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The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich

Page 32

by Daniel Ammann

  16. Letter of Denise Rich to President Bill Clinton, December 6, 2000. Quoted in Controversial Pardon, 619.

  17. “Plotting a Pardon,” New York Times, April 11, 2001.

  18. Note from Jack Quinn, November 8, 1999

  19. Quoted in Controversial Pardon, 194.

  20. Quoted in “The Threatened Eclipse of a Rising Star,” Journal of Blacks in Higher Education 31 (Spring, 2001): 69.

  21. Controversial Pardon.

  22. United States Constitution, Article II, Section 2: “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

  23. “My Reasons for the Pardons,” New York Times, February 18, 2001.

  24. Bill Clinton, My Life (New York: Knopf, 2004).

  25. Ibid.

  26. Quoted in “Marc Rich Is Sent 137 Million New York Tax Bill,” New York Times, March 2, 2001.

  27. “Head of Rich Foundation Defends Pardon,” CNN, February 20, 2001,

  20: Epilogue

  1. John N. Ingham and Lynne B. Feldman, Contemporary American Business Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary (Westport; Conn.: Greenwood, 1990), xxii.



  ABC News, 96, 254

  African National Congress (ANC), 196

  Alcoa, 188–89

  Algeria, 54, 58, 72, 179

  Almadén mines, 43, 49–50

  Aluminum, 186–89, 274

  Ambition of Marc Rich, 16–17

  America Held Hostage (TV program), 96

  American Bolivian Bank, 34

  American legal isolationism, 130–32

  Angola, 179, 181, 183–85, 194

  Anti-Semitism, 17–19, 26, 38–39, 204

  Antwerp, Belgium, 27–29

  Aouad, Philip, 210

  Apprenticeship at Philipp Brothers, 37–38, 40–41

  Arab oil embargo, 54–55, 99–101, 117

  Arafat, Yasser, 94, 248–49

  ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Company), 80, 81, 101–2, 120

  Ariano, William F., 101–2

  Arms dealing, 153, 240–41, 270

  Arrow, Kenneth J., 87

  Ashkelon, oil pipeline, 64–70, 79–80

  Ashland Oil, 71–72

  Asturiana de Zinc SA, 226–27

  Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), 80, 81, 101–2, 120

  Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 180

  Auschwitz, 29

  Australia, 30–31

  Azemour refugee camp, 30–31

  Azulay, Avner, 159–61, 208

  on anti-Semitism and Marc Rich, 17–18

  Clinton pardon and, 238, 243–49, 252, 258–59

  on death of Marc Rich’s daughter Gabrielle, 212

  Israel assistance by Marc Rich and, 103, 203–7, 208

  Justice Department search and, 201

  security for Marc Rich, 159–61

  on trust and Marc Rich, 86

  Baar, Switzerland, 149–54, 217–18

  “Back-to-back trades,” 53

  Bakhtiar, Shahpur, 92–93

  Bankers Trust Company, 80

  Banking crisis of 2008, 175–76, 266–67

  Barak, Ehud, 160, 246–47, 258–59

  Barceló, Miquel, 10

  Batista, Fulgencio, 45–46

  Bauxite, 186–89, 274

  Bazargan, Mehdi, 93–94

  Begin, Menachem, 103

  Belgium, 25–29

  Ben-Ami, Shlomo, 246, 248–49, 259

  Benn, Tony, 67

  Ben-Yair, Michael, 133

  Beta Israel of Ethiopia, 204–6

  Beyeler, Ernst, 246

  Bialer, Uri, 280n

  Biggin Hill Airport, 156–57

  Billman, Tom J., 200–201

  Birth of Marc Rich, 27–28

  Blum, Adolfo, 40

  Blumenthal, Sidney, 249

  Bolivia, 34, 41, 44

  Bouguerra, Slimane, 178

  Boxer, Barbara, 250

  Braudel, Fernand, 27

  Bribery, 16, 177–78

  British Observer, 207

  British Petroleum, 55–57, 58, 268

  Brown, Dan, 36

  Burlap bags, 34, 35

  Burton, Dan, 2, 17, 141

  Burundi, 181–83

  Bush, George H. W., 141

  Bush, George W., 138, 153, 157, 265

  Caan, James, 36

  Cabinda, Angola, 183–85

  Camp David Accords, 198

  Camp Osceola, 33–34

  Carter, Jimmy, 95–97, 101, 116–17

  Case against Marc Rich (United States of America v. Marc Rich, Pincus Green, et al.), 116–43

