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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 316

by Mj Fields

  ���I do.��� He said and kissed me.

  I smiled and he pulled the back of my head to his and kissed me deeper.

  He stopped and ran his nose across mine.

  ���I do.��� I smiled.

  ���Well by the power vested in me by God and the state of New York I now pronounce you husband and wife. Maddox you may kiss your bride.���

  ���Oh I will.���

  Maddox grabbed me by the hips and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. He started walking us down the aisle and I laughed. The pianist started to play music and Maddox picked up the pace carrying me while kissing my neck.

  He walked us into the bathroom and shut the door.

  ���Last night killed me.��� He kissed down my neck and nibbled on my shoulders. ���Never a night apart again.���

  ���Never.��� I laughed.

  ���This dress is stunning.���

  ���It was my mom���s.���

  He stopped kissing me and leaned back. ���You okay?���

  ���Yeah.��� I ran my finger over the ribbon.

  He smiled knowing I knew what it meant.

  He kissed me again. ���Did you get my gift?���

  ���I did.���

  ���Show me.���

  ���Maddox we���re in a bathroom at a church.���

  ���We���re married now. I���m sure������

  ���Our family is waiting.���

  He growled and nipped my ear. ���Mrs. Hines.���

  I smiled so big it hurt. ���That���s me.���

  ���It is. You���re speech was beautiful. Thank you for saying yes. Thank you for saying I do.���

  ���We���ve to go out there.��� I stuck my bottom lip out and he grabbed it with his teeth and sucked on it.

  ���I love you.���

  ���I love you���more.���

  After an hour worth of family pictures we headed to the Lake Watch. Maddox smiled when we pulled in.

  ���We���re doing this up big huh?���

  ���Does that upset you?���

  ���Not a bit. Well maybe a bit. I really wanna check out what���s under that dress.���

  ���Oh I can���t wait for you to see.���

  He looked at me oddly and then smiled. The door opened and we got out.

  ���We have four hours here and then������

  ���Four hours?���

  I looked stopped walking. ���We don���t have to stay.���

  ���You���ll nap when we get back. I���m already ready to be inside you and very thankful this jacket covers what���s going on in my pants right now.���

  I laughed and pulled him behind me.

  As soon as we walked in everyone started hugging us. Although we had just done this at church it was still very welcome. We hadn���t had a happy family gathering in a while. It was time.

  Tomas came up to me and took my hand. ���I need just a few moments.���

  Maddox was talking to Brody and Emma and I followed him into the corner.

  ���Have a seat.���

  Once I sat he pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to me.

  ���It���s from your father. He wrote letters throughout the year in case he wasn���t around for things like this Harper. He wrote this after leaving Switzerland when he found out you were pregnant. I will stay while you read it or I can leave it���s up to you.���

  ���Thanks. Stay please.���

  My hands trembled as I opened the letter. I held it against my heart and took a deep breath.

  Harper Ann,

  I hope to never have to have this delivered because selfishly I want to always be there for all the events in your life. If you���re reading this, God had other plans. If my life is over I am still with you don���t you ever forget that. Be my little soldier Harper. Live life to the fullest always.

  I don���t even have to wonder who it is that has stolen your perfect little heart I already know who it is that you���ll be saying those two words that bind people together for a lifetime to.

  Maddox Hines. My son in law. I see myself in him and have since the very first time I saw him. He will be a perfect match for you and you for him.

  I want you to remember that it���s hard for people like me and Maddox to open ourselves up to others but once we do it���s for a lifetime. I am so happy he has you and just as happy you have him. He and I may have gone round a few times but there is no better man for you. He will love you as fiercely as he fought to protect you from himself. You will never have to wonder if he loves you, he always has and I���ve known it since he was fifteen. Be patient with him Harper. You, my dear, are a lot like your Mom. Which brings me to your children. Love like she does, always love like she does. Forgive those who hurt you. Make peace with your brothers if they bother you. Hold everyone tight because tomorrow is never a guarantee. Choose to be happy. I need that for you.

  Tomorrow. There is a tomorrow. All of us deserve that. Make sure you remember that when you have an argument, don���t go to bed angry or alone. Marriage is a lot of work but there is nothing more satisfying than true love that concurs all. You and Maddox deserve that just like everyone around you. And Harper I mean everyone baby girl.

  I am proud of who you are. I am proud that I am and always will be the father God gave you. I love you Harper. Congratulations.

  Love Forever, Dad

  I looked up with tears falling down my face and saw Maddox standing over my shoulder. He leaned down and wiped the tears.

  ���He knew I would marry you.���

  He closed his eyes and leaned down and gave me a kiss.

