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Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  I’m also unsure about Ruben. What is he up to with his show of affection after saying he’d give me space? Being totally confused about the guy is giving me a headache. I know it probably had something to do with me chatting to Hunter, but still.

  Never mind, Liz says everything usually works its self out. This is one time I hope she’s right.

  Finishing putting the glasses away on the shelf, I turn and come face to face with Simon. Thank God, his friend isn’t around. “What’s going on Rosie?”

  “Um, I’m busy. Why? What’s wrong?” I mumble with a belly full of butterflies.

  “I saw you loving up to Ruben. I’ve told you before that you need to stay away from him. You’re too young and too damn innocent to hang out with him.”

  As though I don’t know that already. But it pisses me off that he thinks I’m an idiot and can’t work that out for myself.

  “I’m well aware of that. Did you want anything else?” I just want him gone because I’ve had enough of him warning me away from Ruben.

  His eyes narrow before he grins. “Yes. Bring two Americanos to my office, please.” Simon smirks and disappears toward his office while my stomach drops to my toes.

  I’m presuming that’s where he’s disappeared to with his friend, which makes me want to hurl. There is no way I’m going into that office on my own with them two in there. I don’t trust Simon to protect me, and his friend looks at me as though he’d like to do something to me. And I don’t mean in a nice way.

  Placing my hand over my stomach, I inhale and try to calm my nerves. I can do this. I can do this. It isn’t as though I can send Craig in there with the drinks once they’re made. He’d trip on his way in with nerves.

  “I’ll take them,” Hunter says dragging me out of my panic. “Make the drinks Rosie and I’ll take them in there. Make some excuse for why you can’t.”

  I want to jump at him and say yes please, but I can’t do that. This is my job and Hunter isn’t always going to be around to protect me. “I’ll manage, but thanks.”

  “Rosie,” he waits until I meet his eyes before he continues, “this is non-negotiable.”

  Shaking my head, I place my hand on his arm as he leans across the bar toward me. “I’ll let you open the doors for me, and you can wait for me to exit the office, but I need to take them in. I don’t want Simon thinking he can scare me off.”

  Quickly making the coffees, I place them on a clean tray and add a small plate of handmade chocolates, which gets delivered directly from Marcella’s Sweet Treats twice a week. Shifting the coffee cup slightly on the tray, I take a deep breath unable to delay any longer. Lifting the tray, I walk toward the end of the bar. Hunter lifts the hatch for me and clears a path through to the back of the club and the offices.

  He’s been here often enough that Hunter doesn’t need direction and with a quick look over his shoulder, he opens Simon’s door for me, and whispers, “I’ll keep the door open,” as I walk past him into the room.

  Moving forward, I place the tray on the corner of Simon’s desk in the spot he’s removed his mess from. Without making eye contact with either man in the room, I turn and start to walk to the door seeing my escape insight.

  “Hold up, Rosie,” Simon says.

  My heart starts to thud in my chest. What the hell does he want now?

  “You can go,” Simon dismisses Hunter.

  “I’ll wait. Ruben’s asked me to escort her to his office.”

  Has he?

  “Hmm. Really.”

  “Yes really,” Hunter replies holding his hand out for me. “Rosie, c’mon.”

  I don’t need telling twice and dash out of the office and hear the door close as Hunter grabs my arm and pulls me around the back corner, out of sight.

  “Breathe, Rosie.”

  Hunter is standing in front of me trying to calm me down, but he’s making me more worked up. I was nervous about the guy before Hunter said anything to me, but he’s kind of made me more aware of them. And that, combined with my imagination, has me terrified. Taking a few deep breaths, I gradually start to calm down. Heat fills my cheeks as I realize that maybe I was a little stupid for reacting the way I did to Simon and that guy.

  Simon has been around since I started working here so I’m just being ridiculous. No matter what, there is no way Simon would let any harm come to me.

  “Are you okay, now?”

  “I’m fine.” I push away from the wall. “I’m going to pop in and talk to Ruben.”

  “Okay, I’ll be out front.”

  I watch Hunter make his way to the front of the club before walking to Rubens office, and with the door ajar; I’m about to push through when I hear a woman’s voice.

  “I have a hotel room booked, close by. You’ll come and play won’t you, Ruben?”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

  Ruben sighs—as least that’s what it sounded like, and then he says, “Yeah, I’ll come to your hotel.”

  What the hell!

  He can’t mean to…to take her up on her offer to play. Surely he can’t. Not with the way he’s been with me. What was the picnic all about if he planned on continuing to “play?”

  “I’ve missed you, Ruben. Now come on, I want to play.”


  “Now your paperwork will still be there tomorrow, where as I won’t. I’m flying to LA at ten in the morning.”

  “What the hell,” Ruben says after a moment of silence before I hear a chair scrape against the tiled floor.

  Suddenly realizing I’m going to be caught, I quickly move away from the door, which will give me a view of the back door to the club as they exit. At least I presume they’re going to be exiting by the back door.

  “Ruben, you are so funny,” the woman, Veronica says while using a fake laugh.

