Darwin's Backyard
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meaning of experimental science to, 2–3
notebooks of, 35
as observer, 36–39
orchid studies of, 227–61
“parallel roads” paper of, 30–31, 31
pigeon studies of, 69–73
plant survey of, 92
pollination and, 182–226
possible dyslexia of, 14
post-Beagle celebrity of, 25–26
Principle of Divergence of, 108–12, 110
proposed Canary Islands trip of, 13, 14, 16
research method of, 68, 77, 188
Royal Medal earned by, 67
on Sarawak Law, 74
scientific rivalry encountered by, 7
seasickness of, 17–18, 19, 41
“seed-salting” experiments of, 163–67, 173–77
sense of wonder of, 24–25
slave-making ants studied by, 138–44
statistical analysis of botanical manuals by, 100–103, 106–12
sundew studies of, 262–94
tangled bank imagery of, 83–85
transmutationism of, 45–47
trimorphic flowers and, 214–18
Venus flytrap studied by, 279–86
water cure treatments of, 59, 68, 238, 300
wedge metaphor of, 87
Weed Garden Experiment of, 105, 115–17, 124
weed garden of, 103–4
workload of, 58
work on natural selection begun by, 34–35, 36
works of, xii–xiii
Darwin, Charles Waring, 75, 103, 131, 216
Darwin, Elizabeth “Bessy,” 64, 119, 209, 217, 229, 245, 346
Darwin, Emma Wedgwood, xi–xii, 57, 58, 64–65, 72, 88, 107, 129, 141, 169, 182, 185, 189, 190, 209, 216, 217–18, 229, 239, 244, 245, 263, 268, 300, 311, 336, 350, 357, 359, 361
Darwin, Erasmus “Ras” Alvey (brother), xv, 1, 2, 5, 45, 65, 128, 244, 346
medical course of, 3
Darwin, Erasmus (grandfather), xv, 86, 279
poetry of, 5
Darwin, Francis “Frank” (“Franky”), xii, 92, 119, 166, 188, 209, 217, 229, 244, 257, 275–76, 286, 300, 302, 309, 317, 320, 322, 323–24, 346, 350, 355, 357, 362
seed-dispersal experiment suggested by, 166
wife’s death and, 311
Darwin, George “Georgy,” 64, 112, 118–19, 120, 209, 217, 244, 257, 300, 346, 354, 357, 359
discovery of “buzzing places” by, 118-19
Darwin, Henrietta “Etty,” 64, 72, 92, 119, 190, 209, 211, 217, 229, 238, 239, 241, 244, 245, 268, 310, 346, 351, 357
Darwin, Horace, xii, 88, 92, 217, 229, 245, 268, 300, 346, 350, 354, 357, 359–60
on natural selection of adders, 268
Darwin, Leonard “Lenny,” xii, 88, 92, 119, 120, 122, 216, 217–18, 229, 268, 300, 336, 346
Darwin, Robert, 1, 65
Darwin, William “Willy” Erasmus, 58, 64, 72, 119, 128, 189, 209, 214, 216, 217, 241, 245, 257, 300, 346, 347, 357, 361
Darwin’s orchid, 255–57
Das entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen (Sprengel), 188
Davy, Humphry, 2, 99, 169
Davy, John, 169–70
Dawkins, Richard, 133
Day of the Triffids (Wyndham), 263
de Candolle, Augustin, 11
de Chadarevian, Soraya de, 321, 322
deduction, 2–3
descent, 69, 70, 76
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 219, 346, 350
deutzia (Deutzia gracilis), 311
“developmental law,” 134
Devil’s snare, 295
De viribus electricitatis (Galvani), 4
Devonian, 15
de Vries, Hugo, 307
Dictionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle, 61
Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species, The (Darwin), 187
dimorphism, 212
dioecy, 211, 215
Dionaea, 352
dispersal, 149–51, 154, 155–56, 159–60, 162–72
chance long-distance, 172–73
of fish, 169–70
by predators, 167–68
of snails, 170–71
by waterfowl, 177–81
Dissertations on Subjects of Science Connected with Natural Theology (Brougham), 123
divergence, principle of, 108–12, 110
diversification, 106
diversity, 89, 90–97, 98, 102, 106, 110, 124, 150
