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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 317

by Mj Fields

  We stood up and I looked for Mom. She was standing talking with Jade, Ryan and Lucas.

  Ava was dancing with T and she winked at me and I laughed.

  ���I warned him that she was family now.��� Maddox whispered.

  ���You keep getting better you know.���

  ���I will continue doing so.���

  ���So will I.���

  ���Impossible Harper Ann Hines.���


  He laughed. ���Hah.���

  We walked over to Mom.

  ���You okay?���

  ���I���m tired.���

  Lucas chuckled and Mom smacked his stomach. ���Mean.���

  ���She is tired.���

  ���Fine Tessa.��� Lucas looked at me. ���You two have plans?���

  Mom smacked him again. ���Damn Tessa you wanna take me out in the parking lot and just beat the hell out of me?��� He laughed as he pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket. ���Go north on Route 34 to the white inn. They���re expecting you for two nights. I heard your traveling or I would���ve done more.���

  ���That place is fucking amazing,��� Ryan chuckled and Mom hit him too. ���Ouch Tessa. Jade and I stayed there. Remember Jade?���

  ���Of course I remember I was knocked up and you wouldn���t leave me alone.���

  ���That���s not how I remember it. You were always a little fox especially when you were pregnant. I���m sure that���s why we have four kids. Then when you turned 40, its gotten even better.���

  ���Alright Ryan they don���t need any advice from you.���

  ���Wait until she���s forty.��� Ryan whispered loudly.

  Maddox laughed and then looked at Lucas. ���You didn���t have to do that. Thank you.���

  ���It���s a wedding gift. Of course I did. Just enjoy and try to forget about well just enjoy yourselves.��� He looked towards Ava who was now making out with T. ���Yeah Ryan and Jade let���s roll. I���ll kick his ass!���

  ���Thanks Mom.��� I gave her a big hug.

  ���See you in two days?���

  ���We could do just one.���

  ���No I insist. And Maddox let her sleep.���

  ���Of course. I������

  Mom laughed. ���Enjoy each other.���


  The Rose


  As soon as she got into the car she lost her heels. That’s a shame, I thought until she reached down and rubbed her feet. I pulled her feet onto my lap and began to rub. She laid back a smiled.

  ���Hands and feet huh?��� I asked looking at the French tips and sparkly little diamond.

  She smiled and then giggled, ���Yep.���

  ���Tired sweetness?���

  ���Not too bad.���

  I knew she was full of shit and just trying to appease me. ���You have to be. With all the dancing you did today. I know I am.���

  She smirked and wiggled her feet back and forth calling my attention back to them.

  ���Demanding Mrs. Hines?���

  ���I will be Mr. Hines.���



  I lifted her foot and kissed each of her toes. She laughed and tried to pull her foot back. ���Oh no! I���ve found a new place that now fascinates me.���

  ���Maddox gross,��� she laughed as I sucked on her pinky toes.

  I shook my head no and continued to the next. ���You may as well lay back and enjoy that I own you now.���

  ���That works both ways you know?���

  ���I’m counting on that.���

  We pulled into the Rose Inn and I finally let go of her foot, I loved her little feet. I loved every part of this woman.

  ���You coming?���

  ���Yeah I am.���

  We walked in and both men at the desk smiled. The blond one clapped his hands.

  ���Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hines.���

  It was damn good to hear that. I looked at Harper to see her reaction. She was smiling a blushing a bit.

  ���Thank you.���

  ���Your suite is already for you. Just go up the grand staircase to your left and all the way down the hall.���

  I picked Harper up knowing she would wrap her arms around my neck and I was right.

  ���You���re gonna carry me?���


  When I opened the door to our room I was blown away. I hadn’t expected for it to be so exquisite; the marble floor throughout the suite shined brightly and the large bed was covered in white bedding with red rose petals scattered about. I looked at the beautiful woman in my arms and she smiled.

  ���It’s beautiful.���

  ���It is, but not half as beautiful as you.���

  She blushed and I kissed her. ���I have been inside of you and kissed every part of your body and still you blush.���

  ���It’s different now. You’re my husband.���

  Her words made me blush and immediately start to get anxious. I walked her to the bed and laid her down. Her blush deepened and my anxiety rose.

  I laid beside her and cupped the side of her face with my hand bringing her mouth to mine.

  ���You need to sleep.���

  ���I need you.���

  She kissed me and I let her. I opened my mouth to her and her tongue rubbed against mine. She tasted sweet like grapes and so soft. She leaned over me, a position that was not normal for us but I enjoyed feeling her weight against me. I pulled her on top of me and she smiled and kissed me deeper, tasting me like I tasted her. Moaning and taking pleasure from me as I willingly let her.