  ���I���m supposed to live everyday being happy.���

  The music stopped and food was starting to come out. I folded the letter and handed it to Maddox. ���Could you hold this?��� He nodded yes and pulled out my chair. ���Tomas, thank you for walking me down the aisle and for the letter.��� I gave him a hug and a kiss and took Maddox���s hand.

  Dinner was great and boy did I eat. I was feeling bloated and tired when the music started and Ava dragged me out on the dance floor. She grabbed two glasses off the tray of the water passing by and handed me one.

  ���Congratulations and cheers.��� I froze and her jaw dropped. ���Oh. My.���

  I covered her mouth and she started laughing. I pulled my hand back and she downed her first glass and then mine.

  ���You better carry this empty around so no one else figures it out. When?���

  ���We have an appointment Monday. We���ll find out then.���

  ���Who knows besides you and the hot Brit?���

  ���Mom, Emma, and Brody.���

  ���Holy shit! Congratulations and fake cheers.��� We clinked glasses and took pretend sips and we started laughing.

  Maddox was behind me immediately. ���Sweetness?���

  Ava smacked his chest, ���Wow that shits tight.��� She smacked him again. ���No wonder you keep getting knocked up. I drank hers hot stuff, she���s carrying around an empty for show. Secrets safe with the godmother, and yeah I���m calling it.���

  ���Do not say a word Ava. Our siblings������

  ���I know or you���ll tell T I have a horrible STD.��� Ava started laughing as she continued dancing. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and moved on to dance with Reily and my brothers.

  ���You threatened her with that?��
� He smiled and grabbed me by the hips and pulled me against him and we danced.

  ���She threatened to throw the gift in the pond.���

  I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. The song changed and Blurred Lines started playing. I set the glass down on a nearby table and backed up into my husband. I took his hands and held them up over my head and grinded against him. He let out a groan and I laughed. I let go of one hand and twirled myself around facing him and bit my lip. His eyes immediately darkened and he tried to grab my hips.

  ���No way rockstar I���m a married women. Got the ring and all.��� I held up my rings ���And I���m a Good Girl.��� I sang and he smiled. ���Look but don���t touch.���

  I rotated my hips and ran my hand slowly up my neck and hair. I reached out and grabbed his tie. His eyebrow arched and I arched my back purposely pushing out my chest bending further back shaking my shoulders as I held onto his tie.

  Ava danced up to one side of me and Riley was on the other. We all laughed and I let go of his tie and started dancing together.

  Ava started singing and we joined.

  ���One thing I ask of you let me be the one you back that ass into. Yo, from Malibu, to Paribu Yeah had a bitch but she ain���t as bad as you.��� They both pointed to me. ���So hit me up when you passing through I���ll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two.���

  We were dancing pretty nasty and I looked up and everyone was watching. Phoebe, Jade, Mom and Kendall walked out onto the dance floor and started dancing too. Grandpa John looked down and shook his head smirking.

  Emma was laughing and so was Brody.

  We continued singing and I walked up to Maddox and he quickly grabbed me and turned me so my back was against him I gasped when I felt his erection against my back.

  ���He don���t smack that ass and pull your hair like that.��� He sang. I nearly convulsed right there. ���Two can play at this little tease game Sweetness. But do continue cause I���m enjoying the hell out of watching your performance. Gives me ideas.��� He bent down and kissed my neck and then let go.

  The song was about to change and he motioned down to the DJ. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri started and He turned me around and pulled me into his arms.

  ���Sing to me Mrs. Hines.���

  So I did. We danced holding each other closely.

  The song changed to Eternal Flame by The Bangles and I looked around wanting to make sure everyone was having a good time. I saw Mom standing alone and looked around Lucas was walking by glaring I saw Ava dancing with T.

  ���Lucas!��� I yelled. He turned and looked at me. ���Make Mom dance please.���

  I saw him whisper in her ear and she looked at me and rolled her eyes. He grabbed her hand and dragged her onto the dance floor.

  I looked up and smiled. ���My husband.���



  We danced for a little longer until I felt nature call. ���I need to use the restroom.���

  He leaned down to give me a kiss. ���I���ll get you a drink.���

  I turned to leave and he swatted my butt. I turned to him and pretended to look shocked.



  I laughed as I walked away.

  As I walked into the bathroom I saw Jade walk outside. I came out and saw Grandpa walk out. I followed wanting to make sure everything was alright.

  Jade was trying to calm Ashley down.

  ���Everything alright?��� Mom asked from behind me.

  ���I don���t know?���

  She walked past me and over to the car. Lucas was standing head bowed with his hands in his pockets.

  I walked closer and Grandpa held my hand ���Let it be baby girl.���

  ���What���s going on Jade?��� Mom asked again.

