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Monstrous Lust

Page 2

by E M Beastly

  The twins looked at her sheepishly, as though they knew she would not understand. They just looked down with their hands behind their back before saying together. " doesn't matter. We just want to go for a ride in the dark... and we knew you're out there... and... we want to go out there too."

  Thomasin knew she really could not tell them no, even if she wanted her alone time. She was glad to be warned of their intentions without them springing up on her on horseback while she was still naked and about. Nonetheless, she did not want to be running around naked if her twin sisters were out riding at night.

  "You know you probably shouldn't be taking Blackie out alone while it's dark. What if something were to happen? The forest has things he could trip on, or you could get hurt if he brushed by a large branch or something while riding him in the dark. I really don't think it's a good idea." Thomasin told them in a condescending voice. It was the quickest thing she could come up with to try to deter them. Unfortunately, they could always decide to snitch on her for doing essentially the same thing; especially if they knew about her lack of clothes when she did it.

  "No, he really knows how to navigate the forest," Grace spoke up. "He can show you places. We ride him and we don't even have to guide him. He takes care of us. Trust us, big sis."

  "Yes, you like to go exploring, we've seen you. So do we, and we found things you haven't. You are the only one we feel we can share this with right now. You got to let us show you."

  "Why can't you do this tomorrow?" Thomasin asked.

  "No! We got to do it when the stars are right." They cried in unison.

  * * *

  It had been an unusually warm September, and October was starting out much the same way. Nonetheless, Thomasin was not looking forward to the snow or how it would disrupt her midnight excursions. The nights had originally been hers to explore naked and free, but her twin siblings ended that. They also put her in a weird and awkward predicament, as they wanted to share her adventures just as nude. They absolutely insisted on it when they secretly met her for their first night together. Thomasin hoped that she could just take them out a few times in the night on horseback, preferably clothed, then they would get bored and she could go back to having her alone time. However, the twins knew all of her secrets, and they used that knowledge to surprise her. Blackie was already saddled and ready to go with the two sitting boldly naked up on his back like twin Lady Godivas.

  Now here she was with Juno sitting in front of her and Grace hanging on from behind as they rode naked together through the forest at night. What could she do to protest? They were not much younger than she was, as they were both sixteen and could make up their own mind. Besides, hypocrisy would only give the ammunition they needed to blackmail her. If riding naked with them would make them happy and keep them quiet, then she would oblige them until the snow fell. By the time spring came and she could return to her private romps, the two would hopefully have either moved on or forgotten about the whole ordeal altogether.

  Adding to the unusual night, the twins wanted to lead the way, or more correctly, they wanted Blackie to lead the way. Thomasin found herself just going along for the ride while her sisters promised to take them to a special place. As they traveled, her sisters told her they had always known about her secret and had always been afraid to approach her about it. It was all because of Blackie, or Midnight as they now called him. A fitting new name for the stallion that helped them gather the courage to approach her sister so they too could enjoy these midnight excursions naked and free.

  It left Thomasin reeling with questions, but her immediate concern was that 'Midnight' was taking them deep into the denser woodland. Even during the day, these denser regions gave Thomasin the chills. The canopy was so dense here that even sunlight was scarce. It was always perpetually gloomy. Maybe it was her imagination, but Thomasin felt something was always eerily watching her from these shadowed regions. When they first moved here, she dared not to even get close to it. Now, especially at night, she teased herself by darting naked around its outskirts. It was a terrifyingly thrilling experience feeling those invisible predatory eyes lust after her naked body.

  It was childish really, but out here alone, she could imagine and do whatever she wanted with no church to tell her no. As a budding young woman, she was having fun exploring her sexuality in secrecy. She let her thoughts conjure some handsome and devilish man dressed in black watching her from the deep woods. He had to be extraordinary for being someone who lurked out here, something forbidden and supernatural. The sin of something so imaginary made it all that more fun for her. Now that she and her family were making a new life for themselves, she picked up reading; preferring the supernatural tales full of monsters and werewolves. They inspired her to begin making her own tales of forbidden romance with the creatures of the night in which she read about.

