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Page 15

by SL

"Well, I'm just doing my-my job," she stammered, despite herself.

  "Honestly, your cousin didn't give me much to go on. I'm stumped,


  "Jess has a good heart, Ms. Hamilton. I'm sure he answered your

  questions the best way he knew how, but there will be trouble if you

  write that story. Let's just say there are folks around town who won't

  be happy if it was published. And my cousin, Lord bless him, doesn't

  want any trouble and neither do I."

  Folks around town. Jac knew exactly who Cameron meant. The

  families with sithech-blood – like Ray's. She definitely didn't want to

  hurt Ray or his family. Despite the fact she was a reporter, they'd

  trusted her. They'd told her the truth about their existence. In the

  wrong hands, that kind of information was dangerous ... very


  Jac nodded. "All right. I'll reconsider my assignment." She tapped

  a finger on the folder in front of her. "Besides, I don't have any solid

  facts. No facts, no story. Correct?"

  Cameron held her gaze for a long moment then a wide grin spread

  over his face. "Jess was right about you, Ms. Hamilton. You're one

  smart lady. Damn smart." Slowly, he rose from the table. "Thank you

  for listening to me. I'm sure you've done the right thing."

  "I hope so." She exhaled a long breath and slid her reading glasses

  on. "I certainly hope so."

  "Oh! If you know of any reporters looking to relocate to a quiet

  little town, please feel free to give me a call. Our little newspaper

  could sure use someone with journalism experience." Cameron

  grinned, his eyes twinkling in the diner light.

  Jac blinked, gazing up at the man over her frames. "Do you still

  work for the local newspaper, sir?"

  "No, Ms. Hamilton. I own the newspaper," he replied with a wink.

  Without another word, he headed for the exit.

  She blushed. Great! How embarrassing! She shook her head then

  returned her attention to the folder. The story was dead. There were

  no wolves in Heather Grove or, at least, that's what she planned to tell

  her editor. But, what other kind of subject would be interesting for

  her article? She mused, drumming her fingers on the table, deep in


  A bell chimed, drawing her attention to the door. Ray strolled over

  to the booth with a big grin on his face. It was a grin which pierced

  through the heavy fog of her thoughts. Her heart did a somersault in

  her chest. She loved the way he made her feel. Just the gleam in his

  eyes when he looked her way made her tremble with desire and


  He stopped at a table, chatting with a group of men. From the

  appearance of the men, Jac figured out they were construction

  workers, part of Ray's crew. An idea dawned on her. A smiled curled

  over her lips. "Yes, that's it!" she squeaked with delight.

  Her fingers flickered over the laptop keyboard while she typed out

  her idea. Oh boy, what a lifesaver! She was buried in her thoughts

  when Ray approached the booth.

  "Hello, pixie! What are you so happy about?" he asked, sliding into

  the empty seat across from her.

  Jac looked over, meeting his gaze with a big smile. "You've just

  given me a brilliant idea!"


  Ray was surprised Jac had asked to interview him, but he listened

  intently to her idea about an article on the renovations of older

  buildings in Heather Grove.

  "It'll make a good substitute for the other story, don't you think?"

  There was a merry twinkle in her eyes.

  "So, what changed your mind?" he asked, perplexed. Jac proceed

  to tell him about her dilemma, about being unsure about writing her

  story on the wolves ... and about her conversation with Cameron


  Ray stiffened at the mention of the man's name. Even though

  Cameron was twice his age, the man had a way about him which got

  on Ray's nerves.

  "What? Did he threaten you?" His curled his hand into a fist, the

  sithech-blood pumping hard in his veins.

  "Oh no! It's not like that!" she quickly replied. "He just pointed out

  if the story was published it would cause trouble." Jac laid her hand

  on top of his curled fingers. Her touch was soothing. "And he's right.

  I don't want to cause any trouble for your family or you."

  Ray's anger lessened a notch. The thought of her not wanting to

  cause trouble for his pack touched him. "Thanks." He nodded with

  sigh of relief. Despite the smile on his face, mixed emotions still

  swirled in his gut. No one would ever threaten Jac ... not while he

  was around.

  To his disappointment, her touch was short-lived and she returned

  to typing. Ray sat across the table, staring at her lovely features. He

  wanted desperately to kiss her lips, to feel her body against him.

  Desire stirred in his groin. He wanted to be alone with her again.

  He cleared his throat, drawing her attention. "Are you through with

  your email?"

  "Sure." Jac nodded, removing her reading glasses and placed them

  beside her empty coffee mug. "I was just jotting down a few notes on

  the renovation story. Why?"

  "It's too crowded in here." He hinted, hoping she'd get his point.

  She paused a moment, gazing into his eyes. "Too crowded, huh?

  Why don't we go back to your place?" She suggested with a smile.

  "I like the sound of that." He nodded, but all he could think about

  doing was scooping her up into his arms. He wanted to give her some

  primal loving like the night before. The full moon fever was already

  burning in his veins. "Why don't you head out to the truck while I

  take care of the bill?" He winked, sliding out of the booth.

