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Page 13

by Lexi Buchanan

  I don’t like the idea of her bringing other guys in here, and I thought she said she lacked experience or something similar.

  “Ruben, I can see the wheels turning in that hard head of yours, and I can’t decide whether to let you carry on thinking they meant something to me or…tell you they were just friends,” she smirks. “Liz vets everyone I bring here, and you’re the only guy I’ve brought who I’ve slept with.”

  “It’s going to stay that way as well.”

  She rolls her eyes. So I decide to change the subject.

  “What do you want to do for the rest of the day? I have to show my face at the club, but other than that I’m all yours.” Little does she know that I really am all hers.

  “I’d love to go back to your place and cuddle on the sofa with you all day while we watch movies. I just want to be close to you before real life gets in the way.”

  “That sounds like a good idea, and, before I forget, I want you to come to Sunday dinner at my folks’ house. My mom might go crazy, but just ignore her. It’ll be fun.”

  At least I think it will.

  “Hey, you don’t look too happy about that.” She went pale and her smile slipped when I mentioned the Sunday dinner. She gets on well with my family so surely that can’t be the problem.

  “You’ve never taken anyone before right? So, well, won’t it look odd you taking me?”

  What the hell! “Rosie, I’m taking you because you’re my girlfriend,” I grin, “and I’d like you to be with me when it’s family time at my parents’ house. You’re part of that now. You get on well with my brothers and their women. You’ll rock it. I promise.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  I wrap her up in my arms and place a kiss to her forehead. “I’ve never been more surer about anything. You’re my girlfriend and part of my family.”

  She moves her head back to meet my eyes and hers are swimming in tears, but she’s glowing.

  “Thank you,” she says snuggling against me…the perfect fit…as my stomach grumbles.

  Chapter 22 ~ Rosie

  It’s Sunday and we’re on our way to Ruben’s parents’ place for dinner with his family. Right up until he’d lifted me into his truck, I’d been nervous about today. But as soon as the door closed, I’d wondered what I was nervous about. His family aren’t strangers to me, in fact, I really enjoy talking to his brothers when they come into Kenza and twice this past week, I’ve met Carla, Lily and Sabrina for coffee. So all my nerves about the day other than meeting Pippa again have deserted me.

  I also believe that spending this past week with Ruben has helped relax me. We’ve alternated between spending the night at Ruben’s place and mine. The thought of not being with him is frightening now that I’ve allowed him to not only steal my heart, but also work his way into my daily life. I should be asking for space but that isn’t what I want from him. I want to be with him and I feel as though there is something missing when I’m not.

  Sighing, I watch the fields on the outskirts of Lexington rush by us as Ruben handles the SUV with skill. My eyes are drawn to those hands, which flex around the steering wheel.

  “Rosie,” he growls, “we’re going to be late arriving at my parents place if you keep looking at me like that.”

  I smirk. “Like what?”

  As if I don’t know. I want his hands on my body instead of the steering wheel. I want to be back at his apartment without a stitch of clothing between us with his hands all over me. I fidget in my seat with arousal.

  “Fuck,” Ruben cusses and pulling over to the side of the road, slams on the breaks and, unclipping my seatbelt he hauls me into his lap.

  I straddle his hips as our lips meet and cling while he arches against me—rubbing his penis against my wet panties. Moaning, I slide my fingers through his hair and hold him against me. It doesn’t matter that I can’t breathe because all I want to do is feel, and there are too many clothes between us.

  Ruben pulls his mouth from mine, breathing hard. “I’m not fucking you at the side of the road,” he brushes the hair that has fallen into my eyes back behind my ears with unsteady hands, “but I will make love to you later when you have a bed under you and you’re under me.”

  His words make me want to melt into a puddle at his feet especially when he says ‘make love’ as opposed to ‘fucking’ because that tells me I mean more to him than I think even he realizes.

  With a quick kiss to his lips, I climb from his lap and fastening my seatbelt again, glance at his groin and notice the large evidence of his arousal bulging against his zipper. Reaching out, I run a finger along the hard ridge and feel him tense at my touch before he removes my hand.