  Nonetheless, they were just stories and imagined fancies. Midnight was taking them somewhere dark and scary. There was a real danger out here lurking unseen. With the stars blotted out by the thick canopy of branches up above, there was a very real prospect of getting lost.

  Yet, 'Midnight' pressed on quickly and unperturbed by the darkness. To Thomasin's amazement, the girls were not even giving him commands or directing him through any means. They had full confidence in him. Moreover, he managed not to misstep or trip himself once on the uneven and rough terrain. Not a single branch scraped harmfully against her or her sisters' skin as he darted at an impressive gallop. She could not protest, though she tried. Even Juno, who commanded in front, told her that there was nothing to do but enjoy the ride. The smoothness and swiftness at which they moved was like a thrilling carnival ride. Thomasin held on to Juno making little yelps and screams of both terror and delight as their steed flew through the night. The twins followed suit and squealed with her: Oh, what fun they were having.

  The further and faster they traveled the more it truly felt like they were somehow flying. Thomasin could not see the ground, but she could feel Midnight's muscles ripple and move as he ran. His body felt to have no weight. No shock or friction traveled up through his bones as it should when his hooves struck solid ground. The feeling gave her pause, and she began to think about why his new name was Midnight or the way the twins talked about how there was something more to him.

  Before she could allow her mind to dwell further on the mysteries of their equine companion, the darkness broke. The void they had flown through, with only the darker silhouettes of trees warning them that they were lost in the woods, burst open into someplace new. The sudden change of scenery gave them a feeling of rebirth into a completely new world. It was still a forest; with trees and bushes just as tightly packed as before. However, here there was light; dim ghostly light produced by almost every leaf and fungi. A soft magical glow in a mix of blues, greens, silvers, and purples. Nothing was relatable and everything was new. Her sisters cried out, "See, do you believe that Midnight spoke to us now?"

  Thomasin did not know what to believe. They just rode into a wonderland and all she could do was believe she was home asleep. She must be dreaming, and none of this was real. It could be the only plausible explanation. Everything basked in neon light, producing warmth as it radiated onto her naked skin. This warm haze and the mix of plants and trees were not composed of the high-mountain pines or aspens. Instead, they resembled jungle ferns, Cyprus trees and mangroves from an alien planet. The multitude of different mushrooms in all shapes and sizes, each glowing like so many Christmas lights, reminded Thomasin of some fantastic village for little blue people or another type of wee fairy folk from some European folktale.

  All sorts of creatures made themselves known and visible. Fireflies hovered in place like little stars, while small furry critters darted about underneath them. There were squirrels, chipmunks and little mice a plenty, amongst other things such as snakes, frogs, cats and weasels. They, at first, all seemed rather mundane compared to the landscape, except when she watched them she found th
eir behavior to be strange and their attire unusual. Yes, they were wearing clothes. Not completely, and mostly they still were naked except for their natural fur or scales. However, some donned scarves or little hats made from leaves and feathers. Some wore little jackets or loose fitting, open breasted shirts. They bustled about each other as though this was some sort of little village, not caring that they mingled with predator or prey.

  It was a scene of chaos for Thomasin and her sisters. They watched these creatures go about their business as if they were watching ants under an observation dome. They tried to figure what was going on while these creatures seemed to largely ignore them. Some did watch them with the same childish curiosity from a safe distance. They made tiny squeaks of excitement as they pointed furry paws in their direction, and then hid skittishly under leaves and roots when approached or bothered. Others seemed more annoyed that Midnight stood where they were going and grudgingly walked around him as if he were just another stump or stone in their path. Nevertheless, the vast majority seemed excited at first by their presence, greeted them casually, and then went back to whatever they were doing as if strangers in their forest were not that strange to them at all.