  Jac flashed him a seductive smile and quickly began to gather her


  * * * *

  He stepped up to the counter. Mary Lynn crossed the crowded

  diner, coming around to the register.

  "Hey Ray," Mary Lynn grinned, taking the check. "You're leaving

  so soon? No usual cup of coffee today?"

  "Nope." He shook his head, pulling the money from his wallet.

  "I'll see you out at the truck." Jac laid a hand on his arm then

  headed for the exit. The warmth of her touch lingered, making him

  smile. She made Ray feel like the luckiest man in the room.

  "Since when have you two become a couple, huh?" Mary Lynn

  asked. Ray's gut coiled as he cut his eyes over to the waitress. It was

  jealousy ... pure sithech jealousy. He could sense it in her aura, even

  though the blonde was smiling.

  "Ah, come on." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Give me a break."

  He tossed a couple of bills onto the counter for her tip then turned,

  heading for the door.

  The ride home would give him plenty of time to tell Jac what was

  on his mind ... and his heart. His chat with Megan renewed his hopes

  and eased his doubts. Now, it was up to him. Even though she was

  human, he'd have to convince Jac that she was his mate.

  Ray only hoped Jac felt the same way.

  * * * *

  "Oh, that's wonderful, Ray! Megan's going to have a baby!" Jac

  squealed as the truck rumb
led down the road.

  "Yes ... and I'm going to be an uncle."

  "How does that make you feel?" Jac glanced over at him.


  She couldn't help but smile at the sour expression on his face. "Aw,

  it does not." Jac laughed, shaking her head. "You're excited, I just

  know it." She sat back in the seat, her mind reeling with the news.

  Even though she had barely knew Megan and Derek, she was happy

  for them.

  A baby. She hadn't thought much about motherhood. She'd spent

  most of her adult life pursuing her writing career. Children were the

  last thing on her mind ... until now. Jac stole a glance in Ray's

  direction. Her heart gave a flutter, then an uneasy feeling coiled in the

  pit of her tummy.

  "Uh, Ray? Will the baby be a regular human or sithech? I mean,

  Megan and Derek have that special wolf-blood. The baby will be

  okay, right?"

  "Yeah, more than likely. Megan will have to remain in human-

  form until the baby's born, but it will be human. The sithech part

  won't fully develop until the child reaches puberty," Ray explained

  with surety.

  Jac thought about what he'd said then swallowed hard when another

  question crossed her mind. "Well, what if, say, a human and someone

  of sithech-blood have a child? What then?"

  Ray was quiet. He didn't answer. His silence made her

  uncomfortable. Pulling into the driveway, he shut off the engine then

  turned to face her. His eyes shimmered in the fading sunlight.

  "Honestly, I don't know. Believe me, I've been giving it lots of

  thought since we first made love." He reached over and took hold of

  her hands. His touch soothed away the tension swirling inside her.

  Jac drew a deep breath. "Me too," she confessed. "I feel as if I've

  known you–"

  "Forever?" Ray finished her sentence with a smile.

  "Uh, yeah." She blinked, stunned. Damn, he's reading my mind

  again. Jac licked her lips. "I mean, it's all so crazy. I honestly don't

  know why I even asked a question like that."

  "I think you do know, Jac." Ray held her gaze. "If I'm not

  mistaken, I think we're both feeling the same thing."

  "And what might that be?" She cocked her head, attempting to read

  the expression on his face.

  "We are meant to be together." He paused, taking a deep breath and

  affectionately squeezed her hands. Jac's heart skipped a beat, yet she

  patiently waited to him to continue. "Despite the fact you're human

  and I'm sithech, we're mates."

  "Mates?" The inside of the truck suddenly became very warm. Her

  head swam. "You mean like soulmates, right?"

  "Yeah, something like that," he confirmed with a nod. "Those of

  sithech-blood are often gifted with intuition. Our heightened degree

  of awareness can help us find our mates ... the ones we want to have a

  special relationship with – "

  "Y-you're saying that you want a relationship with me?" Jac

  interrupted, stunned by his confession.

  "Yes, I sensed it from the moment I met you. Honestly, I thought it

  was the full moon playing tricks on me. I was wrong." Ray chuckled,

  his eyes twinkling in the fading sunlight. "What I'm feeling for you,

  Jac, is the real thing."

  Even though she wasn't psychic, she sensed it, too. Their

  connection was downright spooky, but in a good way. It was certainly

  very real and very special. True to his alpha wolf-nature, Ray was

  loyal, protective and loving.

  He was an ideal mate ... her soulmate.

  She drew a deep breath, opening her heart and instantly sensed the

  sithech within him. A strange sensation swept over her. Her body

  responded to the unbridled desire which flared to life in his eyes.

  Instinctively, she leaned in, beckoning him for a kiss ... and,

  without a word, he complied.

  * * * *

  Her lips on his sent a ripple of excitement throughout his body.

  Ray could have kissed her forever. However, she stopped him with a

  gentle hand to his chest and gestured to the house with a tilt of her

  chin. She wanted to go inside. Her kiss was like an unspoken

  promise lingering on his lips. Without delay, he grabbed her laptop

  bag and quickly ushered her through the door.

