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Dark Days (Book 2): Inquisition

Page 18

by Dyer, Marcy G.

  A few minutes later, Josh and a black man walked back inside. He introduced the man as Ethan. "Do you think we can trust Daniel?"

  "Not sure."

  "He said told us everything he knows, but he's hard to read. He did say he used to be an undercover narc."

  "That part's true. Or at least in keeping with what he told us." Bryan shrugged.

  Randi brought Daniel into the room. "I'll get you some lunch. While you eat, talk."

  Daniel saw Bryan, and his eyes went wide.

  "Give it up. We know you and Bryan know each other. You're both part of Vixen's group. It's time for you to start talking."

  "I did. Everything I told you was true."

  Randi plopped a bowl in front of him. "We know she's going to attack us. You've told us that much. Now, tell us how and when."

  He gave Bryan a pleading look. "Don't tell her I ratted her out. She's likely to kill my kids for me getting captured."

  "She knows they've captured you. In fact, she already told everyone that Reg's group killed you." Bryan shrugged. "Doesn't matter if we tell these people anything or not, we're both dead as far as Vixen is concerned."

  "Dude, you think we're just going to turn this guy loose to run back to tell her what's happening within our fences? He's stuck here with you," Ethan said.

  "You already know her plans. What more do you want."


  Daniel looked at Bryan. "We're too low in the organization to know. Her lieutenants are Alton Jones, Jose Sanchez, Jane Breach, and Lewis Teague."

  "What about this Phil that's watching the front?" Josh asked.

  Bryan raised an eyebrow. "She hates Phil almost as much as she does me. In fact, when she attacks, he'll probably get hit with 'friendly fire'."

  "Yeah. Phil talks too much. When he spilled to Reginald about escaping, that doomed him."

  "Sounds nice," Randi said. "So, all either of you know is that she's going to attack at some point. We don't know how to prepare, or what to expect."

  Randi watched Bryan. He seemed on the up and up, but she didn't trust anyone outside of their group. That included the Lewises.

  Daniel wrapped his arms around his middle and leaned forward as if he was caving in on himself. "You think you can get my kids out of Atlas without getting them killed?"

  "I come and go as I please." Bryan leaned back. "I can do what I want, and that includes getting your children out here. It'll take some work, and I'll need the help of a few people from here, but if they're willing to help, we can get them."

  "What's your plan?" Randi propped her elbows on the table. "If it involves any of us, we need to know details before we agree to leave this camp." Did this man want to draw them away from the compound so Vixen could attack unhindered?

  Bryan took a drink of his water. "Hang on. I don't blame you for not trusting me. I'll go alone, if necessary, but it will go better if I have a kid with me."

  Randi shook her head, "Whoa--"

  "Hang on. Let me explain. If I take a child, someone Vixen hasn't seen, I can suggest they stay with Daniel's children. At a prearranged time, they can all slip out of the house and meet me. I'll get them out of Atlas without a hitch. If I go to his house by myself, she may question it."

  "How?" Josh asked. "From what I understand, she doesn't allow anyone to come and go at will."

  "She does me, only because I'm supposed to be observing your group. All I have to do is tell her I'm going to rest, then head back here to watch. If I feed her some information, she'll have no issues with me whatsoever."

  "What kind of information?" Randi crossed her arms. "As it is, we're at a distinct disadvantage here because of the sheer number of people who follow her."

  "Easy. I'll tell her you're actively recruiting new members and growing by the day." He shrugged. "I'll suggest that I'm developing a plan for Atlas to attack, but I need a few more days before I fill her in."

  "Can you come up with a plan that will guarantee they'll fail?" Randi asked.

  "No. He can't." Daniel leaned forward. "Vixen will do whatever she wants. We can give her the best, most comprehensive plan around, but she'll do things her way."

  Bryan sighed. "He's right. She won't bother to fill any of us in until the last minute. She doesn't trust anyone. No matter how many times I tell her it needs to be worked out in military precision, we all know that won't happen. They'll come in here with guns blazing attempting to kill as many of you as possible. She'll lose a large number of her minions, but that doesn't bother her. No matter how many of her people die, she knows she has enough to rip through your small community here."