  One small, silver-colored mouse with overly large ears wanted to play with Grace. This little mouse focused on getting Grace's attention. After they had all dismounted from Midnight's back, this little mouse seemed even more intent on pulling Grace away from her crowd. If Grace tried to follow, the little mouse would run and hide just a bit further away, only to cockily strut out of its hiding hole every time she turned away. The way the mouse strutted about was much like how a person would walk out onto a stage. It was an anthropomorphic character with only fur, a tail, and a cute mousy face to beguile it's less than animal-like behavior. Moreover, it was a she. Even though her flat chest was covered in thick soft fur, to such an extent did her chest protrude from her open shirt that it attempted to suggest a very shapely bosom. The curves of her body defined a feminine shape. Then there was also something feminine about the way she moved. She strutted on her tiny back feet; taking slow, graceful steps that swayed her whole body.

  This small creature got ever bolder as it approached Grace, and she it. Before she scurried away again to play her little game, she would come just a little bit closer. Thomasin and Juno watched with keen interest from behind their sister, amazed on how intelligent this mouse seemed to be. But soon, they too were distracted by their own wonderments that demanded their attention from all around them. It was then Thomasin observed that all the other such creatures were watching her sister and this mouse. They were doing so with an almost sinister intent. They were anticipating something, and it began to fill Thomasin with an indiscernible fear.

  "Be careful! Remember what I told you about them?" A low masculine voice interrupted the lucid noises of the strange wilderness.

  Thomasin was baffled by the sudden interruption, for it sounded as though a man was standing right next to them.

  "Yes, if not careful, they will choose my form for me," replied Grace casually. "But she is very cute, would I be that cute too, if..."

  The low masculine voice interrupted. "It is not the mouse that will get you. She is being stalked by something else and she knows it. She is trying to have you take her place."

  Thomasin did not believe it, but it was the horse who had spoke. With all the crazy wonderment around her, she had completely forgotten that her sisters mentioned having a conversation with the horse. Now, with all she was witnessing, she felt she should hardly be surprised. Somehow, it was just a little too much for her. She was just getting excited about her new life in her new world. Yes, she was wild and free in it, but it was supposed to be mundane and not one full of talking horses and glowing forests. She wanted to wake up now.

  Yet, the assault on her senses continued. The talking horse now named Midnight was directing her to a new energetic scene of strangeness. A large serpent with the most beautiful scales ambushed the mouse from a glowing bush. His green scales reflected the surrounding light like hundreds of tiny mirrors.

  A gruesome play of predator and prey would have been horrible enough, but this was something else entirely. It took a long moment for Thomasin to understand what was actually happening, as her mind desperately wanted to turn it into something it was not. Reason told her that snakes eat mice; constrict them or poison them with daggered fangs. This snake was indeed coiling around the mouse's petite feminine form, but it was not crushing her. It was toying with her, rolling her through his coils as if she were a ball of yarn. Being both quite graceful and skillful, it seemed like a form of dance between species. It was fast and frantic. Both were spinning and making twirling loops that tossed each other about. In the blur, more magic occurred.

  The mouse's form had already been highly suggestive both in terms of its human-like mannerisms and in her anthropomorphic shape and movements. Now in this erotic dance, she had almost turned into a tiny, albeit naked, woman. The snake did likewise. In fact, his transformation was more striking because he now had arms and a masculine chest with abs and pecks glinting with scales. Their animal qualities did not disappear completely, however, as the serpent retained his long coils. He refused to give them up for legs in order to continue tumbling his partner about in his serpentine grasp.

  The mouse now had genuine breasts; round, plush and succulent tits whose nipples stuck out proud and firm. The fluffy tuft of fur that had previously made up their suggestion had now become a small patch of fluff nestled between her velvety bosoms. The serpent buried his snout into it as if it was his real prey. The serpent's head and long neck tried very much to slither its way down her furry cleft, the narrow shape of it perfect for the job.

