Dark Days (Book 2): Inquisition
Page 17
"I know this will sound odd coming from me, but I plan to stay and fight." Adriana stood. "No where's as safe as here, and if they come through the fences, we'll have advance warning."
Daniel stood and cleared his throat. "Atlas has eighty adults of fighting age. They'll do almost anything for the leader, Vixen. Many of them will die in a fight, but they'll out man and out gun you."
Randi rounded the corner on the ATV. Her mother continued to infuriate her. Knowing an attack was imminent, she still refused to carry guns. At least Adriana was armed and had agreed to put the kids in the motor home. How a grown woman could refuse to believe what was in front of her baffled her.
She stopped and surveyed the land with her binoculars. Clear so far. How long would that last? If everyone wore themselves out, they'd never defend the camp.
Her walkie squawked and Josh's voice came through. "Time for a check-in. Front's clear."
She clicked her radio. "I've not seen anything in the perimeter, either."
One by one, the rest of the crew responded. Belle was the last. After she gave her report, Randi called her. "Belle, can you check to make sure Adriana, Mom, and the kids are in the motor home?" She couldn't help but worry that her mom would do something stupid. Adriana had stepped up to protect her children. She still hadn't put down any infected, and Randi couldn't help but wonder if she would shoot someone even to save her own life.
"Sure. Since we didn't have any more walkies, Adriana gave her an air horn. Gabriele is walking the lower perimeter, and she is carrying a weapon and an air horn."
"Thanks. Let me know about my mom and sister."
"Will do. Do I have your permission to kick their rears if they aren't there?"
Randi gave a quiet chuckle. Belle had a fire about her. The girl was tough and mature for her age, yet she retained a sense of optimism. "Go for it. If you need help, let one of us know."
How many loops around the perimeter had Randi made? Every so often, she'd stop and listen, but the wind whipped around her and roared in her ears.
Why couldn't they catch a break? If Vixen's group decided to attack tonight, they wouldn't hear them until they were on top of them.
"Randi, it's Josh."
"Go ahead." She was thankful for the earpieces. Otherwise, she wouldn't understand a word said over the walkies.
"I'm sending Ethan out to take your place. We've got a problem and need you in the house ASAP."
She turned and gunned the four-wheeler cutting across the middle of the perimeter. What now? If he was sending Ethan to take her place, they weren't under attack.
After she parked the ATV, she took off at a dead run across the compound. She burst through the door.
"The motor home isn't comfortable enough for the children." Her mother shook her finger at Josh. "We are safe here. Stop trying to scare me."
Adriana stood with her arms crossed. "I've tried to talk to her, but she doesn't listen to me. My children are in the RV. Only because I threatened to whip their little backsides if they didn't get in there and stay put."
A muscle worked in Josh's jaw. Her mother was about to push the man to his breaking point.
"This place is fortified. Even the man who came in from her group said he didn't know how they were going to invade. That's because it's impossible."
Randi counted to ten. "You beat all. Everyone in this camp is doing their part, yet you cannot even keep your selfish backside in the motor home for one night. If they don't invade, great, but if they do, you and the children will die."
"Just stop--"
"No." Randi grabbed her mother's arm. "If they break into the compound, they will kill every child in here. Including your grandchildren. Is that what you want? What's so uncomfortable about the camper? The heat works."
"We can't have the lights on, and besides, the kids are used to their beds here." Her mother patted her cheeks. "Baby, I know you think we're in danger, but it's just not going to happen."
Josh groaned. "I can't deal with her any longer."
"I'm sending the rest of the children to the RV, and I have guard duty. If you can't convince Mom, leave her here in the house, but none of the children will stay here." Adriana stomped up the stairs.
"Send Katie to the motor home. I'll have her stay with the children." Randi shook her head. "Mom, I love you, but you're being stupid."
"You got it." Josh turned and strode out of the room.
