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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 265

by Mj Fields

  ���Please don���t cry girl,��� Liam grabbed her head and pulled it into his chest.

  ���What a mess,��� Harper forced herself to laugh.

  ���Other than the whole drugged Brit, along with the assault, the cops and finally Ava being set up. I think it all went pretty well,��� Liam laughed and Harper smacked him.

  ���I���m glad to have you around, Liam.���

  ���Tell me why I never knew how you felt about Maddox,��� Liam scowled down at her.

  ���How am I supposed to talk about boys with you?��� Harper forced herself to smile

  ���I am a boy Harper, who better to talk to about boys then a boy?��� Liam laughed.

  ���He told me he loved me,��� Harper whispered.

  ���How could he not?��� Liam hugged her tighter.

  ���I love him Liam, I really do,��� Harper cried.

  ���I have no doubt you do, he is a lucky boy,��� Liam continued to listen to her.

  ���He is gone, he and Brody are in England,��� Harper whispered.

  ���Okay, so if it���s meant to be it will be right? You are both too young baby girl. But right now you are showing an emotion besides pissed off and it makes me happy,��� Liam laughed. ���Promise me when you need to cry you do it with me?���

  ���What?��� Harper laughed.

  ���Have you ever seen a girl cry, Harper? It���s kind of ugly,��� Liam laughed and caught her fist in his hand, ���Sorry, but I cannot lie to you, it���s hideous.���

  Harper tried to squirm out of his arms, and he wouldn���t let go. Harper laughed, and he laughed with her. She finally stopped trying to fight him and calmed down.

  ���It���s raining, so I don���t have to help grandpa and dad, wanna watch a movie?���

  ���Yeah��� but it has to be a really sappy one,��� Harper looked at him and waited for him to object.

  ���Fine, but if you tell anyone I���ll kick your ass,��� Liam laughed.

  ���I won’t tell anyone,��� Harper smiled. ���Thanks, Liam.���

  Harper and Liam lay on the couch, and Tessa walked in with popcorn, ���Thanks Aunt T,��� Liam smiled and took the bowl.

  Tessa smiled, he reminded her of all the times his father had comforted her during her Lucas years. She walked into the kitchen, and Collin walked in with his phone in hand.

  ���Liquid G,��� Collin snapped.

  ���What?��� Tessa asked confused.

  ���The drug, it was liquid G. It used to be like a date rape drug, I bet that fuck was expecting Harper to have��� Lucas and Ava are on their way. They just left the police station,��� Collin hugged Tessa and lifted her setting her on the counter, ���How is our girl?���

  ���She is doing okay— Liam is watching a chick flick with her. God, he reminds me of Alex the way he was comforting her,��� Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him against her, ���I am the luckiest chick in the world.���

  ���Oh yeah?��� Collin smiled.

  ���Oh yeah,��� Tessa kissed him and pulled back, ���No socks tonight, Collin.���

  He laughed, ���Perfect.���

  He kissed her and his hands started rubbing up her side, making her laugh.

  ���It���s raining outside, shall we go dance?��� he kissed her again.

  Tessa sat back and rubbed her finger tips and lightly scratched up his neck, and she bit her lip.

  Collin growled and hoisted her over his shoulder and smacked her ass. They heard a knock on the door, and he pulled her down his body slowly. She stuck her bottom lip out; he nipped it and growled into her mouth. He reached down and adjusted himself.

  ���You get that, I need a minute, beautiful,��� Collin smiled as he walked into the bathroom.

  ���Collin around?��� Lucas asked when Tessa answered the door.

  ���Yeah, where is Ashley?��� Tessa asked.

  ���On her way home from Jersey,��� Lucas walked past Tessa avoiding eye contact.

  Tessa hugged Ava, ���Hey, how are you?���

  ���Not good,��� Ava hugged Tessa, ���How is Harper?���

  ���She and Liam are in the family room watching a movie, go ahead in,��� Tessa kissed her head and Ava left the room.

  Lucas paced uncomfortably back and forth.

  ���What���s going on, Lucas?��� Tessa asked and motioned for him to sit down.

  ���This is a fucking mess,��� Lucas sat next to her and banged his head on the counter.

  ���Don���t hurt yourself there bud,��� Tessa smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

  He looked up at her and then closed his eyes and let out the breath he had been holding.

  Collin walked out and sat next to Tessa, and she grinned at him he smiled and looked at Lucas, ���Did you press charges?���

  ���Not yet,��� Lucas said uncomfortably.

  ���Why?��� Collin asked as he got up and grabbed three bottles of water out of the refrigerator.

  ���He will get the charges dropped against Ava if I don���t press charges,��� Lucas looked up, ���But he won’t drop the charges against Maddox. He has fucking Napoleon Syndrome hardcore. He is going to go after him hard, I know it.���

  ���They are in London,��� Tessa looked at Lucas.

  ���She didn���t do it, Tessa, I know she didn���t,��� Lucas wanted her to believe him.

  ���Of course she didn���t,��� Tessa smiled.

  Collin yelled for Ava and Harper, and they came out, ���What did you guys drink last night?���

  ���Dad we didn���t drink, geesh,��� Harper rolled her eyes.

