BLAIR’S BRITAIN, 1997–2007
Page 109
public opinion, 443–4, 447–8,
Roberts, Gareth, 482
Robertson, George, 491, 619, 620, 621,
reform, 9, 413
responsiveness, 68
Robinson, Geoffrey, 125, 128, 252–3,
staff and reform, 458–9
targets, 91
Roche, Barbara, 344, 349, 350
trade unions, 230–1
Rocheteau, G., 198
Treasury involvement, 96–7
Rodgers, Ivan, 9
Putin, Vadlimir, 604, 606, 607, 612,
Roma, 352
Romania, 353, 536
Roosevelt, Franklin, 220, 649
Queen Mother, 136
Rose, Lord Justice, 302
Rose, Richard, 7, 12, 18
Railtrack, 242, 246, 247–9, 267, 271
Ross, Willie, 488
railways, 242, 244, 246–51, 267, 271,
Royal Commissions, 5
Rumsfeld, Donald, 627
Rammell, Bill, 471
Russell, Justin, 343, 345, 346, 359
Rawls, John, 167
Russia, 199, 588, 591, 599, 612, 619–20,
Raynsford, Nick, 55, 70, 71, 72, 78
referendums, 114, 192
Rutter, Jill, 89
regional development agencies, 55, 63,
Rwanda, 559, 594, 597, 599
111, 234–5, 546
Ryan, Conor, 363, 365
Reid, Alec, 511
Ryle, Michael, 21
Reid, John
Blair loyalist, 649
Saddam Hussein, 136, 514, 621, 627,
defence, 619, 630
640, 643, 644
doctors’ pay, 203, 204, 211
Sainsbury, Lord, 159
human rights and security, 118–19
Sales, Philip, 292
immigration, 353, 355, 358, 537
Salisbury Convention, 32
Labour Party chairman, 154
Salmond, Alex, 117, 492, 497, 504
Leader of the House, 20
Sampson, Anthony, 292
Lords reform, 116
Sangatte, 342, 343
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 237, 343, 567, 643,
Scottish Constitutional Convention,
490, 492, 497, 501, 508
Saudi Arabia, 301
Scottish devolution
Saville Inquiry, 308
1994–2007, 488–93
Sawyer, Tom, 154
2007 elections, 39, 117
Scanlon, Rosemary, 256
2007 position, 493–504
achievement, 107–8
academies, 8, 370, 647
assessment, 504–7
assessment, 379–84
Conservatives and, 176
assisted places schemes, 371
finance, 501–3, 507
autonomy and accountability,
Holyrood parliament building, 204,
backbench rebellion, 27, 151, 371
legislative achievements, 499
city technology colleges, 365, 369
natural experiment, 505–6
Conservative legacy, 361, 362, 366,
proposals, 106, 107
369, 371, 377, 378
public opinion, 460
curriculum, 375–7
unintended consequences, 116–17
diversity and choice, 362, 365, 369,
voter turnout, 448
Scottish National Party, 39, 116–17,
funding, 65, 69–70, 362, 378–9, 641,
145, 488, 489, 490, 491, 493,
496–7, 504–5
grammar schools, 362
SDLP, 512, 519, 521, 524, 527, 528
grant-maintained schools, 363, 371
Seattle protests, 556
independent schools, 371
security. See defence; war on terror
inspection, 378
Sefton, Tom, 433
international comparisons, 383
Seldon, Anthony, 121, 245, 246, 270
internet access, 459
select committees, 20
ministerial teams, 363–6
Selwyn-Lloyd, John, 200
organisation, 11, 65, 369–72
sentencing, 312, 336–8
qualifications, 376
Serbia, 603
specialist status, 365, 369–70
Serious and Organised Crime Agency,
standards, 361, 362, 364
statistics, 381
Serious Fraud Office, 300
targets, 363–4, 366–9
Serota, Nicolas, 461, 462
teachers, 373–5, 380, 384
Shanghai Automative Industry
truancy, 372, 380, 382–3
Corporation, 276
trust schools, 371
Sherlock, Maeve, 344
Schröder, Gerhard, 173, 534, 539, 540,
Shipman, Harold, 323
544, 607, 635, 642–3, 647
Short, Clare, 553–6, 563, 569
Sierra Leone, 558, 560, 563, 601, 604,
crime trends, 337
616, 625, 645
devolution. See Scottish devolution
Simon, David, 364
election results, 493–6, 498
Sinn Fein, 113, 512–14, 516, 521–3,
immigration, 354
independence, 491, 497, 504
Skeet, Mavis, 386
Labour support, 46
sleaze, 4, 11–12, 110
universities, 480
Smith, Adam, 316
Scott, Derek, 8, 114, 650
Smith, Janet, 297
Smith, John
public perceptions of New Labour,
constitutional reform, 5, 116, 121
death, 37, 491
redistributive opinions, 49–52
devolution, 105–6, 177, 488, 492,
redistributive taxation, 208, 422, 434
social democracy and, 179
electoral reform, 115
targets, 411, 412, 414
legacy, 5, 40, 177, 218, 645