divine providence, 49
DIY experiments:
barnacles, 78-82
bees’ cells, 144–48
climbing plants, 326–35, 330, 332
duck-foot experiment, 177–81, 179, 180
earthworm behavior, 370–74, 371, 373
lawn plot, 113–15, 114
orchid dissection, 258–61, 260, 261
pollination and flower dissection, 220–26, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226
seed salting, 173–77
sundew and fly-trap behavior, 288–94, 291, 293
weed garden, 115–17, 116
DNA, 57, 71
dogs, 121
“dog-strangling vine,” 295
domestication, domesticated animals, 53–58, 59, 75–77, 103
Double Bubble Conjecture, 146
Doubleday, Henry, 209
Downe Bank see Orchis Bank
Down House, xi, xiii, xvi–xvii, 42, 64–65, 72, 84, 105, 121, 124, 170, 171, 187, 203, 205, 240, 263, 311, 354, 368, 370
Great House Meadow at, 203–4, 206
Great Pucklands Meadow at, 92–97, 368–69
greenhouse at, 297
pigeon lab at, 73
sandwalk at, 189
Drosera, 352
Drosera glanduligera, 278
Drosera huegelii, 267
Drosera intermedia, 276
Drosera lunata, 267
Drosera rotundifolia, 269–77, 270, 291
soup-dish experiment with, 275–76
Droseraceae, 264
ducks, 168, 170–71
duck-foot experiment, 177–81
duckweed experiment, 168–69
dulosis, 140, 143
Dutrochet, Henri, 299
eagles, 167
early purple orchid (Orchis mascula), 232–33, 234
earth, age of, 14
earthquakes, 28–29, 41
Earthworm Research Group, 368
earthworms, 27, 336–74
castings of, 339, 340, 351, 355, 356
described, 338–39
DIY experiments with, 370–74, 371, 373
effect on erosion of, 352–56
as geological force, 337
intelligence of, 365
musical instruments played to, 363–64
sense of perception of, 362–64
soil churning by, 337–44, 348–49, 368–69
Earthworms (Darwin), 361, 366, 367
Eastbourne, 239, 268
Echinocystis lobata, 297, 298–99, 307–8
ecological division of labor, 90–92, 98, 100, 110
ecological succession, 95–96
ecology, 85
economy of nature, 89
Edinburgh, 3–8, 19
Edinburgh, University of, 3, 352
Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom, The (Darwin), 187, 197, 204
egg dumping, 138
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried, 341–42
electricity, 4
electrophysiology, 4
Elton, Charles, 111
Elwin, Whitwell, 75
embranchements, 48–49, 50
embryology, 71
embryos, 46, 52–53
emotions, expression of, 347–48
enclosures, 105–6, 204, 206
endemism, 150
endogeic worms, 338
English carrier (pigeon), 71
English Heritage, xiii, 368
English ivy (Hedera helix), 305, 328
entangled (tangled) b
ank, 83, 84, 85, 96, 112
Entomological Society of London, 130, 343
Entomologist’s Weekly Intelligencer, xii
epigeic worms, 338
Erebus, HMS, 162, 244
erosion, 352–53
erosion subsidence, 337
erratic boulders, 32, 33
Essai élémentaire de Géographie botanique (de Candolle), 11
Essai sur la géographie des plantes (Humboldt), 11, 152
Essay (Darwin), 59–60, 75, 87, 157, 160, 186–87
Essay on Classification (Milne-Edwards), 71
Essequibo River, 247, 248
Etruria Works, 2
evolution, 251, 301
diversification in, 46
human, 346, 347, 350
of Lamarck, 4–5
Sarawak Law in, 74
of sexes, 66–67
see also natural selection
evolutionary botany, 254
evolutionary ecology, 112
experimental design, 204
experimental science, 2–3
Experiment Book (Darwin), 167, 168, 211, 228
experiments, DIY:
with barnacles, 78–82
with bees’ cells, 144–48
with climbing plants, 326–35
with earthworms, 370–74
with heterostyly, 225–26
with orchid pollination, 258–61
with pollination, 220–24
with seed-salting, 163–67, 173–77
with sundews, 288–92, 291