  alleged “sham transactions” and, 120–22

  announcement of case, 116–17

  five flaws of case, 135–39

  obstructive strategy of Marc Rich, 139–41

  oil price control and, 117–20

  overview of case, 117–22

  as political cause, 141–43, 145–46

  presumed innocent and, 134–35

  Swiss government and extradition, 125–34

  Castro, Fidel, 45–47, 184, 269

  Ceauescu, Nicolae, 68

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 96, 202

  CEPE (Corporación Estatal Petrolera Ecuatoriana), 81

  Certificate of Loss of Nationality, 110

  CFP (Compagnie française des pétroles), 58

  Chalmin, Philippe, 85

  Charles V of Spain, 10

  Charles VI of France, 39

  Chase Manhattan Bank, 124

  Cheney, Dick, 138

  Chevron, 55–57, 101, 183

  Chillida, Eduardo, 273

  China, 43, 86–87, 268–69

  Chrome ore, 67

  Churchill, Winston, 147

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 96, 202

  Citroën, 25, 28–30, 214

  Clarendon Ltd., 113, 186–89, 231

  Climate change, 265

  Clinton, Bill

  Denise Rich and, 209–10, 250–51, 258

  pardon of Marc Rich. See Clinton pardon

  Clinton, Hillary, 250, 266

  Clinton pardon, 7, 239–63

  Barak’s support for, 246–47

  Denise Rich’s role in, 250–54, 258

  furor over, 2, 241–42, 260–61

  Holder’s role in, 255–57

  Marc Rich on, 261–63

  motivation of President Clinton for, 257–60

  organizing for, 242–46

  Peres’ support for, 247–50

  of Pinky Green, 66–67, 239–41, 245–46, 253

  Shavit’s support for, 206, 246

  tax bargain, 260–61

  Clinton Wars, The (Blumenthal), 249

  Club of Rome, 14

  Cobuco (Compagnie Burundaise de Commerce), 181–83

  Cohiba cigars, 11, 47

  Collateral, 79–90

  Coltan, 274

  Comey, James, 157, 168–71

  Commodities trading (traders). See also Marc Rich + Co. AG; Philipp Brothers

  future of, according to Marc Rich, 264–65, 268–71

  impact of Marc Rich on, 13–16, 42–43

  invention of oil spot market, 83–86

  knowledge as power in, 70–72

  short-term vs. long-term thinking, 175–76

  Compagnie française des pétroles (CFP), 58

  Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, 191

  Consejo de Administración de Las Minas de Almadén y Arrayanes, 43, 49–50

  Conyers, John, 164

  Copetas, A. Craig, 8, 47, 104, 177<
br />
  Copper, 47, 67

  Corporación Estatal Petrolera Ecuatoriana (CEPE), 81


  in countries rich in oil and gas, 15

  in Nigeria, 100

  in Nigeria and Zaire, 178

  purported, 178

  Corviglia, 20–21, 22–23

  Costello, Frank, 108

  Credit, 79–80, 180–81

  Credit Suisse, 76

  Crovitz, Gordon, 139–40

  Cuba, 45–47, 84, 195, 269

  Angola and, 184

  Marc Rich assignment, 46–47

  trade embargo, 11, 47, 169

  Cuba Metales, 84

  Cuban cigars, 11, 47

  Currency market, 57

  Cyr, David P., 201

  Dagli, 189–90

  Dauphin, Claude, 228–29

  Davis, Marvin, 111, 123

  Dean, John W., 122

  Defense Department, U.S., 86

  Democracy, 269–70

  De Niro, Robert, 36

  Desco Shoe Corporation, 214

  De Weck, Pierre, 246

  Diamond trade, 27

  Dictators, dealing with, 194–96

  Dictum meum pactum, 87

  Dien Bien Phu, 37

  Die Weltwoche, 128

  Dinkins, David, 112

  Domingo, Ursula Santo, 5, 49, 235–36

  on Gisela Rossi, 219–20

  on greatest strengths of Marc Rich, 19, 42

  on loyalty of Marc Rich, 78

  on the Rich family, 215, 217

  Donovan, Donald S., 162

  Early life of Marc Rich, 12–13, 18, 25–34

  Economist, 130–31

  Ecuador, 81, 100, 193

  Education of Marc Rich, 28, 33, 36

  Edward I of England, 39

  E. F. Swinney Elementary School, 33


  reconciliation between Israel and, 198–200