The children clomped down the stairs in front of the Adriana. Once they were all in the living room, she pointed to the door. "March. Everyone sleeps in the camper tonight. No whining. No griping. No complaining."
Before she finished her sentence, the kids were whooping and hollering. So her mother didn't like the camper.
"If you think it's too inconvenient to stay in the RV, then stay here. I don't care, but I'm taking the kids to camper where Mark can get them to safety if something happens in the compound. You have the right to choose whether you stay safe, fight, or sit on your behind here and wait to die, but I'm not leaving the kids with you.
She led the children outside and slammed the door hard enough to shake the walls.
"Mommy, can we turn on the TV and play a movie?" Toni asked.
The little girl she'd found on the side of the road had thrived. She smiled with wide eyes and stared at Randi. "Yes."
"Woo hoo!" Toni ran to Lori and Tommy. "Mommy said we can watch a movie."
Randi's chest ached. She shouldn't have yelled at her mom. Why didn't she handle the situation better? "Hang on." She motioned for Toni to come back to her. "Y'all can watch the TV in the bedroom, but keep the door closed and the blinds pulled."
Katie ran up carrying an AR. Child soldier. Randi dropped her head and stared at her shoes. Another spear to her heart.
"Hey Randi. I've got kiddo duty?"
"If Mom tries to take the kids back inside, call Josh or me right away."
Katie hoisted the weapon higher on her shoulder.
"Don't shoot her, though."
The girl's face paled and her eyes went wide. "I would never--"
"It was a joke. I know you're not gonna shoot my family." Randi chucked her under the chin, and went to find Josh. Since Ethan was patrolling the perimeter, they needed to decide whether she should to take Ethan's place in the tower or to join him in the perimeter.
Bryan focused on Daniel. The older Latino man stuck to his side, but Daniel wasn't restrained in any way. Nothing unusual about not allowing him free access to their home. Bryan wouldn't either if he'd caught the guy watching him.
They had ramped up guarding the place. No doubt Daniel spilled Vixen's plans, or what little he knew about them. Good. They needed to be prepared. Since they'd moved so much stuff and all of the children to the motor home, moved vehicles out of the ATV barn, he assumed they were planning an evac if they were overwhelmed. Also, good since Atlas members outnumbered them by a crushing number. If they tried to stay and fight, they would all die.
Mary Anne stepped out onto the bridge between guard shacks. He focused his binoculars on her. She had a long gun. He couldn't tell exactly what kind from this distance, and a firearm strapped to her hip.
Mary Anne was key. He needed to have a one-on-one talk with her. If she convinced him she left Atlas of her own free will, he was going to offer his help to this group. They needed any advantage they could get to stand against Vixen and her minions.
So far, Vixen's plan to invade involved bringing everyone down the river in a raft. If she stuck to that plan, it would be easy to pick them off before they ever reached the outer fence. He could set up on a hill and take them out one by one until the main part of the group dispersed and left Reginald's family alone. If he had a chance, Vixen would be the first to go.
For some reason, he didn't believe she would share her full plans with anyone, including him. No matter how many times she told him the op hinged on him, he didn't believe for a second that she had any qualms about burning him.
Of course, he had no qualms about burning her after watching this group function. They took in strangers, treated them well, and acted like a true family. They didn't care about skin color, something Vixen couldn't say.
He sighed and shifted position. The blond guy had traded positions with the beautiful brunette. When he came close enough, he would approach him. He'd delayed long enough trying to give credence to Vixen's lies, but it was time, past time to talk to Mary Anne.
Chapter 18
Josh stretched and walked the perimeter of the inner area. His skin crawled as if a million eyes watched his every step. How many people did Vixen have surveilling them? They needed to scour every inch of the land surrounding the compound. If they captured more of Vixen's crew, it would diminish her numbers at least some. If they had eighty people of fighting age who were willing to die for the woman, then his group didn't stand much chance.
He didn't want to use binoculars in case someone was watching. Although, they'd probably already figured out he suspected them because of Daniel's capture.