with Venus flytraps, 292–94, 293
with wind-blown seeds, 35–39
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin), 219, 347–48, 350, 352
extended phenotype, 133
extinction, 86, 90, 91, 96, 101, 110, 111
eyes, 123, 252, 265, 266
Eyton, Thomas, 73, 167
facial expression, 347–48
facultative brood parasitism, 138
Falkland Islands, 64
fantail (pigeon), 70, 71
Farrer, Thomas Henry, 358–59, 361
fertilizer, 337–38, 342
Field, the Farm, the Garden, The: The Country Gentleman’s Newspaper, 127–28
figs, 207
finches, 26
Firth of Forth, 6
Fish, David Taylor, 348, 349, 367
fish, Darwin’s experiments with, 149–50, 166–67, 169–70
fish fins, 301–2
Fitzroy, Captain, 17, 18, 28, 29
flatworms, 23
flax, 214
flies, 229
as pollinators, 196–97
Flora Antarctica: The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage (Hooker), 162
flora insect mimicry, 237
Floreana Island, 173
flower constancy, 205–6
“Flowering of the Strange Orchid, The,” 231
flower polymorphism, 208–14
flowers, 207–8
of orchids, 229–30
Flustra, 7, 20
fly orchids, 230
flypaper traps, 266
food chain, 203
foraminifera, 340, 342
Forbes, Edward, 156–59, 160, 161
Forest Service, US, 368
Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Action of Worms, With Observations On Their Habits, The (Darwin) see Earthworms
Formica rufescens, 139, 140
Formica sanguinea, 139, 140–41, 143
Forms of Flowers (Darwin), 201, 219
Forsythia, 225
fossil species, 151
Fox, William Darwin, 8, 10, 12, 13, 41, 69, 149, 166
foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), 198–99, 224, 224
DIY dissection of, 224
Fra Angelico, 348
France, 49
Frankenstein (Shelley), 4
Fraxinella (Dictamnus albus), 191, 193
French Academy of Sciences, 6
Fries, Elias Magnus, 101
frog eggs, 169
Galápagos Islands, 20, 21, 24, 173
mockingbirds of, 22, 26
unique bird species of, 26
Galileo, 111
Galton, Francis, 363
Galvani, Luigi, 4
galvanometer, 285, 285
Gardeners’ Chronicle, 163–64, 164, 191–92, 201, 236, 267, 343, 345
garden pea (Pisum sativum), 185
Gärtner, Karl Friedrich von, 213
geese, 168
Geikie, Archibald, 352, 353–54
gene expression, 57
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne, 5–6, 49–53
Géographie botanique (Candolle), 85–86
Geological Society, 13, 25–26, 27, 32, 58, 189, 246, 339, 343
geology, 13, 337
of Lyell, 17, 18–19, 27–29, 41
geotropism (gravitropism), 317–24, 319, 332–35
statolith theory of, 322–24
Gérard, Frédéric, 61–62
Germany, 320
giant tortoise, Galápagos, 24
glaciers, 32–33, 156–57, 159, 246
Glen Roy, Scotland, 246, 352
“parallel roads” of, 30–33, 31
gloriosa lily, 303
Glyderau Mountains, 15
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 51
Goldberg, Rube, 194
goldfish, feeding seeds to, 149
Gondwanaland, 160
gooseneck barnacle, 80–82, 81
Gordon, George, 240
Gould, John, 26, 27, 58
gourds, 172–73
Grant, Robert Edmond, 5–8, 10, 17, 19, 20, 44
grapes (Vitis), 295, 303, 312
grasses, 92–93, 99–100, 315–16
Grass Garden Experiment, 99–100, 100
gravitropism, 317–24, 334
Gray, Asa, 108, 188, 212, 214, 216, 218, 219, 251, 252–53, 258, 264, 267, 272, 281–82, 285, 296–97, 298–99, 301, 314, 347–48, 352
Gray, Edward, 58, 63
Gray, Jane, 347
Gray, John Edward, 130
great laurel rhododendron, 194
Great Britain, 49
Great House Meadow, 203–4, 206
Great Pucklands Meadow, 92–97, 98, 368–69
Guyana, 247
Haeckel, Ernst, 346
Hague, James D., 309, 311
Haldane, J. B. S., 8
Hallam, Arthur, 86
hammer orchids (Drakea spp.), 230, 237