  ���No, Harper, not alcohol, did anyone give you something to drink?��� Collin asked.

  ���Ava gave Maddox and I water������ Harper looked confused.

  Lucas groaned and hit his head on the breakfast bar again; Tessa laughed and smacked him in the back, ���Cut it out.���

  ���Were they opened?��� Collin asked.

  ���Carter opened them for me,��� Ava looked at him confused, ���That little prick is the one who told me I should take them water. NO WAY!���

  ���Yes way,��� Collin slammed his fist on the counter and walked outside.

  Lucas followed him, ���I know that this little prick should pay for what he has done, Collin.���

  ���What are your reservations?��� Collin asked.

  ���My kid having a record,��� Lucas snapped.

  ���I get it Links, she didn���t ask for this shit either,��� Collin shoved his hands in his pocket.

  ���Even just possession is not alright with me, she is going to college for pre-law. My daughter wants to be a lawyer. This would screw everything up for her,��� Lucas punched the tree.

  ���Lucas, that tree didn���t do this,��� Collin tried not to laugh.

  ���This shit is not funny,��� Lucas growled.

  ���I watched you allow someone to punch you in the face last night and now your hand is probably broken,��� Collin saw Lucas���s wife Ashley walking towards them, ���Hello Ashley.���

  ���She isn’t here,��� Lucas sneered.

  ���Hello Collin,��� Ashley said from behind Lucas.

  ���Ashley, when did you get in?��� Lucas was shocked.

  ���I left when you called this morning,��� Ashley ans

  ���Is Logan here?��� Lucas looked at her hopefully.

  ���He���s at Jade and Ryan���s. Where���s my girl?��� Ashley asked.

  ���I���ll go get her,��� Collin excused himself.

  Lucas looked at Ashley, and she looked away, ���Ash, come on��� don���t be like this.���

  ���Like what Lucas?��� Ashley looked at him.

  ���Angry. Pissed off. God ��� you can’t even look at me for two damn minutes,��� Lucas grabbed her face, ���Look at me ��� God damn it Ash!���

  ���Stop, this is about Ava, not you and I,��� Ashley pulled away.

  ���No damn it. I fucked up, Ash. I apologized; I said it because I was pissed. I love you. I miss you!��� Lucas hugged her tightly.

  ���Let. Go. Of. Me. Lucas,��� Ashley yelled.

  ���Not a fucking chance,��� Lucas held her tighter.

  They heard the door open, ���Mom,��� Ava ran into her arms, ���You came?���

  ���Yes of course. You need me, I���ll be here,��� Ashley hugged her tightly, and they both cried.

  ���I didn���t do it, Mom,��� Ava sobbed.

  ���I know, peanut,��� she wiped her eyes.

  ���You have to stay home Mom, I need you,��� Ashley cried.

  Ashley Links had been going to stay with her family in New Jersey on weekends for the past six months. Ava had told her that Lucas yelled at Tessa when he picked her up at the Cape, while Ava was with Harper and her family on vacation. Ashley was devastated that her child knew that Lucas and Tessa had a five year relationship many years ago. She expected someday, that it would surface. What she didn���t expect was that Lucas told Ava not to say anything to Ashley, and that it had been kept a secret from her, for nearly five months.

  Lucas clenched his fist and walked away from them. He had not meant to hurt Ashley; the only woman he had ever been faithful to, the only woman who he not just loved but respected, the woman he chose to stay with forever, and the mother of his children.

  Harper came out and called them all in for lunch.

  Ashley looked at Lucas, and he closed his eye and mouthed, ���Please.���

  ���Ava, give Dad and I a minute,��� Ashley kissed her, and Ava went in the house.

  ���Ash come on, stop this shit. You know damn well that I love you,��� Lucas took her hands, ���Look at me, Ash.���

  ���You hurt me,��� Ashley stepped back.

  ���I���ll spend the rest of my life making up for it. I was trying to keep you from being hurt. Do you understand that, Ash?��� Lucas shoved his hands in his pockets trying to stop himself from grabbing her.

  ���She needs us,��� Ashley wiped her tears.

  ���Yeah,��� Lucas agreed.

  ���Logan misses you,��� Ashley took a deep breath.

  ���I miss him,��� Lucas closed his eyes, ���I miss you, Ash.���

  ���We should go in���do they know?��� Ashley asked.

  ���No,��� Lucas said and looked at the ground.

  ���Does anyone?���

  ���No, Ash,��� Lucas swallowed hard.

  ���You didn���t tell Ryan?��� Ashley asked.

  ���Ashley, no one knows. Let’s get in there,��� Lucas reached his hand out hoping she would take it.

  ���Do you love her?��� Ashley asked.

  ���Ash can we talk about this later?��� Lucas asked.

  ���No, I want to know��� now.��� Ashley wasn���t moving.

