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Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

While I’ve been with her, I’ve never even thought about having her tied up and at my mercy because I love feeling her hands on me—touching me. The butt plug I’d planned to keep hidden, but feeling how she reacted to my finger, I wanted to see how she’d react. It totally blew my mind that she allowed me entry there.

  “You’re hard again! How can you be hard again after that?” she asks with a look of surprise on her face.

  I’m surprised that I’m hard again as well, but after thinking about Rosie and toys, it’s no wonder I’m hardening again so quickly. “I’m always hard thinking about you, babe.” Kneeling between her thighs, I take hold of the butt plug and gently slide it free before tossing it in the general direction of the bathroom.

  Before I can think, she says, “My turn to drive,” surprising the fuck out of me by quickly turning the tables and having me flat on my back as she straddles me, taking my cock straight inside her sheath.

  I grab her hips keeping her pressed down on me, while I grind up into her.

  She throws her head back giving me one hell of a view of her swaying breasts as she starts to ride me.

  Chapter 20 ~ Rosie

  Pretending to still sleep is arousing as hell with Ruben doing his up most to wake me. It isn’t easy either, with his hands and mouth all over my back, breasts and his fingers keep slipping into my core, which is wide-awake wanting more attention from him. The attention he gave me last night surprised me because right up until he started applying pressure where I’ve never been touched before I’d had no idea I was okay with him playing there. I think I surprised him as much as myself.

  Gasping with pleasure, I bring my mind back to what Ruben’s doing as the head of his penis slips inside me from behind.

  “About time you woke up.”

  “Hmm,” I hum in pleasure, and reaching behind me I slide my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. He shudders against me as he buries himself deeper inside. “God, you feel so good.” I push back against him.

  Ruben wraps me tightly in his arms, his hands cupping my breasts as he starts to thrust in and out of my wet heat, which constantly craves having him inside.

  He stretches me good with the wide girth of his long penis, which is sliding back and forth inside me so fast that I’m quickly reaching my peak.

  I reach behind me and rest my hand on his hip. He pinches my nipples sending me into orbit. I grip him to me while I convulse around his thick shaft causing him to twitch inside me as he loudly groans and cusses in my ear.

  Ruben starts to slide slowly in and out of my channel while he tries to prolong both our pleasure. I take one of his hands from my breast and bringing it up to my mouth, kiss his palm and hold it against my cheek. I love this man so much.

  He slides out of me, and turning me over he gets comfortable between my thighs, wrapping his arms around me as he drops his forehead against mine. Our gazes meet and hold.

  With a quick kiss to my lips, he says, “You’re my girl, Rosie. I want to do this with you. I’ve no idea how to do this properly though so you may have to hit me upside the head every now and again, but please don’t walk away from me again.”

  I caress his face while trying to bring my emotions under control. Ruben always has them switched on high, and hearing him tell me he really wants ‘this’ makes my heart feel lighter than it did. As much as I want to shout from the rooftops, I hesitate before I jump on the ledge; I need to know what he thinks ‘this’ is. So I ask, “What’s this, Ruben? I don’t want to misunderstand.”

  “Oh baby. You’re my girl. My girlfriend. My lover. Only mine. Exclusive.” He sweeps in and kisses the hell out of me before lifting his head. “I’m serious Rosie. I want to do the girlfriend thing. I want you to be with me at family events. Sunday dinner at my parents’.” He groans. “But you have to promise you won’t run a mile when my mom asks you about weddings and babies. Thanks to Michael and Sebastian she won’t stop.”

  “I won’t run a mile.” There is no way I’d run away from Ruben, he’s my…my everything. Unable to let him off easy, I tease, “I’ll just tell her the wedding’s next month and to expect another grandbaby nine months from then.” I grin, but it slips when I see the frown on Rubens face.

  He doesn’t want that. My heart sinks when I realize ‘this’ between us isn’t going to lead to anything permanent, and that it’s just until he gets fed-up with me.

  I try to move from under him, but he won’t budge so I start to struggle, really needing to be away from him before my tears begin to fall. I can already feel them threatening to spill over.