  I never thought I would be alright with the position I now found myself in. Someone else having control over my body. Losing the power to her was not as difficult as I thought it would be. She married me, was carrying my child and would be by my side loving me for the rest of my life. I trusted her completely and I loved her entirely.

  She stopped to take a breath. Her rapid short and sweet breathes kissed my face. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. ���I love you Maddox.���

  ���I love you Sweetness.���

  She sat up and turned around putting her back to me. ���Unzip me please.���

  I sat up and pushed her hair over her shoulders and kissed her neck as I unzipped her dress. I saw the back of the light blue bra that I had given her as a wedding gift. More for me than her I suppose, it looked beautiful against her skin. She stood up and wiggled her hips allowing the gown to drop in a heap on top of me. Her ass looked edible framed in the garter belt that���s straps held up the stockings in the same pale blue.

  She looked over her shoulder at me as she turned and squatted down pulling the dress up into her arms covering herself.

  ���I need to hang this.���

  She started to step off the bed and I took her hand stopping her. ���How about you lay down and I do that for you?���

  ���How about you take off that tux and I���ll be right back.���

  I wasted no time throwing the jacket off and to the ground and quickly unbuttoned my shirt. I looked up and she was bending over the foot of the bed pulling off my shoes.

  ���What are you doing Sweetness?���

  ���Helping my husband get naked,��� She bit her lip and yanked my sock off. ���You lay st
ill and let me.���

  I propped myself on my elbows and watched as she was bent, her tits nearly falling out of the push up bra and my dick was straining against my pants. She pulled off my shoe and sock and then slowly crawled up the bed and stopped when she came to my tented pants.

  She bowed down and ran her face slowly across my covered cock and it felt damn good. She unbuttoned my pants and I reached down holding back Thumper.

  ���Let me undress you.��� She pleaded as desire consumed her eyes.

  ���Mrs. Hines, you whatever you want. I���m only protecting Thumper from a zipper incident. I���m hard as a rock and you look so hungry Sweetness. I didn���t want an injury to ruin our wedding night.��� She covered her face and giggle. ���Don���t stop now. Focus Mrs. Hines.���

  ���God I love you,��� she whispered as she unzipped me.

  ���If only half as much as I love you we���ll lead a very happy life.��� I uncovered myself and my cock sprung up. ���All three are in agreement. Let���s check you out.��� I pulled her up to closer and reached between her legs. ���What did you do?���

  ���Waxed. Hands, nails, and…���

  I pushed her up so she was seated on my stomach. ���Very interesting.��� I ran my hands across her bare little lips. ���I want������

  She moved back and began stroking me. She situated herself above me and slowly brought herself down.

  ���Damn,��� I hissed as she moved her hips stretching herself making room for me.

  ���Damn,��� she whimpered.

  She moved slowly raising and lowering herself up and down me. I had to remind myself to look at her face. I was completely distracted by her now bare flesh. She had a tiny little freckle exposed now that was once concealed by hair.

  She began moving faster her hands fell to my stomach as she rode me. I took her hands and held them up as she began moving faster. I needed to see our bodies connect.

  ���Maddox!��� She screamed out as she came.

  She stilled and sat panting. I sat up and held her against be as I bucked into her until I felt my own orgasm approaching. Liquid fire burned through my body. I let out a groan and then took her tit in my mouth hoping like hell I could get her there.

  ���Give me another Sweetness,��� I commanded as I moved to her next breast. She whimpered and began moving again. ���That���s it fuck, Sweetness I���m gonna…��� I couldn���t hold back and she followed as I pumped her full of my cum. Marking her as my wife

  I lay back bringing her down on top of me and kissed her damp forehead and hair and finally her lips.

  ���You alright?���


  I rubbed her back as she tried to catch her breath.

  ���You got waxed.���

  ���That crap hurts too,��� she giggled and peeked up at me.

  ���Then why?���

  ���I wanted to? I don���t know Ava said������

  ���Oh dear God. Harper, I loved your little fuzzies.���

  She laughed and then sat up. ���Ava said bush was out. And then she said like in the eighties! I just thought you���d like something a little different.���

  ���First of all I can���t believe we���re talking about Ava while I���m inside of you.��� I let go of her hips and linked my arms behind my head. ���Second I will never want anything but you, fuzzy or not. It���s not like you don���t trim.��� I reached down and rubbed her a bit and she squirmed. ���Very soft though. I can���t wait to taste you now.���

  She smiled. ���I���m sure it tastes the same.���

  ���Like heaven.���

  She yawned and I lifted her up and rolled her onto her back.