  ���I have told you how I feel a hundred times,��� Lucas said, ���Nothing has changed.���

  Ashley looked at him and took a deep breath and took his hand. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her, ���I love no one the way I love you Ash. No one.���

  Ashley looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly, ���No secrets Lucas, not from me.���

  ���Never again,��� Lucas kissed her, and she whimpered against his mouth, ���Baby, did you miss me?���

  ���We need to get inside.���

  ���Ash, I can promise you it���ll only take a couple seconds baby, I���ve never gone without sex this long,��� he laughed as he kissed her neck.

  They sat at the table and talked about the issues at hand. All agreed that Ashley, Lucas and Ava needed to make the final decision. Collin would speak to Brody and Emma after the decision was made. Ashley helped Tessa with the dishes while Ava and Harper sat uncomfortably looking at each other.

  ���Harper, please don���t be mad at me,��� Ava whispered.

  ���I���m not mad at you Ava, I am mad at the situation,��� Harper smiled quickly at her, ���I am going to shower. Call me tomorrow?���

  ���Okay, Harper. I really am sorry,��� Ava hugged her and she went upstairs.

  Harper walked into her room and lay on her bed. She looked at her phone for the millionth time today, and there was still nothing from Maddox. She grabbed the hoody she had worn and remembered Maddox had taken his off at camp before the fight. Harper ran down the stairs and out the door and ran the entire way to the camp. She ran inside and into the back and on the floor she saw his gray hooded sweatshirt. She dropped to her knees and began to sob as she held it to her face and smelled it. She looked around the room. The room Carter had held her against the wall pressing against her, groping her. She began to shake and screamed at the top of her lungs, crying like she had never cried before breaking apart inside. A feeling she had never felt before, she knew she was dying.

  Collin ran in the room and picked her up as she cried into his chest, ���Beautiful girl, you are going to be okay. I���ll never let anyone hurt you again, ever.���

  He walked down the driveway toward the house, carrying her as she sobbed. Lucas, Ashley and Ava stood in the driveway as he walked into the house. Ava started to cry and Lucas held her.

  Tessa walked out, ���Sorry about that. Ava, don���t cry. We���ll talk to you all later.���

  Collin sat with Harper curled up on the couch. Tessa grabbed a blanket, covered her and kissed her cheek. She looked at Collin. He was clenching his teeth and his eyes were red. Tessa rubbed her hands against his cheek and he pushed his face into her hand and rubbed his cheek against it.

  Tessa bent down and kissed his cheek softly, ���We got this.���

  He closed his eyes as she rubbed his face.

  When Harper had fallen asleep, he laid her down on the couch.

  Tessa grabbed his hands and hugged him, ���You’re doing great, Collin.���

  ���I���m going to fucking kill that piece of shit,��� he snarled.

  ���No you aren���t. We are going to be strong for her. She needs us to be strong for her,��� Tessa started to cry.

  Collin looked at her and his shoulders wilted, ���Okay, Tessa, I got you, we can do this. Tomorrow morning we press charges.��� Tessa looked at him confused, ���Lucas drops charges, charges are dropped against Ava and Harper presses charges against Carter. I have no clue why I just thought of this. I need to call Links.���



  Maddox woke in an unfamiliar place. His heart raced, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was dark and very quiet. He slowly moved to the center of the bed and saw a light from under a doorway. He stood to make his escape; he took a step and the floor creaked. He froze when he saw a figure standing up from a chair in the corner of his room.

  ���You are
finally awake. I bet you���re hungry,��� he knew the voice and watched as the door opened, allowing light in and exposing his captor.

  Maddox let out a sigh of relief when he saw his father, ���Dad.���

  Maddox walked quickly to him and hugged him tightly.

  ���Well, who did you think it was?��� Brody returned his hug and stepped back, ���Maddox —you are soaked, did you have a dream?���

  ���Yeah. I���I���m sorry,��� Maddox was clearly embarrassed. ���I really am.���

  ���Not a big deal, Maddox, it can be cleaned. In less than twenty four hours you have been drugged and brought back here, I am sure it���s messing with your head. Bathrooms was three doors down on the right. Go and try to relax— I got this.���

  ���I can clean it up, Dad. I���m the one who pissed the bed,��� Maddox looked disgusted and embarrassed.

  ���Go shower Maddox, I am really not shocked that this happened. You have been through a lot. Really, go on,��� Brody pushed him gently towards the door.

  Maddox walked into the bathroom disgusted and looked around. It was not as modern as the one at home. Home, he thought of how upset London, Lexi and Emma must be with him. He thought of his grandparents and the disappointment they must feel. He thought of the rage he felt inside for the pain that he was making all of them go through. He would not think of Harper or the tears she cried when he had said such hateful things to her. He would not think of her kiss, and the comfort he felt in her embrace. Or think of dancing with her and holding her; or the sweet sound of her voice as she sang to him while he held her. If he allowed himself to think of her, he knew he would not survive.

  He heard his father on the phone as he started down the hall.

  ���Thanks for letting me know, Collin. That���s great, but don���t put Harper through that if it���s just to get the charges dropped. Yeah, I don���t want that either, the little fucker needs to pay. Alright, talk to you soon,��� Brody hung up the phone and set it down and grabbed the laundry basket.

  ���Dad,��� Maddox came down the stairs, ���What is going on with���what is going on with the charges?���


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