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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 266

by Mj Fields

  ���Well, why don���t we take a ride and grab something to eat and then we can chat,��� Brody smiled.

  ���I don���t know,��� Maddox looked around.

  ���Why don���t we start with a tour of the house and grounds? I think there might be pasta somewhere. It has been a long time since I have been here,��� Brody smiled and put his arm around Maddox���s shoulder.

  ���It doesn���t bother you to be here?��� Maddox asked knowing it was here that Brody had confronted his Uncle Bo, a man he knew had something to do with keeping Maddox in hell for fifteen years.

  ���Maddox, we are perfectly safe here,��� Brody pointed to the floor, ���I shot a very evil man dead right there. Because of that, my family is safe. Many people are free and reunited with their families because of you and because he is gone. I feel empowered standing here. Not fearful.���

  Maddox nodded his head in acceptance, ���Okay.���

  ���There is also a kickass security system,��� Brody smiled, ���Let me show you around.���

  They walked through the house, and Brody took Maddox down to the wine cellar, he froze when he saw the tunnel entry.

  ���I can���t stay here, I would rather be in jail,��� Maddox ran up the stairs, and Brody followed him out the front door.

  ���Maddox wait!��� Brody ran down the long driveway after him.

  Maddox finally stopped at the road. When Brody got to him, he began to shake.

  ���I can���t go back there, please do not make me. I am sorry I messed up I promise not to again. But I can’t go back there,��� Brody grabbed him and hugged him as he shook, ���I know you are angry, I have torn your family apart but please don���t send me back there.���

  ���Maddox enough! I would not send you back to that, ever. Do you understand? Not ever!��� Brody shook him.

  ���I won’t do it again,��� Maddox knelt down tried to calm himself down. He didn���t want to make Brody angry.

  Brody gasped at Maddox���s reaction, he had not seen him act this way. He knew he was scared, he knew shaking him to try bringing him back to reality was a bad idea, but this was not what he expected.

  ���Maddox, stand up please,��� Brody���s voice shook.

  He did as he was told.

  ���We are going inside to grab a few things then we can leave,��� Brody looked at him sadly.

  ���Where will we go?��� Maddox asked.

  ���Wherever you want,��� Brody patted his back.

  ���Are we safe here?���

  ���I would never have brought you here if it wasn���t. I���m not leaving you either. We get through this together.���

  ���Alright then.���

  ���Leave or stay Maddox, your call.���


  ���Alright then.���

  Maddox closed his eyes and laid in bed. He fell asleep.

  The house was dark; the night sounds filled his ears. He covered them and rocked back and forth, trying to drown the sounds. They stopped, and he scampered under his bed, but not fast enough. He grabbed the legs of the bed holding tightly so that the pig couldn���t get him. Hands wrapped around his ankles and pulled him. He kicked trying to free himself, but he was not strong enough. He yelled out in pain when he felt the blow to his side causing him to let go. The pig stood over him smiling.

  Maddox jumped up and looked around his dimly lit room. Brody had bought him a night light, he insisted he didn���t need such a thing but right now he was glad Brody bought it anyway.

  He walked out of his room towards the bathroom. There was a nightlight in the hall and one in the bathroom. When he was finished he walked to the top of the stairs and heard Brody on the phone.

  ���Thanks Love���I miss you all as well���No London he is asleep, it is late here, or early��� I don���t remember���Oh Lexington, I miss you Da Da Da misses you���Love you all more, Em call me later���Does not matter what time,��� Brody hung up the phone and stood up and walked to the stairs he started to walk up and saw Maddox, ���Hey, you should have came down. The girls and Emma would have loved to talk to you, Maddox, they miss you.���

  ���I just had to use the bathroom,��� Maddox attempted a smile.

  ���Okay, you hungry?��� Brody asked, and he shook his head no.

  ���We will have television tomorrow, and internet,��� Brody attempted to entice him, ���Oh, and if you���re ready for company the band is waiting for the green flag to stop in.���

  ���Will Zach be with them?��� Maddox showed a bit of excitement.

  ���Yes, he was also here before we arrived. He made improvements on the security system. He personally saw to it that the tunnel leading here was permanently sealed off from the others,��� Brody watched Maddox relax, ���Please remember that he is not officially part of any of the investigations that went on or are currently going on. He has connections; he���s kind of like a secret agent, without being paid. Kind of like you.���

  ���How like me?��� Maddox was bewildered.

  ���Come on, let���s get a drink,��� Brody walked down the stairs and Maddox followed. ���You helped a lot of people get found, Maddox. A lot of people found their missing loved ones.���

  Maddox nodded his head in agreement, and Brody felt relieved. When they finished chatting both Brody and Maddox sat waiting for the other to talk.

  Brody laughed, ���You look better.���

  Maddox rested his elbows on his knees and rubbed his head and sat up and smiled ���You said it will be okay.���

  ���Yes I did. And I promise it will be,��� Brody sat back and tried to figure out what to do or say that would make him believe it.