  ���I���m going to run a bath. Then call Surge and get���No forget it. We will be naked for two days.���

  ���Two day huh?���

  ���No clothes. You and I taking and receiving pleasure from one another. For two nights Mrs. Hines I will feast on your sexy body������

  ���And I on yours.���


  Surge had brought our bag Sunday night and it was delivered to our doorstep this morning.

  ���I can���t believe I���m dressing you. It completely goes against everything I believe should be between us.���

  ���And what is that.��� She began buttoning her shirt.

  ���Sweat, little to no space, bath water, cum, well that���s about it.���

  Harper looked up and laughed, ���Really?���

  ���Really, now let���s get out of here before I go with my instincts and shred that damn shirt.���

  We pulled into the doctor���s office and both of us were excited. Today we get to see our little one. Not that it would look like a baby but it was exciting regardless. Harper nearly skipped into the office. She was happy, so damn happy. The woman I thought could never be more beautiful and loved by me was more so every day.

  She lay on the exam table with her legs in stirrups. I was less than please that she was spread open waiting for the technician to shove that fucking probe inside her.

  She looked up at me and pulled our entwined hands to her lips and kissed the back of my hand. ���She���ll be in here in just a minute, relax you look like you���re going to explode.���

  I tried my best to act unaffected but she could tell.

  ���What���s wrong?���

  ���Someone else is������

  She started to laugh as the door opened.

  ���Everything alright?��� the middle aged woman asked as she walked in.

  ���Well;��� Harper started laughing harder and I glared at her.

  ���My wife seems to have a case of the sillies.���

  ���The sillies huh?��� The woman with the dick in her hand asked.

  ���Oh yes,��� Harper laughed. ���Bad case of those.���

  ���Okay just relax your knees a bit.���

  She shoved the condom clade object into Harper and I felt Harper start to pull her hand away. I looked down and let go of her hand. She mouthed ouch; I must have squeezed her hand.

  ���You okay Sweetness? I���m sorry.���

  The tech looked up at me and smiled. ���There���s lots of lubrication on this I���m sure she���s fine aren���t you dear?���

  Harper smirked nodded yes and then took my hand.

  She turned the screen towards us. ���The little one is here.���

  I no longer felt anger, I felt elation. I laughed and bent down and kissed Harper���s head.

  Harper was looking at me and smiling, her eyes sparkling and so blue.

  The tech clicked a few buttons and then pulled the probe out of Harper.

  ���You���re measurements look good. Best guess is that you are ten weeks pregnant.���

  ���No worries then?��� I smiled.

  ���Nope you���re almost out of the first trimester. Everything should be just fine.���

  ���Will we see the doctor today?���

  ���No. You will come back in about five weeks and see him. Then, if you want, we can set up an appointment for an ultra sound to see if we can find out the sex of the baby. Everything looks great. If you need to see him before then just call; I���m sure he���ll get you right in. Oh and your due date is Halloween.���

  I looked immediately to Harper and she looked up at me.

�Our child is going to have the most amazing birthday parties.��� She scowled at me and I laughed, ���Is that a problem?���

  ���Our child will celebrate them separately.���

  I tried to assert some authority. ���Our child can make that������

  She clasped my lips together and I grabbed her hand and kissed it repeatedly.

  ���We need to get home and celebrate���Halloween.���

  She smacked at me and I jumped back.

  ���Get that sweet little ass������

  ���Maddox!��� She looked quickly at the technician.

  ���I apologize,��� I laughed.

  She smirked. ���Congratulations.��� As she left the room.

  Harper got up and tried her best to appear annoyed and I wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed her. ���Sweetness, that���s Dad���s birthday.���

  ���It is? Oh my God it is! It���s also their anniversary.���

  ���Coolest birthday ever.���

  She turned and hugged me. ���Pretty cool birthday.���

  We walked out and Harper was bouncing again. She started swinging our arms as we walked towards the Jeep. I started skipping and she laughed and stopped.

  ���You���re picking on me?���

  ���No Sweetness I���m joining in the fun.���

  Harper and I went shopping in the nearby town of Auburn. A grocery store that had the largest selection of local, organic and natural foods, called Wegmans. Her Grandparents has sold their produce to them for years. I was excited that she was phasing past the junk food obsessed part of her pregnancy and ready to eat healthy.

  When we returned home we were alone; Tessa was with Jade, Brody and Emma were helping Grandma Caroline and Grandpa Henry set up their new home. The girls were at school and I had made damn sure our security team wasn���t around. We cranked up the radio and sang and danced as we cut up vegetables to steam and steak to saut��.

  Six months ago I was on a stage singing to her in Switzerland because if I didn���t let her know once and for all how I truly felt I would not have been the only one to feel the pain. I would have slipped back to being the boy in the closet. I would have dragged with me my parents and sisters. And I would have never known how much she truly loved me.


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