Thatcher legacy, 408, 419
party democracy, 153
trends, 207–9
public opinion, 37, 40, 43
Social Justice Commission, 372
repositioning Labour Party, 165, 409
social security
shadow cabinet, 318
child benefit, 416
Smith, Julie, 539
computerisation, 207
smoking bans, 395
decreased funding, 405
Social Contract, 219
disabled, 422
social democracy
indexing, 408
Blair and, 165, 175–9, 639
Job Seeker’s Allowance, 223
Blair legacy, 179–82
lone parent benefit, 29
challenge, 169–75
maternity pay, 416–17
collectivist values, 239
pensioners, 412
Crossland, 165–72, 174
unemployed, 48–9, 50, 422–3
devolution and, 177–8
social services, 396
equality, 166–7
sofa government, 11, 99, 121–2, 642
foreign policy, 609
Somalia, 594, 608
globalisation and, 173–5, 182
South Africa, 197, 199, 580
internationalism, 171
South Korea, 189, 197, 237
labour policies, 225, 238–9
/> Soviet Union, 324
role of state, 169, 177–8
Spain, 188, 388, 400, 405
social solidarity, 171–2, 176
special advisers, 80–2, 127, 138, 139,
social exclusion, 180, 338, 339, 356, 396
269, 332–3, 364
Social Exclusion Unit, 410
Spellar, John, 266
social justice
Spence, Gusty, 513
See also poverty
Spence, Laura, 473–4, 482
Blair legacy, 434–5
spin, 12, 82, 123–4, 138–40, 141, 149,
Blair strategy, 53, 408–13
early years, 424–6
Spring, Dick, 511, 512, 520
education, 372–3, 424, 426–8
Stern Report, 97–8, 209, 271, 575,
employment inequalities, 237
580–1, 585, 587, 588, 591
equality, 166–7
Stevens, Robert, 115, 472
golden age for the rich, 215
Stevens, Simon, 9, 650
health inequalities, 395, 428–30
Steyn, Lord, 313
income inequalities, 413, 430–4, 440,
Stiglitz, Joseph, 202
442, 641
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, 174–5
increasing inequality, 180–1, 215–16
Straw, Jack, 20, 21–2, 116, 118, 120,
Labour movement tradition, 239
334, 342, 346, 356
life chances, 424–30
students, foreign, 354, 480
New Labour agenda, 14
Sudan, 558, 608
omissions, 413, 434
Suez, 13, 607, 635
programmes, 412
The Sun, 126, 130, 132, 340
Supreme Court, 107, 113–14, 294,
European Exchange Mechanism, 37
European Union, 531
Sure Start, 332, 412, 425–6
fall, 12–13, 162
Sutherland, Holly, 433
foreign policy, 593, 609
Sweden, 194, 197, 237, 423, 535, 548
income inequalities, 190, 432
Sykes, Richard, 477
industrial policy, 274, 276, 279, 286
judgement of history, 15
Tabellini, Guido, 498–9, 500, 503
law and order, 318, 319, 330
Tanzania, 559
local government, 54, 61, 62
targets, 91, 363–4, 366–9, 387, 411–12,
ministers, 8, 9, 200
414, 474, 478–9, 578, 579, 581–4
monetary policy, 195–6
tax havens, 217
Northern Ireland, 510, 511, 518
parliamentary majorities, 28, 313
See also fuel duty
party leadership, 143, 148, 149
1992 elections, 36, 37, 171
personal popularity, 436
Brown policy, 200–3
press support, 132
climate change and, 578–9, 582, 586,
privatisations, 210
public opinion, 442–3
Conservatives, 274
public services, 180, 645
errors and fraud, 208
Reagan and, 649
industrial policy, 275, 277, 279
right-wing shift, 50
limits, 170–1
social justice legacy, 207, 408, 419
pension dividend credits, 202–3
stature, 3, 14, 650
public perceptions of New Labour,
trade union reforms, 188, 220, 225–6
43, 44, 47
Third Way, 87, 164, 165, 179, 180, 324,
redistribution, 14, 167, 208, 434
411, 539
regressive taxation, 171
Thorneycroft, Peter, 200
tax credits, 11, 207, 208, 362, 410,
Tickell, Crispin, 573
411, 412, 416–18, 419–22, 434
Tomlinson Report, 375–6
Thatcher legacy, 408
Tonry, Michael, 329
windfall tax, 410
Toynbee, Polly, 258, 411
Taylor, Ann, 18, 20, 22, 362
trade unions
Taylor, Cyril, 363, 365, 369, 370
1970s, 222
teachers, 373–5, 380, 384
Blair policy, 219–20, 223–4, 226–33
Tebbit, Norman, 457
collapse, 238
telephone licences, 199–200, 481
Conservative policy, 219, 220
terrorism. See war on terror
European Union and, 224, 547
Thailand, 197
Labour Party and, 155–6, 159, 160,
Thatcher, Margaret
211, 219
