked it open and barreled his way out to greet her.

  He was a handsome creature, even if his entire coat from nose to tail was as black as pitch. Thomasin amusingly wondered if her old hometown would have had a problem with that too. The people she grew up around were superstitious enough, and she hated to admit a little of that superstitious nature had rubbed off onto her. She could not help but feel there was some diabolic nature to this beast. His name was 'Blackie,' or so that was the name Aunt Lora called him by, but she said they could call him by whatever name they wanted, as long as it did not upset him.

  "He's a smart one," Lora remarked. "He'll quickly figure out whatever new name you give him and quickly do whatever you tell him to do without too much of a fuss."

  Thomasin thought he was far more deserving of a better name. Blackie was too crude and backwater a name to describe his eminent presence. He was a Mustang, the most notable breed of these wild mountains. Yet, Thomasin was sure he was no purebred. He was too big and heavy set for such a breed. The feathering of his feet hinted that either a Shire or Clydesdale was in his blood. After all, he was the farm's workhorse, and did a fantastic job of pulling carts and plowing the small field the old-fashioned way. Nonetheless, Thomasin was not good at picking names, especially when he did not belong to her. Her younger sisters, Juno and Grace, became far more attached to him, and so she left any name choosing to them.

  As for the farm and location, Thomasin liked the change, even if she felt like she was stepping back in time to a simpler era. Anyways, she and her brother, who were both nineteen and twenty respectively, spent most of their time searching for jobs in the nearby town. This left the younger teenage twins and their mother to do most of the simple chores on the farm. It was all their mother could bring herself to learn after years of being taught from her conservatively Christian community that all
she was meant to be was a simple housewife who raised the kids and took care of her husband. Thomasin was glad none of them had to concern themselves any longer with the almost cult-like fanaticism of their former home. Like all children, she had been indoctrinated into the faith of loving Jesus at almost all waking hours of the day. It had been exhausting to always be mindful of what she did and said. It was even more difficult for her to never question anything and just accept the words of the Bible on blind faith.

  Thomasin did not want to show her growing enthusiasm and pretended to be bitter towards her brother whom she placed the blame for bringing them to this harsh wilderness. When in truth, she secretly thanked him for getting them out of that authoritarian state. She only acted bitter towards him for the sake of her mother who had fallen into a depression from her loss. Hindsight, it was a poor strategy that only helped put a wedge between mother and son. After all, her father had stood up for his son in front of his town and its people after Carlson made his debaucherous mistake. It was the first time that Thomasin truly supported her father, who must have been the most conservative man she had ever known. Carlson was just young, in love, and maybe a bit stupid. There was no reason to condemn him as they did. There was no reason to murder her father because of it.

  They and their ever-merciful Jesus could go fuck themselves as far as she could care. She let her rebellious side grow wild. As she begun to do and say whatever she wanted, she learned how to become her own woman separated from the traditions of her family. After all, her new home was the wilds of the mountains and forests. She felt a strange sense of freedom here. One night she had to laugh at it all as she stared up at the stars through the dark and towering silhouettes of the surrounding trees.

  "So my brother had sex with the Pastor's daughter? She was sixteen and unwed, what a goddamn travesty. That's right, I took the Lord's name in vain. Who the fuck is going to judge me; those stars, the trees, maybe the lake? Ya, that's right, I can say fuck also. Nature does it all the time. The squirrels fuck, the rabbits and the deer, even the fish in the lake fuck. Hell, that big black stallion out there would fuck if he had a mare to do it with. He doesn't even wear any clothes. The other day, his big dick was just flopping about for all to see. He didn't care because he is a horse. So why should anyone care if my brother fucked the pastor's daughter? Certainly, nobody should care enough to treat our family, or anyone's family, as they did. So fuck'em. We can do whatever we want now. We are wild and free and surrounded by nature, and it doesn't judge. I could run around naked if I wanted."

  And so, Thomasin did, even if she was just venting old frustrations into that night's air. That night was cool and breezy, exciting her as it touched her bare stomach; even more so when it kissed the nipples on her topples body. It was terrifying for her to be doing this. In her hometown, it was strictly forbidden to even consider or discuss nudity, let alone be naked outside. Here there were only the birds and the trees, the deer and the elk, and they were already naked. She just had to make sure her family, especially her mother, did not see her do this act of spontaneity.

  Out into the open meadow near the lake, she walked. There she started to second-guess her actions. Maybe she should not have taken off her clothes until she had got closer to the water. The lake could be seen from the house, but it was of such distance and it was so dark that nobody would make out her nudity. If she were seen, it would be from her coming and going that someone could catch her. Nonetheless, she enjoyed how the weeds and tall grasses tickled her, and by the time she considered this risk, she was already halfway to her destination. Her walk was slow and clumsy. Her feet were not accustomed to being barefoot in the wild. She considered wearing shoes next time, but then thought to herself, "No, no, I can get used to this. It will just take some time."