  “Dammit Rosie. What’s wrong?” He holds me tight not letting go of me. “Talk to me.”

  “You’re an ass,” I shout. “Now get off me, please.” My tears are still hovering, but now I’m feeling angry at him for being a dick… Angry at me for reading more into what he said than I should have.

  “Not until you tell me what set you off.”

  Is he for real? How can he not know?

  “I was teasing about what I’d say to your mom,” I whisper, “but by your reaction you didn’t think so. I thought you really wanted this between us to work, but by your reaction it’s as though you don’t really see us lasting… It made me feel like you were only in this until you’d had enough of me. That isn’t me. Now please let me up.”


  “No,” I repeat.

  “You’re screwing with my head. God woman. I knew you were teasing, but hell, marriage and kids hadn’t even crossed my mind. I was thinking. And I sure as hell wasn’t thinking we wouldn’t get to that place. It really hadn’t occurred to me. I’m in this for as long as you’ll have me.” His gaze is serious but I go still under him, the fight going out of me as he talks. “If I only wanted sex, I wouldn’t want you with me at family events. I’ve never in my thirty-five years taken a female,” he smiles, “girlfriend to meet my parents and brothers. Never Rosie. So does that answer your question about my motives?” he asks, the frown still evident with the lines across his brow. He’s worried about my answer.

  I need to stop reading into things because that’s how everything upsetting happens between us. It’s about trusting him at the end of the day. And I do, it’s just difficult when presented with his past, not to mention me misreading his reaction.

  “I’m sorry.” I bring his face to mine and kiss each of his eyes, his nose before settling on his lips. His bottom lip is plump, which I suck into my mouth. “I’m sorry, Ruben.”

  He shakes his head. “No. I’m the one who is sorry, but let’s forget that part of this morning. I want to remember waking up with you in my arms. I want to remember what you felt like wrapped around my cock.”

  The said ‘cock’ has risen again, but as I look at him I see the sincerity in his eyes.

  I’m going to do this with him because it would hurt too much not to. I grin. I have a boyfriend.

  “What are you grinning at?”

  “I have a boyfriend,” I tell him, pinching him on the ass, which I soothe with my hand and feel his shaft twitching between us.

  “Say it again?” He kisses me. “Say it again, Rosie.”

  Pulling him forward, I bite his earlobe and whisper, “I have a boyfriend,” and feel his penis surge against me.

  He pulls back, panting and kisses the tip of my nose before saying, “As much as I’d like to spend the day in bed with you, we need to shower and get dressed. I want to take you for breakfast.”

  Is he for real? He’s hard as hell resting against my thigh, which jerks when I reach out and stroke him.

  “Breakfast,” he says and I’m not sure who he’s trying to convince.

  I rub his leaking tip, coating the head with his pre-cum. His eyes are shut as his breathing catches. “Please stop Rosie,” he begs.

  Releasing him, I bring him down to my mouth, but he won’t deepen the kiss to my disappointment.

  “I can’t. You have me on a razor’s edge.” He rolls on to his back, but entwines his fingers
with mine giving my hand a squeeze. Jumping up from the bed he turns to me, and all I can do is admire the man before me. He’s all muscle with a sinfully sexy ‘V’ leading to his jutting penis that makes my mouth water.

  “Fuck. I’m going to shower. I’ll be really quick then you can hop in. If I get in there with you there isn’t any way we’re going anywhere soon.”

  I chuckle and snuggle back into the bed while I watch him walk away to the bathroom and this time I admire his tight buns and his well-defined back.

  I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve him, but I’m done questioning it. He makes me happy, and so far he hasn’t mentioned anything like at the picnic. I know it will come up again, but for now I’m going to enjoy my time with the handsome man who wants me as his girlfriend.

  Chapter 21 ~ Ruben

  Freshly showered and dressed, I stand looking down at Rosie curled up asleep in my bed. A place that I never want her to leave if I have my way.