Why did life have to be so complicated? Living in the plague was hard enough without the uninfected set on destroying each other.
He crossed the bridge at the back of the compound and surveyed the landscape on the other side. One of the mountain cedars moved, but there was no wind. An animal? Dusk was fast approaching so it was hard to tell.
The tree moved again, a form emerged from under it, and yelled, "Hey."
Josh froze. He gripped his weapon and willed the shakiness in his limbs to still. "What do you want?"
The man placed his hands on the back of his head and approached the fence. "Name's Bryan Ridley, and I need to speak to Mrs. Barker. Could you ask her to meet me out here?"
"Nope." Josh kept his hand on his gun. "No way will I bring her out here until I know if you have a weapon and what the devil's going on."
"My weapon is under the tree. Not within reach. I'm from Atlas, and I want to talk to her to find out if the leader is filling our heads with bunk or if Mary Anne is here against her will."
"Against her will?" Josh laughed. "Sorry. I can assure you my aunt is not held against her will."
"Your aunt?"
"Yeah." He grabbed a walkie and called to have his aunt join them. "I'm Josh Barker. Reginald's my uncle."
"What about the little girls? Are they okay?"
"Better than okay now that they're away from the insane group that held them hostage. You're worrying about Aunt Mary Anne being here against her will, but they had to sneak away from your place in order to leave." Josh motioned to their home. "Why stay there when they had this, and family waiting for them here?"
"Are all of the people here family?"
Josh crossed his arms. "We aren't all blood related. In many cases we didn't know each other until the world collapsed, but we're all family now."
"I noticed you have several black families."
Josh pressed his lips into a firm line and glared at the man. "We have Latino, black, white. What difference does the color of skin or culture make at this point? The only ones we've turned away from here have been infected or tried to infiltrate without asking."
Bryan laughed. "Man, I'm not trying to get on your bad side. One of the couples you took in, I sent them here. Vixen refused to give them shelter because they were black. I'd been watching your group and wanted to see what would happen if they asked for shelter."
"You sent the Lewises to us?"
Bryan rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry, man, but they needed help, and it was a good opportunity to watch how you would react. I knew we didn't have any one of color in Atlas, but until I saw Vixen turn them away I didn't realize she was a racist witch. We have one Latino, but that's it."
"Sound like your fearless leader's quite the gal."
He muttered a few choice words. "She's not my leader."
Mary Anne walked up to Josh. "What's going on?"
"This man says he'd like to talk to you. He's from Atlas."
She smiled. "I remember meeting you a few times, but I'm not sure I ever caught your name."
"Bryan Ridley, ma'am. I'd like to talk to you alone for a few minutes, if you don't mind."
"No!" Josh gripped his firearm a little tighter. "I'm not leaving."
"Honey, I'll be fine." Aunt Mary Anne patted his cheek. "Besides, you need to make rounds."
He clenched his jaw. This didn't sit right with him. He keyed his walkie and called Mark in the rear tower. "Focus on the guy at the fence while I make rounds. Don't take your eyes off him. He's alone with Aunt Mary Anne." After Mark agreed, Josh pointed at Bryan. "If you even look at your weapon, my brother will put you down." He motioned to the man's hands. "In fact, stick those puppies in the air. Clasp your hands behind your head and don't move until I get back. Got it?"
Bryan grimaced. He looked a fool with his hands over his head, but he wanted to find out what was going on. "I need to know if you left Atlas because you wanted to, or if Reginald forced you."
"No one forced me to do anything, except for Vixen. She took our car, our weapons, locked us in our room, and told us we couldn't leave 'for the greater good'. Then she beat my child because Belle stood up for a boy. A boy Vixen had mistreated. She used a whip on Belle."
His body tensed. "She did what?"
"You heard me. She beat my daughter. Now, do you think my husband had to force me to leave under those circumstances?"