  It was unexpectedly more thrilling than she anticipated. The sky was ablaze with stars and constellations. The high altitude and the bowl shape of the valley made her feel like she were in the center of some mystical sphere where earth and sky wrapped against each other, while the silhouette of the massive mountain in the backdrop acted as the masculine force penetrating the heavens. Thomasin told herself she would climb it someday.

  The waters of the lake flowed like liquid obsidian under the starlit sky. It made the pleasantry of her walk even more so, and she listened to the playful cries of its waters slapping the shore. She could see the silhouette of a small island in its center. In the daylight, the island looked nothing spectacular or significant. Under the glow of the stars reflecting off the dark waters, it seemed somehow a much more magical place. It too would eventually become a place she would visit. She thought about swimming there now, for the dark water invited her, and the thrill of her naked little adventure made her bolder. The touch of the breeze and the teasing grasses made her feel excited in ways her body had never felt before.

  The night, the stars and all that was lit under its enchanting glow put her in a strangely playful and aroused mood. She wanted nature to touch her as she experimented with all its different textures on her naked skin. However, the water was too cold for her first night of naked rambunctiousness. Determined, she saw this activity on the nights that followed as her personal playtime to be alone, wild and free with nature. She practiced how to walk barefoot in the rough, and sometimes harsh, weeds and rocky mountain pathways. The cool wind slipped through her hair and caressed her naked breasts while she slowly let herself get accustomed to the cold natural waters of the lake. Each night, the water would travel further up her legs; first touching her calves, then the next night she let it lap at her thighs.

  In only took her a week before she was fully swimming in the lake at night. Still, the cold kept her from reaching the island, and then she had to make haste back to the house to quietly get warm. A month passed and she was able to run barefoot on twigs and weeds. Shoes had become uncomfortable and unnecessary. Even during the day, she went without them. More and more she felt at ease with this wild place. She even got to where she could dart naked through the thick branches of the deep forest in the dark. It made her feel like a feral animal on the hunt.

  The night and its stars had brought a sense of normality back to Thomasin's life. Only during the day did the presence of melancholy and loss still loomed over her family. Only the twins seemed capable of avoiding it. This was perhaps best since they still had a few more years before they could leave the nest. Carlson had become afraid of the outside world, and of himself doing something that would hurt the family again. Thomasin wanted to explain to him how he needed to move on, but then her mother would probably undo that. Melinda grieved worse than anybody else did. Carlson wanted to make amends and do anything to solve a wrong he so blamed himself for. Alas, mother had grown aloof, drawing into herself. It made her children feel almost like she had abandoned them here in the wilderness. It was all the reason more why Thomasin pulled herself toward it and its wild freedom rather than be domesticated by this sad little farm.

  Therefore, into the woods, naked and free, Thomasin made her escape. Everything would have been fine, except there was more to this wild country than just its meadows and trees. One night she discovered it did more than seduce her with its freedom and its beauty. The twins had inadvertently discovered something more and had been keeping it secret for sometime.

  "Juno... Grace? What are you two doing out this late with Blackie?" Thomasin asked. She was glad that she put on her clothes before coming home at the late hour.

  The two girls looked as if they were about to go on a late night ride. They were very fond of Blackie. He had become almost like a pet dog or cat in their care. They were usually riding him, grooming him or other such business to such an extent they were deemed his unofficial owners. He had become to them what the night and its wild places had become for her.

  "His name is not Blackie, it's Midnight, and we've come to join you, but we are a little late..." said Grace.

  "We got distracted, but we wanted to come join you since he told us
you were out here," Juno added.

  "Wait, what?" Thomasin asked nervously, "What do you mean join me?"

  "Where else? out there in the woods and stuff. It is where you always go," said Grace sheepishly.

  "Oh... and how long... have you known about this?" Thomasin replied knowing she was not going to deceive her sisters. She always expected that maybe she would eventually be caught, but her sisters' reaction was uncanny.

  "We always kinda suspected, but we really didn't care at first," Grace responded.

  "And we didn't know you went nude until recently..." Juno added. "It's just that we were worried when Midnight told us..."

  "Wait... Blackie told you? The horse?" Thomasin replied with confusion.

  "It's Midnight now, and yes... He told us that you were getting too close to the dark woods and that you aren't supposed to swim to the island on the lake; especially at night because..."

  "Unless you know what is out there and are ready to face it." Juno hastily finished for her sister.

  Thomasin stood shaking her head confused at the words her sisters were trying to convey. They were too old to be insisting that they were having imaginary conversations with a horse. It at least took her mind off of being caught on her naked excursions, if it only did not present her with an even stranger problem at hand.

  "...How did the horse tell you?" She demanded in a confused and frustrated tone.

  She expected the answer to be akin to something out of 'Old Yeller'. He was an unusually intelligent horse who seemed to know what you wanted of him without having to pull on his reins or use of verbal commands. In fact, rarely were reins ever needed to command him. Therefore, if he had brought to her sisters' attention her nightly excursions through non-verbal means that an animal might use, then yes, she could possibly believe them.


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