  He gulps. “Keep your hands to yourself for now, otherwise I’m going to be embarrassing myself.” He glances at me, his tone almost a whine. “Please.”

  I roll my eyes. “Now you’ve given me permission to touch you, I’m finding it hard keeping my hands to myself. You should know that by now.” I pretend to pout knowing I’m getting to him.

  He’s unleashed the sex-starved part of me and now there’s no going back. Up until I met Ruben, I’d only ever had plenty of practice with my mouth. It’s all I would do before I turned nineteen, but only if they’d wear a condom.

  I smirk to myself when I glance to Ruben and see him rearranging himself in his jeans, unaware I’m watching out of the corner of my eye. I love making him react so quickly to me, but I’ll keep quiet for now because regardless of what he’s been telling me, he’s nervous about bringing me to a family dinner. So for the rest of the journey I stay silent and watch the changing scenery through the window.


  “We’re here,” Ruben comments full of enthusiasm. I glance to him as he climbs out and runs around to my side of the vehicle.

  “C’mon babe.” He reaches in and taking my hand pulls me out of the SUV and into his arms. He presses me tightly against his body and I can’t help but feel safe against him. “You smell so good,” he murmurs.

  Sighing, I snuggle against him with my face burrowing into his neck. He smells good as well, and feels even better. He’s all hard muscle against my soft curves and there’s nothing more erotic than him holding me like this with every part of me touching every part of him. I know I should have worn jeans today instead of the sundress so that there is more between us than my thin piece of fabric, but I wanted to look like the girl his mama probably expects him to bring home with him.

  Ruben seems to like me in this dress though and as I feel his hand come to rest on my bottom, I hear footsteps behind him. Raising my head, I meet a grinning Sebastian.

  “It’s Sebastian,” I whisper into Ruben’s ear.

  Ruben shudders against me as my breath tickles his ear with my whispered words. His penis twitches pressed against my hip.

  “Mom’s about to come out so I suggest you hurry it up and get Rosie inside to meet her.” Sebastian stands with his hands on his hips enjoying his brother’s discomfort, but Ruben not giving a damn apparently, turns to face him—erection and all.

  “Mom has already met Rosie.” He takes my hand and starts walking toward the house past Sebastian.

  “You might want to wait until something goes, um, flaccid first,” he sniggers, moving out of hitting range.

  I try not to laugh but with Sebastian, laughing is more or less guaranteed; at least when he’s trying to get a rise out of one of his brothers.

  “Go back to your own woman instead of trying to embarrass me in front of mine.”

  “Well it’s about time you admit Rosie is your woman. We’ve all been waiting a while. And as for Mom, she may have met Rosie before, but she’s never met her as your girlfriend.”

  The nerves are now back in my stomach at the thought of having to meet Ruben’s parents again. I’ve spoken to them on numerous occasions in the past, but like Sebastian said, I’ve never spoken to them as Ruben’s girlfriend.

  Ruben stops and planting a quick kiss to my lips, says, “Do
n’t worry Rosie, they’re just the same as before, although Mom might get carried away now you’re with me. She kind of gets excited when one of us brings a woman by because it isn’t something that happens often.”

  He gives a quick squeeze to my shoulders before wrapping an arm around my waist. I take a deep breath as he urges me forward to greet his mom, who is waiting on the front porch. She looks full of excitement as she’s practically bouncing where she stands. Pippa is a petite woman, which makes me wonder how the hell she gave birth to five strapping sons. The mind boggles.

  “Rosie,” Pippa greats me rushing forward and taking me into her arms she gives me a really tight hug. And I mean tight. Tight as in I can’t breathe tight.

  “Mom, I kinda like my girlfriend breathing,” Ruben says untangling me from his mom’s arms. He places a kiss to my forehead while wrapping his arm back around me. As though he’s afraid I’m going to disappear if he isn’t touching me. I’m not complaining; though because I love having his hands on me.

  “Girlfriend,” Pippa dabs at her eyes, “I never thought I’d hear those words out of your mouth,” she says to Ruben as Elias, Ruben’s father wraps his arm around her shoulders.