  While I showered my thoughts were full of Rosie, and while my heart beat frantically with the thought of being in a relationship, I came to the conclusion that I don’t give a shit. I want Rosie and I’ve decided I’m through letting anything come between us.

  Sighing, I crouch down at the side of the bed, telling myself that I’m not going to climb back under the covers with the gorgeous nymph who is now stretching. A breast and nipple peeps out above the cover, which I reach out and gently rub with the palm of my hand.

  “Mmm. Come back to bed Ruben.” She opens her eyes and smiles. “Breakfast is highly overrated.” With a flick of her wrist, she has the cover thrown to the other side of the bed and all her nakedness put on display for me.

  I gulp. My hand freezes on her breast. She leaves me breathless.

  “Touch me Ruben. I want to remember having your hands on me this morning through the rest of the day,” she asks bringing her hand up to cover mine over her breast. Holding my hand, she moves it down her stomach in a caress that finally stops at the top of her pussy.

  “You’ve already had my hands on you this morning, but who am I to refuse? I only have to look at you and I’m hard, which is painful as hell…I’m not going to lie to you and tell you I don’t want to climb back onto the bed with you, because I do and you’re really making it difficult.”

  My cock throbs behind my zipper, and I know the only way I’m going to get any relief is by unzipping and letting my swollen dick out to play. But not this time. This time I’m going to relieve my girl.

  Swallowing around the lust in my throat, I throw off my shirt and shift to the end of the bed. My hands slide around her ankles and yank her to the edge with her legs over my shoulders and my face inches from her wet pussy.

  When I look up and meet her gaze, I know she can see the lust I’m unable to hide, gazing back at her. “Hold on. I’m going to treat you really good.” With the warning being spoken, she clutches the cover she’s lying on.

  Using my fingers, I spread her open to my hungry gaze and lick her up—tasting her. My Rosie is sweet and insatiable. Her hips thrust forward wanting more of what only I can give her. And I’m going to oblige.

  With two fingers, I circle around her opening and let her wetness coat them, making them slicker to rub between her nether lips. Unable to go slow anymore, I slide them inside her and hit the right spot when she bolts on the bed as though she’s been hit by lightning. I put my mouth back to her pussy and start lapping her up, pressing with my tongue right onto her hardened nub, which causes her to pant.

  Trying to shove my discomfort aside, I continue to pleasure her, scissoring my fingers in and out while caressing her clit with my tongue.

  Rosie starts to whimper causing my dick to jerk. Shit. I’m going to be lucky if I don’t explode in my jeans with the noises she’s making, and the taste of her…

  Curling my fingers inside her, the first wave of her gathering release starts to build. I quickly withdraw my fingers and moving to her channel, I use my tongue to caress her to a full blown orgasm, which has her moaning and withering against my mouth as her juices flood my tongue. I slowly bring her down from the high she’s just been on.

  Eventually her thighs go slack on my shoulders so I move them back down to the bed. Inhaling, I groan at the sweet scent of her orgasm. Clenching my fists together, I come up from the floor and leaning over her give her a soft kiss before asking, “Are you okay?”

  She gives me a very satisfied smile. “I’m more than okay. That’s the first time I’ve ever come that way, but, what about you?”

  “I’ll survive,” I tell her knowing I’m probably going to be in a semi-state of arousal until I can get her under me again, and then it registers what she said. “Never before?” I’m stunned. “No one has ever gone down on you before?”

  She looks embarrassed now, which I didn’t want to happen. I rest on my elbows and caress her face, making her meet my eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

  “I’ve not been with that many people, but on the odd occasion they tried to go down on me, I froze and couldn’t relax. So you’re the only one ever to get a reaction out of me while down there.”

  Grinning, I seal our lips together before pulling back and saying, “I’m glad, and you can bet that I’m the only one who is ever going to get a reaction out of you down there.” I kiss her again trying to ignore my leaking dick. “You need to get that sexy butt out of bed and shower so we can go and get breakfast.” I kiss her cute little nose. “Do you want me to take you home to change and then we can eat downstairs and you can introduce me to Liz and Ed?”