  ���Dad, is Emma angry with you?��� Maddox asked, peering up at him.

  ���No, she understands,��� Brody smiled slightly.

  ���Okay.��� Maddox sat back, ���Is she mad at me?���

  ���Of course not,��� Brody looked at him with concern, ���Look no one planned for this to happen. But who knows, maybe it is a good thing.���

  ���I���m tired,��� Maddox stood up.

  ���Cool, I want you to sleep in my room tonight,��� Maddox began objecting, ���Maddox, not a big deal. It is odd staying in a new place, especially one as quiet as this. We are used to London, Lexi, your grandparents, the dogs������

  ���Birdie,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���Ugghhh, that damn thing,��� Brody chuckled, ���She better leave that in the States.���

  Maddox looked confused, ���Are they coming here?���

  ���We are waiting to see what happens with Harper. She is pressing charges against Carter. It may cause him to drop the charges against you���a little leverage. The charges against Ava were dropped because the DA popped Lucas Links in the jaw and Links in turn dropped the charges against him.���

  ���I do not want Harper to drop the charges. If he had������ Maddox took a deep breath and he felt his heart race.

  ���Maddox that���s up to Harper, Collin and Tessa— not us, okay?��� Brody spoke softly trying calm him and reassure him that he did not have to carry that burden, ���Whatever they choose to do we will support them.���

  Maddox woke in the dark again. Brody was not in the room. He heard him talking in the hallway.

  ���Em, just hold tight okay. London finishes school in two weeks, let her finish there. We will make that decision when the time comes.���

  Maddox walked closer to the door and listened as Brody continued:

  ���Eli will handle it; there is not much that can be done to us if we are here.��� Brody had stopped talking for a moment, ���He is much better tonight. He asked if you were upset with him��� I assured him you weren���t���I���ll have him call you in the morning���No, Harper has not tried to contact him���We will have internet service tomorrow������Skype?...Fine Em, but one day���I love you more, kiss the girls���He may have an issue if I walked in there and kissed him for you— he is asleep���Alright then sweet dreams���see you soon.���

  He heard Brody let out a weary breath, and he went back and laid down. He did not want to fall asleep. He was afraid of the dreams, ones he had not had in years, ones he wished he didn���t remember.

  Brody woke and Maddox sat up, ���Good morning.���

  ���It is,��� Brody smiled, ���Why don���t you and I take showers and head out to breakfast, do a little shopping, and we can have the band over this afternoon?���

  ���Alright— can you actually go shopping here?��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Yes, weird huh?��� Brody chuckled as he stood up, ���We should also have the internet up today. Maybe we could find a gym, a place to box?���

  ���That sounds great. It has only been a few days, but I miss it,��� Maddox smiled, ���I miss the hell out of it.���

  ���Don���t let me forget we need some more adapters for the gadgets. Your phone is probably dead,��� Brody smiled as he walked into the master bathroom.

  Brody and Maddox spent the morning walking around City Centre through crowds of people without being stalked by photographers. They sat near the waterfront and watched some street performers.

  ���Did you ever just start playing your guitar here without prompt or occasion?��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Sure have, you and I should do it,��� Brody joked.

  ���Alright,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���You really would?��� Brody was shocked.

  ���Yeah, I think I would,��� Maddox laughed at his surprise.

  ���Cool maybe this weekend the guys will come with us and blow their minds,��� Brody sat back as he and Maddox watched the performers.

  Brody���s phone rang. ���Oh damn,��� Brody laughed. ���The guys are at the house, we gots to go boy.���

  They got to the car, and Brody tossed him the keys, ���You drive.���

  ���What?��� Maddox was shocked.

  ���Just like a video game,��� Brody got in the car.

  Maddox gasped, ���Dad, I can���t.���

  ���Get in, just remember you drive on the opposite side as we do in the states and you���re driving a very expensive car,��� Brody laughed.

  Maddox looked at him, ���Have you lost your mind?���

  ���Maybe, but you���re going to be 17 soon. Let’s do this,��� Brody smiled, ���I trust that you can do it— come on.���

  Maddox laughed and sat in the driver���s side. Brody gave him instructions, and he started the car, ���Just go slow, no hurry, we are only about ten miles from home.���

  Maddox drove slowly, and Brody laughed every time someone passed them. Maddox could not help but laugh along with him. He pulled into the driveway, and all the guys were standing outside.

  ���Great job, Maddox,��� Brody hugged him, ���Alright let’s meet the crew, and by the way, they don���t know about Zach either. So if I act like an ass to him once in a while, it���s all part of the show.���

  ���They don���t know?��� Maddox gasped.

  ���Nope,��� Brody winked.

  Joe, Quinn, Oliver and Zach swarmed as soon as Brody and Maddox got out of the car.

