Book Read Free


Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Let’s shake on it.” Sabrina holds her hand out over the table, just avoiding the plate of biscuits with her chunky bracelet. “Shit, let me take this off. I only wear it to annoy the hell out of my mother. She hates it.”

  I chuckle at her. “To friends,” I say shaking her hand.


  Sabrina gives me a sly look. “So if we’re girlfriends that means I can ask you anything right?”

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this part?”

  “Oh, c’mon. I only want to know what’s happening with Ruben?”

  “Oh, that’s something I wanted to ask,” Carla says, sitting between us, “especially after the picnic.”

  I choke on my drink not expecting them to know there could be something between Ruben and me. They don’t miss much.

  “There is nothing happening with Ruben.”

  Carla pauses as she’s reaching into her purse and Sabrina cocks her eyebrow, as I continue, “No seriously. We went on the picnic and we had a good time, but that’s all it was.” I shrug not wanting to go into detail about what happened afterwards, although I have a feeling I’m not going to escape.

  “Rosie. I saw you both at the baptism, plus I’ve noticed Ruben’s distraction over these past months and I bet you’re the one to blame.” Carla rubs her hands together as I feel a blush creeping up from my neck into my cheeks.

  Carla practically vibrates in her chair. “This is going to be good.”

  “Grrr…I’ll make you a deal. You,” I point to Sabrina, “tell me what’s going on between you and Lucien, and I’ll tell you what’s going on with Ruben.” I smile.

  I’ve seen Sabrina and I know damn well that she has it bad for Lucien, and he’s just the same. I’ve tried to push him, but he won’t budge because he thinks he isn’t worthy. He makes me want to wrap him in my arms and hold him tight. Of course, if I did I don’t think he’d appreciate it. I really hope my new friend manages to get through the wall he’s wrapped around himself for protection after the accident that caused his burns.

  “There isn’t anything to tell about Lucien.”


  “What does ‘hmm’ mean?” Sabrina rests her chin in her hands on the table and watches me.

  “Rosie’s ‘hmm’ probably means the same as my ‘hmm’ from yesterday. And don’t think I didn’t notice the quick escape you made from Lily’s house the other day just after she asked you the same question about Lucien,” Carla says laying her hand on Sabrina’s arm in quiet sympathy because it’s obvious that Sabrina is hiding her true feelings, probably in fear of rejection.

  “You like him more than you would a friend so while it’s just us, and no Pippa trying to marry off her sons, talk to us. Why won’t you go after him? You’d make a lovely couple,” I ask, really interested in why she’s holding back.

  Sabrina sighs. “I don’t think he likes me much, and he spends far too much time with Lily.” Now she looks sad.

  “You know there’s never been anything between him and Lily, right? I really do believe he thinks of her as a sister,” Carla says with a frown marring her brow.

  There is no way he’s hung up on Lily. Is there? I’ve seen him with her a few times and they always act like siblings, plus I’ve seen Lucien moping around Kenza. I’ve sure gotten his attention a couple of times when I’ve mentioned Sabrina.

  “Enough about my miserable life, what about Ruben?” she asks trying to divert the conversation back to me.

  With a loud sigh, I look out at the snow-capped mountains as I try to collect my thoughts. Finally, I say, “I like him and thought that he really liked me, but then I caught him leaving Kenza with another woman. I overheard him saying he’d follow her back to her hotel.” I nervously start to wrap my hair around my finger. “So I don’t think he can be all that into me, you know?” I can’t keep the sadness out of my voice.

  “Join the club. We need to have a night out and meet two different guys to take our minds from the mess of our current love life or rather lack of. What do you say? Want to go out with me sometime—get drunk—and have a night of meaningless sex? Carla can come to make sure we don’t go off with an axe murderer or something.”

  Carla chuckles. “That sounds good, but you can bet Sebastian will follow me. He always needs me close, which I thought would get old real soon, you know? But I miss him when he’s elsewhere. I guess that’s love for you.”