achievements, 648
marginalisation, 171, 203–4, 211,
arts community and, 463
217, 409
constitutional status quo, 105
pre-WWI, 237–8
defence, 617
previous Labour governments, 4,
devolution and, 489–90
economic legacy, 144, 163, 164, 169,
public sector, 230–1
181, 182, 211, 637
recognition agreements, 219
education, 365
Thatcher reforms, 188, 220, 225–6,
environment, 573
training, 221–2, 234–5
transport, 242, 247, 248, 249, 252,
253–4, 261, 263, 267, 269–70, 271
1998 White Paper, 243–4, 270–1
victory over government machinery,
2000 ten-year transport plan, 244,
246, 271
Treisman, David, 154
assessment, 270–2
tribunals, 307
Blair failure, 241–2
Trident, 27, 622
Blair’s growing interest in, 268–70
Trimble, David, 517–24, 527
Blair’s personal interventions,
Trotsky, Leon, 504
trust, 12, 122, 135, 444–9, 460, 461
climate change and, 578, 586
tsunami, 553
fuel protests, 128, 242, 245–6, 266,
Turkey, 197, 536, 548, 603
Turnbull, Andrew, 98
importance to electorate, 242–3
Turner, Ruth, 159
London congestion charging, 261–3,
Turner Report, 203
Tymms, Peter, 366–7
London Underground, 246–7,
251–61, 271, 272
Uganda, 559
national road pricing, 241, 246,
UKIP, 541
263–6, 272, 646
Ulstein Group, 555
public opinion, 455, 456
Ulster Unionist Party, 518, 520, 522–3,
railways, 242, 244, 246–51, 267, 271,
524, 527
UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change, 573, 574
See also Brown, Gordon; economic
unemployment, 186, 188, 193, 208,
220–3, 422–4, 438, 439
civil service reduction, 561
unemployment benefit, 48–9, 50
euro, 543
United Nations
governance, 95–9
Iraq War and, 606, 628
health service, 389
military support, 620
higher education, 469, 476
Millennium Development Goals,
ID cards, 355
554, 561, 566, 568
immigration, 350, 351
industrial policy, 277, 283, 286
United States
international development, 558, 609
See also Atlanticism; Iraq; Iraq War;
judicial salaries, 299
war on terror
local government, 58, 60, 78
Afghanistan, 605, 627
London devolution, 255
Africa and, 209
macro-economics, 95
capital investment, 224–5, 237
micro-economics, 95, 276
climate change, 209, 585, 590–1, 609
objectives, 94–5, 102
crime trends, 337, 338
pensions, 647
defence, 618, 620, 625
policy reviews, 97–8
development aid, 553
public expenditure control, 95–6
economy, 186–7, 189
public service reform, 96–7
Europe and, 13, 612, 636
recruitment, 560
foreign policy, 627
special advisers, 81
health care, 204, 397–8
splitting, 8
increasing inequality, 207
Kyoto Protocol, 588
House of Lords defeats, 31
Middle East policy, 595, 597, 604,
human rights and, 117–19, 312–13
612, 627, 646, 649
impact, 626–9
Northern Ireland and, 513, 514
Labour opposition, 151
productivity, 236, 237, 281–2, 284,
public opinion, 438
285, 287
security reforms, 85
social inequality, 408
September 11 events, 5
transport finance, 256
Warwick Accords, 230
unilateralism, 540, 594
Watson, David, 471
view of Blair, 636
Watt, Peter, 154
welfare to work, 208
Webb, Paul, 79–80
Webb, Sidney, 167–8
1997–2001, 471–5
WebCameron, 135
2001–5, 475–8
welfare state, 172
Blair legacy, 483–4
welfare to work, 188, 410, 412
Blair v. Brown, 482–3
Welsh devolution
foreign students, 354, 480
2007 position, 117, 493–504
foundation degrees, 479
assessment, 504–7
funding, 151, 468, 472–3, 475–8
election results, 493–6, 498
ministerial teams, 470–1
finance, 501–3, 507
new universities, 479
health service, 500–1, 506
NHS University, 479
Labour support, 46
opposition parties, 477, 481
natural experiment, 505–6
Oxbridge, 470, 472–4, 482, 484
popular support, 460
regulation, 480
post-1994, 488–93
research, 480
proposals, 106, 107
Scotland, 500
referendum, 108
targets, 474, 478, 479
universities, 480
teaching universities, 479
West Lothian Question, 503–4, 506–7
Tory legacy, 469–70
Wheelan, Charlie, 125, 445
UKeU, 479
Whitty, Larry, 154
University for Industry, 479
Widdecombe, Ann, 16
vocational degrees, 474