  "You make it sound like we should tuck tail and run before she ever attacks." Ethan watched Bryan for a second. "What would she do if we abandoned the place?"

  "Honestly?" Bryan took another sip of his water. "She'll hunt your group down. Reginald has committed some unforgivable slight in her eyes. It doesn't matter whether we understand it. Vixen wants as many of you dead as possible."

  Daniel laughed. "That includes me and Bryan."

  "I understand why she would want you dead." Randi frowned. "But why Bryan? She doesn't know he's made contact with us."

  "He dared to question her. If you want to live, don't question the high and mighty Vixen. The only thing she's ever cared about is that stupid dog Reginald's kids brought into Atlas. The woman doesn't value human life, but you'd better not look at that dog crosswise." Daniel scrubbed his hands over his face. "Enough talk about the woman. I want my children. Now."

  Bryan looked at Daniel. "If we don't do this right, Vixen'll kill them before I can get them out of there. You need to have a little patience."

  "Patience?" Daniel's nostrils flared, and his face turned red. "How am I supposed to do that when she has my kids? I've already lost my wife. Now, you want to me to sit back and wait. For all I know, she could've dragged them out of Atlas and left them to die, and you don't care."

  "She hasn't done anything to them. I've been back and forth enough to hear if anything out of the ordinary had happened. Right now, she's focused on finding out what she can about this place. Jay and Peyton are safe for now." Bryan held unwavering eye contact with Daniel. "Let us work this out. We'll have them here before you know it."

  Bryan pointed to Randi. "She's worked out an escape route if the attackers overwhelm the camp. We can't do much more than that."

  Randi stared into her coffee cup for a long while. Should they run before Vixen had a chance to attack? How far could they get with this rag-tag group? The thought of losing anyone else sent chills down her spine.

  Ethan laid his hand on her back. "Pray for wisdom, darlin'," he whispered.

  Why couldn't she have his faith? Because she'd spent more time being angry with God than she ever did reading the Bible or praying. Ethan had given her a Bible. It was past time to make that change. God, give me wisdom like you do Ethan and Josh. Why was it easier to live angry with God and refusing to trust Him than to put her trust there? She'd blamed Him for letting her down all of her life, starting with Raul. "I need to talk to you, later." Maybe Ethan could bring her back from the edge. She was tired of living one-step away from jumping into the abyss.

  Bryan's legs ached. He'd spent too much time on the hard ground. "It's time to spill it to these people. We need to tell them everything we know about Vixen, Atlas, and the people who live there."

  Daniel stretched. "I told you before there are about eighty people who live in the community. That doesn't count anyone under the age of sixteen. If they're sixteen or older, they're required to fight for her."

  "When I was there last, she said she's training all of the children who are between eight and sixteen to fight." Bryan flexed his fingers. The sicko. "I don't know how many there are between those ages."

  Randi paled. "We have children here. Children carrying guns. I want to get all of them out of here before Vixen attacks." She shoved her chair back and paced. "I'm won't allow them to die protecting a stupid piece of
land. I want the RV gone along with everyone under the age of twenty."

  Josh put a restraining hand on her arm. "Cooper's not twenty yet."

  "Good. He can take the rest of the children and get out of here." She jerked her arm away from Josh. "We are not going to have children fighting for us. If we do, that makes us no better than the Taliban."

  "You aren't sending me away." One of the little girls stood in the doorway with a rifle slung on her shoulder. "You need the help here, and we aren't running away like babies."

  "Katie, you will leave." Randi's lips flattened into a thin line. "I'm not going to be responsible for your death. Period." Randi gave her a look that would wilt even the strongest man. "Gather up everyone under the age of twenty and have them meet me in the camper. Now."

  "Yes, m'am." Katie hung her head and trudged out of the room without argument or backward glance.