  “That’s sweet,” I say wanting with Ruben what Carla has with Sebastian, but I know it’s not going to happen. I’m also not sure about the night of meaningless sex and I really don’t believe Sabrina is like that either, but I’ll agree for now. “Sounds good. I’m not free for the next couple of weeks, but I’m then due a few days off in a row, which would be good.”

  “Then it’s a date. I’m so glad we bumped into you,” she says gathering her packages, “but I better go. I have a hair appointment that I’m about to be late for.”

  “Okay, I’ll be in touch. Oh, wait I don’t have your number.”

  Sabrina grabs her phone, snaps a picture of me and then waits for me to give her my number, which I do. “I’ll message you so you have my number.”

  Damn she’s quick. No sooner had she said that my phone is pinging with a message, and Sabrina has left. I feel like a tornado just hit me.

  “You get used to her,” Carla laughs when she sees my stunned expression. “She’s not as reserved as she was when she first arrived or even as she was a few months ago. It’s as though she’s gone through a makeover or something. It’s good and drives Lucien nuts when it’s Sunday dinner and she’s present. He tries to avoid looking at her, but his eyes always find her…A bit like you and Ruben really.” She grins.

  I’m not touching that one about Ruben and me, but I smile wondering what’s going to happen between the two of them. I really hope Lucien sees sense, and perhaps Sabrina will be the one to help him.

  Chapter 17 ~ Ruben

  “You need to get your dick out of your ass and go after her. Get on your knees and beg.”

  Sebastian’s words cut through me as we walk down the street, on our way to meet Carla. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye and I bite back the urge to knock the grin right off his face. He’s presuming my unenthusiastic response to his idea of going playing a round of golf is because of a woman. He’s right, which I hate. Sebastian being right isn’t good because it’s something he’ll never let you forget.

  “I’m right. You’ve done something to screw up with cute Rosie.” He laughs and really is going to be meeting my fist if he carries on. “Oh, c’mon, I seem to remember not too long ago you laughing at me when Carla had me tied in knots.”

  “Rosie doesn’t have me tied in knots.” I keep a watch of the cars as we cross the road, but my thoughts are with Rosie. I don’t know how, but Rosie definitely does have me by the balls. “Fuck! This isn’t funny. She thinks I’m screwing around while I’m telling her I want to date her.”

  Well that shut him up.

  “You told Rosie you want to date her?” He shakes his head. “Seriously? You want to date?”

  “Stop being a dick. Yes I want to date her.” No reason to lie to him. He may act like a three year old but I know he’ll keep it to himself. “I took her out, but then that night she somehow saw me leave with Veronica, who was in town. I didn’t want to break off our agreement at Kenza so I offered to follow her back to her hotel—where nothing happened. Afterwards I returned to Kenza only to have Hunter tell me he’d taken her home because she’d been upset.” I run my fingers through my hair in agitation.

  “What did she say when you explained everything? Although I hope you didn’t go into too much detail about Veronica.”

  “I haven’t yet.”


  “Hunter suggested I let her calm down so she’d be more inclined to hear me out, and I agreed. But it’s been a few days and she’s due back at the club tonight so I can’t decide whether or
not to drive to her place and try talking to her before she leaves for work or to wait.”

  This is all new to me and it isn’t sitting well on my stomach. I like everything to be cut and dry, but this has me uneasy because I’m not in control of the outcome.

  Turning the corner to the terrace there are only a few people around now, which suits me just fine. The less crowds the better. I suffer through crowds in Kenza on the weekends so the thought of having to dodge everyone while out in Lexington isn’t something I enjoy.

  “Um, Ruben.”

  Hearing the strain in my brother’s voice, I glance at him, and then in the direction holding his stare. “What the…” I pause mid speech, not expecting to see Rosie sitting at the table with Carla.

  “I had no idea Rosie would be here,” Sebastian says in defense.

  “Yeah right. You really didn’t know? That’s why you rang me up and asked me to come meet Carla with you.”

  Sebastian shakes his head. “Seriously bro, I’d have told you…once we’d arrived. But I really didn’t know she was going to be here. At least it solves your problem of when to talk to her.”