  Suez Canal and, 43, 54–55, 65

  Yom Kippur War, 71–72

  Eilat, Israel, 54, 64–70

  Eisenberg, Emil, 76, 110, 214, 223

  Eisenberg, Gery Diamant, 214

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 37, 43

  El-Baz, Osama, 200

  Elf Aquitaine, 80

  Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act (EPAA) of 1973, 72, 117

  Emerging markets, 50–51

  Energy Department, U.S., 118, 136

  Engelhard Mineral & Chemicals, 73

  Eritrea, 204–5

  Esso, 55–57

  Estermann, Josef, 246

  Ethics, 274–76

  Ethiopia, 204–5

  Extradition of Marc Rich, 128–34, 149–50

  “Extraordinary rendition,” 153

  Exxon, 58, 101, 184–85

  Faust (Goethe), 275

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 106, 107–8, 154, 158–59, 162–65

  Most Wanted List, 13, 164, 172–73

  Federer, Roger, 105–6

  Fenton, Alan, 191

  Ferraro, Geraldine, 250

  Ferrarone, Don, 151–53

  Feuchtwanger, Lion, 25

  “Final cut privilege,” 3–4

  Financial crisis of 2008, 175–76, 266–67

  Financial Times, 7, 174

  Fink, Robert F., 5

  Clinton pardon and, 240–41, 245, 258

  death of Marc Rich’s daughter Gabrielle and, 211

  Marc Rich case and, 140, 149, 172–73

  on trust and Marc Rich, 87–88

  Finland, 161

  Fitzgerald, Patrick, 170–72, 211

  Flacks, Alan, 53, 55, 58–59

  Forbes, 2, 152, 219, 221

  Ford, Gerald R., 111

  Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, 178

  Forest Hills High School, 36

  Fortune, 18, 221

  For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 23–24

  Fourth Council of the Lateran, 39

  Fox, Elaine, 33

  Foxman, Abraham, 246

  France, 86–87

  Franco, Francisco, 49–50, 68–69

  “Frankie” (song), 218

  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 209–10

  Free markets, 55, 77, 85–86, 118, 267–70, 275

  Freud, Sigmund, 25

  Fuggers, The, 50

  Fukuyama, Francis, 40, 86–87

  Future according to Marc Rich, 264–71

  Gabrielle Rich Leukemia Research Centre, 253–54

  G&P Foundation, 251, 252, 253–54

  Garment, Leonard, 112, 135, 136, 140, 167–71, 172, 199–200

  Germany, 25–29, 54, 87, 214

  Ginsburg, Martin, 135, 136, 142–43, 257

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 136

  Giuliani, Rudolph W. “Rudy,” 111–17, 120–34, 138–44, 167–68

  alleged “sham transactions” by Marc Rich and, 120–22

  announcement of indictment against Marc Rich, 8, 116–17

  on Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, 242

  legal obstruction by Marc Rich and, 139–41

  political aspects of case against Marc Rich, 141–43

  RICO strategy against Marc Rich, 122–23, 139–40

  Swiss government and Marc Rich, 125–34

  unconditional surrender of Marc Rich, 123–24

  Glencore International AG, 235

  Globalization, 89–91, 267–68

  Global warming, 265

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 275

  Goldman Sachs, 175

  Gold standard, 57

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 158

  Gore, Al, 11, 135, 241–42, 244

  Government regulations, 118–19, 267

  Grand Hotel Dolder (Zurich), 167–70

  Gray, John, 275

  Greatest strength of Marc Rich, 19–20

  Green, Israel, 61

  Green, Libby, 61

  Green, Michael, 111, 120–21, 123

  Green, Pincus “Pinky,” 60–62, 66–67, 229

  case against Marc Rich, 8, 115, 117

  Clinton pardon of, 66–67, 239–41, 245–46, 253

  founding of Marc Rich + Company, 73–76

  oil trading and, 70–71, 82, 83–84, 92–94, 185

  Green, Sadie, 61

  Griffel, Anita, 197

  Griffel, Tali, 197–200

  Grotenrath, Mary Jo, 162


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