  ���You are what���s going on Tessa.���

  ���Ash I suggest you get in that car and I���ll take you home.��� Lucas was pissed. He got in the car and started it.

  Ashley stormed around the car. ���Your husband is lucky to be dead so he doesn���t have to watch you and my husband play grab ass for another������

  Mom slapped her across the face and Jade grabbed her. ���Don���t you talk about Collin like that ever!���

  Lucas jumped out of the car and grabbed Ashley who was holding her face.

  ���She���s just as crazy as the rest of the bitches������

  ���Get in the fucking car NOW!��� Lucas snapped.

  Ashley jumped in the car and shut the door. Lucas tried to open the door and she threw it in drive and peeled out of the driveway.

  I heard someone behind me and looked. Ava was covering her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  ���She deserves to know Lucas. You tell her or I will.��� Jade spun around and saw the three of us standing there. ���I���ll take care of the girls.���

  Mom looked back and started walking towards us.

  ���There���s a room upstairs let���s go ladies.��� I followed Jade up the stairs.

  I looked back to make sure Ava was alright and Grandpa had his arm around her walking in behind us.

  We got upstairs and sat down.

  ���Ava I���m so sorry. I was wrong to hit������

  ���Tessa she was wrong to say that about Collin. It���s my fault.���

  ���No Ava it���s not your fault.��� Lucas squatted next to her and wiped her tears away.

  ���Is to Dad. Harper I am so sorry I ruined your wedding and your prom. If you never talk to me again I would understand.���

  ���Don���t be silly Ava.���

  ���Fuck Harper don���t fucking take off like that again.��� Maddox said as he stormed across the room.

  ���Sorry it���s just������

  ���Listen everyone. What just happened out there is unfortunate.��� Lucas began.

  ���Daddy I want to leave.��� Ava stood up.

  ���You stay and have fun Ava. I���m gonna get a cab and go deal with this.���

  ���Why! Why don���t you just leave her?���

  Lucas ran his hands through his hair and tried to gain some composure. ���Bottom line. Your brother needs to finish school. I don���t want him distracted. When he���s graduated if that���s what I have to do then I will.���

  ���She���s been cheating on you for������

  ���Okay Ava let���s not do this here.���

  Jade looked at Mom and then at Lucas. ���Listen Ava, no one else here is gonna say anything so I will. Ava your Mom has been cheating on your father for years now.���

  ���Jade that is enough.��� Lucas warned.

  ���Then you tell her Lucas. Do you think they don���t feel it? Your house is like a fucking iceberg.��� She looked at Mom. ���You don���t seem surprised.���

  ���What? I ������

  ���Oh for Christ sake Jade she didn���t do a damn thing.��� Lucas snapped.

  ���It���s all my fault.��� Ava cried. ���No Ava it���s not. Your Mom���s been fucking around for probably half of our marriage.���

  ���Why didn���t you leave her?��� Mom snapped.

  Lucas looked at her stunned.

  ���Why would you put up with it Lucas? God! Collin told me he thought something was going on and������

���Collin knew?��� Lucas sounded shocked.

  Jade laughed. ���Where do you think the letter came from telling you jackass?���

  ���Shit that was just recently, I���ve known for years.���

  ���And you did nothing?��� Ava cried.

  ���What should I have done Ava? Leave her and see you two every other weekend?���

  ���We would have stayed with you!���

  ���It wouldn���t have been your choice. Besides up until a year ago it was just a suspicion. No damn it. I���m not going to explain myself to you. Shit happens. That���s it.��� Lucas sat down and scratched his head.

  ���The man I suspected she was with is a politician. His brother is the fuck that had you two arrested. That���s what my kids would have dealt with, fucking scum like that and that wasn���t happening. Ava you tell me what you want and I will consider it but you have to consider that Logan is at a very impressionable age. I can handle my shit just fine I can assure you that.���

  I stood up and Maddox rubbed my shoulders.


  He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

  The DJ announced the cake was to be cut and I looked around.

  Ava stood and looked at Lucas. ���Tell me what you want and I���ll do it.���

  ���We have until June; give me at least that long.���


  I stood and took Ava���s hand. ���Let���s go eat cake.���

  She smiled. ���Do I look okay?���

  ���Hot as always.���

  ���Good I need to get laid.���

  ���Ava!��� Lucas snapped.

  ���Dad how the hell do you hear everything?��� Ava and I laughed as we followed Maddox down the stairs.

  ���Maddox I think I���ve had enough cake.��� I said still chewing as he held another fork full to my mouth.

  ���Then just pretend to eat Sweetness. It���s fascinating.���

  ���You just like putting things in my mouth.���

  Maddox chuckled, ���You bet your ass I do���Wife.���


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