  Without a word, he gingerly deposited the bag onto the kitchen

  table and they both made for the living room sofa bed. In the warmth

  and comfort of his home, Ray pulled Jac back into his arms. Back

  where she belonged.

  Her heated kisses awakened the sithech inside him, making his skin

  burn with full moon fever. Reaching for the hem of her sweater, he

  peeled the sweater over her head. Every fiber of his being was eager

  to make love to her once again.

  Jac's responsive desire equaled his while she tugged off his shirt

  and placed hot kisses over the expanse of his chest. Ray moaned, his

  lust spiking higher as her lips moved lower.

  "Good God, you're killing me," he gasped.

  She only giggled then traced her mouth over the outline of his cock

  pressed firm against the denim seam. Playfully, she pushed him back

  onto the sofa mattress and whipped off his blue jeans. Jac grinned;

  happy he preferred not to wear any briefs. His cock greeted her with a

  stiff salute.

  "Oh my," she cooed, sliding onto the mattress beside him, topless.

  Her nipples were tight buds, revealing her own excitement. Before he

  could fondle her breasts, Jac reached over and encircled his cock. Her

  touch seemed to have an enlivening effect on every part of his being.

  Jac brushed a stray hair from her face and then lowered her head,

  taking his cock into her mouth.

  Ray groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. Depriving himself of sight,

  the pleasurable sensation of her mouth upon his shaft made his insides

  quiver. If she keeps this up, I'll explode! He drew a ragged breath,

  struggling for control. Oh damn! 10 ... 9 ... 8...

  The countdown in his head seemed to be working until her tongue

  teased his cockhead, then flicked over the sweet spot just below his

  crown. "Ah, yesss!" He hissed. The imaginary numbers burst like

  soap bubbles. She had him wrapped around her tongue.

  The moon fever rushed through his veins, centering on his groin.

  "Oh, baby, that feels good," he gasped while the pressure inside him

  simmered. Gripping a sheet with a hand, Ray clutched it and

  attempted to keep from coming too soon.

  "Enough," he gasped. "Baby, please stop." Jac glanced up at him

  with a knowing smile. Her eyes gleamed in the dim light of the

  house. Ray reached down and pulled her up to him, capturing her

  mouth in a full kiss.

  His tongue darted into her yielding mouth. A low moan escaped

  from her throat while he peeled her out of her clothes. The feeling of

  her soft skin now brushing against his naked body was driving him

  insane. The familiar scent of her womanly musk greeted his nose.

  The scent of his mate. She was wet and ready for him. Ray pulled his

  lips from hers and gazed up into her bedazzled expression.

  "Condom?" he whispered, arching an eyebrow.

  Reluctantly, Jac slid off the mat
tress and padded over to her laptop

  bag. Her hands trembled when she unzipped the side flap. Every part

  of her body hummed with excitement. Never in her life had she felt

  this way about any man ... wolf ... whatever he was. It didn't matter.

  All that mattered were the strong, heady sensations he stirred in her,

  both body and soul.

  Rummaging through the pocket, she finally found the foiled packet.

  "Got it," she grinned, holding it up triumphantly between her fingers

  and climbed back onto the mattress.

  "Allow me," she giggled like an imp, ripping the packet open and

  slid the rubber into place. Ray's cock bobbed. It was thick, hard and

  ready for her. Jac's sex was moist and slick with her own juices. She

  was ready, too and rolled on top of him, saddling his chest.

  "Jac, this is a dream come true." Ray smiled up at her.

  "Yours or mine?" she asked then gave a low groan of pleasure as

  his heated palms cupped her breasts. She arched her back, leaning

  into his sweat caresses. His touch was like magic, primal and hot, yet

  tender and loving at the same time.

  Somewhere, muffled in the scattered clothing, Jac's cell phone rang.

  He stopped in mid-motion. "Let's ignore it," she whispered, not

  wanting to break the mood. "Please, Ray, don't stop."

  Ray gave a raw chuckle and nodded. Jac leaned over, tantalizing

  him with her breasts. He covered the fleshy mounds with kisses, then

  deftly took a peaked nipple between his lips and suckled. Jac's entire

  body trembled with escalating desire. Splaying a hand over his chest

  to steady herself, she encircled his cock with the other hand. Her hips

  lifted, then she slid onto his shaft in one swift move.

  "Oh God," he moaned, releasing her nipple and cupped the back of

  her neck. He drew her to him, kissing her as she rode his cock.

  He filled her completely. Jac relished the sensation, moving her

  hips to the erotic rhythms which pulsed inside her. Her sex gripped

  Ray's cock, seeking undiluted pleasure from their conjoined bodies.

  His hands slid down her body, then held onto her hips. Ray thrust

  upwards, matching her increasing tempo.

  "Oh, Ray! God, yes!" she gasped while they moved together. She

  clung to him, riding his cock until white-hot sparks of passion flared

  inside her. Jac let out a wordless cry. Her climax imploded and

  rocked her world.


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