"No ma'am. I came here to find out whether I could trust Vixen or not. I refused to help her unless I was comfortable with what she was saying about your group." His arms ached. "Guess I got my proof, didn't I?" He sucked in a deep breath. "I'd like to join you as an ally."
"How do I know we can trust you?"
"I'll do whatever you'd like, but if I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn't ask to join your ranks."
Josh rounded the corner and stood with his arms crossed until Mary Anne waved him over. Bryan lowered his hands. "We need to talk, but it needs to look like you took me captive. There's someone watching the front, and if he sees me walk in here of my own free will, I don't know what might happen."
"I'll bring the truck around. Meet us at the road up top."
Bryan turned and hiked toward the road. After a few minutes, Josh and Randi pulled up next to him. She stuck her hand out. "I'm Randi. Josh said you need to talk to us."
"Yes. Y'all are in trouble. Big trouble."
They climbed into the truck and headed back toward the compound. Bryan pointed to the bullet hole in the windshield. "Someone take a pot shot at you?"
"Yeah." Since she refused to elaborate, he didn't push.
As they neared the compound, Randi turned to Bryan. "Duck down into the back where your cohort can't see you. We'll take you up the nearest stairs and you can use the upper level to get around the compound. The longer it is before he realizes you're gone, the better."
He slipped out of the truck. Randi and Josh shielded him until he reached the tower door. Once inside, Randi introduced him to Mark who was on guard duty and had them switch clothes. Bryan and Mark were about the same size, but Bryan's hair was a little darker. Maybe the person watching the front wouldn't notice the difference.
Once they'd changed, Josh grabbed a cap off a shelf, handed it to Bryan, and motioned for Bryan to follow him. They walked all the way around the complex never leaving the bridges until they reached the back corner. Then he went down and into the house. Just before they opened the door, Bryan's radio squeaked.
"Bryan, it's Phil."
"Answer him, but don't hint that you're with us."
Bryan leaned forward and said, "What? We're supposed to keep radio silence."
"I saw that chick and guy leave for a while. Looked like they might have seen you."
"No way. I'm a pro. If anyone gave us away, it was you. Better watch your back."
"Jerk. They didn't come to my area."
"Phil, shut up or you're going to alert everyone within six miles."
"You sure
they didn't see you when they made rounds?"
"Positive. I was a sniper. I know how to disappear. Now, go away. I'm turning my radio off so you don't draw their attention."
They walked into the kitchen and a woman dished up a bowl of stew and tortillas with butter. "I'm Randi's mother, Faustina. You eat up, and then you can talk."
After she left, Josh grinned. "She thinks the way to fix the world is to feed it. We had to go on frequent runs until we took in Cooper and raided his Dad's bed and breakfast of all of the supplies they had because we blow through supplies like crazy. I think she continues to increase the amount she cooks because we've added more people. We've tried to explain to her that we'll run out of supplies, but she refuses to listen when we tell her to cut back."
"Or move to the camper," Randi muttered.
Bryan took a bite of the stew. "Oh man, this tastes like what my abuelita used to make."
Josh frowned. He had dark hair and blue eyes. "You speak Spanish?"
"Yes. My grandmother on my mom's side immigrated from Madrid."
"I didn't think Ridley was a Spanish name." Josh shifted in his seat. "Do you know Vixen's plans?"
"She's not forthright, but I figure she's going to invade whether she has a viable plan or not. Since Barker left, she's been in a snit, and when Phil stumbled upon this place, she decided it was going to be hers."
"Does she know Uncle Reg is here?"
Bryan took another bite and swallowed. "Now, she's more intent to take over. She plans to kill everyone here. Told us all sorts of lies about y'all holding people against their will. The lady watching with Daniel even said y'all must've killed him because she hadn't seen him once you brought him into the compound."
Josh jammed his hands through his hair. "Let me grab Ethan. Any idea when she plans to invade?"
"No. When they tell her you captured Daniel, it may be sooner than later. She tends to react instead of plan."
"Randi, why don't you bring Daniel in while I get Ethan?" They slipped out the door.