Hampshire, 140
Hartfield, 91, 238
Harvard University, 63
Hass, Joel, 146
Hastings, 107
hawk moth, 255–56
heartsease (violets), 203
heathlands, 104–5, 124
helleborine (Epipactis helleborine), 229
Henslow, John Stevens, 10–13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 27, 58, 60, 97, 152, 164, 208, 210–11, 229, 241
Herbert, John Maurice, 11
Herbert, William, 184, 185
heritability, 54
hermaphrodism, 183
herons, 168
herring gulls, 364
Herschel, John, 12, 15, 16, 59
heterostyly, 211–14, 215, 219, 225–26
hexagonal cells, 125
Hill, Leith, 91
hill-ants (Formica rufa), 141
History of the Inductive Sciences (Whewell), 12
Hoffmeister, Werner, 366
Holcoglossum amesianum, 237–38
Holland, Henry, 58
Holwood Park, 356
homologies, 50, 253
homologous organs, 301
homologous structures, 38
homology, 288, 301
honey, 124, 134
energy required for production of, 134–35
honeybees (Apis mellifera), 122–37, 144–48, 204–6, 218
honeycomb, 123–37, 126, 133, 144–48, 145, 265
energy used in construction of, 134–37
honeysuckle (Lonicera), 302
oker, Francis Harriet, 241–42
Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 60–63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 75, 92, 93, 97, 102, 108, 127, 128, 142, 157, 160, 161, 162–63, 165, 166, 169, 200, 209, 210–11, 215, 218, 234, 239, 241–42, 244, 246, 255, 268, 287, 296, 298, 366
hops (Humulus lupulus), 295, 328–29, 331–32, 332
Horner, Leonard, 28
horses, 124, 301
Horwood, John, 296, 297, 315
Hox genes, 42
Huber, François, 128–29, 135,
Huber, Pierre, 135–36, 136, 139, 362
human evolution, 346, 347, 350
humblebees, see bumblebees
Humboldt, Alexander von, 11, 12–13, 15, 18, 19, 25, 59, 102, 152, 152, 153
Hunterian Lectures, 46
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn, 111–12
Hutchinson, Leslie, 112
“Hutchinsonian niche,” 112
Hutton, James, 17, 353
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 76, 211, 238, 251, 299, 343, 349
hybridization, 54, 55, 57, 183, 184
Hydrobius, 171
hydrocoral, 21
hydrotropism, 315
Hymenoptera, 118
method, 3
Ibla cumingii, 65–66
icebergs, 32
Iceland, 159
iguanas, 172
Ilkley, 227
inbreeding, 184–85
Indian azalea (Azalea indica), 311
induction, 2–3
Ingen-Housz, Jan, 23–24
In Memoriam (Tennyson), 86
Innes, John, 129, 299
Insectivorous Plants (Darwin), 266–67, 270, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278, 280, 286
intelligent design, 11, 250–53
interconnectedness, 202–3
intercrossing, 103, 184, 185–86, 202, 211, 220, 237
interfertility, 183
Introduction à la Zoologie générale (Milne-Edwards), 89
Introduction to Entomology (Kirby and Spence), 139
invertebrates, 4–5, 6–7
“invisible hand,” 125
islands, 150, 152, 156, 159, 160, 172
Isle of Wight, 142, 214, 240, 346
isolation, 90
Jamieson, Thomas Francis, 245–46
Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii), 223
Jenkin, Fleeming, 349
Jenyns, Leonard, 9–10, 16, 26
Jessamine, yellow (Gelsemium sempervirens), 225
Johns, C. A., 97, 98
Jones, Roger, 276
Jordan, Karl, 257
Journal of Horticulture, 213, 258
Journal of Researches (Darwin), 23, 25, 26–27
Judd, John Wesley, 154
kangaroos, 22
Keith, Arthur, 368
kelp, 20
Kent Wildlife Trust, 229
keratin, 274–75
Kerguelen Islands, 163
kettle lakes, 33
Kew Gardens, 280, 285, 298
Keynes, Randal, 206, 360
kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), 201, 220–21
Kingsley, Charles, 42–43, 208
Kirby, William, 122–23, 139
klinostat, 324