  “You really want to meet them?” she asks, rubbing her hands up and down my sides.

  “They’re like your family, right?”

  She nods.

  “So yes, I want to meet them.” I smile and finally push off her and taking her hand, haul her to her feet. “Go shower,” I pat her on the ass, “we can leave as soon as you’re ready.”


  Watching the bathroom door close, I fall back onto my bed and stroke my erection wondering if I have time to finish myself off before she comes back out.


  “Liz, I’d like you to meet Ruben,” she nervously says to the older woman standing beside her.

  Holding out my hand, Liz looks between the two of us before sliding her hand into mine and shaking it.

  “It’s nice to meet you Liz. Rosie’s mentioned you and your husband a few times,” I say overwhelmed with nerves.

  I’m a grown man and shouldn’t be nervous about meeting Rosie’s family, but I can’t shake the feeling because being here with her means something to me and I really don’t want to screw it up.

  “Ruben’s brought me here to meet you and Ed, and also to feed me before taking me off somewhere for the day.” Rosie grins, moving closer to me as she slips her hand into mine. Staking her claim.

  Unable to wipe my smile from my face, I let her lead me toward the back of the diner to a booth, which she pushes me down into. I pull her to me for a hard, fast kiss when she sits beside me, and keeping my arm around her, I grab a menu from between the ketchup and mustard tubs. “What would you recommend, Babe?” I continue to read the menu, but glance at Rosie when she doesn’t answer. “What’s wrong?”

  I let the menu drop to the table and give her my full attention. Her silence has me worried. Is she regretting being with me? If she is I’m not going to be able to let her go without a fight. Not when it’s taken me this long to realize she’s what I want and need in my life. That she’s the only woman I want to call mine. The only woman ever to get under my skin and no matter our age differences, I know this thing between us can work.

  “I can’t believe I’m here with you. That we’re really doing this—starting a relationship—when I’ve wanted to be with you for so long; this just feels surreal. Do you know what I mean?”

  I sit listening to what she says and it takes me a good minute to realize she isn’t regretting anything about us and when this finall
y sinks in, I drop my forehead to hers and sigh in relief.

  She gives me a quizzical look, but slides her arm around my shoulders and runs her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

  “I thought you were having second thoughts about us. Regretting last night. Regretting bringing me here to meet Liz and hopefully Ed…”

  Sealing her mouth to mine, she effectively shuts me up. “Mmm, you taste good,” she says, pulling back slightly. “I loved being with you last night. I loved waking up with you this morning. I love being here with you. And most of all I just love being with you no matter where we are. Please relax Ruben. I’m not going to go running. At one time I would have done, but, with you, I seem to be able to speak my mind,” she grins, “so be warned.”

  “Ready to order?” Liz asks, looking between us both as Rosie is practically in my lap. “Something that’s written on the menu,” she adds making us both laugh.

  Rosie sits back beside me, but keeps her side pressed up against mine as though she doesn’t want to be away from me. I can’t take my eyes from her profile as I move some hair behind her ear so I can see more clearly. It’s only when I hear a throat being cleared that I look up at Liz and realize Rosie had me completely enthralled with her.

  I lean forward slightly to look at the menu, hoping Liz hasn’t noticed the bulge in my jeans that the girl beside me causes whenever she’s near. And with her hand caressing back and forth on my thigh, I’m finding it damn impossible not to arch into her touch.

  “I’ll have a pancake, sausage and syrup, thanks Liz,” Rosie says before turning to me, “Ruben, have you decided yet?”

  Preferring to stay lost in my thoughts even though they’re probably dangerous sitting here in public, I quickly reply, “I’ll have the full breakfast, thanks.” I smile at Liz who removes the menus and, with one last look in our direction, walks off to place our order.

  “She likes you,” Rosie turns to me, “and I mean really likes you.” Smiling she leans into me and quickly kisses my cheek. “The two times I’ve been in here with a man she’s been rude and not bothered asking them what they want to eat, but you got the better treatment.”


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