  If I wasn’t so damn angry and upset, I’d laugh at the whole artificial thing she has going on, but right now I feel like jumping back around the corner and poking her eyes out, and maybe a knee in Ruben’s junk. Would that make me feel any better? It probably would for all of five minutes.

  “Just be quite. I’ll follow you back to your hotel. I don’t like being without my wheels.”

  Then the door bangs shut leaving me stunned with tears silently running down my face.

  Chapter 15 ~ Ruben

  Sitting in my SUV outside Veronica’s hotel is stupid. Other times when she’s stayed here, I’ve always been out of the SUV and inside before she could even get her clothes off in the room. And now I’m sitting here trying to work up the courage to go upstairs with her.

  I’ve never dated her—I’ve never dated anyone, until Rosie came along. But Veronica and I have an agreement that whenever she’s in town, we get together.

  Things have changed for me though, and that change is Rosie. I can’t go up to that room and have sex with Veronica or anyone else because if I do I won’t be able to face Rosie again. It’s not just the thought of Rosie finding out that is stopping me from going getting naked, it’s because I don’t want to.

  Something clicked with me this afternoon when I was thinking back over my time with Rosie and her reaction at the picnic. I realize I don’t need as much control as I usually like to have. I’ll still need to be in the driving seat, but with Rosie I can make love to her without involving ties and toys. This I proved the other week when I did make love to her. I never once thought about anything other than the woman beneath me.

  My brothers like to joke that I’m into all that kinky shit, but the fact is what I’m into is a lot milder than they will ever know. It’s certainly not something I’m going to get into a deep conversation about with them.

  I can’t sit out here all night, I need to go inside and try to explain to Veronica that this—whatever—we have is over, and that she needs to move on because I’m no longer interested.

  Ruben, stop fucking around and get your ass inside!


  Quickly making my way into the h
otel, I avoid the reception desks and head straight for the elevators, finding an empty one ready and waiting.

  Pressing the button for the fifth floor, I lean back against the mirrored walls and try to breathe through my nervousness.

  I’m not a nervous guy so I’m not sure what the hell is wrong with me. I know I’m worried that Rosie will discover where I’ve been this evening and all it will take is for Simon to open his mouth and she’ll get the wrong impression. Or rather the correct one from a month ago, but now that information would be so wrong.

  The elevator comes to a stop as I slowly exit and drag myself three rooms down to Veronica’s room. She could afford the penthouse if she so chose, but that would leave a trail she didn’t want to have.

  I tap on the door and hear her shout, “Come in,” in that husky voice that grates on my nerves. Why am I only just noticing how annoying her ‘squeak’ is?

  Pushing open the door, I make my way inside her dimly lit room, closing the door behind me.



  “You’re taking your time tonight.”

  Oh boy!

  I step into the main room and have a hard time looking anywhere, but at Veronica who is lounging on the bed in all her naked glory with her legs spread as she inserts a vibrator between. I stare. I’m a guy!

  The twitching in my jeans tells me it likes what I’m seeing, but this is so not happening. She’s familiar that’s why I’m having a reaction to her as well as her nakedness.

  “Fuck,” I cuss and turn around giving her my back. “Stop. Veronica you have to stop. I’m not here to play tonight.”

  I hear rustling behind me and freeze wondering what she’s up to now because she’s too quiet, which usually isn’t a good sign. So feeling vulnerable with my back to her, I turn and come face to face with her.

  Reaching out, she caresses up and down my arms as she takes a step closer, which has her breasts up against my chest.

  Inhaling, I try to step away, but she follows.

  “Ruben, tsk…tsk. I know you want me.” She grabs my dick through my jeans and starts to rub.

  I’d be a lying if I said she wasn’t arousing me because she is. I’ve been with her too many times that my dick knows what she can give me, but the brain above my shoulders is telling me no.

  Knocking her hand away, I step back out of her grasp. “Not this time…or any time.”

  “You’re serious.”

  I nod.

  She backs up and grabs her robe from the chair to the side of the bed and wraps it around herself.

  “There’s someone I’m interested in. She’s not in to all this, but I’m into her and I don’t want anything to jeopardize that.”

  God it feels good finally getting that out. Like standing up at an AA meeting for the first time, I guess—not that I’d know, but I’ve been with a friend for support a long time ago.

  “Well. I can honestly say that I never expected to hear that from you.” She sits on the end of the bed and crossing her leg—hums. “I know you’re not immune to me—I felt the evidence. But I can see you mean what you say so I’m not going to try and change your mind.”

  I’m surprised and can’t hide it, which sets her off laughing.

  “Oh God, Ruben. I’m not a heartless bitch. This woman who has you acting like this must be someone special.”

  “She is.” I run my hands through my hair and rest my butt against the desk opposite the bed. “I can’t believe you’re being so good about this. I thought you’d be disappointed, I guess. To be honest it’s a relief you’re so…accepting.”

  “I’m disappointed. I look forward to our little get together, but we both know my real taste is more toward the dark side than where you feel comfortable in going.”

  She’s right about that. I’m not in to whips and floggers, and she’s hinted on more than one occasion that she wouldn’t object to me using them. I’d ignored her.

  All set to leave, I hold my hand out to her. “So no hard feelings.”