  My feet have a mind of their own and I’m drawn toward the girl I can’t get out of my head. She doesn’t know I’m approaching yet, and I really hope when she sees me that I’m not going to see disappointment on her face; that will crush me.

  Hell! Carla has spotted us and can’t seem to smile wide enough when she looks at Sebastian. Sometimes my brothers make me want to hurl and that’s no exaggeration.

  I watch as Carla says something to Rosie who sits up from her slouched position in the chair and turns toward us.

  “Oh you’re in for it now brother,” Sebastian says, chuckling as he plucks Carla out of her chair and sits back down with Carla on his lap.

  All I can do is hold Rosie’s gaze and I feel hope when her eyes look full of happiness, but unfortunately that look doesn’t last. She obviously remembers the last time she saw me when she’d misunderstood what was going on. Something I need to clear up with her if we have any chance of moving on. I only hope she believes me.

  Feeling like a teenager speaking to a girl for the first time, I say, “Rosie, how have you been?” taking the seat next to her. My only hope is that Sebastian takes Carla elsewhere so I can talk privately with Rosie.

  “I’ve been okay, Ruben. You?”

  “Ruben, you want a drink?” Sebastian asks.

  Without taking my eyes from Rosie, I reply, “No. I need to talk to Rosie.”

  “We’ll go,” Carla stands up and pulling Sebastian to his feet passes him her shopping bags, “and give you two some privacy.”

  “Can’t I stay and watch my brother beg?”

  I turn to look at him. But his attention is all on Carla as she gives him a sultry look. I almost chuckle since it’s just a wiggle of her eyebrows that gets my brother going. “You’d rather stay here than come back to our place and enjoy what’s in those bags?” she purrs.

  “Put like that I’ll let him beg in private. C’mon woman let’s go.” He wraps an arm around Carla before looking back to me. “Beg brother. Women like a man who begs for forgiveness.”

  “Don’t worry Ruben, your brother’s going to be finding out just how much this woman likes to watch him beg for forgiveness if he doesn’t shut up,” Carla adds, running her fingers up the front of his button down.

  Rosie starts to chuckle as she listens to the exchange between Carla and my brother. He’s an immature dick, but he’s my brother.

  Not wanting to waste time, I turn to Rosie and take her hands into mine, feeling delighted when she makes no move to remove them.

  “Hunter told me what you overheard and I need to explain.”

  Now she yanks her hands away making me feel sick at the loss.

  “Please listen, Rosie. You didn’t hear everything.” I run my fingers through my hair in agitation. “Before I was with you. Veronica and I would hook up whenever she was in town. It hasn’t happened for a good while – months.” Her eyes narrow and I feel like I’m losing her; I hurry and say, “She happened to show up that night and I’d honestly forgotten about her.”

  God, I hope she doesn’t think I’m a dick for forgetting about someone I hook up with. I didn’t realize how bad it sounded until I’d voiced it.

  “Look, no matter how I put this it sounds bad so please just hear me out.” I inhale and try to calm my heart, which is freaking out right now because I know I’ll only get the one chance at this. “We had some kind of arrangement that I didn’t want to break at the club. She didn’t deserve that. Yes I followed her to her hotel room, but I swear to you that nothing happened between us. I told her and left, and when I arrived back at the club, Hunter told me he’d taken you home upset.”

  After a minute or so of silence while she looks into my eyes, she reaches out and takes hold of my hands, caressing back and forth along my thumb with hers. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I wanted to give you time to calm down in the hopes that you’d be more willing to listen to me. Also, I promised to give you time, remember?” I meet and hold her gaze.

  She whispers, “I remember.”

  “That’s the truth about Veronica. There isn’t any way I can prove to you that nothing happened, but trust me, if something had you’d know about it because I’m shit at hiding things when I feel guilty, which is how I’d feel if I’d fucked her.” I wince. “Please tell me you believe me.”

  “I believe you, but I can’t keep doing this so if there’s anyone else you want to tell me about please tell me now because I’m new to all this…” She pauses and bites her lip, “I’m not going to be able to handle sharing. I don’t share. Ever.”