  “Rosie, it’s a pleasure to have you in our home. Let’s go inside and hopefully Pippa will dry up soon.” Elias leads his wife inside and, with a nudge from Ruben, we follow.

  I knew Pippa was going to be overjoyed at Ruben bringing me here, but I wasn’t expecting that kind of response. Tears!

  “You okay,” Ruben whispers into my ear.

  Turning more into him, I whisper back, “I’m fine as long as you stay with me.”

  He chuckles. “Don’t worry Mom is the only one who is going to be displaying any tears.”

  “Wait until you announce Rosie’s pregnant then you’ll get the big ugly tears,” Sebastian says, patting Ruben on the back with a huge grin on his face. When he winks at me I realize the whole room is in silence and that Pippa’s tears have disappeared.

  Ruben starts laughing along with Sebastian, but I don’t really see what’s so funny about that statement. I’m not pregnant and to joke about it with his mom is wrong. Eventually Ruben notices that I’m not joining in with the humor and comes to an abrupt halt with his laughter. “Um, sorry.” He coughs into his hand as he elbows Sebastian in the stomach.

  “Ouch. What was that for?” Sebastian rubs his stomach looking between his parents and me. “Oh, um, Rosie isn’t really pregnant…Sorry.”

  “Sebastian, are you causing trouble again?” Carla saunters over carrying Jr. on her hip, which leaves Sebastian speechless. Anyone can see the love in his eyes for the woman standing before him and I’m guessing he likes the look of Carla with a baby in her arms. Hmm.

  “He’s always causing trouble, Carla,” Ruben responds then smirks, and says, “You need to keep him at home so we’re all safe.”

  “And who would help run McKenzie’s? He’d also drive poor Carla crazy if he’s under her feet all day,” Pippa adds.

  “That wouldn’t happen because she’d be under me all day,” Sebastian says cheekily and is rewarded with a shove from Carla. She’s blushing right up to her roots as she passes Jr. to Ruben before dragging Sebastian out of the room.

  Jr. is the image of his father, Michael, and looks to love his Uncle Ruben. As soon as he’s in Ruben’s arms, he lays his head on his shoulder with his little arms going around his neck. The picture they portray brings tears to my eyes. Ruben looks choked up as well.

  “I think the little tyke’s tired.” Ruben sits back on the sofa and with one hand starts rubbing Jr.’s back while holding the other out to me. He doesn’t need to make it any clearer.

  Sitting beside them, I watch as Jr. drifts off to sleep while Pippa and Elias sit across from us.

  Glancing at Pippa, she has a dreamy like look on her face as she gazes at Ruben and her grandson. They make a picture. A picture, which Lucien snaps with his phone, as he appears from the kitchen, if I remember rightly from the last time I was in this house at Jr. and Charlotte’s baptism.

  Ruben takes my hand and kisses my knuckles before bringing our joined hands onto his lap and leaving them there. My hearts pounding in my chest with the look he’s giving me. A look that I hope I’m not reading too much into. A look that says this is what he wants one day—a baby with me. I can’t breathe. It isn’t panic that is causing my breathlessness…it’s the look in his eyes, which makes it clear that I’m not the only one who has fallen hard.

  Hearing a throat being cleared, I turn to face his mom, who is tearing up again and his dad who has a large grin on his face. Lucien is hiding his smirk behind his hand and manages to swallow it back when he catches me glaring at him.

  Hmm. “So, Lucien,” he straightens, “is Sabrina around?” His eyes open wide at my question before narrowing.

  “I’ve no idea.”


  He sighs. “She’s in the kitchen with Lily.”

  Pippa jumps up. “Why don’t you come into the kitchen with me Rosie? We can leave the men in here. I’m sure Ramon and Michael will join them soon and Sebastian, wherever he disappeared to with Carla. Tsk. He can’t leave the poor woman alone. I don’t know how she can still walk.”

  Ruben releases my hand chuckling at his mom’s comment. “I’ll be here babe, if you need me. Go have fun with your friends.”