  Josh put his hand on her arm. "The older teens aren't going to be ha--"

  "Do you really think I care whether they like me or not? My goal is to keep them alive. Period. I don't care about this place. If the adults want to stay and fight to the death, fine, but I'm getting the young ones out of here. Cooper and Adriana can go with them to watch over them."

  Ethan took her hands in his. "Take a deep breath."

  "Those babies will not fight for me."

  He held eye contact with her and didn't release her hands. "You aren't making them into child soldiers. Sending them away to protect them is fine. How about sending Mark and Adriana instead of Cooper?"


  "Mark keeps your sister calm and focused. He's also a better shot than Cooper." She turned her head, but Ethan put his finger under her chin to bring her gaze back to him. "No. Focus on me, Randi. We're following your directions. The kids will leave, and we'll keep them safe. Okay?"

  Her breathing came in rapid pants. Bryan continued to watch the two. Was this chick in the service? She exhibited clear signs of severe PTSD. "Hey, I agree with getting the children out of here, but I still need one of them to help me get Daniel's children."

  "I'll do it." A waifish girl stood in the doorway. "I can pass for a little kid, unfortunately. Let me go with him." She pointed to Bryan. "What do you need me to do?"

  "Whoa. Wait a minute." Randi waved her hands around. "I said no child soldiers. You aren't going. Period. End of discussion."

  The girl crossed her arms and glared. "Miss Randi, you know what my stepdad was like. I lived through hell. Don't tell me that going into this Atlas place is worse than living with Mel. He was mean, abusive, and did unspeakable things to me. I grew up fast. I'm the most mature of those under twenty living in this camp." She tapped her foot in a rapid beat. "I'm not arguing with you about this, but I'm going."

  Randi melted into her chair. "Izzy, what if something happens to you?"

  "If I don't try, his children will die. Right?"

  Bryan stared at the child for a beat. "Most likely."

  "Then no more arguments. I'm doing this."

  The kid had spunk. "How old are you?" Bryan asked.

  "Twelve. Almost thirteen, but I know I look young, like seven or so. The doctor wanted to start me on growth hormones because I'm behind the curve. Way behind. Mel wouldn't allow it." She shrugged. "It comes in handy, now. I can act like a scared child and get his children out of the house to meet Bryan."

  Randi put her face in her hands. "No, no, no, no."

  Ethan put his arm around her and led her out of the house. Good. They'd never get anywhere with this chick freaking out. Strange. Watching them he figured Randi was tougher than all of the men put together. Something about the children. Maybe she'd lost a child in the past.

  Josh put his hand on the girl's shoulder. "Let us think about it. Okay?"

  "Fine, but you know I can do this." She stomped out of the room.

  "I'll sleep out in the outer area until you trust me, but we need to move soon." Bryan stood and stretched. "The sooner the better."

  Chapter 19

  Vixen called her town together. Everyone except Bryan. The longer he'd stayed in the perimeter, the less she trusted him. For some reason, she had a strange feeling he was stringing her along on the attack. Well she'd show him. They didn't need him at all.

  She stood on the dais and rubbed Fritz's scruff. The pup was growing into a beautiful dog, and he followed her every move. Loved her unconditionally. Like no person ever had. "Sit." He plopped his bottom down without a second's hesitation. "Good boy."

  "Good morning, dear citizens. We are one step closer to our new home." Applause rang out from her group. These were the faithful. Unlike Daniel and Bryan. Those two needed to die. Along with Phil. Had they heard of "friendly fire"? Pepper was all too happy to accommodate in thinning Atlas's herd by eliminating those three as she picked off Reginald's people. A slow smile spread across Vixen's face. Yes, her plan was perfect. They would destroy Reginald and his group.

  She held the bullhorn to her mouth. "Quiet down, now." The crowd grew quiet. "Thanks to Bastian and Steve, we have weapons. Rocket launchers, firearms, and ammo. They breached one of those wacko groups out in the country. Thank goodness for the second amendment and all of those idiots when this country was still functioning. In more reasonable countries, like Canada, what do you suppose people are doing for protection?"