  “Is that all I get after months of sex?” She stands and offers me a hug, which I hesitantly accept. “That’s better.”

  I kiss her on the side of her face before untangling myself and making a quick getaway. But once I have the door open, I turn and look back to her. “Look after yourself, Veronica.”

  She nods her head smiling.


  Back at the club I’m looking around for Rosie when Hunter stops me. My heart sinks thinking something has happened to her.

  “You need to stop whatever game you’re playing with her. She’s too damn sweet for you to treat her the way you’re doing,” Hunter says, his jaw tight with anger. He doesn’t look happy. In fact, he looks ready to hit me.

  “What the hell are you talking about? Where’s Rosie? Is she okay?” I try to look around, but I can’t see shit with the dim lighting and him blocking the view onto the club floor.

  “She hasn’t been attacked again if that’s what you mean. But I took her home earlier after she saw you leave with some woman after arranging to meet the same woman at her hotel.”

  My heart sinks and the blood starts to pound in my ears. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I didn’t see her around. How the hell… “I need to talk to her—explain.”

  I pace back and forth. “Yes, I used to fuck Veronica, but that’s all it was. I followed her back to her hotel to talk to her. To explain I couldn’t carry on with her anymore because of Rosie. Shit. I didn’t do anything with her. After I explained to her, we hugged. I kissed the side of her face and left. That’s it.”

  Running my fingers through my hair, I look at Hunter, and say, “What am I going to do. There’s no way she’s going to believe nothing happened… Was she really upset?”

  “If by upset, you mean trying to hold her tears in while silent ones ran down her face, then I guess you could say she was upset.”

  “Fuck.” I sag against the wall beside my office door.

  “The only advice I can offer is to leave her a day or two. She was upset, but she was also pissed as hell. If you want her to listen to you with more of an open mind then you need for her to calm down some, otherwise you could make it worse.” He groans. “And please don’t tell anyone that I’ve just given you advice like a pussy. You’ll ruin me.”

  I shake my head. “You’re safe.” He turns to head back into the club, as I shout him, “Hunter.” He looks toward me over his shoulder. “Thanks for making sure she got home safely.”

  He nods and leaves me alone in my sorrow.

  I should have gone with my first instinct, which was to break it up with Veronica in my office instead of going to her hotel with her. I’d opted for the hotel because if she made a scene I didn’t want Rosie to witness it, but instead it all backfired anyway.

  Nice going Ruben.

  Chapter 16 ~ Rosie

  Three days after the picnic with Ruben and the disaster of an evening, I’m due back in work at eight and I’m having trouble finding the will to go. I really want to see Ruben, and something keeps telling me that there’s more to the story than what I overheard, but I’m afraid that it’s just wishful thinking. I want to believe that he wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him, but after living my life craving someone to want me for who I am, I’m having trouble believing he does.


  I nearly jump out of my skin when someone touches my shoulder at the same time as saying my name.

  “It’s Sabrina. Do you remember me from Lily’s twin’s baptism?” She gives me a quizzical look.

  “Of course I remember you. Sorry you startled me. Have you settled back in to Lexington life?”

  She threads her arm through mine, and says, “Have coffee with me and I’ll tell you about it,” not giving me any choice. I grin. This is just what I need to take my mind off Ruben.

  “We’ll sit here as it’s a nice day. Is this okay?”

  I nod and watch her dash inside to order some coffee, at least
that’s what I’m presuming she’s doing considering she never asked me how I like mine.

  “Here you go. I remembered you like Vanilla Latte, so I hope you still do as I’d forgotten to ask you before I went shooting off inside.” Sabrina places the drinks from the tray to the table along with a third coffee and a plate of amaretto biscuits—my favorite.

  “Carla’s joining us,” Sabrina comments seeing my raised brow in question as she takes the seat opposite me. This is the woman who has Lucien tied in so many knots he doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going. She looks different than she did the last time I saw her. Sabrina’s hair is a shiny, ginger red and falls to her shoulders, which suits her especially with her green eyes and freckles over her nose and underneath her eyes. She looks young and fresh.

  “You asked me if I’m settled and I am, but it’s kind of lonely, you know? My mom’s here, but all she ever does is point out my weaknesses—never sees anything positive—and everything that isn’t going right in her life is my fault. And don’t get me wrong, I love Lily like a sister, but she can’t spend a lot of time with me so it gets lonely.”

  “I know that feeling. I’m alone really, although I do have Liz and Ed who own the apartment I live in above their diner. I like working at Kenza,” I did, “but I’m not interested in the people who hang around there. They’re not that bad, but just not for me. Hunter’s great and then Ruben’s brothers come in for a drink now and again, more so lately, so I’ll talk to them. It isn’t the same though.” God, my life is so sad.

  Taking a sip of my latte, I sit back and savor the flavor while enjoying the peace. This part of Lexington tends to get quite in late afternoon, and if you look into the glass window of the coffee shop, the reflection of the snow-capped mountains can be seen.

  “I think we should be friends. What do you say?” Sabrina asks looking unsure, but when I start to grin, she returns it to me.

  “I’d love that. It would be great to have a female friend again, at least one close to my own age.”


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