  I grin. “I don’t share either.” I feel heat creeping into my face, which has Rosie raising an eyebrow in question. “I’ll rephrase I guess. I don’t share anymore.”

  She laughs. “Hmm. Well as long as that’s agreed then I guess we can move on. I still have doubts about what we talked about on the picnic, but if you can take it slow and give me time to get comfortable at being with you then maybe I can give a bit. That’s only maybe though.”

  Shaking my head, I tell her, “You don’t need to give a bit. The other day in my apartment nothing even entered my head. Ribbon, rope, toys, nothing. I’d like eventually to introduce you to a few toys that are made to heighten your pleasure, but nothing frightening.” I quickly kiss her on the lips. “But don’t think about that for now—there is plenty of time and in that time I’m going to make sure you get comfortable with me and quickly.” I kiss her again.

  “Will you come back to my place tonight? Let me cook you a late super or something. Just you and me. We’ll do the whole date thing again and this time we’ll have candlelight and soft music. It’ll be a first for me—wining and dining someone— but with you I seem to want to do a lot of firsts.” The more I speak the more I’m getting with this idea. Having her to myself in my apartment for the evening. In fact, she can have the evening off and we can watch a movie or something.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” she asks. I smile. As much as she is coming across as cool and collected, she is showing her vulnerability by chewing her bottom lip and the slight shake to her hands still holding mine.

  Releasing our hands, I lean forward and take her face between my hands. “I’m serious about you Rosie. It’s frightening and exciting at the same time, but I want this thing between us more than my last breath.”

  “If you’re sure then I’d love to eat with you later.” She smiles and surprises me when she turns her face and kisses me on the palm of my hand. The sensation shoots straight to my wayward body part making it sit up and take notice that Rosie is giving us a second chance. And hopefully my hand will get a rest. I can hope.

  “I have to be at work soon,” Rosie reminds me. “So what time do you want me at your apartment or should I just make my way there after work?” She pulls away and starts collecting her things together. />
  “I’m the boss so let me make a call to get someone to cover, and then we can get the evening started. I don’t want to let you go now that I finally have you with me.” I wrap her hand in mine, sliding my fingers between hers. “I’ve missed you.”

  “The other staff will be pissed with me getting the time off just like that, but I’ve missed you as well so I’m not going to bother worrying about them. I’ll deal with it. I’m just going to enjoy being with you.”

  That’s music to my ears and would normally fill me with dread, but instead I don’t want to let this girl out of my sight. I’ll even be willing to have her over for a sleepover, which involves sleep and cuddles—nothing else—to keep her close. Another first.

  Bringing her close to me again, I tell her, “We’ll deal with it. If anyone hassles you about being with the boss I want you to tell me. We’re in this together, okay. So you don’t have to keep things to yourself. Promise me.”

  “Hmm,” she mumbles, “I can’t make a promise when I’m not sure I’m going to be able to keep it. But if I need you to step in then I promise to tell you.” She grins and quickly kisses me on the lips leaving me stunned as she starts walking off toward the market. “Are you coming with me?” she asks over her shoulder.

  Getting it together quickly, I jog to catch up with her and slide my arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.

  I’m starting to crave being near this woman. She packs quite a package in her small curvy frame, but she’s had my eye for months and the fact that I can finally touch her makes me want to shout it from the roof tops. ‘This is my woman—stay away.’ Not sure Rosie would appreciate that though or maybe she would.

  Smiling to myself I guide her closer to the market so we can buy the makings for the romantic dinner I’m planning and this time I’m sure as hell not going to let her leave until she knows the only girl I’m interested in is her; and only her.

  Chapter 18 ~ Rosie

  I’m so in love with Ruben and the more time I spend with him the deeper I’m falling. The cute dimples he has going on when he smiles just makes me want to lick them, but most of all, I find him endearing with the uncertainty I see in his eyes when he forgets to put his fun loving mask in place. He wants everyone to think he’s this fun loving guy, which he is, but there is so much more to him than the devil may care attitude he sometimes has going on.


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