  A smattering of laughter rang out through the group. Vixen swiped at her face. This was the first time in her life she'd been glad the gun lobby was strong enough to prevent outlawing the evil killing sticks. Of course, the group they'd stolen from probably didn't obtain any of their weapons legally, but that was beside the point.

  "Now that we have weapons, I'd like to outline my plan. Please do not repeat this to anyone. I don't care if they are members of our community or not. For reasons I'd rather not say, I want to keep this between us. There are a few who will be given different assignments, and I don't want them to know about our overall plans.

  "Cheryl and Jose found two functioning fire trucks. Jose's welding large battering rams on the front of them. One group will breach from the front of the compound. We'll drive right down the road, take out the fence, and climb inside. The other group will breach from their outer area. Taking out as many as they can along the way. Once we're inside, kill everyone. Men, women, and if the children are armed, kill them. If we don't, they will have no compunction in murdering us."

  She watched her town members as they moved around and stared at the ground. "Please understand Reginald's group is training the children to be soldiers. Just like terrorists in the Middle East trained their children to kill, these babies are lethal. They carry weapons and are trained to use them. I want everyone sixteen and over to train and train hard. You must become accurate with your weapons and lethal with your hands. Alton will work with any of you who aren't quite up to snuff, yet.

  "We attack very soon, so get busy!" She dismissed the group and strode back to her office with Fritz at her side. He'd already learned to heel. One of the smartest dogs she'd ever had the pleasure of training.

  She sat back in her plush leather chair and closed her eyes. The war they were fighting wasn't that much different than the war she'd battled before the fall of the world. Counseling convicts. Now they'd all turned into criminals. Well, since there was no law anymore, not exactly criminals, but nevertheless into the very people she'd worked with. Those she swore she would never become.

  Bronson had stood behind the bars of his cell that day and told her, when the chips were down, they were all the same. If it came down to eating or starving, having shelter or not, living or dying, they were no different. She'd shrugged off his comments as easily as one shrugs off a coat, but now they haunted her. She'd turned into him, and he was an evil person. At least she'd thought he was. Now, she wasn't so sure. He'd had a traumatic life. Much like she had, but she'd risen above it. Gotten her degree, and learned to make a difference. But now that she'd lost everything, she was no different from Bronson.

looked at Izzy. "This won't work."

  "Why not?" Randi asked.

  "She's too clean. It's obvious she hasn't been out trying to survive."

  "I'll fix that." Izzy disappeared without looking back.

  "Tell me your story again. I want to make sure it's a good cover, and Izzy won't get hurt."

  Bryan resisted the urge to blow up at her. They'd been through this a zillion times. "I found her and her father on the road. He'd been bitten and asked me to take her and keep her safe."

  "I pray that works."

  "It will. Quit worrying."

  Izzy came back with old, torn clothing covered in dirt. Her hair hung limp and dull, and dirt caked her face. "How's this?"

  "Great. That didn't take long."

  "I kept my old clothes. Never know when they'll come in handy. The rest was easy. Belle dug up some dirt and smeared it. It was damp enough to cling to me."

  Her shoes even had holes in them. Bryan raised an eyebrow. "Randi, are you satisfied that we'll pass Vixen's inspection?"

  "I guess." She looked at Izzy. "Cry."

  "What? I can't just cry on demand."

  "Sure you can. Think about how hard life is, now."

  Izzy rolled her eyes. "Miss Randi, please just pinch me or something. I don't want to go all emo."

  "Emo?" Bryan asked.

  "You know, emotional."

  "I'm not going to hurt you." Randi crossed her arms.

  Christopher ran up and slugged Izzy as hard as he could in the belly, hit her in the chest, and kicked her both shins with as much force as his hands and feet could muster. Randi grabbed him and pulled him back. "Chris, what is wrong with you? Why would you beat your sister like that?"

  He pointed to her face where tears made tracks through the dirt. "I love her. She'd rather me hit her than have you say mean things to her."

  "I wasn't going to say anything mean to her." Randi rubbed his hair. "I don't want to hurt her."

  "Yeah, well, I took care of it. My sister's tough, but ain't nobody gonna be mean to her."


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