  Even her sex that had been hidden discreetly before under a thick patch of fur was now highly visible between the slim v-shape cut abs and her elegant inner-thighs. Surrounded by soft velvet, only her pubic mound was made of a thicker fluff, and the serpent's new fingers and muscular arms were exploring all of that. His shiny tail also managed to curl up one of her legs. The tip of his tail slowly and teasingly wormed upwards to tickle her labia with each new tumble of their coiling embrace. It did not take long, and to the shock to the girls watching, the coils of his tail slid up inside the mouse. The penetration was more than just suggestive. The scene was now a wild nature show with a pornographic twist.

  "Oh my god, I don't think you should be seeing this," Thomasin exclaimed as she instinctively went about covering her sisters' eyes.

  Grace moaned in disappointment and Juno just giggled at what she had seen, - and was still seeing through her older sisters poor attempt at blindfolding her with just her fingers.

  "Are they not old enough to witness such things?" Midnight interrupted, speaking in his human and very masculine voice. "After all, you came to bask naked in the wild freedom of nature. You wanted to feel the cool breeze upon your skin, the tickling flowers, and its cold waters. You rode upon the back of a beast and felt my muscles ripple as the moved under your thighs. What is so different about the touch of another's flesh pleasuring your body? Nature is intimate, especially here. Just look around you."

  Indeed, there was more going on around them than they were realizing. It was not all in the open. The three had to look for it as if they were playing a 'find-the-object' type game. Nonetheless, other woodland creatures, great and small, were all more than suggestively embracing each other. A squirrel was in the secret embrace with a hummingbird. A ferret was mounting a feminine rabbit. Somewhere hidden further back was a deer; a great stag walking on its hind legs like a man. He had a harem of wolf woman between his legs doing the most inappropriate things with their long canine tongues.

  Every one of the critters they had seen scurrying about before seemed to turn more human as the three watched. Even the creatures in plain sight not doing lewd and dirty deeds seemed to walk, run, move and talk like people. They were watching Thomasin and her sisters, laughing at them and encircling them.

nbsp; "Why do you show us this?" Thomasin said with shock and fear, pulling back her sisters against her. "What is all of this doing out here?"

  "They have been watching you this entire time. Every night you wander very close to their domain. I am surprised they have not tricked you yet, or assaulted you in the night. You tease them so much." Midnight replied.

  "I have done what I can to stop them. I brought you here to show you what awaits you. Take this as a warning. This forest will not hurt you, but it will do things to you. Do not eat the fruits here no matter how tempting. Do not be lured in by them. Do not pet them, touch them or go with them even if they are friendly and ask you to do such things. Do not do these things unless you are ready to join them."

  "That doesn't answer my question," Thomasin said, still trying to wake herself up.

  Her two sisters squirmed in her arms. "Let us go!" Juno demanded. "He wanted to show us first."

  Grace then added, "You're being hunted Thomas, They were going to get you. Midnight showed us. They were watching you from these woods while you ran around at night. He can't protect you unless you understand."

  "Protect me from what, these creatures?" Thomasin asked in dismay.

  "No... I mean yes, but there are other things out here; scarier things." Grace replied.

  Midnight continued his monologue. He spoke without lips, as though his words were coming out from his mind. "There are wonders out here. I can show you, and I can keep you safe from them. Nonetheless, there are rules. To stay here you must choose to continue to move forward, or leave it all behind. I can take you forward."

  Thomasin turned back to watch the serpent and mouse. Their movements and sounds distracted her from his voice. The scene had become far more gratuitous than before. The serpent's tail was now in the mouth of his mate. She was suckling on it as if it was a teat. The serpent replaced his tail that was between her legs with something new and phallic. Two bright red appendages pulsing with blood sprouted out of the serpent's body and bounced in and out of the female mouse's sex. She was squeaking and gasping almost as if she was in pain, but Thomasin quickly realized it was out of pleasure. Liquids dripped from her sex, making the cherry red appendages produce slurping wet noises as each one bobbed in and out. This fluid slapped against his scales every time she pulled her body against his, polishing his scales to an even greater shine.


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