  I let Pippa drag me off into the kitchen where Lily, Sabrina and Sylvia are sitting drinking coffee, but they soon make room for us to join them.

  Chapter 23 ~ Ruben

  Cuddling Jr. on my chest has me swamped with emotion so it’s with relief that Mom ushers Rosie into the kitchen. I know Rosie saw the longing in my eyes. I want to have what Michael has, but hopefully it will stay unspoken between us for now. It’s taken me all this time to accept I can have a relationship without freaking the fuck out. My dad has set a good example with love and I guess that’s why it’s always frightened the hell out of me. Having someone relying on me for their happiness. Even forty-five years later, he still looks to be in love with Mom.

  Jr. makes a small cry against me, which abruptly brings me out of my thoughts about love and commitment. Jr. settles back down again, snuggling more into my neck. There’s nothing like snuggling a baby against you to make all those walls you’ve built inside crumble. Who’d have thought that Michael would be the first one to produce the much-wanted grandbabies?

  “Wearing a baby suits you,” Michael comments, sitting beside me, “even if the baby belongs to me.”

  Hmm, brotherly love. “You have two. Go find Charlotte.” I kick back with my feet resting on the coffee table. In fact, snuggling a sleeping baby is making me want to nod off with him. Although, I think that has more to do with Rosie keeping me up half the night. I grin.

  “I’m not sure why you’re grinning like that, but please behave around my son.”

  Michael is so easy to wind up. “I was thinking about what you have to do to get one of these.”

  “I’m getting plenty of practice,” Sebastian interrupts as he joins us, “I can’t get enough of my woman.”

  “As though we haven’t noticed, son. But I’m not sure you need to keep mentioning it out loud. You’ll embarrass Carla.”

  From the look on Sebastian’s face, I’d say he’d forgotten that Dad is sitting in the lounge with us.

  “And Ruben, I’d take your feet off the coffee table before your mother catches you. You know what she’s like when we have company.”

  Mom always has to have the perfect house—all the time. It keeps her busy, which she likes being and I love how no matter how long I stay away that I only have to walk through the front door and I’m home again. The apartment above Kenza is home now, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to call this ranch house anything other than home.

  “Is anyone going to tell me what’s really going on at Kenza?” Dad asks pulling me away from thoughts of home. “I know you boys don’t like telling m
e when there’s trouble, but I need to know that you’re all okay. I worry.”

  I hadn’t realized that by keeping my dad out of the loop that he’d worry like he’s just admitted. In fact, I didn’t realize he knew that I was having problems at the club.

  “Dad, I’m sorry.” I sit forward and pass Michael his sleeping son. “I didn’t want to worry you and Mom. I’m okay and the club will be. Ramon and Lucien overheard talk of drugs.”

  My dad’s eyes widen in shock because he knows how badly I hate drugs. “Oh my.”

  I chuckle. “Well that’s an understatement.” I rest my elbows on my knees and run my hands through my hair. “We’ll get them Dad, and we’ll be okay. There’s a guy at the club who is helping out. He’s a customer and a friend of Rosie’s. I know he’ll make sure she’s okay and I’m sure he doesn’t miss anything. I’m not sure who exactly he is or where he’s come from, but he’s been good to Rosie so I guess I trust him for now.” I’m trying to lay the jealousy aside because I saw the way he looked at Rosie to begin with. Now he seems more of a friend—to the both of us.

  “He’s cool. I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” Ramon adds having come through the front door.

  “If you need any help you know you can still come to me, right? I might not be as young as I once was, but I still have plenty of life left in me.”

  “Thanks Dad. I’ll let you know. I’m actually hoping this will all be over with soon.”

  “I hope it will be as well then you can concentrate more on Rosie and not screwing up. She’s a nice girl and the women folk seem to love her.”

  My brothers for some reason find the comment from Dad funny. I don’t—really. Okay, maybe slightly. “No matter what you idiots think.” I scowl at my brothers before looking at my dad who also has a grin plastered across his face. “I’m capable of having a relationship with Rosie without screwing it up. She’s the only woman I want so I’m not going to risk being a dick.”


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