  ���Maddox,��� Oliver hugged him tightly and laughed, ���I have seen a lot about you, television star already. You do better than your father during interviews.���

  Brody laughed, and Oliver hugged him, ���Man, it���s good to see you.���

  ���You as well,��� Brody laughed.

  ���We going to jam today?��� Joe asked tapping his sticks together.

  ���Yeah, that sounds great. You in, Maddox?��� Brody ruffled his hair.

  ���Maddox, you play?��� Zach asked.

  ���Um no not������ Maddox began.

  ���Yeah he does, and he sings,��� Brody punched in the security code and tried to open the door, ���What the hell?��� He tried it again, and sirens began to screech.

  Maddox covered his ears and laughed as Brody continued punching in numbers cursing loudly and finally kicking the door.

  Maddox watched Zach laughing as he took his cell out of his pocket and tapped the screen a few times and the alarms stopped. Zach winked at Maddox, and he laughed.

  Brody turned around and glared at Zach and then looked at Maddox snickering. He loved watching his son laugh and smile. Brody laughed and opened the door. He nudged Zach as he walked in and draped his arm over Maddox���s shoulder.

  They played for hours; laughing, writing and singing. Before they left they had plans to do the same the next day.

  ���Hey Brody, when will you be kicking my ass out of the band?��� Zach laughed.

  ���Not yet, too much going on right now,��� Brody smiled.

  ���When you do, I am taking Maddox with me,��� Zach winked at Maddox, ���You���re real good kid. We could throw some tracks down, maybe we could open for the band. Concert in 6 weeks at O2 to kick off the European tour. You two aren’t wanted around here are you?���

  Brody laughed, ���Not yet.���

  ���What do you think, Maddox?��� Zach asked.

  Maddox looked at Brody, and Brody nodded his head yes.

  ���I don���t know,��� Maddox answered apprehensively.

  ���We can definitely get you ready, a song or two. Your Dad on the other hand, I���m not sure he can hang anymore. See you both tomorrow,��� Zach waved as he walked down the driveway.

  Maddox smiled at Brody, ���I can’t do that.���

  ���Yes you can,��� Brody grinned, ���You would do great.���

  ���We won’t be here,��� Maddox said hopefully, ���I have to get back for graduation.���

  Brody tried his best to smile, ���We should go back up to the Waterfront tonight.���

  Maddox nodded his head in agreement.

  ���I am going to call Emma. Would you like to talk to her?��� Brody asked walking into the house.

  ���Yes, and my sisters,��� Maddox smiled.

  London answered the phone, ���Hello Daddio.���

  ���London,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���MADDOX!��� she screamed, and he held the phone away from his ear and chuckled.

  ���Hello London,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���So, are you awake now? Mom says you have been tired. I would like the whole story when I see you. They think I am a baby,��� London cleared her throat, ���So do you like the house?���

  ���It is nice, quiet though,��� Maddox poked fun at her.

  ���We sent a package, you and Dad should get it tomorrow,��� London giggled.

  ���Tell me what it is?��� Maddox asked.

  ���A surprise from Lexi,��� London laughed.

  ���Sounds great,��� Maddox smiled at Brody.

  ���I can’t wait to blow this p
opsicle stand and hop the pond, it is going to be so cool living in������ Emma grabbed the phone from London.

  ���Hey, Maddox, we miss you,��� Emma���s smile has clearly heard in her voice.

  ���I miss you, Mom. Did London say we will be living here?��� Maddox asked.

  ���Hey, how about we do the speaker phone thing, that way we can all talk together?��� Emma asked and she waited until she knew it was on speaker.

  ���Hello, London and Lexington, Em,��� Brody chimed in.

  ���Brody,��� Emma used a deep voice mimicking his and giggled.

  ���You are trouble,��� he laughed, ���Alright children; we have decided to stay for the summer here. If we like it we stay, but it has to be a decision we make together. Emma did you talk to Dick today?���

  ���Yes, and Maddox can test out, so Maddox you are graduating this year!��� London and Emma cheered.

  ���Alright then,��� Maddox said quietly.

  ���You didn���t want to?��� London laughed.

  ���Of course I did,��� Maddox tried to sound happy for her.

  ���Maddox and I have been pretty busy today, why don���t you tell them about it, Maddox,��� Brody patted his back.

  ���Dad let me drive������ Maddox began.

  ���Hey now that was not what I was talking about,��� Brody tried not to laugh.

  ���Brody!��� Emma snapped.

  ���Em?��� Brody chuckled, ���He is quite good at it.���

  ���Maddox do you think you can look after your father until I get there?��� Emma laughed, ���You know, help him make big boy decisions.���

  Maddox laughed, ���You mean like the concert he is trying to get me to perform in?���

  ���Wow, you two have been busy. Are you really going to?��� Emma asked

  ���I am not sure,��� Brody laughed, ���It���s been awhile.���

  ���Chicken,��� London teased.

  ���Am not,��� Brody replied.

  ���Prove it then,��� London goaded him.


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